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    Darren the Fallen Angel [W.I.P.]


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Other half
    Position : None
    Posts : 3
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Darren the Fallen Angel [W.I.P.] Empty Darren the Fallen Angel [W.I.P.]

    Post by Elictt 5th July 2014, 7:35 pm

    Name: Darren Nightmare
    Gender: Male
    Age: N/A; There is no actual record of his age
    Birthday: October 31st
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics:
    * During his angelic form, Darren has a kind of glow to him that radiates holiness.

    Personality:Darren Nightmare, conjures illusory
    delusions in others dreams. The power to set anyone into a horrid shriek by sending their minds into a paradise of their worst fears. Nightmare, if you will, is not only an
    illusionist but a nature sorcerer:
    Controlling and emitting any sort of
    relatable plant species. Whether it's
    from the heavens or hells, their bound to do good or harm. The unrealistic part about it is the pollen or liquid extract it has to generate such harm or good. Though Darren can simply imitate it to however he pleases, making the dangerous good and the good dangerous. There are two sides of this botanists king: Darren; Is a name of uncertain
    etymological origins from a gaelic
    surname of meaning "burnt land or hill," or from an anglicization of the first named Darragh or Dàire, meaning "Oak tree." Nightmare; As you know means something frightening.-- A terrifying or
    very unpleasant experience or prospect. A dream arousing feelings of intense fear, horror, and distress. With all this being said, Darren is simply a knowledge seeker, he could careless of reigning the hell or the heavens upon others. He has a very charming and sophisticated approach, very pure to the touch. Though he won't show it, he has a dark heart that is absolutely terrorizing to peek inside.
    One glimpse may set you into frenzy of traumatizing corruption, that soon will lead to an endless labyrinth of slumber. How do you break away from an everlasting coma? Simple, find the white light that lurks inside a dark path. Darren, on his free time will often roam in a garden or meadow, anything with a nature scenery touch. Plucking the petals of roses to snapdragons, he sings an endearing song that allures many to come join him for peace and harmony. Though when you find the
    mysterious melody, you shall find
    something unusual about your
    surroundings. . .

    In battle, Darren doesn't quite take his opponent seriously. He charms his way during the fight: Mocking his target as he strikes his enemy with a love tap. Though, if he were really serious about fighting, the battlefield would be an entire bloodbath. As a team, Darren is cooperative and
    diligent. Never would he speak out of
    term, but execute of what is demanded. Others wouldn't quite tell what his mind is on as he holds a humble complexion, as well as inside he holds a dark spirit. Though on the outside is all the more trusting. Darren is prone to be a leader, but chooses to be in others shadows for personal entertainment as he plays his mental game of chess. As innocent as he acts, it's really what others perceive him as. After all, he is the two most contradictory races. An Angel and Devil. Fire beneath the Earths crust and clouds floating in the atmosphere.

    Darren Nightmare, would you trust him?
    1. Captivating Beauty
    2. Abyssal Darkness
    3. Heavenly Light
    4. Spirit and Joyfulness In People
    5. Flowers, Specifically Roses

    1. Provocative People
    2. Undisciplined People
    3. Heathens
    4. Laziness

    1. Entertainment
    2. Glory and Fame
    3. In Search For His Blooming Rose
    4. In Search For The Highest and Rarest of Knowledge

    1. Claustrophobic
    2. Feeling Disappointed on someone or something
    3. Loosing Control

    General Appearance
    Height: 6'5"
    Weight: 176 lbs (broad)
    Hair: Normally black, but it changes to a whitish color when he is in his angelic form.
    Eyes: Pale, crystal blue colored eyes that may shift to blood red when he so pleases.
    Skin Tone: Ivory/pale Skin
    Appearance: Darren is a fallen angel, thus his gorgeous complexion. Darren has pale, crystal colored eyes that appear almost as if they were the color of glass. When he is in his angelic form, Darren will have whitish colored hair while in his demonic form, he will have raven black hair. He has the ability to change the color of his eyes to a dark, rich red color almost that of blood. His attire may almost always consist of formal wear and or other noble dressing. He also always wears a vermillion colored rose as a corsage on his left breast pocket.

    Guild: Blue Pegasus
    Tattoo: Darren's tattoo can be found on his right wrist. It is of a very faint blue that almost blends in with his skin color.
    Rank: D

      Current date/time is 4th June 2024, 8:41 pm