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    ✵ beatrix domino ✵


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Monk's Sacrifice
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 206
    Guild : ❀ silver wolf ❀
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,938

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❀ aspect of valeriya ❀
    Second Skill: ❀ ❀
    Third Skill: ❀ ❀

    ✵ beatrix domino ✵ Empty ✵ beatrix domino ✵

    Post by ly 28th June 2021, 1:39 am

    b e a t r i x d o m i n o

    ✵ beatrix domino ✵ AIyxrhy

    of the harlequin night parade

    ♡ profile ♡
    name: beatrix domino ✵
    alias: bea, priestess ✵
    age: 18 ✵
    gender: female ✵
    sexuality: homosexual ✵
    birthday: august 3rd | leo ✵

    ✵ beatrix domino ✵ Ddfcgu9-a98b1bc4-3aee-405c-93c7-4fe31da146bb.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzEzOTJmMmUzLWQyMTQtNDQwZC04YTk3LTY1ZTFkNmY1YTQ2MFwvZGRmY2d1OS1hOThiMWJjNC0zYWVlLTQwNWMtOTNjNy00ZmUzMWRhMTQ2YmIucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

    ♡ special characteristics ♡
    usagimimi: born within the species of the jade rabbit yokai, bea dons a perky set of green and gold ears similar to a large rabbit's, alongside a small tail that typically resides under her clothing- quirks of the exclusively feminine species of the moon, which the rest of the night parade possess as well. ✵
    cultist: a high priestess of the jade usagimimi death cult, also known to the public as the harlequin night parade, this bunny girl can sometimes be seen completely disguising her appearance from the outside world with a giant white cloak; she does this to avoid getting moonburnt during the night to shield her skin from the harsh rays of the pale space rock she once called home, and to conceal her identity. ✵
    jester: having aspired to be a clown her entire life, alongside the night parade of yokai that are members of her cult, beatrix can always be seen with some kind of accessory relating to the circus- geometrical makeup, horns, balls, balloons, and other fun trinkets! ✵

    j a d e r a b b i t

    ♡ personality ♡
    ✵ delving into the oddities of her existence and her strange quirks, beatrix can be described to be just as weird as she is shy in her words, which is quite the personality for the high priestess of a deadly cult of cannibalistic clowns- she is not one to speak and associate with others very much, both due to her timidness and stutter that has an effect on nearly every word that comes out of her mouth. however, this is not true while she finds herself under the moonlight- a girl dedicated to bringing joy through the arts of being a clown to the crowd in whatever way possible to achieve the outcome she feels as though she deserves, she is a pathological liar and extremely manipulative, passing on the guise of a shy yet friendly and loving clown while she lurks within the shadows of one's mind until the bitter end. she is very kind to nearly everyone she seems to meet, coming across as a mysterious shy type while fighting off her instinct to stick to her tight-knit circle, but is very inwardly judgemental within her thoughts in relation to the picture they have painted in her head of their life. quick to decide whether or not someone is suited to gain her trust by evaluating how strong they seem in their words and actions, it is only slightly difficult to become friends with the girl of rabbit ears due to her unintentional gravitation to those she has had relationships with for years, but her kindness to those she considers her friends is unmatched. though if one is a boy, it would be best for them to stay as far away from the clown girl as possible, as jade rabbits are known to not be able to satiate their hunger for long amounts of time. ✵
    ✵ despite being a bunny yokai, this species of the moon is known to be an apex predator, resting at one of the top spots of the food chain- combat is like a sport for the green-haired usagimimi, a game of prey versus predator. while she typically goes silent in order to focus while utilizing her magic for the best possible outcome, she is a scary fighter, utilizing the effects of illusions and twisted clown magic to get into the mind of the opponent. animalistic and cruel with every strike, depending on how she's feeling she will either aim to kill or draw out combat for a long, last standing duel- but she loves it just so much, as this feeling of adrenaline is almost as strong as putting on a show at the circus. other than amongst her own ranks of her cult, beatrix functions better under a leader than as one, as she is simply too timid to give those she does not know every detail about strict orders. however, release the rabbit into the fray and she will arrive victorious, using every last bit of her strength to win. she is too prideful not to, as are most of those that hunt lesser beings to live. ✵

