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    A new demon emerges [Open to Savage Skull members only!]


    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Demon Slayer- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 298
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Loros the Ice Demon/ Gideon Faust
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Endless Hunger Magic
    Third Skill:

    A new demon emerges [Open to Savage Skull members only!] Empty A new demon emerges [Open to Savage Skull members only!]

    Post by Faust 2nd December 2013, 1:27 pm

    A flash of lightning lit up the room in the old guild’s building. A storm was brewing outside Faust was inside the dry guildhall killing time. He had found himself in the rather large library of the guild. Many books were found here, most of the books were of a dark nature in both magic and stories. He had been cooped up inside most of the day and now that a storm was taking over the night it seems he would be forced to stay indoors. He let out a sigh and turned away from the window walking back towards the small group of candles that illuminated his reading area. Few books were scattered on the large, long oak table that Faust had made home these past few hours. He had forgone the table’s original wooden chairs for a plusher one that he found in the corner of the massive room.

    He had been rather aloof from the rest of the guild members since joining the elite dark guild. He was a proud member of an exclusive group of seven dark mages. He had joined the guild knowing that it would be a great place to network and gain strong allies and grow in his magical ways. He had few passing conversations with people but nothing that actually held any significance, he rarely crossed paths with any of them in the large guild especially since he was always locked up in the library. He had been reading on the history of Fiore mainly, learning everything to know about this country and what kind of of state it was in. The guild was known for spreading chaos and destruction across Fiore it seemed, though now that it was restarting from the ground up its power was limited. Faust hoped to one day use his own powers to help the guild spread its destruction and chaos across the world.

    He looked down at the large, leather bound book that was laying on the table. The candle light illuminated a few ancient pictures drawn on the pages along with several words in a language that had been lost to mankind for a few hundred years. The book was rather dry and dull and for the past thirty minutes had been nearly putting Faust to sleep. He slammed the book shut causing a puff of dust to fly out while at the same time blowing out one of the candles around him, lowering the lightning in the area slightly. He fell back into the chair with a limb body and a sigh. He rubbed the brim of his eyes right at the top of his nose reliving some pain from the strain of reading in the dark. He was bored of reading and the library and actually hoped to cross paths with his guild mates and have a decent conversation.


    A new demon emerges [Open to Savage Skull members only!] Faust1_by_gramcrackers-d75cx2d
    Total Experience: 750
    Experienced needed for next rank: 3000
    Character Profile
    Ice Demon Slayer Magic
    Endless Hunger Magic
    Bank Account

    Faust's Themes:
    Grimoire Zancrow
    Grimoire Zancrow

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 82
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : Uzumaki Naruto
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Paths of Oblivion
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    A new demon emerges [Open to Savage Skull members only!] Empty Re: A new demon emerges [Open to Savage Skull members only!]

    Post by Grimoire Zancrow 2nd December 2013, 7:19 pm

    The storm brewed outside the old building of the infamous dark guild, Savage Skull. The building itself had started to rot, having been in existence way before the guild was even created. The drops of wild rain smashed against the roof of the building, making loud creaky noise as the wooden surface of the roof made contact with harsh rain drops. Lightning struck here and there, and while they cause fright to the people experiencing the same storm, they also cause excitement to those whose bravery level was way out of an ordinary man’s league. There was no sign of the storm calming down, each lightning strike companied by a loud shout of thunder. It was wild outside, the wind blew not as gentle as it usually was when it was sunny outside. The dark, black clouds covered the whole blue sky, making it dark enough for people to think that it was nighttime already, despite the fact that it was only 11.30 am at the moment.

    Dark, silent footsteps approached the old building’s huge, enormous wooden doors with a brass knob, which was as big as a man’s head. The man was shadowy in nature, the darkness outside making it hard to identify the silent, mysterious silhouette of a man. The rain dropped onto the man countless times, wetting him with drops of water that came from everywhere, the river, the pond, and maybe the sewer itself. It was rather cold, the sunlight obviously didn’t reach the earth’s wet surface, and the wind blows were too outraging to stand against for normal humans. Sturdy, metal pierced hand started putting its touch onto the wooden door, pushing it with sheer force to go against the weight the pull of gravity caused onto the doors. A loud, noisy and long creak echoed in the empty hall of the guild, no one was present at the time. Maybe they were busy with jobs, or just loafing around back home, or anything. The hall was darker than how it was outside, and the fact that the man couldn’t see anything after 3 metres from him really annoyed him. It was pitch black, just like how an abandoned house would be at night.

    There was a faint source of light, which was coming from a lit candle. It was faint, and the only thing it could enlighten was someone or something not far from 1 metre radius. The source of light intrigued the silhouetted man’s interest, approaching the source of light as he tried his best not to hit anything while he walked. The storm outside was too noisy and loud, even the squeaks of filthy rats living inside the aged building cannot be heard, which they usually could be. The candle was lit and put on a wooden table, books of old surrounding it. They were all dusty and some had started rotting, for a long time had not been taken away from the huge shelves around the hall. Wondering whoever might be interested in such books, the man walked closer to the candle, killing the silhouette the man was in. He was a man with orange colored hair, purple eyes with a black dot in the middle, and noticeable numerous piercings on his face. There was no smile on him, the straight lips making no expression at all. The black cloak he wore bore a red cloud on it as the sole design, while the rest being purely black in color. Pain, or as his name was, flipped open one of the books, noticing a man near him. He was resting on a fluffy chair, and maybe the storm’s noise was too loud for him to hear Pain’s silent approach. Unfortunately, one of the mountains of books decided to wake the man up, falling exactly next to the man’s chair, making loud stomps as it reached the floor, the pull of gravity helping the mountain of books to make noise loud enough to alarm the man. “Hmph..” A sound slid out of the man’s lips, as purple eyes shifted their focus towards the man, wondering if he would be awake after such noise.

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Demon Slayer- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 298
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Loros the Ice Demon/ Gideon Faust
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Endless Hunger Magic
    Third Skill:

    A new demon emerges [Open to Savage Skull members only!] Empty Re: A new demon emerges [Open to Savage Skull members only!]

    Post by Faust 2nd December 2013, 8:40 pm

    As Faust sat there rubbing his eyes his nose and ears were able to pick up on the presence of a new person. You see Faust was the Ice Demon Slayer and the biological son of the Ice Demon, Loros. His senses were on levels that were incomparable to an average human, even animal’s senses were only a fraction of his total skill. As the man approached Faust he slightly brought up his guard, the scent was slightly unfamiliar but Faust believed he had possibly smelted the man’s scent lingering in the guild hall before. As the man stopped and made a ”Hphm…” sound causing Faust to open his eyes. His bright icy blue eyes flickered off the flame’s light staring at it for a brief moment before glancing over towards the direction of the man. Even in the dim light he was able to make out the orange hair and the reflection of the metallic objects on his face. The most interesting thing though was the man’s purple eyes. Faust stood up from the chair and leaned over gathering the books that toppled over with the man’s approach. “Evening.”

    That was all that Faust said at first. He stood at the man trying to get a better grasp on the man’s scent and figure in the dark. He was trying to memorize the face, break down the posture and habits, he was giving this man a quick scan trying to learn anything about him. After a moment of silence Faust spoke up again. “What brings you to the library at this hour of the night?”


    A new demon emerges [Open to Savage Skull members only!] Faust1_by_gramcrackers-d75cx2d
    Total Experience: 750
    Experienced needed for next rank: 3000
    Character Profile
    Ice Demon Slayer Magic
    Endless Hunger Magic
    Bank Account

    Faust's Themes:

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 11:08 am