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    Cheesecake Contest!

    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    Cheesecake Contest! Empty Cheesecake Contest!

    Post by Aria Beleren 1st February 2014, 11:06 pm

    It had been a while since Kyll had been to Magnolia. The place was repaired pretty fast after the whole kerfuckle with Warden. She was attending a cooking competition. This was going to be her 20th blue ribbon and feature to the Sorcerer's Magazine as reigning champion in the Mage's Cooking Chapter. She looked at all of the other cakes there. They were decorated rather beautifully and her was rather plain compared to them all. However, she knew she was going to win because she never used magic with her cakes, cookies, or even other foods. She always made her food with love. However, there was one person that stood in the way of her blue ribbon. The judge. She stood at her booth and smiled happily as the judge came to her. "Why hello sir! How are you today?"

    The judge scratched his white beard. He wore a white hat with a matching three piece suit and laughed as he saw Kyll again. "Well if it isn't Kyll Vie! Back again for another ribbon right?" He laughed and looked at her colorful cheesecake. "Looks like you made another masterpiece!" The man took the knife off her table and sunk it into the cake. It cut through like butter. He took the piece and put the slice on a plate and surveyed it. The center was violet leading all the way out to a red shell like coating of cheesecake. "Kyll, how did you make this?"

    Kyll smiled happily. "Well.. it's a normal cheesecake, but I took several bowls and placed food coloring in them to make the rainbow. I didn't want to over do anything with flavor. Mainly because it's rich on it's own. Oh and instead of flour to thicken the cream cheese and eggs I used corn starch. I don't like flour in my cheesecake. I guess it makes thing rather thick and hard to use. Also, the graham cracker crust has all the gluten you'll need in it."

    The judge took a fork from the table and then placed it in the cake taking a bite. He smiled happily and blushed. He giggled like a school girl and smiled looking upon Kyll. "It looks like we have another winner this year..." He nodded and placed the blue ribbon on Kyll's booth and took the cheesecake. "It's so light and fluffy. It's not rich at all. Your cakes are always such perfection and they always make me happy. What's your secret?"

    Kyll shook her head. "There is no secret, sir. You just have to NOT use magic. It's not easy and it IS rather slow, but you make all the best things around with out using magic." Kyll smiled happily. "Also... I tend to whip everything by hand. It's a bit of a chore, but I love the moment of zen I get."

    The judge laughed and walked away thinking what she said was absurd. "Well... now what?" Kyll looked at the cake and sighed. She picked it up and took her blue ribbon. "I could give it to Fairy Tail. I haven't really met anyone there. I bet they would love it." Just then the Sorcerer's Magazin photographer stopped at her booth. She looked at him and immediately put the plate down. "Would you like some?"

    "OF COURSE! YOUR FOOD IS ALWAYS THE BEST!" The photographer said and took a photo of her cake then a photo of Kyll with the ribbon. He smiled and grabbed up a plate of her cake and looked at her. "What's your secret Kyll? You've taken the title of Greatest Cook by a landslide. What do you do?"

    Kyll smiled happily as he took the photo of Kyll again. "I don't use magic... Magic makes food seem so artificial and you don't put your heart into the food." Kyll sighed. Of course this article was just going to have her quote, but never a picture of her. "Do you know anyone in Fairy Tail I could give this to?"

    The photographer shook his head in reply. "No I do not Miss Vie, but I'm certain you'll run into somebody here."

    Kyll smiled happily. "Well.. The Universe did tell me to bring candied flower petals again. I have a feeling I'll find out why later on." She looked up at the sky. It was so sunny. She waited for more people to come by her booth for another sample of her cheesecake. Kyll did really want to give these to SOMEONE who would appreciate it.


    Sir Leonard
    Sir Leonard

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    Cheesecake Contest! Empty Re: Cheesecake Contest!

    Post by Sir Leonard 2nd February 2014, 12:20 am

    It was a bright and cloudy day today in Magnolia, a perfect day for the annual Cake Contest held at the park. Leonard walked happily as he turned his head, viewing the exquisite cakes prepared by many different people all across Fiore. And as expected, his reputation preceded him and people would approach him holding small plates with a slice of their cake and a fork on it. All Leonard could do was give them a big smile and say "Oh no thank you, I had my full of cakes today. However, I'm truly sorry I wasn't able to try yours." politely. But these people insisted that Leonard take their beautiful creations and so they would all place them in to-go containers. And for the first time, he had something to haul back to the hall because it was his first time to reject cakes like that. Unlike the past years where he would eat every cake shoved right in his face until he couldn't take it anymore. This year was different, he was saving his stomach up for a very special cake, one he hadn't a try due to he couldn't reach the end of the long line of tables. Leonard would only reach the half point before giving up on eating.

