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    Vensye Blair History


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Vensye Blair History Empty Vensye Blair History

    Post by Vensye 17th October 2012, 11:01 am

    Vensye born to Gemmei and Wes Blair in Magnolia, a happy family they seemed to the outside world, but they carried a dark secret. Gemmei was a member of Fairy Tail, a legal wizard guild she used celestial magic. Wes took care of all the day to day operations of the house. Tending to Vensye and his older sister Mana. Every few weeks Wes would go out of town for an unknown errand. He would make excuses such as I have to visit some old friends, or pick up some special ingredients for dinner. He would get a neighbor to watch the kids if Gemmei was out on a mission. He would always take the family tome with him for some reason and as Vensye got older he started asking questions. Wes would dodge them and Mana would tell him not to talk about it. She knew better, having asked the same questions herself and getting no where. He decided not to inquire further and just spent his life in a pleasant family. He had many friends and wanted more then anything to grow up like his mother, a wizard.

    At age fifteen Vensye's world was turned upside down. On a rainy May afternoon the council's goons appeared at the Blairs doorstep and took away his father and mother. They were charged with many murders, dozens over the years. The council couldn't figure out how they did it but each victim had been drained of all their blood. The couple had no defense for this and were executed days later. Mana took care of Vensye, she had to work as a bartender to pay the bills. The news of their parents fates hit them hard but Vensye retreated in on himself. For over a year he didn't talk to anyone, he barely ate anything. Mana just thought this a phase, something that he would have to get over. The truth however was far more serious then she thought.

    Days after his parents death Vensye woke with the families tome on his chest. He thought Mana put it their to cheer him up but well thats not the case. The cover read "The Blair Family Tome" It was locked and as Vensye went to pry it open he cut his hand dripping blood into the key hole causing it to open up. Vensye poured over the information inside. Each page held the life story of each holder of the book, eight generations of Blair's first born sons have used this book. It was holder magic Vensye identified it as such. The pages were written in blood, fresh blood as if it hadn't dried at all.

    Over the year Vensye read the information contained inside the tome. Several pages were blank but as he continued reading he found out why. The book required blood, lots of blood to sustain it's self. It didn't care where it came from. The story of the tome goes simply that hundreds of years ago that Magnus Blair made a deal with a demon for power. The demon granted this book to him with the condition that the user would feed the book blood, sustain it and the demon it's linked with. Magnus agreed blindly not knowing the full details. The book would happily be sated on the blood of victims but if it does not meet the quota each year of six human's completely drained of blood it will turn on the holder of the tome and drain them.

    Upon reading this Vensye knew his life would change. This explained why his father would leave with the book, he had to keep the book fed or it would kill him and now that curse has past to Vensye. He turned the page and found Wes Blair's page in the tome. He read his fathers history, his inner most thoughts everything was here. Apparently he died not due to his crimes but due to the book turning on him and draining him.

    Vensye knew he couldn't stay at home he had to go out and find a way to use this book mainly he had to survive. He planned for months and on the night of his sixteenth birthday Mana had allowed him to invite a few friends over for a slumber party. She would be out at work but she was just happy to see Vensye coming out of his shell so she allowed him to plan it all. Vensye said good bye to his sister that night knowing it would be the last he saw her.

    His six closest friends arrived and they partied until well past one in the morning. Eventually they all fell asleep and Vensye went into action. He carefully slit the throats of each one careful not to wake up anyone. The first one was the hardest but he justifyied it in his head "It's either them or me." he kept reminding himself. Once they were all dead he pulled out the bloodline tome and opened it up. He found the spell he needed and cast it drawing the blood of his friends from their bodies into the book. He felt nothing for them, the shock of what he had been pushed to do caused him to put up defenses.

    Next he went into the basement and dragged up another dead body, also drained of blood. This was a boy roughly his age and appearance. He had found him and befriended him. The poor kid was a runaway, no one would ever miss him. He was dressed in the same clothes as Vensye and had the same slit throat as the others.

    With his death almost perfectly faked Vensye gathered his bag with some basic essentials, and left the house in flames. On his way out of town he stopped by his sisters job and watched her start to head home from a dark alley. He wanted to take her with him but, it was best for her to think him dead then a murderer.

    Vensye traveled around mainly in the wilderness absorbed by the book. He would go into town befriend someone and kill them to have the book sated. He was driven by a strong survival instict and a growing darkness as the book slowly corrupted him completely. He began taking some sick pleasure in tricking people making them think he was charming or friendly and then killing them.

    About a year after leaving he got news that his sister Mana had died, she killed herself out of grief. Vensye thought he would feel guilty, or sad or something but.... he felt nothing. His emotions now sealed away to the point where he was numb. He would have been scared by this but he wasn't he just didn't care.

    Recently while passing through another town looking for a victim Vensye was approached by a hooded figure in a dark alley. She knew everything about him, what he'd done, what he was capable of. She promised him something he hadn't had in a while, a purpose. She told him about the dark guild Savage skull, an organization that could use talented wizards like him. The idea of being a wizard in a guild brought back memories of his lost youth. He agreed mainly to achieve his former self's goal but also to find more victims to sate the thirst of the cursed book.

    RP Sample:
    Vensye walked down the alley way late at night. His golden blonde hair and crimson eyes giving him a look of someone not to mess with. He had yet to make a name for himself but soon people would know him for better or worse. He wore his usual suit and tie, no reason to look like a slob the only odd thing about him was a drop of blood splattered on his cheek. Under his arm he carries a large old looking book.

    "That silly little girl was quite the hassle." he says to himself as he continues out the alley. Behind him not ten steps lays the dead body of a woman, had to be in her twenties, dead but no blood on the ground around her.

    He continues to casually walk away as if this was a usual late night stroll through the town. The body would be found in the morning and once again the authorities will be stumped as another victim drained of blood was found. This was the third one he had murdered this week, trying to keep with a quota was hard work. He continued walking straight out of town.

    Face Claim: By =keelerleah on deviant art.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:30 am