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    Bryan Herbsorrow


    Lineage : Chimera Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 7
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    Bryan Herbsorrow Empty Bryan Herbsorrow

    Post by Wungee 27th October 2015, 10:47 pm

    Name: Bryan Herbsorrow
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Birthday: 05/16
    Sexuality: Homosexual/Gay
    Special Characteristics: Aside from the guild marking, Bryan lacks any kind of abnormal physical characteristic.

    Outside of battle and during day-to-day life, Bryan's personality can be one quite hard to comprehend and describe. Naturally, Bryan can be very reserved and secretive, often avoiding interaction with strangers but being a warm and affectionate person can help attract new friends and acquaintances despite his seemingly stone-cold exterior. Taking risks in life can be tough for him, being a very slow-moving and patient person can cause him to avoid taking risks unless he can accurately analyze and inspect the situation. With this innate patience, he can be even-tempered and slow to anger but when angered or frustrated, he can react with intense emotions, allowing his feelings to violently spew out of him. Such intense feelings and emotions tends to leave Bryan stuck in three extreme moods of either, complete happiness, sadness, or anger. An affinity for art, beauty, and aesthetics, Bryan can be very artistic and very concerned with his looks, allowing him to be somewhat self-indulgent and possessive (this applies to things like money, clothes, valuables, etc. as well). He is always down to debate or argue, ready to fight for any position he believes in, however, being a sensitive person can cause debates or arguments to end with him retaliating with bitter sarcasm and insults. He also has a strong desire and need for stability, ranging from a secure and homely environment to financial security, it's very important to him. For some interests, Bryan is very interested with psychology, especially human nature and motivations, he also likes plants, debating, spending time with close friends, reading, writing, and drawing (these are the most prominent interests of his, more may arise/reveal themselves later on).

    In battle or intense situations, his emotions and feelings can seem amplified and his fighting style can be very calculated, safe, and somewhat defensive at times. As explained above, emotional reactions can easily be triggered by extreme circumstances, allowing him to put most of his emotional energies into the fight. When something valuable is at-risk, a paranoid thought of losing everything or something important can itch and scratch at him, helping him remain aware and alert, very focused. As previously mentioned, his fighting style can be very safe but do not let these words deceive you, he most of the time is waiting for his enemy to slip-up or make a critical mistake and when they do, you can bet that he'll capitalize on it. A born leader, in group situations, he'll try his best to plan out the best course of action and communicate with his allies, to ensure victory, for the most part. If needed, he can always fill a position of following orders and commands as well as executing them with near perfection, always making sure to clarify and fully understand things before jumping in. Bryan is usually open to constructive criticism inside and outside of battle and will normally apply the advice but can easily and foolishly dismiss helpful advice if he feels a hint of disrespect or hostility. Lastly, he can find it easy to recognize overused battle tactics and patterns, using these to his advantage by responding in a way to counter his foe's actions. Lastly, Bryan (in and out of battle) is very loyal yet betrayal or failure to uphold responsibilities can cause his faith in someone to fade unless they can redeem themselves quickly.

    Debate: As said in the Personality section, Bryan will usually jump to defend his point of view without a second thought and will usually enjoy doing so (if things don't turn sour).

    Alone Time: Due to not actively seeking out interaction with strangers, Bryan prefers to spend the majority of his time to himself in a comfortable environment.

    Human Nature: Bryan has always had an interest in human psychology. What motivates people and why? What makes them tick? Questions similar to these seem to pop into his head during down time, causing him to spend long periods of time analyzing and formulating an answer to his own question mentally.

    Nature, Animals and Flora: For an unknown reason, Bryan is typically mindlessly drawn to nature, whether it be having to take in the aroma of the flowers or becoming extremely fascinated by a wandering wild animal, it simply catches his attention.

    Conservative Thinking: Bryan is very dedicated to the social progression of the world around him and it can bother him and often cause him to distance himself from that person when someone acts disgusted or bewildered by something not considered normal or common.

    Betrayal: Loyalty is a valued trait and so is trust, they're important factors in relationships and when Bryan feels he's been betrayed or done wrong, he will simply cut the person out of his life, with little to no hesitation.