    Surprisingly, Leonard was already like Santa Claus, dragging around a big sack full of cakes in to-go containers. He was shocked to see that there were more participants this year. And with the weight he was carrying, he couldn't take a single step easily or without messing up a table, toppling things down. It made Leonard close his eyes and frown in disappointment, at this rate, he won't be able to reach the special cake that always wins the blue ribbon.

    But suddenly, he felt a familiar magical energy. It was close, he opened his eyes and there was a member of Fairy Tail that had teleportation magic. He called up to him waving his hands and shouting[color=#6699FF]"Hey! Over here!"[color] The man turned and looked to him. And once he got an idea who was calling him he quickly teleported to Leonard's side and asked "Hey Leo, wow you got a huge load there, need a hand?" cheerfully. Leonard gave him a warm smile and nodded and said "Matter of fact I do, here, take this sack and teleport it to the hall. Make sure to share it with everyone." The mage gladly took the sack by where its tie and teleported out, leaving Leonard free of any luggage and able to continue his walk.

    Finally he reached the end of the long line of tables, he turned his head from side to side looking for the special cake. It must have been awarded the blue ribbon by now so he just has to look for that.

    He then heard giggles and shouts coming from one side, it was the photographer from Sorcerer Magazine, declaring something to be the best. That must be what Leonard was looking for. He hurried to the area and there he found a simple cheesecake and the woman responsible for it, already awarded with the blue ribbon. He approached the beautiful woman and said cheerfully like child "Ah you must be the baker of this special cake that wins the blue ribbon all the time! Oh I've heard so much about your cakes and I always wanted to try it! May I have a slice?"


    Cheesecake Contest! 60684_s
    Cheesecake Contest! 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:
    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
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    Cheesecake Contest! Empty Re: Cheesecake Contest!

    Post by Aria Beleren 3rd February 2014, 11:01 pm

    Kyll smiled happily. "Why certainly young mage!" Kyll grabbed the knife and cut a slice of the bright colored cheesecake. "Yes... I do win the ribbon all the time, but the Sorcerer's Magazine people here always seem to cover just the FOOD I cook, not me." Kyll giggled happily. The closed eyes mage looked the new comer up and down. "Say I seem to recall someone of your stature before. Pretty famous guild leader of Fairy Tail... What was his name..." Kyll put a finger on her chin, she couldn't quite remember the names she had read about all the time. Kyll's memory was only set aside for spells, recipes, and her own history. Not names of those she never had met in person. "I'm sorry, I know your face, but I don't know your name."


    Sir Leonard
    Sir Leonard

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Have an Admin as a friend!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 2628
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
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    Mentor : Eorlund Gray-Mane (Dead)
    Experience : 1,375,256

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    Cheesecake Contest! Empty Re: Cheesecake Contest!

    Post by Sir Leonard 8th February 2014, 12:19 am

    With a big smile on his face, Leonard gladly accepted the cake handed to him. He struck the cheesecake with the fork and lifted it up, placing it inside his mouth. The cake brought him to heaven as he closed his eyes in pure delight as he tastes the cake. It was very sweet and delicious it had aver rich flavor that he'd like to savor in every bite, he didn't even noticed he finished the whole thing. He actually wanted more, but he believed it to be rude.

    "Well they should! Given how heavenly your cake is." he replied with conviction and hoped the reporter from Sorcerer Magazine heard them. Then there was a slight pause in their conversation as the woman observed Leonard, recalling who he was. Knowing that, Leonard looked down and scratched his head Sigh... This reputation of mine is getting me into a lot of popularity lately. I can't spend most of the day alone anymore. When the lady asked who he was, he immediately replied "You've heard of me, I'm Leonard Dragonbane. Former 'Guardian' or 'Father' of the members of Fairy Tail." he said politely, placing the plate on the table and reaching his hand out for a handshake, accompanied by a question asking "And you are?"

    Leo's Total Thread WC: 787
    (As calculated by Nessa)


    Cheesecake Contest! 60684_s
    Cheesecake Contest! 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:30 pm