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    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council |

    Skylar Frost
    Skylar Frost

    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 45
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Self-Taught
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Telekinesis Magic
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    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Empty Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council |

    Post by Skylar Frost 24th September 2013, 3:05 pm

    ✖  YOU'RE LIKE ICE. I - C - E - Y.
    Feels so nice, scorching me. You're so hot, hot. Baby, your love is so hot, hoooot!



    For once in awhile, the Spooky Forest wasn't so spooky. The sky overhead was bright and clear. Completely void of any clouds at all. The air was crisp and light while the sunlight from the heavens was shining down in beautiful wide bands. Perfect weather for a ride in a convoy.

    A four wagon detail of the highest mobile magical security that money could buy was toddling along a predetermined path through the forest of Spooks. From a distance, the setup looked imposing, but up close it was downright unnerving. Posted around and in front of every wagon was a massive kind of man that looked like he could break down an oak tree with his bare hands. In links between these men were sturdy-looking men in thin magical armor with the symbol of the Rune Knights glinting in the sunlight. In the middle of the four wagons, there sat a roofed enclosure that was being pulled by two magnificent black and white horses. This wagon had only a silken set of curtains separating it from the outside world. Whenever a perverse wind swept over the group, the curtains would flutter ever so slightly. Two silhouettes could be seen sitting inside this luxurious enclosure. One, the strapping frame of a man that held obvious power. The other, the slim build of a woman who held formidable power herself.

    The sounds around the path the group was following were next to silent. So image the faces of the men around them when the "mind"-stimulating sound of a female squealing could be heard from behind the silk curtains. The eyes of almost every man widened a bit as their faces reddened. Ah, the stresses of work.

    "You're so good at this!", the same voice from before called out from behind the curtains. One could only imagine what was going through the heads of those poor Rune Knights at that moment. At that very moment, a strong stray wind rocked through the convoy and sent the curtains sprawling through the air, revealing the two silhouettes inside.

    The first was the epitome of mysteriousness, the Magic Councilman Kairi Yushima. Better known as Steigmaz Yoverin. The woman across from him was probably the most sociable Councilwoman of all time, Skylar Frost. The amount of magic power both held was immense. The amount of influence they held was even greater. Skylar looked over to Kairi and sighed as she set down her chess piece. "I can't beat you! No matter how hard I try!" Skylar's strawberry blonde hair flitted back and forth gently in the wind as she sat on the cushioned floor of their wagon.


    Sometimes the best love...
    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Tumblr_n9m5z9CbkJ1sgiwtko1_500
    ...is the one that is lost.
    Steigmaz Yoverin
    Steigmaz Yoverin

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 70
    Guild : Magic Council
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dark Recreation: Eternal Subordination
    Second Skill: Absolute Seith Magic
    Third Skill:

    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Empty Re: Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council |

    Post by Steigmaz Yoverin 26th September 2013, 7:51 pm

    "You are fairly kind dear councilwoman Frost, however it is simply luck that I beat someone of your exotic brilliance. You do not give yourself enough credit." He spoke in a soft tone towards the beautiful being. His eyes watched her carefully, he spent some time analyzing her reactions and she brought him a form of joy that was completely controlled. He was happy here, simply playing this board game with a person who gave him no reason to fear her intentions. Quickly realizing that he was letting his guard down, and yet doing absolutely nothing about it. How odd.

    He gave no cause for concern, making sure he didn't give off that threatening vibe he typically produced. Which was a good thing because it might of scared away the bandits whom had made their nest nearby. Moving through the shrubbery, they could be heard. Much to the concern of the Rune Knights. They were not scheduled to stop advancement, but it was beginning to become tense. In only a second noises could be heard outside of the caravan, which came to a complete stop. One of the rune knights had been assaulted heavily, and five bandits sprang forth, charging. They must of figured this caravan only held goods.

    The truth of the matter was anything but this. Realizing that something was wrong he looked towards his councilwoman and reached forward. Taking her hand gently and raising it to his mouth, softly his plump lips placed a kiss upon it. With a warm smile he spoke to her. "It would appear that we have some uninvited guests. I wonder what they are after, or where they come from. But this seems to be connected to those reports we gathered a few months back, do you agree?" He questioned her neatly.

    Due to the low numbers, it was clear that more were around here somewhere. Making this a distraction unit, Kairi was unsure of what to do or say, however he looked at the female once more and then exited the cart. "Join whenever you feel the need." He spoke to her as an equal, a rarity even among the council members. He was after-all quite the disrespectful chap. He did what he wanted, when he wanted, and that was true of all actions. His blade made sure of this, it had already severed into the spines of three hapless crooks, unknowingly. They were dead before he even spoke. "Why, hello there Gentlemen."

    Last edited by Steigmaz of Desierto on 26th September 2013, 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Omega2_by_gramcrackers-d610coh

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Empty Re: Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council |

    Post by NPC 26th September 2013, 7:51 pm

    The member 'Steigmaz of Desierto' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | NormalMonster Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | WeakMonster Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | WeakMonster Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | NormalMonster Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | NormalMonster


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Attack Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Attack Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Attack Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Miss Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Miss


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Attack Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Attack Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Miss Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Attack Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Attack
    Skylar Frost
    Skylar Frost

    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 45
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Self-Taught
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Telekinesis Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Empty Re: Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council |

    Post by Skylar Frost 28th September 2013, 7:45 am

    ✖  YOU'RE LIKE ICE. I - C - E - Y.
    Feels so nice, scorching me. You're so hot, hot. Baby, your love is so hot, hoooot!



    The councilwoman smiled sweetly over to the man across from her. She honestly didn't know what all the fuss was about when it came to Councilman Kairi. She knew he was immensely powerful. It was kind of a job requirement. She knew he had his own goals and means to get to them. Another job requirement. It was weird, to be exact. Skylar was quite used to people treating her differently than they would others. Whether it be because she's a woman, because she's rich, because she's a damn good drinker. However, she did not sense these feelings of...strained kindness from Kairi. Either he was a very good actor or he genuinely enjoyed being here at this moment. She hoped that he did. He seemed to be the most fun of all the Council members. Harland was much too grumpy, and he talked more than she did. The Chairman was much too busy all the time and his icy demeanor got old sometimes, and then there was Slaine. He was just...never there.

    Kairi was the only man who seemed relatable to Skylar.

    The Empress of Frost sensed the other individuals about the same time as Kairi did. Her grey eyes watched as one of the weaker Knights was overwhelmed and beaten by a couple of bandits. The poor chap. Skylar moved a lock of hair out of her eyes and put her chin in her palm. A part of her wanted to see how this would play out, but it seemed her colleague had a different, much more interesting idea. The blonde smiled a little and nodded to Kairi. She watched closely as he flawlessly took out three bandits before his feet even touched the ground. And the quip at the end was just as dashing as his swordsmanship.

    The woman waved the closest Knight to her over. The man saluted to her and asked what she needed. "Circle around Councilman Kairi and tend to our wounded man. And make sure no one interferes with Kairi. He doesn't need the help", she ended that last sentence on a matter of fact note. She looked back to the Councilman with a pleased smile. She meant what she said. He needed no help with these magots. His skill surpassed theirs like the distance between the two oceans.

    While Kairi toyed with the poor fools, Skylar called another aid to her side and asked him for the reports about this area. As she skimmed through them, she nodded to herself. It seemed Kairi had called it impeccably. "So there is a intellect under all that muscle. Interesting!" Skylar's thoughts resonated on her face. She was pleased.

    But maybe a change of plans was in the works.

    Skylar handed the report back to the aid. The woman hooked a finger into her sleeve and then pulled out a black band. The band expanded at her touch. She held it loosely in her hands as she stood up and stretched lazily. "And Shard told me this might be boring...", the woman muttered to herself as she slipped the band into her hair and pulled it up and forward into a ponytail. Skylar had on a pair of tight dark blue jeans, black flats, and a navy blue and white striped t-shirt. The Councilwoman disappeared from sight and reappeared next to Kairi.

