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    Nikolai Granit [Done]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 176
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 1543
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cycle of Revenance
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Nikolai Granit [Done] Empty Nikolai Granit [Done]

    Post by Alexander 10th May 2014, 2:56 am

    Name: Nikolai Granit
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Birthday: March 23rd
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Small scars up and down both arms.

    Personality: Nikolai is normally a very quiet and apprehensive person. He feels very awkward in social situations, and tries his best to distance himself from people as often as possible. This leads to him having no idea how to approach others when he needs to. He easily gets anxious over the smallest details, over thinking the worst possible situation over and over. He tends to spend most of his time reading, more often than not engrossing himself so far in his book that he becomes oblivious to the world around him entirely. Nikolai tries to remain calm and rational about everything, but is very easy to work up which causes him to become the very opposite of that. He tries his hardest to avoid others, not wanting to get close to people out of fear. However, when he starts to get attached to someone, he tends to over-attach and cling to them, viewing them as the only person he can relate too. He’s overly trusting and gullible, but when he realizes he has been used or led wrong, he becomes incredibly hostile towards whoever did it. The reason Nikolai attempts to separate himself from others is out of fear, but not of others, of himself. Nikolai has natural urges to be violent and aggressive. When he was younger, he’d often “black out”, and end up in a fight or have broken something. Because of the harsh scolding’s he received, as well as his usual timidness and fear of hurting others, he became scared of getting close to people, in case he would find himself falling to the urges and hurting them. Nikolai loves the company of people, and finds great enjoyment in being with others, but his fear of losing to his urges overpowers this, scared that it will make others hate him. Nikolai also has a fear of women, coming from constantly being pushed around by a childhood friend. He has no idea how to act around women, and is very intimidated by them, as well as the idea of intimacy. Nikolai trains himself often, usually once or twice a day, switching between meditation and physical training during the session.
    In combat, Nikolai shuts off his personality, through the use of his glasses. This allows him to look at the situation through a completely rational and logical situation. He values efficiency and the rewards over risk, doing whatever seems like it would have the largest effect on the battlefield. He fights re actively, constantly evaluating every decision as time passes, not following a set strategy. This allows him to be hard to predict. Under orders, Nikolai will follow them completely if he deems them to be the most logical choice, or if he respects the person enough to trust them. Without his glasses, Nikolai avoids combat at all costs, knowing that if he fights, he’ll succumb to his urges. When he does, he becomes needlessly violent and graphic, seeming to be in a blood lust. He is never without a smile on his face, reveling in every part of the battlefield. HE is brutal, often over killing anything he can. In this state, he respects no authority, doing whatever he pleases.


    • Books: Nikolai loves reading, as it's an activity that he can do by himself. He loves learning about the world around him, and being informed about everything.
    • People; Despite his fear of getting close to people, and the awkwardness it caused him, Nikolai loves being and interacting with people. He finds great pleasure in reading about others, as well as hearing people's stories.
    • Music: Nikolai is a big music fan, though is dreadful at almost any of it himself. The only except is the drums, which he learned at a young age and seemed to be able to handle well. He has great natural rhythm and tempo, but is too awkward to handle any other type of instrument.


    • Dishonesty; Nikolai is a big practitioner of the idea of "honest truth", considering lies to be a horrible thing. Since lies skew the knowledge he prides, he finds them to be awful.
    • Vegetables; Nikolai is an incredibly picky eater, and very few vegetables pass his "edible" test. Almost anything besides potato, celery, and carrots fails.
    • Dirt; Nikolai is a neat freak. While not fanatical about it, he does everything he can to keep things clean, and will get incredibly bothered at anything that gets things dirty needlessly.


    • Knowledge; Nikolai values knowledge as the most "important tool in life," and is always in pursuit of it. He is always up for a new experience so he can learn from it.
    • Self-Control; Nikolai's biggest goal in his life to gain complete control over his violent urges, and as such is on a constant journey to master himself.
    • Love: While Nikolai fears actual woman, he is a hopeless romantic, and idolizes "the perfect girl" inside his head, someone he views as approachable. However, this tends to simply increase his fear of actual women, as he focuses more and more on his perfect one.


    • Women; Nikolai's biggest weakness is women, caused by a childhood friend. He is completely intimidated by them instinctively, as well as unable to handle the idea of intimacy or sexuality.
    • Himself; Nikolai completely fears the urges that exist inside him, feeling helpless against his "true" self.  While he has rarely experienced these urges outside of combat, he doesn't allow himself to risk anything.
    • The Unknown; Nikolai prides himself on being knowledgeable about the world around him and almost anything relevant to himself. As such, when he encounters anything that is outside his own knowledge, Nikolai becomes incredibly terrified of it, until he understands it and the fear disappears immediately.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 178lbs
    Hair: Nikolai's hair is naturally black, with lighter highlights of brown from his mother. He combs his hair back and to the right slightly, with it being spiky and unkempt near the back,
    Eyes: Brown
    Skin Tone: Nikolai has tanned skin, thought it's not very dark.
    Appearance: Nikolai has a rather lean physique, well toned and muscled from his training. He is somewhat lanky, and has a minor slouch to his neck. He has a small patch of hair that goes from the bottom of his mouth to the bottom of his chin, and a small, thin sideburns.
    He often wears a dress shirts, as well as slacks, and the leather harness he uses for his magic. He carries around a large satchel wherever he goes, carrying various things. He switches between a pair of brown and black hiking shoes, depending on what matches his outfit. Finally, he is almost always wearing a pair of square half-eye glasses, with a black and metal frame.


    Guild: Blue Pegasus
    Tattoo: Black, on his upper back below his neck.
    Rank: D

    ((Glasses referenced in the profile; https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t7413-nikolai-s-glasses#100746  ))

    Nikolai Granit [Done] Empty Re: Nikolai Granit [Done]

    Post by Guest 10th May 2014, 5:22 pm

    Approved! Welcome to the RP world!

    NOTE: Those glasses will need adjustments, though.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:42 am