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    Saving a hedgehog and a talk


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    Saving a hedgehog and a talk Empty Saving a hedgehog and a talk

    Post by Tommen 26th August 2020, 11:54 am

    Life is like a cup of tea - To be filled to the brim
    And enjoyed with friends - And poetry

    Tommen wondered about the streets of Era. He was planning to stay in the city for a while and then move on to Crocus or perhaps fate had a different plan for him. He would see it once the time had come. Tommen is a free spirit, always moving and never living at the same place for more than a few days. Where ever he was, his home is. For as long he got his suitcase. He wore two mismatching types of leather shoes; one was a few shades darker as the other. His brown pants had a couple of patches, as well as his blue coat of heavy fabrics. His waistcoat was tawny and had at least three different types of buttons. Around his neck, he wore a scarf with alternating yellow and brown stripes. His suitcase was old and worn.

    He walked around like a chicken, bobbing his head left and right as he trotted down the pavement. Curiously looking around at the small bits of nature within the city. Even in cities, you could find nature, if you could look passed the asphalt, concrete, and glass. There were weeds growing out of cracks, small gardens in front of houses that were only a foot long. But among the flowers buzzed bees and butterflies. Tommen enjoys looking at the dances the bees make to signal their fellow bees, it was mesmerising; only fireflies toppled them. There were of course also parks within a city, and they too were full of life. From tiny insects to rodents and homeless cat and dogs. When there are ponds, you can also be sure to find different water birds, amphibians and sometimes reptiles as well. Tommen could stare at ponds, creeks, and ditches for hours. To see the little tadpoles and fish swimming around, the dragonflies and damselflies flying and the frogs croaking.

    But this part of the city was near void with the little patches of nature. But he did spot an animal. Hidden among some trash laid a creature. Tommen saw it was a hedgehog, but hedgehogs did not have a red colouring. He went on his knees next to the trash. Hopefully, it was ketchup, but his hope was unanswered It was blood. ”Hey little fellow, what happened to you?” he asked softly, he didn’t want to scare the creature. He took a handkerchief out of his pocket and used it to pick the hedgehog up. Opened his suitcase and placed the hedgehog inside. ”I will help you in a moment, I need to find a safe place,” Tommen figured he had enough time to help the creature as the wounds weren’t too terrible and the bleeding seemed to have stopped.

    He picked up his suitcase and looked around. He needed to find an alley or something. Last time he left his suitcase on the street, someone took it. He had passed an alley not to long ago, so he turned on his feet and quickly passed towards the alley. The alley itself was mostly empty except for some garbage bins and garbage laying next to it. He placed down his suitcase and was about to open it.
    529/529 | @Vera Walden | signup | job info | notes

    Last edited by Tommen on 27th August 2020, 8:35 am; edited 1 time in total
    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Saving a hedgehog and a talk Empty Re: Saving a hedgehog and a talk

    Post by Vera Walden 26th August 2020, 5:02 pm

    Saving a hedgehog and a talk Hangry


    Vera bought nothing while still window shopping. She was all but bothered by that, and at this rate, nothing could interest the bohemian enough to empty her pockets. With the exception of her empty stomach, she seemed rather famished than thirsty; yet she utilized not a single jewel to get herself a bite to eat, but she was beginning to consider it. She was unfriendly of the face and seemed to peruse the town with a sluggish stride, and her pink tee-shirt and jeans were simple yet easy on the eye.

    The sunshine imposed a healthy sheen to her violet hair, and unruly bangs covered her eyes with a faint shadow. The inoffensive pedestrian was pretty sure she had seen a food stand somewhere nearby and chose to backtrack. She was rendered a little more offensive as she decided to walk in reverse, looking up at the sky for a brief time before coming to a complete stop; she might have made a strange first impression on some of the onlookers for doing so. She had no room in her heart to care or feel concerned for their assumptions. If they thought her mentally ill, then there would be no need for interaction.

    They weren’t the only ones to make assumptions for her. She needed only to turn her head for her to guess the absolute worst of the human grime with the fancy garb as he carried off what looked to be an injured animal resting limply in the palm of his hand. Her cocked head was lit up by an expression that was incredibly scathing. The small woman, though slow-moving, did not back down; she was incredibly quiet, as she did not want him knowing of her presence just yet, but followed him to the alley all the same. Walden, in stalking, could not keep her mouth shut when it came to animal cruelty and spoke softly yet venomously, “Oy vey. How do I put this?” she moved closer without breaking eye contact, “my cup of care is usually empty. Words can’t really express just how full it is right now ‘cause, see, I’m literally two seconds away from punching you in the throat."

    A deep breath, followed by a piercing cry, "What did you do to the hedgehog?!"

    Vera was normally a cowardly individual, but she loved animals and also hadn’t heard much of his earlier statement about actually helping the poor thing. The poor, unfortunate suitcase wielder! Already was she grabbing him by the collar of his shirt to still him for the incoming blow.

    Word Count; 421 TAG @Tommen
    made bycapt. meows


    Saving a hedgehog and a talk Puglyfe6

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    Saving a hedgehog and a talk Empty Re: Saving a hedgehog and a talk

    Post by Tommen 22nd September 2020, 11:50 am

    Life is like a cup of tea - To be filled to the brim
    And enjoyed with friends - And poetry

    Tommen shrunk when he heard a voice behind him. He opened the suitcase as he turned his head. There stood a woman with purple hair. He stood back up on his feet, but he did not stand straight. He twisted his upper body somewhat, to curl in front of the elbow in which the hedgehog lay. His eyes looked at the ground beside the woman. ”What… what cup,” Tommen said as his eyes quickly glimpsed at the woman, before staring back to the grey pavement. ”No.” Tommen shook his head, ”Leave… leave me be. You got it wrong.” But before he knew it she got a hold off him. He reared back instantly, tripping over his suitcase and fell into it together with the purple-haired woman.

