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    Monica Belle


    VIP- Gain An Artifact- Demon Slayer- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Roger's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 91
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wrath of Storms
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    Monica Belle Empty Monica Belle

    Post by Vajra 25th June 2016, 2:49 pm

    Monica Belle Zmmxow

    Name: Monica Belle
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Birthday: 06/28
    Sexuality: Bi
    Special Characteristics: There is very little of Monica’s body that is not covered in some kind of tattoo. About the only parts that are clear, as one might call it, are her face, her neck right under her jawline, her ankles and the bottoms of her feet. There are a few open spots between tattoos on the rest of her body but nothing notably large enough to be considered ‘clear’.

    Personality: Monica, outside of battle, is rather quiet unless otherwise antagonized. She likes a very small number of people and can stand even less than that. But she has never let this get in the way of her missions, choosing rather to voice her opinion and settle whatever tension there is before embarking onto a task. She holds her emotions in well, choosing rather to display an attitude of pure neutrality and coldness than getting mixed up in useless, emotional debates. It’s only when she’s pushed, insulted or sees something she disagrees with that she comes out and when she does, it is swinging for the fences.

    Befriending Monica is a slow process and many choose rather to avoid doing it. The closest thing someone can get to intimacy with her is through her knack for picking people up at bars or inns and bedding them for a night. But even then, the idea of physical relations and emotional ones are so far separated that she almost doesn’t understand it. Sex is easy compared to spilling out emotions and feelings or so she believes. She doesn’t generally make exceptions for people she is working with, believing firmly in business before pleasure. But other than that, legal mage or dark mage, man or woman, if you can prove yourself charming enough, Monica will have no problem taking them home for the night. But only for the night; any thoughts of a real relationship and Monica will be out the door.

    In battle, Monica seems to become almost an entirely different person. She’s able to let loose, break through her walls as her adrenaline pours through her veins. She revels in battles, the tension and danger filling her want for adventure and excitement. Partners of hers will be surprised how much more chatty she becomes once they’ve gotten into the thick of a mission. Even enemies will find themselves the receivers of her conversational skills, though that is more often than not from insults being flung at them. Monica never claims to be a leader, though she has assumed the role when needed to. Operating under another person is much easier because then all her job becomes is finding the target and taking care of it. She doesn’t need to coordinate other people; which involve talking to them and finding out what they are good at.

    Very rarely does she team up with the same people for missions after they are done. The special few are ones she has been impressed by and trusts them to do their jobs without making anything personal. Monica likes to operate from a distance, using her magic to take down enemies from afar. If she has to get up close and personal to dispatch of key targets, she tries to do so without being detected. Her former criminal life taught her many things but one of the more chief lessons was to get in and out of a mission without getting caught or seen. It’s part of the reason she was recruited into the Special Operations in the first place.


    • Loose People: Monica’s life is pretty much moving from one place to the next, always trying to stay on a constant moving path unless otherwise ordered. She enjoys those people that share the same life ideals and will often share some personal time with them, as long as they understand it is only a fling.
    • Cursing: Monica had a good upbringing that unfortunately led to a life of crime. The company she kept in her younger years influenced her heavily and her language is one of the biggest examples of that. Colorful insults are more likely to fly from her mouth rather than compliments, even to those she respects and appreciates.
    • Adventures: She came from a family that went on different trips almost monthly for work. After she joined up with the crime world, she found herself even more immersed in a realm of constant travel and danger. It sunk into her bones and now the possibility of a dangerous quest gets her quite excited.
    • Solitude: More than anything, Monica likes to be left to her own devices. It’s true she works best with other people because her skillset practically cries out to be teamed with people and she’s fine with that. But she’d always much prefer to be sent on missions by herself if she had a choice.


    • Clingy People: Ugh! Monica respects and likes people that have their own drive and their own ability to be comfortable in their own skin. People that constantly need approval or connection or verbal affirmation get right on her nerves. She views it as weakness and can’t be bothered to help those people out.
    • Vanity: Coming from a dog eat dog world, Monica is more than aware that the more is more gray than black and white. And because of that, she can’t stand people that view themselves as better than others; especially when it comes in terms of class. She will have more than a few choice words for those that she sees as throwing their ego around.
    • Authority: This goes hand in hand with her dislike of vanity. Those in command that can put their conceit aside will always find Monica a loyal soldier. But those that demand and try to rule with absolute authority will find a snide, sarcastic woman who will complete her job with venomous distaste.


    • Keeping balance in the scales: Monica knows both good and bad people, both intimately and through business. She knows that a person in a dark guild isn’t necessarily evil and a person in a legal guild isn’t necessarily good either. It takes all kinds and she just wants to ensure that each side is properly policed with the same neutral authority.
    • Finding her family: She was sucked into the life of crime and never looked back during her time in it. After she was recruited, all she wanted to do was find her family and make sure they were alive and well. She hasn’t been able to locate them yet.
    • Try everything: Really though. Monica’s life has been filled with a lot during her torrid past but there is still so much she wants to do and experience. Her goal in life is to try everything at least once, if only to see if she likes it or not.


    • Being alone with her thoughts: As stated numerously, Monica’s past is a dark hole that she wants to get out of. As with many other people, memories of her deeds and actions creep up on her when she is completely alone outside of a mission. It’s why she finds companions to share her bed no matter where she stays, determined to keep her mind busy and away from the dark thoughts.
    • Commitment: It sounds cheesy but it’s true. Monica has very few that she truly considers friends and even less that she lets in about her life so far. She prefers to remain a mystery and the minute someone tries to force themselves in and learn about her, she’s looking for the door. It’s hard enough imagining opening up to a friend; the idea of being in a relationship has been shunned to the very corners of her mind.
    • Family having been killed: Every moment that Monica isn’t able to find some trace of her family, a part of her worries more that they have been killed off. She knows they went on business trips that brought them all around the world so the possibility that they stumbled upon something dangerous is highly likely.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5’6
    Weight: 120 lbs
    Hair: Light Brown. It’s shaved down to the point that she’s nearly bald.
    Eyes: Brown
    Skin Tone: Light
    Appearance: Monica usually wears a heavy black leather vest that is cut off at the shoulders. A black tank tee shirt covers her torso under that, short and tight that it shows off her midriff. She wears jeans that are buckled up with kneepads, with black riding boots covering her feet and her shins. She has an additional black arm sleeve that runs up from her wrist to her elbow.


    Guild: Sleeping Forest
    Tattoo: Right over her left breast
    Rank: D

    Last edited by Monica Belle on 28th June 2016, 11:27 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Monica Belle Empty Re: Monica Belle

    Post by Guest 27th June 2016, 4:16 am

    Rank is the level of the mage. All new mages start at D rank; please fix that.

    VIP- Gain An Artifact- Demon Slayer- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Roger's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 91
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wrath of Storms
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    Monica Belle Empty Re: Monica Belle

    Post by Vajra 27th June 2016, 9:22 am

    Sorry about that ^^. Fixed!

    Monica Belle Empty Re: Monica Belle

    Post by Guest 27th June 2016, 9:41 am

    Monica Belle AESz729

    Monica Belle Empty Re: Monica Belle

    Post by Guest 29th June 2016, 5:46 am

    Monica Belle AESz729

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