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    Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro]


    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
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    Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] Empty Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro]

    Post by Pandemonium4ever 16th January 2014, 6:18 pm

    Abigail had just arrived at the Magnolia train station all excited about being able to be a model for Sorcerer's Weekly. She brought Goop with her so she won't feel so alone. Heading to the the spot they're doing the photo shoot the entire time she was hugging her metal slime tightly out of nervousness due to this she tripped, but was saved by her slime stopping her from falling. "Thanks Goop I'm just so nervous that me of all people get to be in Sorcerer's Weekly." She said running to the East Forest. Once she arrived there she saw a group of six women waiting around. "Um excuse me is this the place for the Sorcerer's Weekly photo shoot?" She asked one of the women there. "Yeah, but I don't see why the let a kid like you in this and what is that disgusting thing you're carrying?." She said pointing out Abigail's height issue. "I'm nineteen and he isn't disguising he is my best friend." As she said that Goop hopped out of her arms and started to act buff. Abigail started to laugh at what he was doing before she picked him back up and he turned into the shape of a bracelet.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
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    Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] Empty Re: Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro]

    Post by Sukiro 16th January 2014, 6:56 pm

    "Yeah, but I don't see why the let a kid like you in this and what is that disgusting thing you're carrying?."

    One of the multiple women that who've already made it to the photo shoot at an earlier time, had spoke in disgust and annoyance toward the young girl. Placing her leg over the other and placing her arms underneath her chest she grunted in jealousy. Some of the other women agreed along with her, like a group of warriors fighting over their own territory in this kind of business.

    "Your the same just like that other girl that just came in. Just walked in and threw herself onto the ground and went to bed. That flabby mess and her little rodent."

    She shrieked once again before grunting and clicking her teeth, as she looked toward her right toward the only female that was laying on the ground on her back, with her head resting on a folded over coat. A large smile on her face possibly having a happy dream, as she pawed at the air as if trying to grab something that wasn't there. And a small cat sat beside her with his arms crossed and his eyes closed before he heard the women who continued to complain. Within seconds he opened his eyes and jumped onto his feet.

    "You madam, are obviously jealous of both this young women as well as my master's beauty! Though I'd understand with all that make up you have to place upon yourself just to get through the day, as well as those trashy rags you call clothing, you'd think that men your age would understand a waste of time when they see one, like I do."

    He quickly snapped at the women who he'd leave speechless as she had left her mouth open in surprise and offense. She turned around and left the area, with the other women suddenly following her as a group. Max turned back toward Mari who was a sleep, and begun to poke at her chest.

    "Master...Master. There's only you and another girl here, it'll be your turn soon, please wake up."

    He said as he continued to poke at her chest. She scuffled over to her side before scratching her eyes and grabbing Max before plunging him into her chest unable to breathe. Waking up she slowly lifted herself up, and looking around confused and drowsed.

    "I guess its our turn?"

    She said as she lifted herself from the ground, releasing Max and patting away at her rear end, removing dirt and grass.


    Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterBe a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] 1075957MagicBe a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 34
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aspect
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    Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] Empty Re: Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro]

    Post by Pandemonium4ever 16th January 2014, 9:18 pm

    Looking at the talking cat Abigail was surprised that he could talk. "Excuse me mister cat thank you for what you said back there." She said with a smile at him. Shortly after a man walked up to them. "Okay so we have Mari Windsor from Fairy Tail with her guest Max and from Lamia Scale we have Abigail Nightstalker and her guest Goop. Please follow me and I'll show you to the photo shoot" He said walking past them into the East Forest. Catching up with him Abigail was getting more and more nervous to the point that her walking became stiff. "Ma'am please try and relax otherwise it will be difficult for you to be in the photo shoot." He said after about five minutes of walking. "Y-Yes sir." She said still moving rather stiffly.

    They had arrived at the photo shoot site that turned out to be a clearing with a stream nearby. "Alright ladies you can choose what you like to wear, but the theme for starters is hired help and change behind those curtains. Oh and you mister max you'll be staying right over here with me during the photo shoot." He said pointing to the clothes then to the nearby curtain and finally at where max will be staying for the time being. The photographer was a woman which made Abigail glad and she started to calm down some. Looking through the clothes she found a butler suit that look really amazing and couldn't help herself but to try it on. After she changed she stood were she was supposed to waiting for the other person the change.
    how she looks in the butler suit:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] Empty Re: Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro]

    Post by Sukiro 17th January 2014, 4:00 pm

    "Excuse me mister cat thank you for what you said back there."

