Fairy Tail RP

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    ϟ The Girl Who Challenged Thunder ϟ


    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
    Position : None
    Posts : 921
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor :
    Experience : 2475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: -
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    ϟ The Girl Who Challenged Thunder ϟ Empty ϟ The Girl Who Challenged Thunder ϟ

    Post by Nero_ 30th March 2014, 8:20 am

    ϟ The Girl Who Challenged Thunder ϟ Erza

    The Girl who Challenged Thunder

    ϟ The Girl Who Challenged Thunder ϟ ZuOcs9V

    Victoria was born in Capital Crocus on the 31st of March. She was born 5 hours after  her twin brother, Danila. She was born in a family of rich merchants. In her family, it was always believed that magic is a sin, and joining a guild,a double sin, so none of the Portescue family were mages. She grew up in a relaxed ambient, with a happy childhood alongside her brother, to whom she has always been incredibly close. They grew up in Crocus, so that their parents could control their job, but had a house in a little village near a lake and a river. Victoria'd spend hours at the lake, just playing with the water. Then her brother'd come from behind and throw her in the lake. He'd laugh, and she'd laugh and punch him. But then, suddenly, things changed. Victoria's father cheated on her mother and treated her bad. Victoria stood on her mother's side, while her brother stuck to his father.

    They had constant fights since then, and even more when Victoria's mother was murdered by their father in front  of Victoria eyes. That massacre scarred her forever with hatred and will of vengance in her heart. Since Victoria was under his custody and he was mad at her for sticking with her mother, he used to close her in  a closet and never let her out for nearly two years. Victoria spent her time there, earning a big claustrophobia as a result form spending too much time in it. They'd just ocassionaly give her food and water.

    Since Victoria had pretty much nothing to do, she studied her father and brother's habits by sounds. She learned the exact time in which they both fall asleep and when they are awake. She also began trying to become a mage, since she believed she would be the first Portescue family member to become a mage. One day, she noticed that some of the house maidens had left a cellar key copy in Victoria's cellar. By then, she was 14. She waited for her family to fall asleep and opened the door. She got out of her house, but her father saw her from the second floor and began a chase after her. Her father called the guards of the house. Victoria was surrounded by the dog and guards. She tried to fight them, but she was unable to. She didn't know magic. But then, in a minute of fury and nervousness,ice began coming out of the ground, hitting the guards and dogs away.. She had learned magic. Her father was so furious he wanted to kill her, but Victoria escaped. Posteriorely, her father was handed to authorities and is currently in jail.

    Soon after she left the Portescue manor, she was kidnapped by the Thunder God Raijin. He taught her how to use a very rare and powerful type of magic called ''God Slayer'' magic. During the time in which she was with Raijin, Victoria was not the sweet girl she usually is, but an insane, cold, cruel person. When she left his residence, however, she regained her senses.

    ϟ The Girl Who Challenged Thunder ϟ 30gXCHZ

    Victoria walked long, in search for a home, mastering her magic. She was happy that she had learned magic. Then, she arrived at some random town, a name she didn't know, and saw a Guild: Fairy Tail. So she decided she'd join it and from there on starts her new story. Not much after that, she recieved a letter from her father in which he said that he had officially removed her from the Portescue family, and she no longer has any wrights over the heritage or anything else. Victoria didn't care, she was happy instead, and adopted her mother's maiden name: Hunter.

    Soon after Victoria joined Fairy Tail, she left Fairy Tail since she didn't feel exacly needed in the guild and proceeded to join Sabertooth, a guild that she believed that would fit her perfectly, even though she didn't notice by then that she could only belong to a dark guild. She met different people and befriended them, some of them turning into her dearest friends.

    On a mission along her guildmate and friend Alexander Zenneth, Victoria was swallowed by a wardrobe and her appearance is changed forever by the spells that this wardrobe had inside. Instead of a white-haired girl with sapphire blue eyes, she appeared to be a red-haired, big chested, grey-eyed girl with a beautiful and curvy figure with pale skin. Soon after that mission, Alexander Zenneth, Indar Blackshield and more people leave Sabertooth due to the fact that apparently, they have a strong desire to createa guild on their own, a guild that Victoria doesn't like a lot at first. Victoria was amused at first, but then she gets used to it as she develops a relationship with Kichiro Yukine, a guildmate of hers. This relationship deomnstrates a really tender part of her that was hidden during all these years, as she treats Yukine with care and love.

