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    Renee Sequet


    Lineage : Sand Demon
    Position : None
    Posts : 10
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Renee Sequet

    Post by Silverink 1st May 2016, 11:07 pm

    Renee Sequet Castra_zpstunlgyhx

    Name: Renee Serqet
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Birthday: April 23rd
    Special Characteristics: Has several tattoos depicting various parts of desert creatures. A pair of red-tailed hawk wings on her shoulder blades. The pointed tail of a scorpion on her abdomen baring venom. The hard black-blue shell  of a scarab beetle, wings tinged in golden dust on her lower right arm. While the newest one is the dappled copper shell of a tortoise on her left foot.

    Personality:Outside of combat there are a two words that witnesses will describe Renee; studious and passionate. The mage is rarely seen without a book open in her hand or carrying various papers of detailed maps of planned expeditions. When she is this state she sometimes can become quite flustered if disrupted. Although, generally it is her fault for being interrupted through accidentally spilling an ink bottle or running into some poor soul while reading. While her passions for everything she devotes herself to can be a bit much for some.

    For the uninitiated, asking about her research is a double-edged sword. The lessons that are given are rarely short and can lead to rambling tangents about unrelated events. Yet, she can become quite defensive about her research and can be quick to snap if her magic is called into question or her overall moral ethics in her pursuit of knowledge. Her pride has been her downfall before as she can speak too much without thinking an issue through resulting in many defeats in combat. While her research had led to the occasional legal trouble as she has been unceremoniously chased off private property clutching a rock fragment or soil.

    Despite her studious nature, Renee enjoys sharing tales with others and is fond of a drinking game or two. While she doesn't enjoy being the center of attention outside of imparting her knowledge, she will speak up during a conversation. Although, her attention span on idle conversation is limited when she could be buried in the pages of a book.  A light seems to switch on when drinking in good company as she can be a bit flirtatious and forward the deeper into the cup she drinks. Her sense of humor becomes a bit more morbid as well, despite the occasional protests from others.

    While in combat, her chatty nature seems to be shut down as she focuses entirely on the fight ahead of her. Her temper seems to be shorter too as she is quick to snap at insults or barbs, with ones of her own. That is a huge flaw in personality when fighting, as she can push herself too far to defend her fragile pride. Can be stubborn when it comes to staying down even if she knows she is beaten, a few have called this as masochistic streak, but she merely says it's a reminder to learn from her mistakes.

    When it comes to performing as a leader, she can easily become flustered as pressure mounts around her. Her words seem to come slower as attempts to become a single strategist. Many will agree it a hindrance instead of helping as her frazzled responses can come too late. Her only redeeming quality in a leadership role is when it comes to non-combat situations such as traveling if she knows an area well enough. Great for moral support during grueling trips  that can sometimes be a bit too much for less enthusiastic members.

    However, she enjoys the role of a supporting companion and will gladly follow orders given to her as long as she deems them logical for her style of magic. The only time she will bulk at an order is if she is asked to face enemies in close-combat as a tank-style fighter running on minimum magic, as it is just asking for a beat-down.


    • Exploring-Since she could walk, Renee had been an avid explorer of anything unknown from the darkest tomb to vast open plains

      • Hot Weather-A few have speculated she is actually cold-blooded given she adores the heat and hot weather alike.

      • Sweets-An easy way to bribe her is with something sweet, which is surprising given how serious she seems to be most of the time


    • The Cold-Anything below freezing makes her feel extremely sluggish and sleepy regardless of the amount of layers she puts on.

    • Bandits- In her eyes, a bandit is any thug that has an extreme lack of care for an artifact or treasure. It is not the stealing that bothers her, it's disrespect towards a piece of history

    • Historical Amnesia-As a devoted historian, nothing pisses her off more than when an ignorant fool attempts to dismiss a piece of written/acknowledged history even the darker times need to be known.


    • Strength in Numbers-Hopes to find a dedicated team of guild members as interested in exploring the world and it's past as she is.

    • Celestial Spirit Remembrance-Hopes to find and give life into the Celestial Keys of forgotten/ replaced constellations and their linked Spirits to give them purpose again.

    • Celestial Spirit Magic- Celestial Gate Keys can be simply pretty artifacts, but she hopes to one day be able to learn the magic behind them as a Celestial Spirit Mage.


    • Freezing to Death- To die through the act of freezing terrifies her as it seems like such a lonely way to go.

    • Desecration of Burial Sites/Holy Areas-Has a horrible fear of accidentally ruining sacred ground as she takes the utmost care to leave no traces behind in her expeditions, can become physically ill at the suggestion.

    • The Walking Dead- Has a phobia of corpses returning to life from beasts to mankind as it is utterly unnatural for a spirit to be trapped within expired flesh. Ironic given her attire is sometimes complimented with bones of animals.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5,4
    Weight: 115
    Hair: Pale Blonde reaching just past her ears. Generally ruffled in appearance as her habit when reading
    Eyes: Light Red
    Skin Tone: Tanned given her expeditions into the nearby desert or catching rays outdoors after falling asleep reading.

    There is nothing too unusual about Renee at least compared some flamboyant mages. Her body structure is fit and somewhat muscled given her fondness for long treks into uncharted lands with a few minor scars here and there along her hands and legs from falls. Her eyes seem to be alert with excitement everyday as it's possible some new information will fall into her lap. Dressing in heavy, but tight backless silks of darker colors. The upper portion stops below her stomach revealing a toned abdomen along with her poised tattoo, holding it up are thick cords of silk around her neck.While the leg portion are harem styled pants held up by a corded grey rope around her waist. Think sandals cover her feet much of the time and surprisingly comfortable apparently.

    The only odd choice of fashion in her general attire is her headgear. The helm is the skull of a sabertooth tiger. It is not worn to mock her guild, but to show her respect towards it as it seems to gleam in the sunlight given her delicate care of it everyday. The facial portion generally it kept upward through magic to reveal her face fully. However it can be closed for intimidation factors in combat.

    Guild/Council: Sabertooth

    Tattoo: In bright silver ink, her tattoo is located just above the left side of her collarbone.
    Rank: D-Rank
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Quatro and Stella
    Position : In bed with the harem
    Posts : 4043
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,538,536.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ???
    Second Skill: ???
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Renee Sequet

    Post by King Elyx 2nd May 2016, 5:46 pm

    Renee Sequet Merp%202.jpg_zpszdcapnj1

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm