Fairy Tail RP

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    ~ Starlight, Starbright ~


    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 20
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    ~ Starlight, Starbright ~ Empty ~ Starlight, Starbright ~

    Post by Faize 12th January 2014, 1:02 pm

    On a beautiful winter's night when the sky is clear and the stars are a plenty, it is said that legends are born on the prestigious mountain that holds the immaculate Blue Pegasus Guildhall. The famous come seeking grandeur, and the unknown come seeking fame. But there is always that one person that doesn't want the money, the attention, nor the perks of the two. They just want a...


    This would be one such night. All was silent and ambient inside the grand pavilion that was the main hall of the Blue Pegasus grounds, but something odd could be seen in the waters of the various fountains dotting the building. The dazzling reflection of the night sky on their crystal waters reflected as something bright in the sky seemed to be getting... bigger. At first, it was just the odd twinkle of the star that could be seen but as time passed the average onlooker could see that this celestial object was not only getting brighter, it was getting bigger as well.


    High in the sky above Clover, what looked like a shooting star was blazing through the night sky. The shining mass powered forth in a odd straight line but as the massive orb of light seemed to get closer to the nautic city of Clover, the light's trajectory seemed to tilt ever so slightly downwards. The sky opened in the light's wake as it seemed to have made up it's mind and shot for the highest point in Clover.

    The Blue Pegasus Guildhall.


    Back on the ground, people who were awake or outside were beginning to take notice of the growing object that was flaring towards them. Some figured it might just be apart of some spell the theatrical mages were putting on at the theater hall. But some also didn't like how the light seemed to be growing more and more intense with every passing minute. If a mage looked at the growing mass of light, a peculiar feeling would overcome their senses. They would swear they felt magic of some kind, but of the oddest variety. Whatever this thing was, it certainly was bound to get someone's attention.


    ~ Starlight, Starbright ~ 105d005

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:17 am