    ϟ The Girl Who Challenged Thunder ϟ Qr58MNM

    However, soon after that, Victoria's sealed insanity awakens as she visits her mother's grave, which whields a strong curse, placed on it by Raijin, the Thunder God. This curse consists of a spell or a curse capable of making old memories or personalities awaken, the seals fall. When Victoria's insane personality awakened, she turned to an arrogant, smartass, cruel, sociopathic, sadisitic and psychopathic girl. The curse was lifted from the grave in the moment in which Victoria awakened, leaving the grave like it was in the moment in which Victoria's mom was buried there, normal.

    Soon after her sealed personality awakens, Victoria encounters with Yukine. In order to protect him, she breaks up with him, which causes a big injury in the hearts of both Victoria and Yukine. Soon after that, however, Victoria encounters Yukine, and, after a long argument, a fierce fight happens between them, that injures Victoria and leaves her unconscious. After that, in order to escape and defeat her opponent, Victoria pretends to be her old self until she throws a Bellow in Yukine's face. After that happened, both of them develop a deep hate for eachother.

    ϟ The Girl Who Challenged Thunder ϟ C5RJhiy

    After that happened, Victoria joined Nox Animus as one of their strong members and continued her life, with some difficulties in the way, like a hard attempt for a relationship with Ethan Ran Delt. However, she was made an Ace of Nox Animus after an exam that consisted of killing her father and brother, the people who hurt her most in the past. After she killed them slowly, painfully, and without leaving a trace, she became the Ace and tried to begin a relationship with Ethan Ran Delt.

    ϟ The Girl Who Challenged Thunder ϟ QGgNeDc

    Soon after her attempt of a relationship with Ethan Ran Delt, Victoria begins to travel around Fiore, killing people on her way, only to raise her name to the top, become an evil and respected dark mage and earn a reputation that she has wanted for so long: The Reputation of the Thunder Titania, The Assassin of citizens and mages. Her objective is one day to become the greatest of Mages.

    RP Sample:

    Victoria bought the glass of Liqueur to her lips as she sat on one of Sabertooth's tables. She had the weird habit to sit on tables instead of chairs. She was rather quiet that day. She bought her cloak up and jumped off the table, leaving the glass away. She needed something way stronger than Liqueur. She said goodbye to her guildmates and headed towards the exit, where the lacrima portal stood, and got down on earth. She was thinking about going to the nearest supermarket, but then she remembered it was so late everythig was closed. So instead she headed towards the nearest open place and layed down. She looked at the stars, a happy expression on her face, and fell asleep.

    Face Claim:

    Erza Knightwalker from Fairy Tail

    Last edited by IzzyxD on 23rd May 2014, 9:49 am; edited 7 times in total


    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    ϟ The Girl Who Challenged Thunder ϟ Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
    Position : None
    Posts : 921
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor :
    Experience : 2475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: -
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    ϟ The Girl Who Challenged Thunder ϟ Empty Relationship Chart

    Post by Nero_ 31st March 2014, 7:58 am


    Ethan Ran Delt- +7
    Alexander Zenneth- +6
    Indar Blackshield- +6
    Iziel Susumu- +5
    Naziel Stormbringer- +5
    Priscilla Lorelei- +5
    Ebony Matsuna- +5
    Viola Purefoy- +4
    Rin- +4
    Raina Lynna Dawne Scylar- +4
    Augustus Remington- +4
    Aaron Kyros- +4
    Kichiro Yukine- +3
    Ayeseru Suzumoto- +1

    Lord Frederick- +1/ -1 (Indetermined)


    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    ϟ The Girl Who Challenged Thunder ϟ Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

      Current date/time is 6th June 2024, 6:11 am