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    Celestial Spirit Magic


    Lineage : Aspect Of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Celestial Spirit Magic Empty Celestial Spirit Magic

    Post by Chozara 1st December 2014, 9:28 pm


    Primary Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you bought at the store goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Holder
    Description: Celestial spirit magic is a holder based magic, This type of magic uses special types of keys to open a gate wa between this world and the celestial spirit world. Each spirit is different and completely unique. They hold different abilities and forms of abilities.

    Chozara uses the magic by taking out the key, pointing it at the sky, and saying,"With this key I hold a life form, a friend! Now open! Gate of the...".
    Innate Abilities: Not sure if I should put anything here.
    Aura Type:
    •Spirits have their own unique abilities
    •Spirits can be trained and become stronger
    •The user can choose between fighting with the spirit, or letting the spirit fight on its own
    •Use must have the spirits key in order to summon it
    •The spirits magic takes away from the users Magic Points
    •Spirits can only be summoned on certain days
    •Spirits may not feel like fighting
    Unique Abilities:
    •He can use his demon eye to keep spirits our for one post longer after they have taken the required amount of damage for them to be sent back to the Celestial Spirit world

    Spell Template

    Name: Gate of the weapon specialist: TenTen
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive, Defensive
    Description: Chozara opens TenTen's gate by pointing her key at the sky and saying,"With this key I hold a life form, a friend! Now open! Gate of the Weapon Specialist! TenTen!" TenTen's key is dark gray with a kunai on the handle. TenTen has dark brown hair and eyes. She wears her hair in two Chinese style buns on either side of her hair. She has a fringed bang that covers her forehead protector. She sports a long-sleeved white blouse with a high collar and red fastener and edges paired with similarly colored, puffy pants that look like a hakama, with the exposed parts of her legs near the waist covered in bandages. TenTen fights using a large scroll on her back and summoning weapons from it. She can summon kunai, explosive kunai, and chain scythes from it. She has great speed. She can run at a speed of 25 mph. She moves her hand quickly past her scroll to summon her weapons. She is skilled in long range combat and close range combat. Her Kunai deal half of D-Rank damage. Her explosive kunai deal D-Rank damage. Her chain scythe deals half of D-Rank damage. Her hands can move at a speed of 5 mph. She can throw her weapons at a speed of 15 mph
    •She can run at a speed of 25 mph
    •She can move her hands at a speed of 5 mph
    •She is great at long ranged combat
    •She is bad at mid-range combat
    •She can only summon 3 different weapons at D-Rank
    •She has to activate her exploding kunai with fire in order for them to explode
    •She has to touch her scroll in order to summon her weapons

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:14 pm