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    To die like a warrior


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chimera Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Completed To die like a warrior

    Post by michaelkeha 17th January 2017, 3:44 am

    Michael enjoyed a stroll through the relatively busy Osibana main market despite the rather upbeat aura radiating off everyone it failed to stop the dark thoughts that coiled and writhed in the back of his mind he was here to kill someone a task Michael was not entirely comfortable with doing in the first place the fact this mission was full legal shocked Michael in a rather profound way it showed the council's current feelings and it wasn't a view he agreed with, that being said a job is a job and this job was going to pay pretty well. Making his way through the market having picked up a pack of hard candies to help calm his nerves for the job to come he made his way to his client and well victim's house a simple enough building, modest in every way one could imagine. Stepping up to the house's door what was once clearly a bright red now a far more dulled and ragged almost maroon like shade of red, with a swift rap of his knuckles on the door a craggy horse voice snapped in response "I'm coming " Michael was taken aback the surprisingly swift reply. The door swung open and there stood a craggy old man his snow white hair drooping over his well-worn face accented with a rather impressively large nose and piercing amethyst eyes, eyes that reminded him of someone he knew a long time ago causing him smile without even realising it"Good day sir you requested a wizard" the old man gave Michael the once over before rasping "that I did I figured you would be more wizardy lookin" Michael chuckled at the remark " Would you preferred if I wore a bright blue robe with stars on it and a had a large pointed hat whilst carrying around a staff and sported a great bushy white beard?" The old man clearly not amused at Michael's joke grunted in response the old man took a step back taking hold of his trusty blade he intoned "Well let's get this over with wizard" Michael nodded impressed by the man's resolve to see this through to the end "Tell me why do this, why willingly put a job out on your own life" The old man sighed as he slung his beat up shield over his shoulder "The way I see it I have one good fight left in me and there ain't no monster for me to use it on so I figured a facing down a wizard is about as close as I am going to get" Michael nodded in understanding "My people have a similar view when we either get too old or become terminally ill they find a large rock and their favorite weapon pick up both and go hunt for a monster to slay" The old man cocked his head in quizzically "Why do they need a big rock" " Well they will make their last stand on top of said rock not moving off it till they or the monster is dead it's a somewhat practical interpretation of the old saying of my people you pick the hill which you die on" Michael replied, the old man for some reason found this hilarious letting out a thundering belly laugh "Well the people wherever your from had the right idea, as for where I want to face my fate right bloody well outside perhaps I shall show these people how a warrior die before I meet the reaper" Michael nodded grimly " Very well then after you good sir" Michael stepped to the side to allow the old man to take the lead the old man moved with surprising speed given his advancing years. Within what seemed to be about three minutes they reached the town square turning on his heels the old man drew his blade and uttered a blood chilling scream.He lunged at Michael with his trusty sword Michael only barely able to back step away from the slash "You said you wished you could face a monster well wish granted" with that Michael's skin shifted to hardened scales"Behold the blood of a chimera runs through my veins" the old man smiled "Have at thee foul beat" as he lunged again this time finding purchase on Michael's right arm much to the old man's surprise the blow did far lass damage than he thought it would Michael responded with a strong hook to the old man's jaw followed up by snapping his fingers causing his magic circle to appear in front of him in all of it's byzantine purple glory roaring "Wraith Knuckle" he struck the circle send a ghostly fist flying at the old man through his worn but still functioning reflexes the old man raised his shield up and blocked the attack only for the shield to splinter into pieces. Michael snapped his fingers once more the sound almost deafening to the now gathering crowd he was bathed in the same purple glow "Ether Step" he disappeared into nothingness the old man stunned by this twirled around trying to find where Michael vanished to only to spin round directly into a heavy barrage of hooks from the man in question the old man reeled back landing squarely on his backside"Stand up warrior if you wish to die then die on your feet, not on your knees" Michael snapped his fingers once more the entire crowd gasped as the old man stood back up gripping his sword in both hands he rushed forward yelling at the top of his lungs aimed squarely at Michael and his glowing magic circle Michael roared in response " PHANTASMAL SHOTGUN" slamming his hand into the circle the six phantom skull bullets shot out of the circle each finding purchase in the old man with a resounding metallic clunk the old man's blade fell to the ground blood dribbled from the old man's mouth he hissed "Looks like I had less fight in me than I thought" he slumped to the ground "Thank you my friend thank you for giving me a hill to die on" a single tear rolled down Michael's face "You are welcome now rest well you will need that energy in Elysium" Michael let out a deep sigh and walked away his snake-like skin fading the crowd parted for him in the fear he would do the same to them Michael turned and said" Let this be a lesson to all of you the best way to die is on your own terms fighting till the bitter end" taking out a piece of hard candy Michael popped it into his mouth as he walked away satisfied he let the old man die in the best way he could fighting a monster till the end.

    Word Count 1139

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