    The last two bandits fell over, dead as well.

    Kairi was probably the only one that had seen what she had done. She had moved behind the last two and hit them with a small but precise telekinetic pulse to the base of their necks. It had killed one of the bandits instantly, but the second one was a bit more tenacious. However, Skylar wasn't in a merciful mood when it came to evil men. Before he could even react, she raised her foot up to the side of his head and projected a oscillating telekinetic spike that pounded into him instantly. She had pulled back before any of his dirty blood got on her foot.


    She wrapped an arm around one of Kairi's broad and powerful shoulders. "Wanna go have to some fun?", she said to him with a smirk. The gesture was adorable and she hoped he would say yes. If he did, the bandits population in the area was about to fall drastically.

    Last edited by Skylar Frost on 28th September 2013, 7:56 am; edited 2 times in total


    Sometimes the best love...
    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Tumblr_n9m5z9CbkJ1sgiwtko1_500
    ...is the one that is lost.

    Posts : 23944
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    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Empty Re: Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council |

    Post by NPC 28th September 2013, 7:45 am

    The member 'Skylar Frost' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Attack Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Miss


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Attack Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Attack
    Steigmaz Yoverin
    Steigmaz Yoverin

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 70
    Guild : Magic Council
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dark Recreation: Eternal Subordination
    Second Skill: Absolute Seith Magic
    Third Skill:

    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Empty Re: Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council |

    Post by Steigmaz Yoverin 26th October 2013, 4:09 pm

    Steigmaz Yoverin
    Wallow In Despair
    I will embrace the light for it shows me the way;
    yet I cherish the darkness for it shows me the stars".



    He rose the blade upwards for a moment, placing his hands upon it gently and wiping. Kairi wasn't surprised by the female's grace or tenacity in battle. She had been chosen to be on the council for a reason. It was exciting to see what the female had on display, she seemed to use a magic that was quite rare, even though its concept seemed extremely practical. Kairi might not of been surprised but he was absolutely impressed. Without making so much as a word of her actions to the knights whom surrounded him. He contradicted his ally without hesitation.

    "I will no longer be needed assistance, keep the carriage safe young warriors. I shall be heading deeper into the woods with my lovely peer. If we are not back before nightfall, continue the mission." His words came out with authority and confidence. He was very aware of the power he contained within him, and made no effort to hide it. He had a swagger unlike any other he had known. Moving forward, with the female on his arm he kept a very relaxed pace, traversing into the thicket of trees before him. He was mesmerized by the female's expertise.

    He took his time, he was after-all not the type of person whom rushed things. He decided that the best course of action to take with this powerful and bodacious counterpart was to discuss things of a serious nature. Flirting aside, and he did appreciate it, he was not the kind of guy to let his emotions be on display. So he was quick to change the subject. "Madame, it is a pleasure to spend some time together. I shall enjoy this. However, I wonder what lies beyond. I think we may be onto something. I just can not remember what exactly it entails. Due mostly to your overwhelming beauty."

    The male's hand dipped during his statement, and rested upon the small of her back, barely over the brim of her posterior. He was gentle, and didn't overshoot the friendliness. He pulled her close to him for a moment and then completely came to a stop. They stood together, out of view of everyone around them. His hand raised slightly and he brushed her hair. "Excuse me, however there are people watching us. I do not want to arouse suspicion. I'm sure you detected them as well. They shall know despair." What a timely excuse.


    Last edited by Steigmaz Yoverin on 26th October 2013, 5:19 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Omega2_by_gramcrackers-d610coh

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | Empty Re: Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council |

    Post by NPC 26th October 2013, 4:09 pm

    The member 'Steigmaz Yoverin' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | NormalMonster Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | StrongMonster Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | NormalMonster Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | WeakMonster Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | NormalMonster Ever Fake Your Own Death? | By Seats of the Council | NormalMonster

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