    ♡ likes ♡
    dolls: having collected magical antique porcelain dolls from different dimensions she's traveled to since her early adolescence, finding a new doll she loves is something that fills her heart with joy like no other. ✵
    hunting: the thrill of hunting the men that roam the lands of Ishgar is something that makes her yokai blood tingle in vigor- the feeling is exhilarating, and the payout is satiating. ✵
    nicotine: everyone has a vice, and beatrix's is smoking. she can nearly constantly be seen sparking up under her cloak and while not in disguise, either in the form of a lacrima-based vaporizer or cigarettes. ✵

    ♡ dislikes ♡
    men: the victims of the death cult of the jade rabbit, men are something those of the stellar species have been taught to hate for centuries- they are the yokai's primary source of energy, made to leech off of their soul essence and feast on their shells. ✵
    earthland's rules: it's illegal to take the lives of men and use their corpses as ways to replenish magical energy in the world of magic, which makes thriving as yokai a bit harder to accomplish- killing men of other species was so much easier back on the moon, too. ✵
    blue: what an ugly color, a shame it is one of the primaries of the color wheel; if one uses too much of the color blue in their attire, if any at all, beatrix will be sure to comment on how gross it looks on them (and in general). ✵

    ♡ motivations ♡
    to put on a show: in addition to luring in those that the night parade can use within its endeavors, the wandering circus of the usagimimi wishes to put on a beautiful show for all- clowns are entertainers of fun and laughter, and beatrix wishes for nothing but just that with the use of her magic. ✵
    to get filthy rich: money is just as prevalent within the new world as it is back on the moon, and beatrix does not wish to experience poverty once again- she wishes to be able to make enough money to finance all of the jade rabbits that come to Earthland and join her cult, as they mean so much to her. ✵
    to stay well-fed : going hungry is not a choice for any members of the night parade, as it essentially turns you into an unstable demon with no will- beatrix has to stay fed for her survival and wellbeing. ✵

    ♡ fears ♡
    glossophobia: the fear of public speaking, specifically while exposed- for some reason, the only way beatrix feels comfortable speaking to and putting on a show in-front of those that she does not fully trust is by putting her cloak on and concealing her identity. it feels so empty without it, and is quite awkward for her.  ✵
    galeophobia: while the girl of green hair is scared of most fish, sharks and whales scare her the most, especially the blue ones- the beach is comfortable, but big fish lurking around dark waters are oh so terrifying.✵
    eremophobia: the fear of being on her own again. losing her cult would be the ultimate loss, as she loves those that have dedicated their lives to the show and preservation of the jade rabbit's traditions. ✵

    ♡ appearance ♡
    height: 4'1" ✵
    weight: 76 lbs ✵
    hair: flowy olive green, cascading far longer than her body ✵
    eyes: a bright jade color ✵
    complexion: deeply tan colored, especially dark in the nighttime ✵
    style: mostly maneuvering within the immensely soft fabric known as the cloak of the priestess, which appears as a white full-body cloak with an eyeball where a forehead would be, beatrix wears very skimpy clothing under the white bundles of fabric- it is easier to move around that way, along with constantly being barefoot. however, while making appearances out of disguise to those she trusts greatly, she will wear decadent clown outfits of gorgeous red, black, white, and green patterns. her quirks of being a yokai show through her ears and tail, both olive in addition to her long hair. ✵


    ♡ guild info ♡
    guild: errings rising ✩
    tattoo: bottom of left foot, a mossy jade color ✩


    ✵ beatrix domino ✵ ZyLEllh


    ✵ beatrix domino ✵ Empty Re: ✵ beatrix domino ✵

    Post by Guest 28th June 2021, 3:04 am


    ✵ beatrix domino ✵ QlhAT3Z

    ✵ beatrix domino ✵ Empty Re: ✵ beatrix domino ✵

    Post by Guest 6th August 2021, 1:02 pm


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