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    Pherin's Wyern

    Maes Hughes
    Maes Hughes

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 15
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Pherin's Wyern Empty Pherin's Wyern

    Post by Maes Hughes 27th December 2012, 11:42 pm

    Name: Ventra
    Species: wyvern
    Type: combat pet
    Ventra, despite his appearance, is a docile and lovable creature that will not act without reason. He listens to his master though Pherin sees him more like a brother due to his unique past. But docile as he may be, Ventra is quite playful and thus can be pretty demanding of attention at times. The unique thing about Ventra is that he can spew fire and can exhale a mist that freezes anything it touches.

    Pherin's Wyern Iron_h10


    Name: Torch
    Description: Ventra builds up a large amount of napalm-like liquid in his mouth and then spews it all out at once, causing it to ignite and create a large explosion 10 feet wide and 12 feet long.
    Strengths: Can cause severe burns.
    Weaknesses: Can’t be used under water or if the mouth is wet (with water). The fires are ineffective against larger bodies of water.
    Cooldown: 4

    Name: Ever-Frost
    Description: Ventra inhales deeply and then exhales a mist of a liquid nitrogen that freezes almost anything it touches.
    Strengths: Freezes most things (1 post against players)but deals no damage. The mist can only freeze what it touches and it is not a frozen-in-a-block-of-ice thing, but rather freezing the very cellular structure of it so that it becomes brittle, but only for a short time. Due to Ventra’s scales, the mist does not affect him.
    Weaknesses: Not effective at all against fire. Strong gusts of wind can change the course of the wind. The area the mist covers is approximately between 4-8 feet long and 2-3 feet wide. Anything is frozen, and the Pherin – the master – is no exception, making it risky to attack simultaneously.
    Cooldown: 4

    Last edited by Maes Hughes on 28th December 2012, 10:54 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Pherin's Wyern Empty Re: Pherin's Wyern

    Post by Guest 28th December 2012, 12:48 am

    Maes Hughes wrote:Name: Ventra <-- Fine
    Species: wyvern <-- Fine
    Type: combat pet <-- Fine
    Ventra, despite his appearance, is a docile and lovable creature that will not act without reason. He listens to his master though Pherin sees him more like a brother due to his unique past. But docile as he may be, Ventra is quite playful and thus can be pretty demanding of attention at times. The unique thing about Ventra is that he can spew fire and can exhale a mist that freezes anything it touches. <-- Fine

    Pherin's Wyern Iron_h10


    Name: Torch <-- Fine
    Description: Ventra builds up a large amount of napalm-like liquid in his mouth and then spews it all out at once, causing it to ignite and create a large explosion 10 feet wide and 12 feet long. <-- Fine
    Strengths: Can cause severe burns and pretty much sets almost anything on fire. Especially effective against plants/insects and other easily burned/highly flammable things. <-- Can't ignite almost anything on fire. Gotta put in the exceptions of magical shields, as this is a weak pet, magical shields of C-rank and up will be able to stop the fire. Also
    Weaknesses: Can’t be used under water or if the mouth is wet (with water). The fires are ineffective against larger bodies of water. <-- fine
    Cooldown: 4

    Name: Ever-Frost <-- Fine
    Description: Ventra inhales deeply and then exhales a mist of a liquid nitrogen that freezes almost anything it touches. <-- Fine, as long as you say how much of the opponent is frozen and what kind of frozen you are talking about. Are you talking about encased in a block of ice, slowed down frozen, or absolute full stop they are a brittle popsicle frozen
    Strengths: Freezes most things (1 post against players)but deals no damage.<-- Fine, except it's not. See, even with that low freezing time, your mist technically will freeze your creature as well. So, best place in here how it won't be frozen by it's own mist or something of that affect. Also, the freezing mist thing
    Weaknesses: Not effective at all against fire. <-- Fine
    Add in how wind effects it.
    Add in the range and size of the mist.
    Add in how you are not safe from the mist.
    Cooldown: 4

    I need you to not be vague. Tell me EXACTLY what these things do and what they look like please. ^^.

    Pherin's Wyern Empty Re: Pherin's Wyern

    Post by Guest 28th December 2012, 12:49 am

    Also, what I didn't finish in the first explanation was that its an explosion nor a Molotov cocktail. Either ignite or explode.

    Pherin's Wyern Empty Re: Pherin's Wyern

    Post by Guest 28th December 2012, 11:10 pm

    Lower the freezing back to one.

    Either have the explosion or the setting people on fire.

    Bump when completed.

    Pherin's Wyern Empty Re: Pherin's Wyern

    Post by Guest 28th December 2012, 11:15 pm


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