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    Deliver My Letter [Lyserg; Solo]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hihiirogane (日色金) - Sun-Colored Metal
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Deliver My Letter [Lyserg; Solo] Empty Deliver My Letter [Lyserg; Solo]

    Post by Tuna 13th May 2014, 4:03 pm

    Job Information:

    It was a rather peculiar manner to liberally hang out requests for jobs and then expect other, more powerful people to do your work. A system, that was actually quite smart. The strong work for the weak for payment so they can enjoy a better life. It was interesting. A capitalistic system in which the strong worked for the weak to achieve better living circumstances. Ultimately, it was less appalling than a lot of past countries and systems. Standing in front of a wooden door now, Lyserg's hand moved upwards and knocked on the planks that held up the entrance to the relatively weak looking excuse for a house. Shortly after, a rather young girl creaked the door open.

    She was looking healthy, despite the run down part of town she lived in. Interesting, as poverty didn't seem to be much of a big issue. Taking a glance up and down the girl, he exchanged a few words of greeting to her and then accepted the letter she wanted to pass on. This would likely prove to be a hassle. Walking to the entrance of town, the girl had told her that the celebrity the letter was for would enter the city in just an hour. Waiting, with patience, Lyserg took the time to think about his situation. Keeping up a superficial, he circled around the guild he had entered just a while ago in anonymity. They seemed to have grave issues with the currently set up system. A completely perspective than he substituted. Not that he cared. He just needed a kickstart for now, and the run-down and anonymous guild seemed to have been the best opportunity.

    A little while later, the crowd that had started to form surrounded the small plaza on which Lyserg had rested for the past sixty minutes. Looking around, it was the same kind of superficiality that he despised. The system's regulations seemed flawless, but the results were horrifying. These weak-minded people had not uttered a single meaningful word. It was stressing. But Lyserg's patience was able to endure. It had to endure. As a few moments later, the attention shifted towards the front gates, Lyserg finally got himself ready to succeed the task. Standing on steps, there was a person with a group of black-suited men approaching the plaza. Quickly, the crowd had surrounded him. Incessantly loud and chalk-on-blackboard-screeching, they circled around the man, seemingly hailing to him.

    In that moment, Lyserg used his Rift I to evade the perception of the crowd and even the bodyguards of the male that was slowly fighting his way across, giving autographs here and there and shaking hands through the wall of trained men. As Lyserg shoved his way through the crowds as well, invisible, not traceable, he reached the celebrity. Taking the note out of a small pocket, he very quickly reached his hand in between the fortress of bodyguards to reach a small pocket of the celebrity. Later on, he would come to read it. It was a letter of appreciation and wish for a signature including the girl's address. Lyserg then returned to his client's house to report on the success of the mission. Seeming like a stern and serious man who didn't mess around, he was given the reward quickly. Using Rift I once more, Lyserg succeeded in making the young girl forget about his appearance. He then made his way through the city.


    Word Count: 572


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