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    Prada's Price [Janet/Louie]


    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Prada's Price [Janet/Louie]

    Post by Louie 13th September 2020, 9:23 pm

    Sin was hopelessness. It was darkness, despair, and all the melancholy in between. It was a place where no new life could grow, and yet old souls wander the wastelands, eternally wondering when they'll reach the sunny shores of Earthland, and yet their doubts and cries everexpanding. Sin wasn't a country—it was a No Man's Land. It was a place no one really desired to be in, and it was where the wicked or the weak found solace. Of course, these were only bedtime stories. The only thing you'd be sure to find in Sin was a sky that was never blue—only grey with volcanic ash and cinders.

    A portal opened, casually stretching into space like a tear in the world itself, and stepping out of it was a man who was so decked with white, dapper clothing that he looked distinctly out of place with the ancient, muted colors in his forgotten surroundings. His face was unblemished and smooth, and his ruby lion-eyes were sharp and bold. His white-blonde hair was that of silk itself as it draped down one side of his face and was neatly slid back on the other. As he stepped into that wasteland, a small but confident smirk fell on his lips, and yet no one was there to see it. He knew as soon as he stepped foot into that dirt that he had arrived in the place no one wanted to go. Prada had arrived.

    He stepped into what could only be considered a graveyard, looking around attentively. Although corpses and bones littered the horizon and probably stretched out for miles, he kept on looking for something... specific. Something large, discreet, and full of secrets. He was looking for the "Sin City", as some of his sources of intel coined it, but really it was nothing more than the pathway to indignant visionaries—a bunch of unfortunate fools blinded by their insignificant cause, whatever it was. Prada cared little for their purpose, but ever since their attack on Fairy Tail, he couldn't help but remember the name of their Master with a certain fondness and anticipation. Janet Cindersomething—a rat who liked dragons and made a name for herself as a Warlord. If she was worth her salt and his time, he'd leave today with something of interest to him.

    "Ah—there you are." Prada perked up as he caught a glance of the tusked skull of an animal, with its skeleton sprawled over the mounds of dirt, "So my intel was right, huh? How embarrassing." he blew air out of his nose in a silent chuckle, stepping into the skull as it led him further underground than it might have led you to believe.

    He walked in darkness for a few minutes before light touched his eyes again, but it was dim and far. When the silver-haired man stepped into the light, he greeted with an interconnected system of pathways sprawling across the terrain, creating something of an underground city. Well, he thought of a city in the most minimum of aspects. There were homes and buildings and sections which he considered to be that of what you'd find in a town stricken with poverty. It was darker than he preferred, and he felt it was as pathetic as the means in which they hide.

    He wasted no time in gazing over the dark horizons and crevices that made up this city. In fact, he spared no more than a glance if only to find the path that would lead to a more obvious base of operations, and when he did, he vanished into the darkness once again. Ambling through the thin, wet pathways only lit by torches and lanterns, he finally made his way to a much more... grandiose entrance. It was like a fortress embedded into the wall of stone and dirt itself. Daunting and magnificent, and yet Prada gazed upon it with a conquerer's eye. Whatever this structure was, it was nothing like the city, and surely someone was listening.

    "Normally, when a guest arrives, you come and greet them—especially me. Are you listening, Janet? I'm summoning you. And if you're anything like I think you are..." Prada continued, still smirking triumphantly as he pulled out a small, blue lacrima. It glowed a small, blue light when he pressed his fingers against the crystal shape, another small portal opening up just enough to reveal what was inside. It was something as big as a hog, but oval in shape and adorned with a mixture of warm and cool colors, "...you'll greet your guest swiftly."

    It was the egg of a dragon.

    WC: 770 | Total WC: 770 | WC Needed: ??? @Janet Cinderfeild ""  —
    Template by ivyleaf33


    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    In Progress Re: Prada's Price [Janet/Louie]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 28th September 2020, 12:15 am

    Janet would be in the  guild hall gardens overlooking the city they were in. Elysium was and is growing in size and she was proud of it. She would hum and relax though she would notice a figure approaching the guild hall, a figure she didn't recognize at all. She what's slowly turned back and walked into her guildhall to meet and greet the stranger who was approaching. Not hiding anything she could hear his loud noise and if I go to the door she got to the top of the stairs looking down at him shaking her head a little bit. You would descend the stairs as she saw he opened a portal of You would descend the stairs as she saw he opened a portal of some sort curiosity getting the best of her she would walk downstairs with a smile for the time being without knowing to what the stranger was doing here.

    "Welcome to Elysium...how can I help you…"
    she asked cocking her head looking at her curiously as at him and then the portal….there was something inside it.  She was hesitant to say anything  to the stranger but gave a calm sigh as her tail curled around her.  She stared at it calmly looking at the stranger she smiled hoping this conversation was going to go well...but something told her this was only the beginning of what was to come from this stranger.

    She would stare at him judging him carefully, he clearly knew about Elysium and her yet he had such a cocky demeanor to him, almost an arrogant vibe to him which only put her on edge more. Her eyes drifting to the portal as she was very curious about it, though he has had no hostile intent so far so she had no reason to think she was in any danger, especially not in her own home.

    Alt Account- Richie Rich- Rich- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Coming Storm
    Posts : 286
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Aeluri
    Experience : 2,249,537

    In Progress Re: Prada's Price [Janet/Louie]

    Post by Louie 20th October 2020, 6:04 pm

    Prada's Price [Janet/Louie] JM7eANY

    I don't chase ; I attract. What belongs to me will come to me.

