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    prison system wip


    Emotional Tempest 1

    Emotional Tempest 1

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    prison system wip Empty prison system wip

    Post by Zeno 22nd July 2014, 11:29 am

    When the Rune Knights apprehend and arrest a criminal, they will be judged and punished in court by the Magic Council. Punishments include: fines, bans from certain areas, confiscation of equipment, parols, prison and exile.

    When a character gets sent to prison, this should be according to their danger level.

    Danger Levels:

    When a crime has been committed, the culprit will have a certain Danger Level calculated for them. This level will determine which section hey'll be held in in minimum or maximum security.
    Minor crimes will add 10 points to a criminal's record. Major crimes will add 50 points. However, this is flexible and the points that are actually added depend on the officials in charge. (Rune Knights / Magic Council)

    A criminal's danger level can be lowered by paying the fine, completing the sentence, bribing officials, etc.

    A record will be held of all previous crimes. Even if your danger level has been reduced, repeated offenses might lead to points of previous crimes getting re-added. Records can be whiped clean by bribing the right official.

    Minor crimes are overseen by the Rune Knights. They decide the minority of the crime and how many points should actually be added.

    Major crimes are overseen by the Magic Council. They decide the minority of the crime and how many points should actually be added. The Inner Council functions as judge, the Outer Council functions as jury. However, the Inner Council can overrule the Outer Council if it wishes.

    There are various prisons that can hold the same level criminals, but sometimes it is better not to have specific dangerous criminals in the same prison, or in a specific geographical location...

    Minimum Security:

    10 points = Level 1 "Holding area"
    20 points = Level 2 "Holding area under private surveillance"
    30 points = Level 3 "Solitary holding area"
    40 points = Level 4 "Solitary holding area under private surveillance"

    A minor offense while held in minimum security will add an extra 5 - 10 - 15 or 20 points depending on the severity.

    Maximum Security:

    When a criminal commits a major crime, extra points are added according to their rank:
    D = 0 points
    C = 10 points
    B = 20 points
    A = 30 points
    S = 60 points
    SS = 120 points
    H = 240 points

    50 points = Level 5 "Prison (access to all provided facilities)"
    100 points = Level 6 "Prison with limited comfort (access to limited facilities)"
    150 points = Level 7 "Prison with minimum comfort (solitary)"
    200 points = Level 8 "Solitary prison (only solitary cells are provided)"
    250 points = Level 9 "Specialized solitary prison (extra private surveillance)"
    300 points = Level 10 "Specifically designed private solitary prison (designed to detain YOU)"

    A minor offense while held in maximum security will add an extra 25 - 50 - 75 or 100 points depending on the severity.

    Prison of Era:

    Era Solitary Confinement/ Level 10 Transfers:

    Prison of Divide Island:

    Prison of Thunder Island:

    Mysterious Canyon Prison:

    Forgotten Desert Prison:

    Mountain Village Prison:

    River Village Prison:

    Snowfall Island Prison:

    Crocus Maze Prison:

    Silent Glaciers Prison:

    Karakuri Prison/ Phoenix Mountains:

    Last edited by Zeno on 18th August 2014, 12:57 am; edited 5 times in total


    prison system wip Zeno1_by_gramcrackers-d7l4bjh
    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    prison system wip Empty Re: prison system wip

    Post by Aria Beleren 30th July 2014, 9:55 am

    What needs to be finished on this?



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