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    Crown of Thorns (Circlet of Daenarys)


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chimera Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Maiden Magic
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    Crown of Thorns (Circlet of Daenarys) Empty Crown of Thorns (Circlet of Daenarys)

    Post by ThornsQueen 22nd December 2012, 12:50 am

    Name: Crown of Thorns
    Type: Circlet
    A crown fashioned from valerian silver and precious diamonds. A family relic that was handed down from generations that show the nobility of the Targaryens. It signifies the beauty and perseverance of the rose and the duty and burden that they must bear with it.
    -It strengths lies within its abilities and not the crown itself.
    -Cant really protect the wearer from harm, but serves more as an accessory during balls and galas. Still she likes wearing them where ever she goes.
    -Mind Sheild, shields the wearer from low ranked mental attacks.

    Name of Technique : Influence
    Rank: C
    The wearer has the ability to influence people or animals to do its bidding for a brief period of time. Capable of targeting one person at a time. Attained by making physical contact with her target, those under her influence will do what ever she says for 3 posts. Although this only affects lesser beings and animals. (Weak and normal NPCs)
    -Can have someone do her bidding for a timed duration.
    -Implementation of the spell is very restrictive. She has to make physical contact with her target.
    -Affect only the weak minded(Weak and Normal NPC)
    -Causing severe pain to the target will cancel out her influence.
    -Takes a long time before she can use this skill again.
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts

    Name of Technique : Mental Shove
    Rank: D
    An attack that utilizes brain power. By using her thought, she can push or pull objects within 10 meters around her. Although the max weight of the objects she can move is 200 lbs. Usually used to control weak mobs, pushing them out of her way or using one of them as a battering ram to make her way through.
    -Versatile spell which can be used in a lot of ways.
    -Can be used to redirect D ranked attacks.
    -Can move multiple objects as long as weight doesn't exceed 200 lbs.
    -The range she can move objects is a bit limited.
    -Cant defend or deflect C and higher ranked attacks.
    -If used offensively, the force produced is just equivalent to a sharp jab or forceful shove.
    -Can't be used on Player Controlled Characters.

    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 3 posts

    Crown of Thorns (Circlet of Daenarys) Empty Re: Crown of Thorns (Circlet of Daenarys)

    Post by Guest 23rd December 2012, 6:51 pm

    ThornsQueen wrote:[b]Name: Crown of Thorns <-- Fix coding
    Type: Circlet <-- Fine
    A crown fashioned from valerian silver and precious diamonds. A family relic that was handed down from generations that show the nobility of the Targaryens. It signifies the beauty and perseverance of the rose and the duty and burden that they must bear with it. <-- Fine
    -It strengths lies within its abilities and not the crown itself. <-- Fine
    -Cant really protect the wearer from harm, but serves more as an accessory during balls and galas. <-- Fine
    State the abilities will no longer work if circlet is destroyed
    -Mind Shield, shields the wearer from low ranked mental attacks. <-- So B-Rank and below? Hrm. Okay.

    Name of Technique : Influence
    Rank: C
    The wearer has the ability to influence people or animals to do its bidding for a brief period of time. Capable of targeting one person at a time. Attained by making physical contact with her target, those under her influence will do what ever she says for 3 posts. Although this only affects lesser beings and animals. (Weak and normal NPCs)
    -Can have someone do her bidding for a timed duration.
    -Implementation of the spell is very restrictive. She has to make physical contact with her target.
    -Affect only the weak minded(Weak and Normal NPC)
    -Causing severe pain to the target will cancel out her influence.
    -Takes a long time before she can use this skill again.
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts

    Name of Technique : Mental Shove
    Rank: D
    An attack that utilizes brain power. By using her thought, she can push or pull objects within 10 meters around her. Although the max weight of the objects she can move is 200 lbs. Usually used to control weak mobs, pushing them out of her way or using one of them as a battering ram to make her way through.
    -Versatile spell which can be used in a lot of ways.
    -Can be used to redirect D ranked attacks.
    -Can move multiple objects as long as weight doesn't exceed 200 lbs.
    -The range she can move objects is a bit limited.
    -Cant defend or deflect C and higher ranked attacks.
    -If used offensively, the force produced is just equivalent to a sharp jab or forceful shove.
    Can't be used on Player Controlled Characters -.-

    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 3 posts

    Bump when editted

    Wicked Witch of the West

    Moderator- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
    Position : None
    Posts : 1274
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ilyria the Fallen One
    Experience : 45400

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Geass Magic
    Second Skill: Nox Aeterna
    Third Skill:

    Crown of Thorns (Circlet of Daenarys) Empty Re: Crown of Thorns (Circlet of Daenarys)

    Post by Alleria 23rd December 2012, 9:49 pm

    I just added she still likes wearing it where ever she goes. (She can so be vain sometimes)


    Entrance Theme:

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    Crown of Thorns (Circlet of Daenarys) Empty Re: Crown of Thorns (Circlet of Daenarys)

    Post by Guest 24th December 2012, 1:27 am

    Well, if the Crown is destroyed in battle, you no longer can use it's abilities. Is my whole point.


      Current date/time is 16th June 2024, 1:41 am