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    Castle Vanita

    ~ Lady of Midnight ~
    ~ Lady of Midnight ~

    Endless Abyss

    Endless Abyss

    Moderator- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 591
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : The Stars
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cosmic Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Castle Vanita Empty Castle Vanita

    Post by ~ Lady of Midnight ~ 8th September 2013, 7:04 pm

    Castle Vanita Castle10

    Castle Vanita - Stronghold of Ascended Satyr

    Description: Castle Vanita, a marvelous castle located on the face of Divide Island's East facing mountain side, overlooking the glittering sea every morning and the warm sunset during the evening. It is the perfect combination of industry and magic meshed together in one, enormous structure, taking up the entire top half of the mountain. It took many builder's to carve out the "five-thousand" steps that it takes to reach the front, bronze gates of the castle, the only entrance. Not only is it beautiful, but it is also secure, having multiple towers adorning the edges around the outer walls with trap doors, allowing projectiles to be shot out at any angle. After the death of Ren Golde, who had been the owner of the castle, a shady mage named Lady Stonesoul had purchased the residence.

    The castle is also a lot like a small town, having its own power generation tower with countless amounts of lacrima furnaces being cooled and letting off environmental steam, while on the opposite side of the castle walls are where the members of Ascended Satyr reside if they do not want to purchase their own home. It has many rooms of similar looks, cleanly cut red carpet, relatively large marble bathrooms with mirrors, a television lacrima, a queen sized, four post bed, and a fully stocked bookshelf made from the finest spruce wood from the tundra of Fiore. Upon entering through a door made from the same kind of high quality material the bookcases are made of, you will find the bookshelf to your right hand side, against the wall at the corner. A few steps ahead, a bed will await with silky purple sheets lying on top, tucked and made by the staff every day. On the right wall of he room, there is a wooden armoire made of pure oak. At the center of the wall to the left hand side of you when you first enter, you will find a wooden frame like the one you just entered through, except it will hold a sliding door that features frosted glass.

    When you go through this door, to the immediate right you will be greeted by a granite sink with two golden handles and faucet. Over this, an elliptical mirror will be hung, free of any mistakes, cracks, impurities, you name it. Straight ahead once you enter will lie a large jacuzzi, capable of holding up to four people at once. The floor of the bathroom is nothing but light tiles, matching the overall 'light' theme of the room up to this point. Next to the large tub is a small shower that can hold up to two people comfortably at one time, for the members that bring "guests". This layout goes for every room in the residential tower, all eight floors have eight doors in their hallways, four on each side, all with soundproof walls, floors, and ceilings so they aren't disturbed by the other members.

    Now, as for the main tower that which is the one that sticks out the most from all three that make up the inner walls of the wonderous Castle Vanita. The entrance is a grand foyer, completely even on both sides with an enormous velvet carpet from the two large doors, similar, but thicker than the ones located at the top of the steps. All twenty five steps on both sides are crafted from the finest marble and have an equally as skillful craft, blending in perfectly with the steps. As for the carpet, it stretches from the entrance of the main tower and forks off in a perfect L shape both ways, before doing so again, arriving at the main staircase. This staircase leads to a mahogany balcony overlooking the entire entrance and, behind it, lies another set of doors, similar to the ones that you entered from.

    This set of doors leads to the grand dining room, the biggest room in all of the castle.  The carpet will be stretched out and forked again, much like in the main entrance, only it will cut around the table so that only the two long rows of leather chairs sit on it. At the head of the extremely long mahogany table will lie an exceptionally adorned chair for the guild master, and all who enter this room are informed that the chair cannot be sat on, except by Lady Stonesoul. Behind this "throne" will lie yet another set of doors that lead to Stonesoul's private quarters. Only she is allowed up there and those who are caught attempting to climb the hundred steps will be dealt with, severely.

    The hundred, quality crafted marble staircase is a spiral, to conserve space, and will lead to a balcony that shows all the steps and the central "circular" shape that would make those who fear heights quake in their footwear. This is the most lovely room in the house, with a golden frame to border the enchanted granite door, it will only respond to Stonesoul's magical energy, making it fruitless to attempt and break in. Upon entering, she will be greeted by a massive, masterfully painted mural of the blue sky, indistinguishable from the real thing. A few clouds will be blot on here and there, but that is to only add the depth that it needs to be so vivid. At the very center, far end of the room, against the wall will lie a four post bed with a white, silk tarp over it.

    All of the sheets of the bed will be jet black, contrasting with their own border of pure white, which is the color of the mattress itself, which feels as though you were laying on a cloud. To the right hand side of the room will be a small area dedicated to the practice of the violin, with a small stand holding the midnight black instrument with a matching stand with sheet music which the owner chooses. To the very left hand side will lie two bookshelves, side by side, carved from obsidian, but the backs lined in the red velvet that matches the carpets located in the dining room and foyer.  Behind the bed will lie two, symmetrical windows that Lady Stonesoul is able to "toggle" on and off at her will. These windows are special in the sense that they only exist where the owner wants them to. If Stonesoul wants them to only appear inside, she can do that, if she doesn't want any natural light, but still the appearance of windows, she can do this.

    If she wants them to be visible from the inside and outside, they will act like normal windows, people being able to see in and her able to see out. Should the windows only be inside, she can see out, but they can't see in. Or, if they are only visible from the outside, the inside of her room will still not be visible to the outsiders' view. The entire floor of the room is made from black obsidian tiles and white marble tiles, much like a checker board, which goes the same for the bathroom located to the right of the book cases. Much like in the guest and staff quarters, the wooden frame and translucent sliding door are present, but lead to a dimly lit room which could be adjusted from a bit dim, to no light at all.

    The bathroom could serve its simple purpose as a place to take a shower with a shower similar to the ones in the members' quarters off to the right hand side, but the room opens up into an enormous pool room. This water, like the doors and windows, have their own enchantment of always keeping themselves clean, removing the need for any filtration system. As for the volume of the pool, it is 25 yards long, 15 yards wide, and 9 feet deep.

    Location: Divide Island

    Castle Defenses (Mercenaries)

    Knights of Vanita

    Beasts of Vanita

    Humanoids of Vanita

    Shiyoki Nokuzi

    Izo Nokuzi


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:18 pm