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    Following the Gorgon Head


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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 12th February 2014, 8:26 am

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    Delvic stared up at the grotesque mural that had recently appeared in the streets of his soon to be home, Clover. He stared and winced at the brutal violence and disturbing imagery.  He had noticed them more and more in the past few days, spreading like a disease through the streets, and now even the guild master of Blue Pegasus, Shuhei had taken notice of the “artist”. He had even gone as far as leaving a job request at the guilds expense to find this tagger. Delvic had more than happily gone on this request, almost with a vendetta to carry out against the man who was desecrating his new home.

    Last edited by DelvicGrimoire on 26th September 2014, 8:25 am; edited 1 time in total

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Re: Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 18th February 2014, 2:04 pm

    Delvic turned from the mural in frustration, after so many weeks the vandal had left his mark all over Clover Town. Del had no clue where to begin when it came to catching the perpetrator. Delvic’s eyes wandered across the square where a strange figure seemed to duck around the corner. Delvic grinned believing that already he was on the chase. He ran across the square and down an ally way before coming face to face with another mural this one actually moved about with the face of a laughing mule, and the words “Not In, Try Again Later” painted in a vivid red on the wall. Del frowned and felt insulted, but now he knew he didn't have the element of surprise.

    Last edited by DelvicGrimoire on 18th February 2014, 2:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Re: Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by NPC 18th February 2014, 2:04 pm

    The member 'DelvicGrimoire' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Following the Gorgon Head NormalMonster

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Re: Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 19th February 2014, 7:21 am

    Delvic stormed from the ally and grumbled to himself, looking this way and that for the culprit. He felt eyes on him but couldn't pin down their location. Del calmed himself, trying to pinpoint his adversary, and breathed deeply using his strange “sight”. The rushing sensation always accompanied its use, a surge of energy and a pang of hunger.
    A young man stared at the boy through his binoculars laughing to himself as the kid came out of the ally way looking upset. He watched still laughing as the boy glanced around obviously irritated but then taking a breath stared right at him. The man jumped and looked back through only to see him still looking this way with a smile now on his face.

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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Re: Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by NPC 19th February 2014, 7:21 am

    The member 'DelvicGrimoire' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Following the Gorgon Head WeakMonster Following the Gorgon Head Boss

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Re: Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 19th February 2014, 10:26 am

    Delvic had caught sight of the so called artist, and grinned. His “blood sight” made hiding a useless endeavor. He watched as the culprit made a sudden dash from the roof a good 120 paces away from where he was now. Delvic laid chase immediately, but was suddenly surrounded by fluttering green pieces of paper. The crowd converged on him cutting off his pursuit. Delvic pushed his way through the greedy crowd, and looked about frustrated. He dashed off hot on the vandal’s trail. Delvic quickly closed ground on the “artist” who walked leisurely now certain that his trap had worked until he heard the footsteps of pursuit.

    Last edited by DelvicGrimoire on 19th February 2014, 10:37 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Re: Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by NPC 19th February 2014, 10:26 am

    The member 'DelvicGrimoire' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Following the Gorgon Head NormalMonster

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Re: Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 19th February 2014, 10:36 am

    The young man quickly whipped out his brushes and drew an image of him running down the alleyway and set it in motion. He then painted himself to match the wall and waited for the mage to walk on by. Delvic had slowly lost his “blood sight” and now moved more slowly. When he saw the figure dash around the corner beyond he stopped not wanting to fall behind, but remembering the trick he froze uncertain. Delvic waved his hands and whispering “Magicae Animant Infirmor” and willed a creature into being from the void. It dashed down the alley way only to come across a dead end. It turned around and heard the artists breathe catch. The creature hissed and stared at the wall backing away.

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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Re: Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by NPC 19th February 2014, 10:36 am

    The member 'DelvicGrimoire' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Following the Gorgon Head NormalMonster

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Re: Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 25th March 2014, 10:09 pm

    Delvic spun round to stare at the piece of blank wall. He looked back at his creation and then at the wall again this time noting the tiny dots that were in fact the artists eyes. A sudden flurry of paint splattered in all directions blinding the poor boy as the artist dashed away at his top speed. He stared behind him into the darkness breathing heavily now that he was cornered. The artist regretted nothing but was growing desperate as the sensation of his prior escape dropped off and the realization that he had been "this" close to capture sank in. He continued to run mind racing. He felt that he had missed something important and as he tripped he realized what it was. It was the afternoon... why was it dark?

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Re: Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 12th April 2014, 11:07 pm

    The artist turned to look behind him but saw only darkness. A cold sweat burst out from his skin as he gazed out into the darkness seeing false shadows dance across his eyes. He tore at the ground as he stumbled to his feet trying to escape and collided head long into a wall. The artist fell to the ground stunned as the light returned and Delvic came trotting around the corner. Delvic stopped and looked at the young man, he pulled a small puzzle from his pocket as he tried to think  . A grin crossed his small features as he moved to hoist the magician.

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Re: Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 23rd April 2014, 8:32 am

    Delvic struggled to drag the unconscious magician, pebbles giving way beneath his feet in a small back alleyway. Del yanked and tugged the larger man inches at a time across the ground. The small "demon" slunk about near by investigating the new world it existed in. Delvic finally plopped down on the ground in front of the "artist's" first mural. An image of a woman being viciously rapped by four men. Delvic frowned as he turned looking at the artist again and then broke out into a huge grin.

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Re: Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 23rd April 2014, 8:40 am

    The artist awoke a half hour later and found himself bound and dangling before his mural. Delvic watched the man struggle and stared up at him lightly. "Hey let me down you little bastard!" yelled the angry man. Delvic said nothing and just continued to watch coolly. "Are you deaf you little shit, let me down!" the man yelled again. "No" was all Del said in response. The older mage started to scream something about how it was against the law to hold someone like this against their will, he slowed somewhat when Delvic went around the corner and returned with a ladder. "That's better." said the "artist" with a look of triumph. Delvic clambered up to the level of the artist and stuffed a rag in his mouth when he tried to speak again.

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Following the Gorgon Head Empty Re: Following the Gorgon Head

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 23rd April 2014, 8:59 am

    The mage looked scared now and shut up. "That's better" mocked Delvic, "Now how to deal with you?" he said in a sadistic tone. The mage started to try to talk around his gag, and choked. Del slid softly down the ladder, and went again around the corner, this time carrying a painters pallet and a few small buckets of paint. "I don't have your skill," Del jeered as he climbed the ladder once again, brush in hand, "But I think I can improve this piece." He said smearing paint first on the wall and then the "artist" himself. The painter squirmed but had nowhere to run as Delvic slowly covered his masterpiece behind the childish works of fantasy, a unicorn and poorly drawn rainbows.

    A few hours later the guards arrived to the practically finger painted work of art with the center piece being the "artist"in the style of a classic clown, and the piece signed, "Delvic was here!"

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm