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    Crash course on reviewing applications.


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    Crash course on reviewing applications.  Empty Crash course on reviewing applications.

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 21st February 2013, 8:12 pm

    Just because I feel like some of you need a small re-crash course into learning how to review magic/character/weapon/pet applications that I want this to be a reminder for EVERYONE who does them. I know I may be seen as an Annoying OCD stingy bastard but hey.....I would rather get as much detail as possible over having magic that is not done to it's fullest position.

    1: Goal for the review.

    The Goal for reviewing any of the applications on this site, is to not only have it looking as best as possible for the current time being, but to also make sure the user is not making bad decisions for their magic. A caster with only 4 spells and 5 passive abilities taking up spell slots, is not a utilized application. Our goal is to not just LIMIT their magic, but make sure they have as much room for development as possible. If the application is clean looking, it is easier to read what exactly does what instead of having to rely on jumping back and forth to different ranks just to compare what this passive does to this spell.

    2: Character Apps.

    Something none of you are going bad on, in fact you all do good with these so far; so I am making this short and sweet in case we get new mods in the future:
    The entire app should have the BBCoding from the Template.
    Names should not be nicknames or unknown or inappropriate-everyone has a name even if it is a single first name that they call themselves.
    Age should never be unknown, nor should their birthdate. Everyone looks a certain age so this should not be excused in any app. Year dates should also not be present.
    Special Characteristics are easily spoken for...nothing here needed more to say.
    Personalities should be no less than 500 words, and contain at least 2 paragraphs: One being out of battle, the second being in battle. You all know what to look for these sections.
    Likes/dislikes/motivations/fears should all have 3 minimum and reasonable full sentence explanations. Not just small notes, tips, etc.
    GENERAL APPEARANCE SHOULD NOT BE FILLED IN. General Appearance text is the separator between the Mental portion to the Physical portion. Enphisize this every time you see an app adding text underneath this separator.
    The rest should be self explanitory.
    Appearance should not be just a picture, at least a paragraph of text based explanations is needed.

    3: Magic Apps
    Names of the magic and spells should either be canon to the actual magic in the anime, or Canon to what the topic is. If someone is using YoYo magic and has Top of Doom for a spell, there is no excuse why this should not be called upon for the name itself gives the wrong picture of the image; and is a cheap tactic to throwing the opponent of balance.
    The Descriptions should not be less than a full paragraph. if they are gutsy, you should try to push for 2 paragraphs: 1 explaining the magic in general and 2 explaining the use that specific character performs for the magic. Anyone can use Light magic, but if they want to add a special twist to theirs, that is where the second paragraph comes in. We should be trying to do this in Non custom made magics that obviously sync to nothing like the generals.
    Every Strength and Weakness in the application should contain at least 3 strengths and 4 weaknesses. If there are 6 strengths and 3 weaknesses, something is wrong and there needs to be an added 4 weaknesses to balance out the magic/spell.
    Abilities are your passives that the magic itself gives the user. These may include spells, but the only time a Passive should be a SPell is if it needs to be activated willingly in the first place. Passives like Dragon Force, or anything that activates without the user's will, and or is always active belongs above all spells. This is to keep users from filling out their magic applications with a bunch of passives, and then having no room for actual techniques/spells.
    Spells need to make sense for their rank. I do not care how strongly they nerf it themselves, it is not their place to tell us "Oh, but I gave it all of these weaknesses so it should be able to be used for the rest of the battle when I activate it" WRONG! You are DEAD WRONG! if you agree with that, THAN NUTS TO YOU! It is not our job to just NERF, we are there to BALANCE. If someone can conjure/summon/make a full body being (A being of at least human size or higher) at D rank, something is incredibly wrong here; especially if the object has a will of it's own or takes orders. It is your job to call this out, and either label it something that can be STRONGER and used for higher ranks, nerfed down so that it is fitting for that rank or just dumped in total. Do not hesitate to make suggestions for replacements.

    Basically, all of the above go the same for Weapons and Pets except the following.

    If the rank of the user is not matching up to the rank of the Weapon/pet/Item, then ALL actives of that item become null-void till they reach the appropriate rank. Either that, or suggest they tune it down to match that rank. A D-rank mage should not be able to use a sword or have a pet, that ultimately can take S rank spells.....PERIOD. The Sword is weakened and syncs up to the mage, or the pet is MUCH younger and needs to grow with the mage as they rank up.

    kind of ALL I wanted to say about these. DO not disappointing me guys. I do not want to have to even consider firing ANYONE of you.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

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