Fairy Tail RP

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    Lady Lyria Zurich


    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 8
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 0

    Lady Lyria Zurich Empty Lady Lyria Zurich

    Post by IrishSpitfire 10th August 2015, 1:51 pm

    Name: Lady Lyria Zurich
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Birthday: March 15th
    Sexuality: Bi
    Special Characteristics: (Anything special such as scars,tattoos, etc)

    Personality: 501 words
    Outside of battle Lyria is reserved and quiet though once she engages with comrades she is relatively congenial in large social groups. Once she feels she has been established within a social circle she allows her temperament to be less reserved and she becomes more outspoken with her opinions. She isn’t an instigator for a jovial circumstance but will gladly partake once she has been encouraged by other members. At 23 she is cool and collected individual, relaxing and having “fun” is not in her repertoire of skills. She possesses a seductive wit that underlies her entire aura and mentality, she derives great fun from a little shock and awe from her peers. When she encounters an individual that peaks her interest she enjoys a good bout of flirtatious banter. It is not frequent for Lyria to be one upped in a battle of wits and she is not too terribly fond of it either. She holds very much to being cool headed, precise, confident, and never wrong. She finds great disdain when encountered by haughty individuals or ones that perpetuate great arrogance and set for themselves high airs without backing it up. She strongly believes that ones personal monsters can be overcome and put to rest, as an inner monster should never be allowed residence but should always be left in the past. Trials and suffering are natural parts of life that must be overcome and if one fails to do so they are weak in body, mind, and spirit. Lyria has great compassion, empathy and care for those she allows to have residency in her heart and when she gives her trust she does not do it lightly. Those who betray her trust and her compassion do not remain in her graces very long.

    In battle Lyria is as cool, precise, and confident in her abilities as she is in a battle of wits. She makes her move with all possible avenues explored, if violence can be avoided that is the best outcome, but she certainly doesn’t shy away from an opportunity to exercise her skills. Lyria is quick at assessing the battle and taking up leadership should need be but she would much rather prefer someone else to make the tactical calls. Lyria doesn’t rush into battle as she has a delicate fortitude and prefers to stay in a midrange of attack so she can assess and attack from the best advantage point. If one of her comrades should be disarmed she will intercede on their behalf, she cannot abide death to an unarmed individual. Should her leader in battle fall she will take charge and attempt to keep the morale of her comrades high as this will prevent more casualties and less panic. Should Lyria be provoked she will be merciless, her attacks will become frenzied, erratic, but still deadly focused upon their target. It is in these times of battle that she uses the “curse” of her lineage and subjects her enemy to their deepest, darkest, most intimate nightmares.

    1. Double Entendre: This is Lryia’s  favorite use of wit and intelligence because it shows the quality and sharpness of ones impromptu thought process.

    2. White Chocolate Truffle: Lyria has a sweet tooth, and though she like all types of chocolate she can never pass up the rich, smooth, creaminess of a white chocolate truffle. The quickest way into Lyria’s favor is to present to her one of her highly favored treats.

    3. Cats: Lyria has found the best companion for a high tension individual is a ball of love and fluff. Sometimes the only way she can relax and let her reserves down is to make a connection with such a critter.

    4. Lace: There is just something classy and chic about lace.

    1. Arrogance: Lyria’s top dislike is an overly confident person that goes into arrogance. Pride comes before the fall and she hates a boaster.

    2. Repetition: Under any circumstance do not make Lyria repeat herself. WARNING ALERT!!

    3. Anchovies: You would think for being a cat lover that she might like one of their favorite snacks too…not so it stains lace.

    4. Low Morale: The first problem into dissolution of a community is low morale. Without hope and confidence in one’s team mates and leaders you won’t be victorious.

    5. Dissention: The second problem into dissolution of a community. If members cannot support one another and unite there is no point in sticking around. No one likes incessant bickering.

    Motivations: (What motivates your character in life?)

    1. Personal Prowess: Lyria takes her own personal skills and prowess under strong ridicule. She cannot achieve a strong mind and spirit without strength in body. She strives for perfection, in this pursuit it is also her flaw.

    2. Knowledge: Lyria is motivated to be knowledgeable and continues the pursuit of knowledge through reading, lecture, and mentorship. The stronger one’s mind the stronger the body and spirit.

    3. Overcoming Obstacles: This is her pursuit and motivation to strengthen her spirit. She does this by embracing the natural order of chaos and accepts the sufferings and trials that life presents. She also enacts this by continuously battling her inner demons and monsters; she always leaves them in her past never to reside in her present.


    1. Weakness: Lyria fears showing any weakness to her comrades or even to herself because this is an indication to her that she has failed in maintaining strength of mind, body, and spirit.

    2. Grief: Grief is Lyria’s greatest fear. She fears loosing those she loves which is why she keeps herself withdrawn emotionally from her comrades.

    3. Big Flying Bugs: Other than butterflies…they are just gross

    General Appearance

    Height: 5’ 10”
    Weight: 160lb
    Hair: Black: straight bangs and to her butt. Long and straight
    Eyes: Violet
    Skin Tone:  Pale

    Appearance: Lyria is lithe and physically unimposing but it is in her eyes that leaves a since of foreboding about her. Her long black hair falls without restraint about her body. She had ample breasts and an hourglass waist. She is dressed from head to foot in black; She wears black knee high, combat style boots, tight black denim jeans, a white button up business shirt is the only difference of color that is seen underneath her ankle length black jacket.


    Guild: Black Rose
    Tattoo: Upper Arm the blossom is violet and the rest is black
    Rank: D Rank

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1405
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Lady Lyria Zurich Empty Re: Lady Lyria Zurich

    Post by Thorn 11th August 2015, 5:26 am



    Lady Lyria Zurich S6Eaz9K

      Current date/time is 6th June 2024, 12:44 pm