Fairy Tail RP

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    Rhace Tarrin
    Rhace Tarrin

    Lineage : Blade Of The Sixfold Path
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 126
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 805,380

    Granveil Empty Granveil

    Post by Rhace Tarrin 29th September 2021, 1:44 am

    The Ancient Blade

    Name: Granveil
    Grade: Legendary+
    Type: Weapon - sword
    Proof of Acquisition: Trading Hub
    Description: Granveil is a blade forged many centuries ago; a longsword crafted in a forge long forgotten whose blade was passed down through the Tarrin family. As an heirloom weapon, Rhace has wielded this blade since he came of age; this weapon has been entrusted to him to do with as he sees fit. Its original purpose was in the defence of its lord, to slay his enemies and crush them on the battlefield. This has been lost to time as the era of feudalism has long ended. As its current master, Rhace wields this weapon both as a one-handed and two-handed weapon, its black anodized steel blade adorned with silver and set with an aquamarine gemstone. While this is not in and of itself a magical weapon, its proximity to many magical events over the years and drinking plenty of magical blood has imbued it with magical qualities that now serve a family that has been traditionally non-magical.

    Granveil OiAavP3

    Channelled Strength
    B-rank, Advanced, Passive
    Granveil grants its bearer as much of its own energy as is feasibly possible in order to push them to their absolute limit. Granveil confers an advanced permanent bonus to strength to its wielder.

    Wind Form
    A-rank, Technique, Duration 7
    Granveil, unleashing its charged energy, glows aqua before it imbues its wielder with the speed of the wind, with a blade so sharply keen it almost feels as if that it could slice through the particles of the air itself. Its wielder is given a full-strength buff to their Technique Speed for the duration of the ability.

    Last edited by Rhace Tarrin on 29th September 2021, 3:39 am; edited 2 times in total

    Granveil Empty Re: Granveil

    Post by Guest 29th September 2021, 3:33 am

    Hey there Rhace. There isn't much that needs to be altered, just a little addition to the decription of your A rank spell.


    Last edited by Medeia on 29th September 2021, 3:43 am; edited 1 time in total
    Rhace Tarrin
    Rhace Tarrin

    Lineage : Blade Of The Sixfold Path
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 126
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 805,380

    Granveil Empty Re: Granveil

    Post by Rhace Tarrin 29th September 2021, 3:38 am

    @Medeia Done.


    Granveil Q5QUxlX
    +100% Jewels In Effect - Lineage

    Granveil Empty Re: Granveil

    Post by Guest 29th September 2021, 3:40 am


    Granveil QlhAT3Z

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:17 pm