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    Menacing Machinations of Motor City


    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
    Position : None
    Posts : 85
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 5,000

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    Private Menacing Machinations of Motor City

    Post by Kumiko 10th March 2022, 11:18 pm

    It had been another boring and rather lonesome day for the plucky young fox mage of Fairy Tail, still having to get used to this new scar she had gotten from when her magic had been stole only a month prior to the date. While the act had proved to be detrimental to her magical ability, it had been Mura to be the one to step in and assist in showing her a new magic to improve upon. And so, Kumiko had remained the ever studious mage she was known to be. After a week or so of playing around with this magic, she sought a chance to go and practice with it in the field. Just like the guildmaster had told her long ago, it was one thing to strike a training dunny as practice. It was a whole nother deal to practice on an actual human being. So imagine his surprise when he would find out that she had not decided to practice on people but robots, currently rampaging across the land of Motor City. The young mage had been scouring the board with leads across the way before one in particular would catch her eyes. "Oh?" The girl stood up on her tippy toes to collect a stray piece of paper from the board with a picture of…some kind of robot? Her eyes scoured across the job posting with ample excitement. "Robots running around crazy? I didn’t even know those were a thing. I wonder if they’re like food or something." she said to herself, although her hopes were let down as soon as the description of the targets was given. Darn metal. She couldn’t even eat that! Still, it did seem like a great job for testing out her natural abilities now that the lacrima Mura had given her appeared to be fully operational. The child collected the posting and would then place it inside of her robes before nodding proudly to herself. "Time to see what this magic can do!"

    The next part of Kumiko's time was spent actually getting transportation to Motor City in the first place. It was a rather perilous sequence of events, with asking Mura for a ride due to the fact that she didn’t want to waste any of her jewels on a ticket for obvious reasons. Besides, how would she spend most of her hard earned Jewels on candy if she had to use a bunch just to use it for a ticket? Her frustration rose as the helpful Mura would then suddenly decide that it would be time for her to experience buying such an important thing for herself and made her go instead of taking her the easiest route with his dragon. Kumi threw a tiny fit and stomped off to the station, buying one and suffering that way instead. The ride on the trip over would be a long and miserable one, like the many she had experienced time and time again. The child laid on her side, clutching her stomach while waiting for the ride to end after some seemingly endless amount of time. Her ears were drooped across her head, tails poofed and currently covering the mage up. The ride was for an hour? Maybe a couple? It honestly felt like an eternity to the kitsune child. After the sound of the train coming to a stop and allowing people off, Kumiko would groan and roll off of the seats she had found herself on before slowly pushing herself up to her feet.

    "Huh, so this is Motor City.." Kumiko said, glancing around the environment as it appeared much more different than the other lands she had been to. "I was kinda expecting it to be kinda like a robot…" For one, there appeared to be a much heavier emphasis on technology than in Fiore or even Midi. But Kumiko couldn’t spend the entire time sightseeing, not when there was a job to do! She’d fetch the job poster from her robes and quickly be about reading the information to find the meeting spot. There was hopefully another person coming relatively soon to the same spot. The young mage would carefully make her way over before hearing a commotion coming from nearby. A sudden crash came from her left, as her ears twitched, peeking up from the job pasting paper to see a freshly cubed hunk of metal having crashed right beside her. "What the-" Kumi looked up just in time to catch a glimpse of a massive robot with a hole in its chest, having been throwing pieces of crunched metal everywhere as other nearby robots would be acting just as belligerent. The kid would scurry over closer while keeping an eye out on the situation, aiming to get some details as to what the robots were doing.

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

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    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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    Private Re: Menacing Machinations of Motor City

    Post by Nadarr 11th March 2022, 9:00 am

    Odilia I just finished her job delivering the package to the Raceway. As she was heading home ready to leave the city behind her she heard a bit of a commotion. Dark Mages she may be she wasn't one to ignore something like that even if it was nothing. She would start to head towards the scene of the commotion with a Brisk pace. She didn't want to stand out too much more as though we will hold he's at already stopped her and questioned her but you did want to get there in time to see what are the canmotionn was really about. As she rounded the corner she didn't expect to see what she looked at. A massive robot throwing chunks of metal around as people screamed and scattered.

    Odeila took a moment to assess the situation, she could try to help but then again she wasn't quite equipped for this type of situation however she though for a moment. Perhaps she could hit two birds with one stone, she could save people and make a good impression with her guild. As she thought about she saw a kissing creature scurrying nearby. Someone was getting closer. She took a deep breath smiling. Guess her mind just got made up. She wasn't sure if she could kill it but she could certainly damage it more.

    "Breathing Technique: Wind Strikes~" she said taking a deep breath as she felt her body enter a a almost floating state, becoming light as the wind as she took her blade and ran forward with her enhanced speed, definitely faster than a normal person now. As she jumped on a magic mobile together some height she smiled as it as she spoke. "Second Form: Lunar Wave~" she said as he blade gleamed as it carved into the metal slicing into its chest. As her blade sliced through she kicked off it making it stumble into a build crushing the side of it as she floated down her cloak making it look like she hand Butterfly Wings. Though the robot was still moving. A few sparks coming out of it as it began to move again. "Such a Troublesome device~" she said a smile on her face getting in a stance to go again waiting for it so she can counter losing track of the Kitsune she saw. She was sure they were safe, her opponent was infront of her currently she would worry about it if it came to it.


