Fairy Tail RP

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    Sahana Nakuro


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 4
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Sahana Nakuro Empty Sahana Nakuro

    Post by Abis 26th December 2016, 4:59 pm

    Sahana Nakuro MLohCMi

    Name: Sahana Nakuro
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Birthday: July 11th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Has a sleeve of various sigils on either arm.

    Personality: Nakuro is a kind soul, gentle and dedicated.  He is soft-spoken and very friendly, and would give his last meal to a friend in need.  He is very dedicated to his friends and doing what is right, as well as improving both the strength of his magic and his understanding of it.  His father taught him at a very young age that a man never shirks his duties, never abandons his post, and never goes back on his word.  His mother taught him that more than hard work and dedication, more than always keeping your nose to the grindstone, nothing is more important that having a soft heart.  That loving others and letting yourself be loved was the key to being happy, in the long run.  He is self-sacrificing to a fault and will take everything on his shoulders so that his friends and loved ones don't have to.

    However, in battle, his soft heart can be hard to reach.  He is not the kind of mage to hold back for the sake of a good fight, and while he believes in keeping the secrets of his magic away from the prying eyes of enemies to a point, he doesn't like drawing out battles.  He runs at full tilt from the word go.  That's not to say he's a murderer, or is particularly cold-blooded.  He doesn't go out of his way to murder an opponent, merely defeat them.  However, if no alternative is available, he can swiftly become ruthless.  His self-sacrificing nature is ever-present though, and putting himself between an enemy and a comrade is a basic instinct.  He doesn't have to think about it, or weigh his options.  He just does it.

    Because of this, his not a typically wise choice for a leader in higher positions.  It is typically the job of a leader to delegate tasks and send troops.  He's the kind of person to try and take everything on his shoulders.  He will take to the front line to defend his comrades, insiting on being the first in and last out.  However, he excels when serving under a leader.  He is obedient, and not one to go against the wishes of the guild, as long as they don't harshly clash with his own personal code and set of morals.  He could never willingly kill a friend or assault innocent people.  

    One of Nakuro's strengths is being a listener and a shoulder to cry on.  He is extremely adept at making friends, but it takes him a while to reveal anything meaningful about himself.  He keeps his past, his fears, and his convictions to himself for the most part, and that combined with his mile-long fuse can make it difficult for people to truly know him.  It is particularly difficult to anger him, short of endangering the lives of people he cares for.  He is very passive, quiet, and thoughtful, and will often drift off into introspection, appearing to be daydreaming.  He is a natural ponderer, and spends a lot of time in silent contemplation.  Getting him to fully engage in conversation can feel a bit tricky or even tedious at times, but he will always make sure to let people know that they can depend on him and call him a friend.
    - Cool winds on warm days.
    - He is particularly fond of sweets and spicy foods.  But not at the same time.
    - Reading is a particular favorite pastime of his.
    - He is most certainly NOT a fan of the cold.
    - He isn't very fond of delving into his past.
    - He absolutely abhors needless bloodshed.
    - Living as his parents would have wished.
    - Finding a worthwhile use for his magic.
    - Forging bonds in his new home.
    - Sea Urchins.  Creepy little things.
    - The thought of letting people close to him fall.
    - Dying alone.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'7"
    Weight: 195 lbs
    Hair: His hair is black, but blends to red.  It is long, with a wild, wavy, unkempt-ness to it.
    Eyes: Blue with a slight golden tint.
    Skin Tone: Olive-skinned.
    Appearance: Nakuro is tall, well-muscled, and definitely stands out in a crowd.  He's got a kind, calm disposition, almost despite how large and physically imposing he is.  His clothing is ornate, with strange adornments and jewelry revealing his homeland of Desierto.  He typically goes shirtless as well as barefoot with baggy pants and a large, sweeping sash.  He has a red traveler's cloak that usually hangs from his waist, but can be worn if temperatures demand.


    Guild: Lamia Scale
    Tattoo: Black and located on his lower back, to the left of his spine.
    Rank: D

    Sahana Nakuro Empty Re: Sahana Nakuro

    Post by Guest 6th January 2017, 8:48 am

    Hey there, Abis! I'll be grading your application; you can find my grading in this color. As a small note for future reference, there are approval threads located in the Registration board that you must link your apps to. Otherwise, moderators will not know that you're finished and are awaiting approval.
    Abis wrote:
    Sahana Nakuro MLohCMi

    Name: Sahana Nakuro
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Birthday: July 11th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Has a sleeve of various sigils on either arm.