    He managed to quickly make a patch of plants grow beneath them, breaking their fall. The space within the suitcase was huge. The view was blocked at one side by a forest that grew ever darker the deeper you looked into it. Another corner was blocked by a crude barn, held together by twisted ivy. A meadow with calming hills as far as the eyes could stretch out for miles was on the other side. Above them, from where they fell was a square opening in the sky, it revealed the outside world. A tall ladder of twisted vines stood beside it, the normal route to enter this suitcase world.

    Tommen looked at the hedgehog. He seemed fine. He scrambled to get back on his feet and walked with large steps towards the barn. Away from the woman that attacked him. With a gesture of his hand, the doors of the barn opened. Revealing hay, stables and a large collection of herbs and flowers. Tommen walked to his desk and gestured once more, the ivy from his wall grew and formed a shallow basket full of tender leaves in which he placed the hedgehog. He then stumbled through the barn, collecting all kinds of herbs. A leave from this, a petal from a yellow flower, flagons filled with fluids and solids. Alle he placed inside a basket he had picked up.

    357/886 | @Vera Walden | signup | job info | notes
    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Saving a hedgehog and a talk Empty Re: Saving a hedgehog and a talk

    Post by Vera Walden 10th December 2020, 8:41 pm

    Saving a hedgehog and a talk Hangry


    When they made their awkward landing, Vera took no one out like she originally had planned and turned her head in every direction. Then she stopped trying to pick a fight, and mystification came into her eyes. She watched the vines, or whatever plant sprouted from the ground to break their fall, release her gently.

    "What next,” she murmured, surreptitiously impressed that they had fallen into an otherworldly suitcase, “are you going to pull a rabbit out of your hat?”

    She went incredibly quiet as common sense kicked in for the very first time that day.

    "My comment would make a heck of a lot more sense if you were actually wearing one," said Walden dryly, “but you’re not so I can’t exactly take that back.”

    Vera half opened the door to guilt as he left her in a hurry. She saw the forest leering back at her and when she looked the other way she saw what appeared to be a peaceful barn with all kinds of flowers nearby. All around her was a pocket in the universe without people. It was nice, she admired, begrudgingly. She remembered an old promise never realized, to release and rehabilitate the tormented creatures of land she visited only in her nightmares, and such a land came with stripes of red and white. She found a distraction to be the best sort of medicine for a moment of sourness and followed the fellow she only tried to attack like two minutes ago due to a terrible misunderstanding.

    What was that garden of everything that shimmered, moist and gleaming, as though cared for and recently watered? She did not care for flowers after meeting Cillian! But, against all odds, the fauna and flora seemed to vivaciously beckon for her attention, as they were a species she had never seen before. It might have even simmered her down a bit, so much even that she could have even considered apologizing.

    “I may have been a bit of an insufferable twat,” she said, trying to downplay a very serious thing; yet, she was making it perfectly clear she was apologetic in such a way that it actually pained her to be. “I thank misinterpretation and shady vibes.”

    Word Count; 371 TAG @Tommen
    made bycapt. meows


    Saving a hedgehog and a talk Puglyfe6

    Lineage : None
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    Saving a hedgehog and a talk Empty Re: Saving a hedgehog and a talk

    Post by Tommen 20th December 2020, 2:19 am

       Saving a hedgehog and a talk Templa28
    Align with nature ... Magic happens

    "Ra..rabbit?" asked Tommen, while looking at his feet and touching his head to look for the hat. He tried to make sense of what just happened. This woman just attacked him, without provocation from him. That is rude.

    "Ye-es I don't have a hat... never had one. Wait... I have a hat for the cold, it's in my suitcase," said Tommen, his body twitched. Why was she speaking about a hat, and why did she attack him? He shook his head. His eyes tried to look for something, towards the forest edge in the distance. He shuddered again. His eyes locked on his shed. Tommen had to go there, for the hedgehog. "The hedgehog needs help," he whispered to himself and ran off.

    He was in the process of grinding the herbs into a paste when the woman entered his shed. "I... don't like this," he whispered to himself, but he continued with the preparation of the medicine. The hedgehog needs it. "Tw...at?" said Tommen, looking up from what he was doing but blankly stared towards the stranger. Tommen picked up a pipet and a potion of an opaque pastel purple substance and extracted the tiniest bit. It would dull the pain, but too much would kill the hedgehog. "Sigurd," he said out loud. Yes, that was how he was going to name the hedgehog. He gave Sigurd a drop of the fluid. Sigurd let out a weak shriek. "It's alright," said Tommen, "it tastes bad but works well." He walked away from the table and picked up a clean but raffled handkerchief from a shelf and set up a kettle of water on a stove.

    Tommen carefully dipped a corner of the handkerchief in the boiling water and then walked back to Sigurd. He wiped away the access blood and cleaned the wound, removing the dirt and grime. Fresh blood spilt from the wound, which was good as it was clean now. He wiped away once more the blood away and then applied the herbal paste on the wound and covered it with a bandage. Which made the hedgehog look more like a turtle or something; a mummified turtle, or rather mummified hedgehog.

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