    Said the young women toward Max as he was dropped onto the ground and patted himself down removing the dust from his clothing as she watched the young women speak to her. She was so innocent that Max could feel a slight spark of warmth from her voice similar to Mari's but of course Mari's was much stronger and not just because of her magic. He bowed his head toward the young women, while Mari was already stripping herself still drowsy from her early awakening.

    "...It was a pleasure....Ma..Master not here!"

    He said before lifting himself up and ran toward Mari stopping her from lifting her shirt as the man in charge of everything came out and about. He called them both up for the photo shoot up for their turn, before returning to stand beside a female photographer. He explained that their going to be dressing up in clothing of "Hired Help". Mari stood beside Abigail with her finger on her lips as she thought of the subject and nodded her head.

    "Alrighty then. Lets get to work!"

    She shouted positively before throwing herself in the barrage of clothing that was hung nearby.

    "Alright ladies you can choose what you like to wear, but the theme for starters is hired help and change behind those curtains. Oh and you mister max you'll be staying right over here with me during the photo shoot."

    Max grunted as he stood right beside him with his arms crossed as he awaited for this job to be over. Once again he was dragged onto a job without his consent but was loyal to his master and didn't want to make a large fuss about it. Mari would look through the different types of clothing that they had up for them to use and the young women had already found what she wanted and changed before walking out. She dresses as a male butler but for her she really pulled it off, the slim outfit and dark colors brought out her eyes and made her hair much more bright then it already was. Mari was really interested and thought that she should dress in a similar fashion.

    Mari rose from the curtains wearing a maids outfit. A black top covered her entire stomach and chest, clipped behind her neck while revealing her back, wearing a white blouse with holding up her chest and tightened by strings on her back with white puffs on her arms. A frill skirt flowed against the wind with ever step she took, with plaid black and gray trims. She wore black thigh high leggings with and black heelless shoes. She twirled once before standing beside Abigail as she held a feather duster in one hand.

    The Manager would stare at both of them in "aww" as his mouth dropped from his jaw to the ground crushing the ground beneath him and making Max jump to the side in surprise.


    He shouted as he threw both hands outward with his thumbs thrown up so hard that he started to bleed as he ran around Mari and Abigail in their new attire staring at them and making sure everything was perfect. His nose would release steam as he got closer to both of them.

    "Abigail, is the spirit of youth! Young with long slender legs and such a darling face! With such smooth skin~ And Mari! So young but so plump! Her heaving chest, her large thighs and that round b..........Behagahga!"

    He shouted before struck upon by Max having flown onto his head and crushing it into the ground hoping for him to stop.

    "May you please continue before this man...does anything inappropriate."

    Max spoke to the photographer.


    Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterBe a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] 1075957MagicBe a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 34
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aspect
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    Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] Empty Re: Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro]

    Post by Pandemonium4ever 17th January 2014, 5:28 pm

    The director was walking around them and saying stuff that was kinda embarrassing to hear because it was getting really pervy. She hid behind Mari out of impulse until Max slammed the director's head into the ground. "Goop mind helping out here?" Abigail said as Goop went and wrapped around the director as Max started to drag him off. "Sorry about him I'll keep him on a tighter leash from here on." She said as she started to adjust the camera for the shoot. Standing in their places Abigail was holding a tray with a few empty glasses on it (thankfully the were plastic).

    "Alright ladies the next one is your choice of an animal girl suit." The photographer said to them after taking a few different pictures. Going through the different costumes Abigail found a classic bunny girl suit and was a little hesitant of wearing it until the she saw goop giving a slime thumb up. She took a deep breath and changed into it and carefully walked out blushing heavily.
    "I-I hope this is okay on me." She muttered to herself as she started to become a bright red.


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] Empty Re: Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro]

    Post by Sukiro 18th January 2014, 11:26 am

    The photographer took multiple photo's of both of them together, holding out their plate and feather duster. While others single photo's of them in different poses. And it wasn't something that was easy to do. Posing for the camera was very nerve wrecking and it takes a lot of patience before getting the right images. After awhile taking images, they stopped for a bit while the photographer allowed them to get a change of clothes that was their choice of animal.

