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    Rapture Magic


    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
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    Rapture Magic Empty Rapture Magic

    Post by Cecile 15th January 2014, 1:13 pm

    Primary Magic:
    Rapture Magic
    Caster or Holder:
    A Magic that allows the user to pressurize the Magic Power within a person until it, quite literally, explodes. The more Magic Power a person has, the more powerful Rapture Magic's effects are.
    The user tends to use it's arm by faintly moving it towards a target to trigger a rapture. But this is merely more a form of habit, the user only have to look into the direction of the target. But he had to know where the enemy is, when blinded and he has no idea where the other mage is then it are just random attacks hoping he hits the enemy mage.
    The magic biggest downside is that it doesn't have variety in spells like other magic, no the user can only use the rapture magic in a few ways. Like a single, double and so on kind of attacks. And varies them in strength.
    - painful magic directly used on the enemy
    - Starting from B rank spell also using the enemies magic power for the explosions.
    - the crippling pain of internal magical explosions can render the enemy paralyzed for moments
    - slightly ranged magic attacks, targets has to be in a vicinity of 25 meters
    - Even if the targets has to be around 25 meters, it has to be in sight for Harrigan to hit them
    - only usable on people, creatures and objects with magical properties
    - No variety in spells, the user is only to be able to use the same sort of attacks.
    - No direct defensive capabilities, only the same spells you use for attacking.
    - Player Rank limited, because of the strength of this magic it is rather unfair against mages that are higher ranked then the user. So the spells only have the desired effect on the same or lower rank as the user. And less effective on mages that are one rank higher then the user.
    - Most of the lower spells have a one post duration.
    - Has no buff capabilities
    - Has no melee capabilities
    - Ranks higher then the user will have a reduced effect of the MP cost by 50%.
    - Paralyze, because of the internal damage from this magic it deals a crippling pain that shocks the entire body and it's senses. There it is not that rare that after a multitude of hits that deal this pain that the target would be paralyzed for one 1 post. Being unable to move from the crippling pain it is feeling. For this to happen the user has to hit the target 10 times, if the user has hit him after 10 posts he can roll an extra damage dice. And if it hits the target would be paralyzed for one post.

    S - Rank:

    A - Rank:

    B - Rank:

    C - Rank:

    D - Rank:
    - Takes no magic from the enemy mage,
    - Only usable on creatures, humans and objects with magical energy
    - Duration: 1 post
    - Cooldown: 4 posts

    Singular Rapture 1
    Internal Magic Source
    The most basic rapture attack, a single magical explosion by pressured magic in someones body. The user targets an enemy object, creature or mage and makes the magic explode in a certain place in their body.
    - short cool down
    - Deals crippling pain
    - 10 meters range
    - player rank limited
    - Singular attack form
    - Only usable on creatures, humans and objects with magical energy
    - When the singular raptures are used after another, the last one cast of those gets +1 post cool down
    - Duration: 1 post
    - Cooldown: 3 posts

    Singular Rapture 2
    Internal Magic Source
    The most basic rapture attack, a single magical explosion by pressured magic in someones body. The user targets an enemy object, creature or mage and makes the magic explode in a certain place in their body.
    - short cool down
    - Deals crippling pain
    - 10 meters range
    - player rank limited
    - Singular attack form
    - Only usable on creatures, humans and objects with magical energy
    - When the singular raptures are used after another, the last one cast of those gets +1 post cool down
    - 10 meters range
    - Duration: 1 post
    - Cooldown: 3 posts

    Singular Rapture 3
    Internal Magic Source
    The most basic rapture attack only then stronger, a single magical explosion by pressured magic in someones body. The user targets an enemy object, creature or mage and makes the magic explode in a certain place in their body.
    - double attack
    - Deals crippling pain
    - builds up to paralyze ability
    - player rank limited
    - Takes no magic from the enemy mage,
    - Only usable on creatures, humans and objects with magical energy
    - Does not take up enemies MP
    - When the singular raptures are used after another, the last one cast of those gets +1 post cool down
    - Duration: 1 post
    - Cooldown: 4 posts

    Double Rapture
    Internal Magic Source
    A double rapture attack, a quick double magical explosion caused by pressured magic in someones body. The user targets an enemy object, creature or mage and makes the magic explode in a two places inside their bodies.
    - double attack
    - builds up to paralyze ability
    - Deals crippling pain
    - player rank limited
    - Takes no magic from the enemy mage,
    - Only usable on creatures, humans and objects with magical energy
    - 10 meters range
    - Duration: 1 post
    - Cooldown: 4 posts

    Last edited by Harrigan on 15th January 2014, 2:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    Rapture Magic Empty Re: Rapture Magic

    Post by Aria Beleren 15th January 2014, 2:02 pm

    with your paralyze build up. Can you go into more detail?



    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
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    Rapture Magic Empty Re: Rapture Magic

    Post by Cecile 15th January 2014, 2:08 pm

    okey bump
    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Christmas Event Winner- Hero- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Rapture Magic Empty Re: Rapture Magic

    Post by Aria Beleren 15th January 2014, 2:08 pm




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