Fairy Tail RP

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    Karyn Kat Kasuji


    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 1
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    Karyn Kat Kasuji Empty Karyn Kat Kasuji

    Post by MaiTsukino 5th April 2015, 2:10 pm

    Name: Karyn Kat Kasuji
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Sexuality: Bi-curious
    Special Characteristics: Furry

    Personality: Karyn is a young girl who is shy at first. When she meets someone she tends to shy away or just say a simple hello and leave it at that. However if she gets to know someone she is very friendly and quite helpful. She enjoys helping others and making sure they are alright. She is very cheerful when around those she knows and considers friends. Karyn tries to stay an optimist when it seems possible, but if something seems out of reach she gets a little discouraged but never gives up.

    Karyn is very curious about the guilds and has done a lot of looking into them. She tends to be very curious when it comes to certain things. If something piques her interest she will try her hardest to figure out how it works or any information she can on the subject. She tends to be called a bookworm when she goes into a research project.

    Karyn doesn’t like to have her fur overly dirtied. She is fine with dirt when it comes to fighting, but outside of fighting she hates it. Her white fur has to be well-kept or she throws a fit. She keeps herself well-groomed and HAS to take a shower every other day. If she doesn’t do that, she gets very grouchy and will say things she may regret later.

    When Karyn is not with friends or people she knows well, she tends to keep to herself. She doesn’t like to go out of her comfort zone right off so she has to take her time with it. She isn’t a rude person, but she doesn’t always respond when she’s spoken to. If she doesn’t respond to someone who speaks to her, it’s more that she’s not used to people conversing with her out of the blue.


    In battle Karyn tends to stay in the back. She doesn’t have that much in the way of combat. No one ever taught her and she couldn’t learn on her own. She tends to cast mainly healing spells on her partner(s) when they need it. When in the heat of battle she is quick and avoids contact with the enemy. She keeps her distance and prefers to avoid violence when in battle.

    Karyn is very willing to listen to whomever is the leader of the group in question. She will only question it if the leader suggests something violent to her. However Karyn has never taken a leadership role in a battle so she wouldn’t know how to do so. She’s always been in the back protecting those who go into combat.

    Her magic consists of adding on animal parts. These parts can enhance a person’s ability to that of the actual animal or better, depending on how much magic she uses. The animal parts can vary in what they are, but usually consist of ears and a tail. If the animal is a bird the person just gains wings, the wings are useable in flight, but may not work as well if Karyn uses little magic on them.

    Karyn enjoys reading just about anything, but she prefers to read something new. So she tends to keep her nose in a book whenever possible.

    Just like any cat, she loves herself some catnip. She reacts to it as if she just got onto a sugar high. She actually kind of becomes very hyper and talkative to the point of annoyance. So try to keep the nip away.

    Karyn likes to take naps periodically. Whether or not she really needs the nap, she likes to take short naps in between any sort of activity. Even after a nap she likes to take another nap. It’s nap-inseption!

    Just like a student, Karyn LOVES to learn about anything. She’s always up for a good challenge to find something she doesn’t know. Even though she has a wide knowledge she still doesn’t know a lot about magic. So she’s constantly learning more about it.

    Dislikes:Dirty Fur
    Karyn isn’t a big fan of having her fur dirtied for very long. If she can help it she will shower every other day to keep it nice and clean.

    Loud Noises
    Due to Karyn’s sensitive hearing, loud noises hurt her and give her a headache. However if she’s in a serious battle that doesn’t faze her too much if anything she can ignore it, that is until the battle is over.

    Laser Pointers
    Due to being a feline Karyn tends to hate the idea of a laser pointer. She’s well aware she cannot catch it, but she instinctively must try to go for it. She actually will get really mad if someone plays this as a prank on her.

    Motivations: Friendship
    Karyn is motivated by the thought of having friends who will support her in her journey in the guild.

    The Right Thing
    When something seems to be what is right, Karyn always follows her heart. She doesn’t believe justice is always there, but she does believe that doing the right thing will always pay out in the end whether or not in happiness or money.

    Protecting Others
    Karyn has a kind soul and always wants to keep those she knows are good people safe. If someone is in danger she tends to step him to keep them safe with her abilities.

    Fears: Heights
    Karyn has been afraid of heights for most of her life. It was due to having a tree climbing contest with a friend of hers when she was a child. It didn’t go so well because when she got to a certain branch, she fell and broke her right arm and her right leg. It wasn’t a fun day for her.

    As bizarre as it sounds, Karyn has been afraid of the dark most of her life. She tends to get closer to people when night falls and usually uses her magic to give her a firefly light. She may have good eye sight, but that doesn’t mean it helps her fears.

    Being Alone
    Even though Karyn is shy, she doesn’t like being left behind. She always stays nearby when there’s people, she just tends to stay quiet. Karyn tends to just watch and observe, but always follows around others.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5 foot 4 inches
    Weight: 165 lbs
    Hair: Soft rosy pink with a headband holding the fringe/bangs in place. Long hair that goes two inches past her knees.
    Eyes: Light blue
    Skin Tone: White fur
    Appearance: Karyn is petite and wears a general school girl uniform. She wears a pink tie and a gray vest. Her skirt is a soft pink and her shirt is the same shade. She wears a black head band that rests softly across her forehead.


    Guild: Black Rose
    Tattoo: Black Rose and on the back of her left hand
    Rank: D
    Inspirational Quote
    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

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    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 1046
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    Age : 33
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    Karyn Kat Kasuji Empty Re: Karyn Kat Kasuji

    Post by Inspirational Quote 6th April 2015, 9:23 pm



    Jobs Completed
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