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    A Gambling Man's Daughter's Story

    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

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    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Posts : 962
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 1543.75

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    A Gambling Man's Daughter's Story Empty A Gambling Man's Daughter's Story

    Post by Shipping Goddess 6th July 2015, 5:39 pm

    History: Ivy Kissos, despite being a seven year old child, she has quite some history to her. Would you expect her to have a semi-batman style background? No? Then read up below!

    So without further ado lets get this started:
    Elyne (eh-lee-n) and Vion (V-Eye-on) Kissos were a couple of great stature. These two have made themselves known as the most dastardly love couple out there, whom didn't use magic... Or so everyone thought.

    These two did, in fact have a magic. It was a personal magic developed by them known as Shark Magic. Now you may think this has to do with great whites and that classic Jaws theme, but no. It has to do with cards.

    You see, Elyne and Vion were both loan sharks, gamblers, and all of that stuff. You would always find at least one of the two outside of a casino or in it, racking up the money. These two were infamous for having piles of money after leaving the casino - until one day that is.

    Before we get to that day lets go over their magic. They both use the same magic, and that magic is Shark Magic. It wasn't combat based, all it did was assure a scheme to billionaire-ism. The spells they had did a variety of things- let them see through cards in blackjack, changed the faces of their cards in poker, it even let people believe that nothing bad would happen if they loaned you Money. The Kissos's were loan sharks, and dandymen.

    Back to the story the Kissos team were playing a game of poker with the notorious casino owner Jack Rich, yes he is a rich man with the last name Rich. Elyne put down her cards- a royal flush. Ace of spades, king of spades, Queen of spades, jack of spades and 10 of spades. Vion snickered, he wasn't playing but he sure did watch from behind.

    Suddenly his face changed to shock.

    The man known as Rich put his cards down. "I got nothin - but I do in fact have something interesting."

    Rich's hand was a 7 of diamonds, 2 of hearts, king of clubs, 5 of spades and one other card.

    The 10 of spades.

    He immediately gave all of his chips to Elyne, and snickered as he walked behind the two. "I wonder how two 10 of spades got in the deck. Either way, watch your back Kissos." He then finished going off.

    Elyne and Vion both went to cash in their chips, then spoke in the back alley of a nearby coffee shop.

    "You made sure to use your magic to alter the deck right? You're entire hand should've been a straight flush and his should have been junk! How did he have a 10 of spades? There couldn't have been 2!" Vion was clutching his head in fear. Rich was notorious for not only being great at gambling - but for punishing those who cheat.
    "I-I don't know! I used it perfectly, the spell had no falters! How could he have that card..?" Elyne was crying in the corner, scared of what was to come. Vion assured her that everything would be okay, trying to comfort her.
    "Everything'll be fine. He won't do a thing to us, you, I, and our baby girl will be just fine. Now let's get back home." that they did, but what they didn't know was that they were being followed, and someone listened to their conversation.

    A month went by, and nothing relating the "incident" occurred. Elyne gave birth to her and Vion's first child - one they named Ivy. Ivy was a beautiful baby girl, pink hair and accompanying eyes. She took her looks from her mother. Her father continued as the man he was before the child, making money through and through for the family. Everything was going good.....

    Someone broke down the door. Elyne was feeding Ivy a bottle and she and Vion were having dinner. This shocked both of them, and the baby started wailing. There were two men dressed in all black, with guns powered by magic. One of them pointed his at Elyne, but the gun was cut in half. Vion used his signature spell, turning a card sharper-than-sharp, and throwing it. This was bad, because that was the only actual combat spell he had.

    The second man fired four rounds. Vion was shot in his legs and arms, not fatal but it hurt intensely. Elyne put the baby down and ran over to Vion. The man who's gun was cut abandoned it and took the baby, and the man with the gun shot Elyne in the ribs.

    The two intentionally left them living, that way they could live with the despair that came with remembering your children be taken away by someone, and anonymous kidnapper.

    The child was taken to Rich, who gave her to a worker of his, to make it seem as if she was his own daughter and he was an overbusy dad. Her name was kept, and she was raised by Rich's maid Nunzia, and everything else seemed normal. Ivy grew up well, loving her "older sister" Nunzia and not even remembering her previous parents, but certainly loving people she didn't remember more than her so-called father.

    Jack Rich was abusive, and it seemed he didn't care at all for Ivy. He didn't, because she was just a project for revenge, and he didn't want to abandon a baby to die. Otherwise she was trash to him, and could well-off be gone. He never spent time with Ivy, didn't care about any of her successes whatsoever and didn't even bother to speak to Ivy for days on end sometimes. The child Ivy felt hated, and constantly told Nunzia about this.

    Nunzia was also told to be like Batman's Alfred. She was a maid and servant to Ivy, honestly because Rich didn't care about her enough as a worker to give her a better job than serving the baby whom he didn't care for either. Rich left the matter at that, until one day when Nunzia wanted Ivy to have a great time as a wizard, so she had Ivy get surgery with a lacrima. The magic type was extremely rare, and Ivy took advantage of this when she was merely 5 years old. After having enough of her "father's" bullcrap, Ivy began attacking him. She relentlessly assaulted him, using her magic for the first time as well, and even seemed to like it. This was the first time Ivy actually showed signs of her now-full sadist personality. Considering she was nowhere near skilled with her magic, Ivy lost the little skirmish. Rich grabbed her by her arms and threw her out of his office, and Ivy began bawling. Nunzia quickly came to help, and saw what Rich did to her. Nunzia now quit her job as servant to Rich, and went on to completely raise Ivy.

    The two of them got a place - a rundown one at that. Nunzia barely had money, so she could only afford the house that was before her. Considering Rich only kept Ivy in a little shack with nothing but the bare essentials, this place was marvelous to Ivy. She became quickly fond of this place, and also began getting started on her magic training. Nunzia helped with it, as much as she could.

    At age 6, Ivy began to want to join a guild. Nunzia was reluctant because Ivy was just a child, but actually began to consider it because of the signs Ivy showed. She seemed really resistant to weather conditions and temperature, an effect of the Armored Beast bloodline. To also accompany this Ivy seemed much more intelligent than an average child her age - but still was on a child's level of maturity. This made Nunzia second guess things, but she said next year.

    A year rolled by, and Ivy went to go join a guild happily. The agreement met with Nunzia was that Ivy could do things a normal mage would do, but she also had to check in at home, to make sure that nothing bad happened, as well as to tell her magnificent stories. Ivy agreed, and set out to find the guild she would be joining.
    RP Sample: Ivy played through the forest happily, passing by a few animals along the way. She loved the forest, to play in the grass and to see all the nature around her. It was amazing.

    Ivy found a big tree, one that she couldn't identify the type, but it sure was big. Ivy began climbing it, only to fall on her butt. "Oww...." Ivy said while getting up, then slowly walking off forgetting about the tree. "That really hurt..." the pink-haired mage muttered as she gingerly walked along another path. She couldn't find her way around a forest if her life depended on it, but that was a good thing sometimes. Sometimes more exploration was fun, and exciting. Ivy, with a sigh ran off deeper into the forest hoping to find either another person to talk to or some more animals to watch.
    Face Claim: Mariko - Elfen Lied

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