    Ah, there she was, Janet Cinderfield in her prime! Or, so he assumed. Being a Warlord, her name was no secret, but her face could be troublesome to point out in a crowd if you asked Prada. That seemed to be such a case for many of the country's villains, many of which basked in the shadows and found joy in being unknown. It was one of the reasons why most people would never end up quite as exceptional as Prada because by choosing to remain secretive, there had to be a conscious acknowledgment that what they were doing was wrong—and even if they were, what was even worse than being wrong was being afraid of the consequences. If you didn't have the guts to face the product of your actions, why make them at all?

    One might've called Prada a hypocrite, using his grandiose title instead of his real name, but it wasn't intentional. No, in fact, if one had asked him if he were Louie Calvin Klein, he'd of course reassure them that it was true! Prada was something that started as a jest for himself, but it ended up becoming his "alias" per se as he made wanted posters and headlines. People simply wouldn't stop calling him that, and it wasn't like he'd shame them for using a name he crafted for himself.

    "How can I... pffft," Prada suddenly reeled into bursts of laughter, his hand hovering over his grinning mouth as the giggling counted, unrelenting. He looked like he was being tickled, even though nothing particularly funny was said. Here was a beast-girl, the one most likely responsible for that attack on Fairy Tail the other day, greeting him so sheepishly! Was this really the Master of a guild of whiney bastards? Was he a fool to expect anything more? "What are you? A customer service agent? Honestly!"

    After his laughter relented and fell back into that haughty, confident smirk on his face, Prada gave Janet one final sizing-up before placing his hand on a slightly-popped waist, brows raised judgementally. "I saw your little stunt in Magnolia Town the other day, and I must say... I'm impressed. That guild's design was so abysmal that I thought nothing could ever fix it, but what it really needed was simply some renovations. And now that it's in shambles thanks to your lot, they can finally do that. It's a win-win for everyone—Fairy Tail gets to get rid of that awful building and your guild can rest easy down here in the middle of nowhere, knowing that that was the only influence they'll ever amount to. Charming, isn't it?"

    Prada felt himself on the brink of chuckling again, thinking about what he said. Aside from maybe one or two of their sorcerers who had made a name for themself, what did their guild amount to? A terrorist temper tantrum in Magnolia, which only amounted to the destruction of one particular building? Maybe a few broken bones between some members, but it's not like anyone died. Did they even get what they wanted? Prada didn't know, since he left the scuffle prematurely, but he knew that their guild was nothing to write home about. No one who had to hide their guildhall was truly proud of their vision, and that's what made them different.

    "Oh, but enough of that. Anyway, I saw your little dragon while I was there..." Prada held out his palm, a purple light glowing inside of it as the item within the portal slowly levitated outside. It was held in place with a strong magical connection between the mana around it and Prada's own, so it wouldn't be easily snatched away. Still, he held out like he was dangling a bone in front of a dog. "...so I thought you might like this."

    || Word Count: 637 || Thread WC: 1407 || WC Needed ??? || Job Approval ||
    Enemies: ???
    @Janet Cinderfeild


    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    In Progress Re: Prada's Price [Janet/Louie]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 2nd February 2021, 2:04 am

    Janet watched as he burst into laughter as he then mocked her calling her a Costumer service agent or something. She would stop laughing so she said nothing curving her anger at being mocked and teased, she heated when people did that...and the first thing he did upon meeting her was to mock and tease her...was he that daft? The man who Came in started to comment on their assault on Fairy Tail, Most of it was Mindless drivel , Some things that she didn't care about Until he mentioned it would Basically will be the only thing the guild would ever be known for... Though there was one thing she could admire was his courage, he had a lot of going to come in here and not only insult her but insult her new family, they were relatively new Guild in the world still, it made sense that they didn't have much What shows are named quite Yet, however toilets nobody, someone she didn't know and didn't care to know anything about Come in here and Disrespect her such a manner only made her more Annoyed. However she would Curved for annoying And anger, He didn't need to know what they were doing it and he didn't need to know what the plans were it was none of his concern What's the current Guild was going to do next or would they were about . Continue to stand there and wait Hopefully he was getting somewhere with all this other than coming here to Just insult her and her family...she tried until he did what he did next.

    In his poem he opened a portal, a portal That floating inside held a dragon egg. Janet Just froze there for a woman Staring at the egg then at him. She then started to laugh her self a sister, a almost Maniacal laugh, was this what he thought was funny. So nobody came in here and...insulted her, her family, and now held her the equivalent of a child hostage. As she finished she spoke calming down, her words turning into poison, a pleasant tone...but it had just enough of a sadistic tone to it.

    Oh you have no idea....yes I would like that...and if you give it to me ill forgive your insolace of coming in here disrepecting us and holding my kin hostage..." she paused starting to walk forward not caring her tail swaying and growing. "If not, if that egg is hurt or you close that portal...well I don't know what will happen...but I promise you won't like it..." she said smiling a sadistic but calculated smile. At the end of the day She understood that the egg was in Jeopardy, but there was nothing she could do if he Chose to he could snap his finger and the Egg could be destroyed, she accepted this Because she would not kneel and bend to Someone Like This, no she would not give in to the demands of Someone Like This. And she had that exact look on her face she know she had to wonder what she was going to do She would stop at a reasonable distance not getting in his face And hold out her Dragon claw and wait for her egg her eyes on him.


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:30 am