    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
    Position : None
    Posts : 85
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 5,000

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    Private Re: Menacing Machinations of Motor City

    Post by Kumiko 15th March 2022, 1:36 am

    The sound of yelling could be heard from afar, with the small kitsune's ears perking up as they called through the air of the city. Her emerald eyes met with the blur of a woman whose magic had enabled her to cut into the massive robot that had thrown the giant cube of crushed metal their way. She poked her head out when the coast was clear and would then proceed to quickly help the woman with these machines. "Hey!" the girl called out, her feet scrambling towards the high ground so that she could see what else they would be up against. "You’re a mage too, right? Let’s take care of this together!" Of course, such a task was easier said than done. Her eyes looked down to see a literal army of machines of all sizes and shapes just looking up at her. Some even made that tower sized robot look like some sort of playtoy. The fox girl’s eyes would widen in surprise, with her gaze soon returning towards the woman with butterfly magic and swords, her arm raised to point down at the hole. "I think we might have more to deal with."

    On that word, Kumiko felt something flexible and metal coil around her chest, pulling her down into the pit as she yelped with surprise. Of course, one might be mistaken that Kumiko was another defenseless young Midian over her head. All that might have been true, but certainly not the defenseless part. The kitsune child would ruffle her tails trying to slip free while the tendril coiled around her was bringing her closer towards another robot, whose mouth was akin to a shredder. Metal teeth, each whirling around at a speed that would make mincemeat of her. "Hmmmph!" She’d manage to snake her way out of the grasp of the tendril, soon facing the horde of arms and weapons drawn to her. That lady was shouting out the names of spells. So maybe if I do it, they’ll be stronger? She paused, puffing out a cheek in thought while bringing both hands together for a moment. A cloud of stardust would soon come from her form. "Stardust….uhh, Scatter!" Her form would suddenly vanish from view, leaving the robots searching around for her. Scanners looked all around for the kitsune but to no avail. After a few seconds of no signs of her, Kumiko would remerge on top of the shredder’s head. Her hand raised, a large star beginning to form as the heat radiating from it caused the metal skin to swelter. After a moment of concentration, she sent it forward towards the group in front of her. "Meteor Crusher!" The thrown star would grow in size as it traveled, eventually making impact with its mark as the few robots would be crushed by the force as it would crash into a nearby wall.

    Kumiko spun around to see the tendrils around them again while the squid looking robot would rear its ugly head and eye(s) towards the girl, still on top of the shredder robot. Her arms tucked behind her, Kumiko would rock back and forth on her heels, hands condensing magic matter together while it would stand outstretched behind her. "I wouldn’t try to attack me again with those. You might regret iiiit!" She let out a toothy grin, causing the machine to outstretch its arms again and send four tentacles shooting out to the girl again. She’d turn behind her in one big swing and open her arms wide. Behind the girl, a massive black hole would appear as matter would begin to get sucked in. Kumi would then rolled out of the way past the tentacles as they’d get stuck into the hole. The robot they were attached to would chirp in alarm, its arms pulling itself closer and closer to the hole. The fox would watch this as it passed by. "Sorry! I warned you!" She waved goodbye to the machine as it was fully pulled inside before closing the hole behind her. Oh wait! She needed to give her little thing a name! "Oh, uh…Sucking Nebula? Ugh, this is stupid! Thinking of a name for every spell is hard!" It wasn’t soon after that she’d peer out into the landscape and try to find that woman that had taken care of the robot from before. Hopefully she had been faring well with her efforts so far, the kitsune carefully climbing down from the shredder while her tails would coil up in an effort to not catch on herself while sliding down.

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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    Private Re: Menacing Machinations of Motor City

    Post by Nadarr 28th March 2022, 7:14 am

    Odeila giggled slightly at the Kitsune seeing them call out the were more robots to deal with.  She would look over her shoulder seeing about face more running down the street.  She tilted her head slightly a smile on her face as she looked at the five smaller robots rushing her. "Oh my...such Troublesome bots~ she said as one of the robots lunged at her.  She quickly side stepped the bit as it crashed into the car behind her making the side of it dent inward ruining it.  With her blade still glowing as bright as a moon lit night she turned towards the robot. "Second Form~" is all she said as she cut the robot in half leaving half of it stuck to the car.  When she turned around she saw two more in mid air lunging at her.  She ducked down rollinging out of the way as they went over her. Quickly she recovered dashing toward the other two.  "First Form Lunar Wave~" She said as she spun cutting two  in half  as she turns around to the other two as they turn around towards her rushing her again.  As she took a deep breath she ran towards them. She steadied her breathing  looking at her as she side stepped one cutting it down swiftly with focusing on the last one as she rushed it.  As she rushed taking her blade out  cutting it down swftly. As they looked at all the property damage she cause she sheathed her blade with finesse and a flourish.  She took a breath looking at the Kitsune.

    As she took a breath she walked over to the Kitsune.  She looked over the Kitsune smiling to them. "My my your quite impressive, thank you for the help. "
    She said looking down at the kitsune. "My name is Odeila by the way. " She said. As she looked around a bit of a crowd forming around them.  She gave a small sigh. She didn't want to answer questions about this incident.  But she felt just leaving Would be the right move.  Either way she returned her attention to the Kitsune waiting for there response at least before she left.


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:17 am