    Personality: Nakuro is a kind soul, gentle and dedicated.  He is soft-spoken and very friendly, and would give his last meal to a friend in need.  He is very dedicated to his friends and doing what is right, as well as improving both the strength of his magic and his understanding of it.  His father taught him at a very young age that a man never shirks his duties, never abandons his post, and never goes back on his word.  His mother taught him that more than hard work and dedication, more than always keeping your nose to the grindstone, nothing is more important that having a soft heart.  That loving others and letting yourself be loved was the key to being happy, in the long run.  He is self-sacrificing to a fault and will take everything on his shoulders so that his friends and loved ones don't have to.

    However, in battle, his soft heart can be hard to reach.  He is not the kind of mage to hold back for the sake of a good fight, and while he believes in keeping the secrets of his magic away from the prying eyes of enemies to a point, he doesn't like drawing out battles.  He runs at full tilt from the word go.  That's not to say he's a murderer, or is particularly cold-blooded.  He doesn't go out of his way to murder an opponent, merely defeat them.  However, if no alternative is available, he can swiftly become ruthless.  His self-sacrificing nature is ever-present though, and putting himself between an enemy and a comrade is a basic instinct.  He doesn't have to think about it, or weigh his options.  He just does it.

    Because of this, his not a typically wise choice for a leader in higher positions.  It is typically the job of a leader to delegate tasks and send troops.  He's the kind of person to try and take everything on his shoulders.  He will take to the front line to defend his comrades, insiting on being the first in and last out.  However, he excels when serving under a leader.  He is obedient, and not one to go against the wishes of the guild, as long as they don't harshly clash with his own personal code and set of morals.  He could never willingly kill a friend or assault innocent people.  

    One of Nakuro's strengths is being a listener and a shoulder to cry on.  He is extremely adept at making friends, but it takes him a while to reveal anything meaningful about himself.  He keeps his past, his fears, and his convictions to himself for the most part, and that combined with his mile-long fuse can make it difficult for people to truly know him.  It is particularly difficult to anger him, short of endangering the lives of people he cares for.  He is very passive, quiet, and thoughtful, and will often drift off into introspection, appearing to be daydreaming.  He is a natural ponderer, and spends a lot of time in silent contemplation.  Getting him to fully engage in conversation can feel a bit tricky or even tedious at times, but he will always make sure to let people know that they can depend on him and call him a friend.
    - Cool winds on warm days.
    - He is particularly fond of sweets and spicy foods.  But not at the same time.
    - Reading is a particular favorite pastime of his.
    Please explain your likes. Tell me why he likes these or what made him like these things, et cetera.
    - He is most certainly NOT a fan of the cold.
    - He isn't very fond of delving into his past.
    - He absolutely abhors needless bloodshed.
    Please explain your dislikes. Why does he dislike them? What made him dislike these things? Et cetera.
    - Living as his parents would have wished.
    - Finding a worthwhile use for his magic.
    - Forging bonds in his new home.
    Please explain your motivations. What brought about these motivations? Why does he want to do these things? Et cetera.
    - Sea Urchins.  Creepy little things.
    - The thought of letting people close to him fall.
    - Dying alone.
    Please explain your fears. Why does he fear these things? What made him fear these things? Et cetera.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'7"
    Weight: 195 lbs
    Hair: His hair is black, but blends to red.  It is long, with a wild, wavy, unkempt-ness to it.
    Eyes: Blue with a slight golden tint.
    Skin Tone: Olive-skinned.
    Appearance: Nakuro is tall, well-muscled, and definitely stands out in a crowd.  He's got a kind, calm disposition, almost despite how large and physically imposing he is.  His clothing is ornate, with strange adornments and jewelry revealing his homeland of Desierto.  He typically goes shirtless as well as barefoot with baggy pants and a large, sweeping sash.  He has a red traveler's cloak that usually hangs from his waist, but can be worn if temperatures demand.


    Guild: Lamia Scale
    Tattoo: Black and located on his lower back, to the left of his spine.
    Rank: D

    Sahana Nakuro Empty Re: Sahana Nakuro

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 9:04 pm

    Sahana Nakuro XEibTrW

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