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    Peter Stone's Broadsword [Complete]

    Imminent Sandwich
    Imminent Sandwich

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaos Eye
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    Peter Stone's Broadsword [Complete] Empty Peter Stone's Broadsword [Complete]

    Post by Imminent Sandwich 18th February 2013, 6:11 pm

      Name: Pierre
      Type:One-handed sword
      Description: Taking the form of a simple one-handed broadsword, the weapon is forged of a strong, lightweight alloy. Polished and sharp enough to make a clean wound, the blade is neither particularly wide nor thick, but is a decent choice for slashing or stabbing. The handle, hilt and guard are in the typical ‘T’ shape, though with the guard pointing upwards at a roughly 45o angle, it seems to resemble a Y to some people as well. The guard remains undecorated, while the handle is wrapped in black leather, in order to aid grip. The pommel of the blade is a small sphere, matching the colour of the metal of the blade. A hole has been made in it, with a short leather strap through it – though some may find it unwieldy, Peter likes to use it, as if he loses his grip on the weapon, the leather strip still lets him hang on to it.
    • Aletrium alloy: Being a standard-issue close-quarters-combat weapon for many a soldier, the sword would have to be made of a decent metal. This particular alloy is renowned for its lightness and remarkable durability, making it a popular choice amongst mercenaries as well.
    • Simple design: Designed to be simple and practical, the weapon is just made for close-quarters combat. There are no special features to have turned against the wielder, no otherworldly spirits to run rampant in the user’s head. It’s a sword. For slashing and thrusting.
    • Self-defence only: Due to its non-magical nature, the weapon cannot overcome more than a standard guard. Unless, of course, it hits the right place – in which case, it is as effective as the attack would make it.
    • Still just a sword: Despite what it is made of, the sword is still just a sword, and is easily broken by magical weaponry, if struck hard enough.
    • Cumbersome: Not as cumbersome as, say, a warhammer, but there are other weapons that can be drawn a lot quicker than a broadsword.
    • It cuts things pretty well.


    D Peter Stone's Broadsword [Complete] 1NDJpB0 C

    Peter Stone's exit theme

    The Undefined Formula

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Experience : 450

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    Peter Stone's Broadsword [Complete] Empty Re: Peter Stone's Broadsword [Complete]

    Post by TacticalFallacy 19th February 2013, 7:30 am

    Pierre is approved. With a name like that, I'm surprised it does not talk with a classy French accent. :D


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