Fairy Tail RP

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    [Lamia Scale] Big Boar Bonanza


    [Lamia Scale] Big Boar Bonanza  Empty [Lamia Scale] Big Boar Bonanza

    Post by Guest 9th January 2017, 8:30 am

    Job Title: Big Boar Bonanaza
    Rank: C
    Player Requirements: Minimum 2 D rank mages or 1 C rank or higher mage, max of 4. Other mages from guilds can be invited as well.
    Job Requirements: Take down the Giant Boar. Must roll at least 3 times. Minimum 2500 words.
    Job Location: Silent Glaciers
    Job Description: Y'know, the more I think about it, the more I wanna move to the Silent Glaciers. But I gotta find a way to stay warm... I bet a coat made from Giant Boar pelts would be roasty-toasty! You game?
    Weak: While on this mission, the following effects apply unless you are an ice mage: While on this mission, a mage would drop defensive resistances by 10% and they lose 10% of their damage in melee/weapon attacks. This does not require a dice roll.

    Normal: Glacier Reptiles x3 - Cold-blooded creatures that live for the cold climates. They are equal in size to a human and are smiliar to small velociraptors in size. They can take 30 hp per Reptile and their claws and bites deal 25 hp per hit.

    Strong: Angry pig x2 - These annoying little pests like to hang around in pairs and eat mushrooms that grow. Once per post they're around, roll a hit dice roll. If it hits, they will hit you with a 20 damage in a charging hit. They have 30 hp each.

    Boss: Big Boar x1 - The Big Boar is a rather savage and destructive creature. It requires a lot of patience as it's headbutting charges, tusk swinging, and stomping will hurt quite a bit. This monstronsity has 120 hp and deals 30 damage with every brutal strike.

    Reward: C rank exp and 5k jewels. Also, gain a recipe for heat extract.

    -- credit to Gisen Ceostra

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 6:50 am