    Abigail quickly went behind the curtains in attempt to quickly change into something else. Mari walked into the fray of clothing and stared at them intensely before picking them herself. She watched as Abigail picked a bunny suit before changing and head out once again. Mari however was having a hard time deciding on what to wear before finally found something that caught her eye. Throwing off her maid out fit she'd quickly get changed into her new attire.

    Exiting the curtains she revealed herself in a sheep outfit, fluffy and cuddly just like she is herself. Wearing a fluffy corset with an open back and long fluff sleeves that extended to her biceps. With very short fluff pants and puffy leg warmers she'd pounced beside Abigail, pawing at her small horns that she wore on top of her head.


    Mari said with her arms up pawing at the air. The photographer glistened before throwing the camera in her face and quickly begun taking photo's.


    Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterBe a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] 1075957MagicBe a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 34
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aspect
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    Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] Empty Re: Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro]

    Post by Pandemonium4ever 30th January 2014, 12:25 pm

    The photographer took several pictures of them in different poses that were a bit embarrassing to Abigail, but Mari wasn't embarrassed one little bit. Taking a step to the side she tripped and landed on top of Mari as the photographer quickly took more pictures. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." She said as she bowed. "Alright ladies you two can take a ten minute break while I get some more film. You two are going to have a massive increase of fans after this issue." She said before walking off. While they were changing into their clothes for the break Abigail tried starting a conversation. "S-So what's it like being in Fairy Tail?" She asked in the middle of changing. When she looked over at Mari she saw the big difference between them and it was rather obvious. she was almost twice her size. The only question she could think of was how did she get them so big?

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] Empty Re: Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro]

    Post by Sukiro 30th January 2014, 3:45 pm

    As the photographer was taking her photos of them, Abigail would continue to flinch and scurry into a pose after another, being really shy and embarrassed. It made Mari chuckle every once in a while at the sight of it, Mari remembered when she was really shy back when she just join Fairy Tail. She'd take jobs alone rather then ask others for help, though when being surrounded by friends and lots of fun, she learned that everyone was in the same situation whatever it'd be, the only difference was when they'd be in it. Suddenly Abigail lost her balance and fell on top of Mari, pushing her back and fell down onto the ground. Pressing against Mari, she'd put her hands on her shoulders making sure that Abigail didn't get hurt.

    "Are you ok?"

    She asked, before a sudden loud noise similar to that of a steam boat being engaged would erupt from afar. The producer would blow large amounts of steam from his nose as he begun to lift himself up as if a zombie, before throwing his arms forward with his thumbs thrown so back that they break off the bone. His eyes were large hearts that would beat in and out from his head as his speed increase and dashed toward the photographer, grabbing her camera and continuously spam the button as he took photo's of them on the ground on top of each other.


    He would shouted while buckets of drool would fall from his mouth as he ran in place when suddenly a leg would sitck out from nowhere. The producer obviously not looking would run directly into the leg and get struck, sending him to fall onto the ground while throwing the camera in the air before being caught by the photographer.

    "Oi...don't touch the camera..."

    She spoke in a dark tone as she looked down onto him in a dark silhouette with red eyes glaring at him, before Max in the same profile walked beside her glaring at him. Second after the producer was left beside a tree, beaten to a pulp.

    "Alright ladies you two can take a ten minute break while I get some more film. You two are going to have a massive increase of fans after this issue."

    The photographer said before heading toward her large bag that held all of her equipment and extra film. Abigail and Mari went back into the changing tent of theirs as they begun to remove their costumes.

    "S-So what's it like being in Fairy Tail?"

    Abigail asked in a frantic and nervous tone toward Mari who had her thumbs swiftly placed through her fluffy pants before stopping to remove them. She started to laugh at the question at had just by thinking about it, would bring back the memories.

    "Lets see, well there are tons of parties, almost one everyday actually. But everyone in the guild is friendly...sometimes to friendly, you get use to it though. When people aren't on jobs we just hang around the guild hall and listen to anyone who wishes to sing on the stage as well as talk about future plans.

    As for me, I usually just sleep the day away unless I'm running low on funds, just bored or a guildie needs some help. Things for me gotten a lot more hectic from the first time I stepped into Fairy Tail.

    But what about you, hows Lamia Scale? I don't remember taking a job with anyone from that guild."

    She spoke in awe over her own guild before becoming curious about Abigails guild as well, while looking at her back with her guild insignia.


    Be a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterBe a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] 1075957MagicBe a Model![pandemonium4ever, Sukiro] 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 3:28 am