    Intense Extroversion: Being a mostly laid-back and reserved person, Bryan aligns well with the definition of an introvert and the ridiculous enthusiasm or constant outgoing behavior can bother him and make him somewhat uncomfortable.

    Automobiles: For an unknown reason, prolonged times in automobiles or moving vehicles (wagons, cars, ships, etc.) can cause a migraine or headache to develop with ease and severe pain, making the trip very unenjoyable.

    Success: Bryan strives to do well in his lifetime, from executing a mission or job correctly or simply having a high rate of steady income, success and luxuries of it can motivate him to get things done.

    Stability: As mentioned in the personality, security and stability are very important to him and without these things, he can find it hard to function. Making it a goal of his to achieve such a state of stability can help push him to keep working.

    Reformation: Bryan finds that fixing bad habits and making positive changes to society can help a community function efficiently and smoothly, willing to devote lots of time and energy to this cause, it's another thing that will motivate him to change the world.

    Failure: What if I don't succeed? What if I lose everything? What if I can't even afford to feed myself or live in my home? These questions and thoughts seem to eternally haunt Bryan's mind, not living up to expectations or receiving desired results of something being the main two outcomes that scare him.

    Change: Bryan is a very routine person and having to readapt entirely can shake him to the core. Bryan requires an orderly and well-structured foundation to function properly and without it, how will he?

    Enough?: Another fear of Bryan's is that he doesn't have enough. Enough what? Enough love, material things, property, and so on. Even when he does have a lot or "enough", it can seem to him that what is there just isn't the right amount. Not having enough can scare him.

    General Appearance
    Height: 5'7ft or 170cm
    Weight: 130lbs or 59kg
    Hair: Bryan's hair color would be described as a light ash brown. The condition of his hair is usually well-kept but can easily be disheveled by the winds. His hair is rather straight but also thick and healthy, it's normally rather soft. His hairstyle is of medium length and would be described as a regular haircut, with a deconstructed side part and a longer length of hair on top, reaching around where his cheekbones are on his face.
    Eyes: The hue of his eyes is similar to that of a more pale, muted version of the color, electric blue.
    Skin Tone: Bryan's skin tone is a bit more on the pale side (especially during the colder seasons) with a more pinkish tone to complement the light color.
    Appearance: With a calm, laid-back ocular expression and plump, dusty rose colored lips to decorate his square-shaped head with lightly prominent cheekbones and a defined jawline, Bryan's looks can express various states of mind, from serious to calm. Light ash brown locks cut into a longer version of a typical guy's haircut sit a top his head. With a perky, round nose of medium size and a pale blue hue to his eyes, his facial features aren't super distinct.

    His ectomorphic body is rather average but more on the lean side, with evenly proportioned limbs, kind of small feet and hands, a more narrow set of shoulders, he can look a bit younger than his actual age.

    Bryan prefers a more vintage sense of fashion with mostly muted or neutral colors. He typically wears a black shirt with pink, purple, and magenta flowers decorating the shoulders, fading away like a gradient in a downward motion. He matches this with sky blue denim jeans, usually rolled up to a tiny bit above the ankle, fastened by a traditional, brown leather belt with a golden buckle. For footwear, he adorns dull, black slip-on shoes with thin, low-cut white socks. Lastly, to hold essential items, he carries a black backpack decorated with floral designs as well, the petals featuring more warm colors and a faded look to them all to give a sense of age to it.

    Guild: Lamia Scale
    Tattoo: Placed between his pectorals is his tattoo, it having a color similar to that of a pine tree's leaves.
    Rank: D

    Lineage : Chimera Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 7
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    Bryan Herbsorrow Empty Re: Bryan Herbsorrow

    Post by Wungee 29th October 2015, 11:08 am

    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    Lineage : Truth
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    Posts : 962
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 1543.75

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    Bryan Herbsorrow Empty Re: Bryan Herbsorrow

    Post by Shipping Goddess 29th October 2015, 1:54 pm

    Bryan Herbsorrow Approval_sig_by_zeminazis-d9byi1t


    Bryan Herbsorrow M7mHyEw
    Bryan Herbsorrow CKWpl03

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