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    Huck Diseray

    Huck Diseray
    Huck Diseray

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 3
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 0

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    Completed Huck Diseray

    Post by Huck Diseray 16th February 2016, 2:56 pm

    Name: Junho and Hakk Diseray a.k.a. Huck Diseray
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Birthday: February 16
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: He has a lightning shaped scar on his neck.

    He was born in a small village on Thunder Island with his family by the name Junho Diseray. He was very talented and a fast learner in anything that was given to him but a dark guild saw that and told his father that they would take him and teach him how to be a dark mage. His father didn't want his kid to end up in a dark guild so he thought him how to use lightning magic, because he knew that a dark guild would try to take away his kid sooner or later. The Time came to take the Diseray family's son unfortunately they weren't ready to give him up so they hid him and tried to fight the dark guild but sadly they weren't strong enough and they were murdered by the very guild in front of Junho's very eyes at the age of 8. He was devastated and full of hatred for that guild. He ran away and hid in a cave for a day. After he woke up in the morning he wanted to go back home but he was too scared. He made shelter and wished to avenge his family that's why he trained for 8 years, lightning magic, how to survive alone, and to never trust anyone and anything and so he wanted to forget what love is and never show mercy to anyone.
    After he was all grown up and done with his training he returned to his village but the villagers didn't recognize him. They thought he was dead all this time. He tried to explain to them that he is the son of Haruno Diseray and Chikage Diseray and that he survived all this time on his own. They didn't believe him and tried to kill him because they thought he is one of the dark guild's Take-over mages. Junho tried to run away but the villagers chased right after him, he was so afraid of them that he accidently killed the ones chasing him as an act of self defense. He was lonely and sad because he knew he can't go back to his home so he obtained a split personality so that he would always have a friend. The first personality is named Junho. He is very shy and kind, he doesn't like to be alone but he doesn't have the courage to talk to people. The second one is named Hakk. He is Junho's fighting personality. He's rather ruthless because he doesn't want Junho  to get hurt and enjoys fighting because he wants to show off for the ladies. They go by the name Huck.

    When they are in battle, Hakk does the fighting and Junho the thinking. Hakk usually doesn’t listen to Junho and rushes in bravely. He relies on his skill and fast movement. Junho on the other hand calculates almost every scenario and tries to explain that to Hakko but he doesn’t listen. When the fights heat up though he starts to panic and listens to Junho.Their strength is in their communication- ish, that probably is their weakness too. They use Lightnings. Which they form however they please.


    • Junho:  
      Food: Loves to eat any kind of food.  
      Sleep: Loves to dream about having friends and he always wants to sleep for that reason.
      Company: He never wants to be alone.

    • Hakk:
      Ladies: You know... Ladies...
      Fighting: So he can show off for the ladies.
      Training: Always wants to be inform and good at everything he does.


    • Junho:
      Loneliness: He doesn’t want to be alone.
      Bad Dreams: He doesn’t like bad dreams because they scare him.
      Raw/Rotten Food: He doesn’t feel well after he eats Raw/Rotten Food.

    • Hakk:
      Bad at something:He feels weak and small.
      Bullies: He doesn’t like being bullied or someone getting bullied.
      Fat/weak: He doesn’t want to be fat or weak


    • Junho:
      Avenge: They want to avenge their family's death so they can feel whole again.
      Friends: He wants to make a lot of friends so he doesn't feel lonely ever again.
      Eating Healthy: He wants to be inform and to feel well and healthy all the time.

    • Hakk:
      Avenge: They want to avenge their family's death so they can feel whole again.
      Best: He wants to be the best at everything that he does that's why he trains hard everyday
      Fame: He loves attention and wants to gain a lot of fans and mostly fangirls.


    • Junho:  
      Failure: He fears he will fail in avenging his family
      Loss: He fears that he will lose his other half and he will be alone forever.
      New Things: He doesn't want to try new things because he doesn't want anything to change in his world. He wants to go back to his home and be with his family and Hakk.

    • Hakk:
      Failure: He fears he will fail in avenging his family and he won't be the best.
      Loss: He fears won't be strong enough and he will lose a fight and with that fight he will lose his other half forever.
      Regular: He fears he won't make any difference in this world.

    General Appearance
    Height: 6'0/ 183 cm
    Weight: 176 lbs/ 80kg
    Hair: Normal Size, Dark Blue-Purple Hair
    Eyes: Red/Blue
    Skin Tone:  Midtone White
    Appearance: He is tall, strong and muscular. He has two different eyes ( one red and one blue ). He has a cape that goes down to his knees, gloves, black shirt and high shoes that go up to his knees. He has a small dagger that he can combine with his Lightning magic to make it Lightning dagger.

    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: None
    Rank: D

    Last edited by Huck Diseray on 17th February 2016, 6:14 am; edited 2 times in total

    Completed Re: Huck Diseray

    Post by Guest 16th February 2016, 3:29 pm

    You need to explain their motivations and fears, and the appearance needs to be longer than three listed words, unfortunately. Please, bump this when finished.
    Huck Diseray
    Huck Diseray

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 3
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
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    Completed Re: Huck Diseray

    Post by Huck Diseray 17th February 2016, 6:51 am


    Completed Re: Huck Diseray

    Post by Guest 17th February 2016, 7:09 am

    Huck Diseray Wzu5JxR

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm