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    Well folks, Time to wreck some ass!


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    Lineage : The Eternal Hex
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    Well folks, Time to wreck some ass! Empty Well folks, Time to wreck some ass!

    Post by Lilith 24th April 2020, 9:37 am

    I wear the hat and I wear the pants, I am advanced so I get advance & I do
    my dance & cancel their plans. Said, boo, don't be mad 'cause you had a chanceLilith Kadokawa

    Boris. Carson. Ravi. Jonair. Corvik.

    There was a quiet sternness amongst them all, their eyes drawn to their squad leader as she pitched the plan once more. "One target remember his face. Jonair, and Carson make your way through the cabins and detain as many darkies as we can, be sure to be mindful of any civilians. Corvik you will cover the left flank of the ship whilst I cover the right. Ravi, once we engage with the knights on the ship you're to provide treatment. Move from the rear through the ship and be ready should one of us call you for aid. And Boris, well, you know your role." She said with a wink, technically Boris was her superior, but she liked the grumpy senior officer.

    Boris grunted irritably before looking down at the sheets in front of him once more. His silver gaze scanning the faces of the magic council members they would be rescuing for the event. Lilith nodded, turning on the heel of her boot she checked in with Hawk. It would seem that they would be dropping in less they five minutes and then the mission would begin. She grinned at the clouds in anticipation, this was a surprisingly impressive task compared to her usual cases. Something about this differed to the others, she felt a sense of importance from it. The recovery of magic council member wasn't a small job to be assigned and it did much to inflate Lili's perpetual sense of self-importance. It meant something. That she was being acknowledged as a Rune Knight and that she was finally being recognised as a useless device amongst the Rune Knight's ranks. By no means could she fail this mission, this was a key stepping stone in her career, this much she knew.

    Lilith re-adjusted her gear, unlike the others she didn't have a parachute. She had her Sugarplum Fairy Wings attached to her back, a magical artefact she'd come across a whilst shopping. They were kind of gimmicky but especially useful in her line of work. Hawk signalled it was time for the drop and Lilith moved into position. As the hatch opened, she could see the lowly-lit cruise ship that awaited them several thousands of feet below. "Well folks, Time to wreck some ass!" She said and without any hesitation, she jumped, diving straight into a freefall. It was exhilarating, the wind billowing past her as she shot downwards towards the cruise-liner. She waited until she was significantly closer toward the ship before activating the wings. Her body surrounded by it's magic and immediately shrinking in size, smaller and smaller she would grow until she was no bigger than your standard fairy. Pushing against the drag, Lilith would flap her wings quickly applying the necessary thrust to work against the pull of gravity and balancing herself in the air. Fortunately the wings made it so flying felt natural and worked off her instinctive motions.

    The Rune Knight set her targets on the right side of the ship before fluttering in that direction, she made her way along the ships edge. Not shifting out of her size for the time being, but instead fluttering along it's outskirts, and so using this a means to cover more ground. She would stop behind a rail, coming across a gaggle of men talking amongst themselves. She peeked around at theme, armed with swords, machetes and  such. From what she could tell they were by no means Rune Knights. These had to be some of the dark mages, and the three of them seemed like the perfect opportunity to get some information on where they were keeping the member of the magic council. Time to test out their bad boys.

    She locked eyes on the closest, kicking out against the rail, she soared towards them. Twirling in the air, she spun in front of him. He barely had time to reach when her foot smashed into his right eye, hitting him with the full force of Lilith at full strength. He roared in pain, flying back several meters and clutching his face. Lilith spun towards the man on his right, dancing around his neck, leaving a trail of tiny shadow chains around his throat before flying around the neck of the other one. All the while moving in such a pattern that would wind the chains into a knot.

    It was at this point that Lilith deactivated the wings, so that both she and her chains expanded to full size. The chains coiling around the necks of the men and binding them together, choking them slightly as they did so. Swiftly, she would raise her palm, facing it outward to the man that she had knocked on his ass. Releasing a bolt of holy that that would hit him square in the forehead, knocking him over once more and leaving him on the floor unconscious. She glanced around, checking for any incoming targets. For the moment there was none, which allowed her to draw her attention back to the men she had bound. "Where are you keeping the Magic Council member?" She would ask, yanking on the chains which had already snaked around them arms and limbs, preventing them from retaliating.

    The mages would struggle against the chains, she could see that one of them was trying to bring his hands together, most likely to use magic against her. This only prove to encourage Lili to tighten the grip she had on their wrists. She could see them eying each other, willing themselves  not to speak, at the sight of which she would sigh. "Last chance, I'm in a big hurry so if you don't tell me then I'll just look myself. I won't be responsible for what you have to endure when I do." She told them casually, placing her hands on her hips. Still they would not answer her, tight-lipped they remained. She would shrug, flicking her wrist to the side, the men suddenly flew into the air. Flopping over the side of the boat, they would shriek into their chains as they dangled upside down against the side of the cruise ship. Lilith manipulating the chains to bind themselves to the rails, before adding their comrade over the side. Although with his unconscious state he was significantly less bothered by his condition than the others.

    Lilith turned on her heel and continued to move along the edge of the boat, distantly she heard gunshots, which could only tell her that one of her squad had engaged with some more the hijackers. She made the decision to continue her route, and should she come up empty she could circle back to the gunfire. Her pace was steady, swift and light so as to not draw attention to herself. She would slow, seeing the shift of movement ahead of her, fingers stretched out, ready to cast another spell if need be. She inched closer, the shadow shift behind the crate, something about the movement seemed cautious, causing her to make the first move. "It's Private Kadokawa." She called, raising her hands just in case. After a moment, a face peeked out from behind the crate, it was the exhausted face of a familiar Rune Knight.

    "Lilith Kadokawa?" The male would ask, his voice tired and laced with relief. She placed her hands on her hips, approaching them man, she didn't know his name, but she recognised him from the barracks. "The one and only. Captain Stern sent us to rescue you basics, what's your condition?" He stepped closer to her, moving out of the shadows, and exposing him injury. He had pretty bad wound in his side, and from the looks of his uniform, he had lost a lot of blood. She assessed him for a moment, before reaching out, soft dark winds shifted around her fingers as she did so. She pressed her hand against him, the magic in her fingers sealing his wound and undoing the damage he'd taken. He straightened up, feeling at the wound gingerly. "Thanks." He told her keenly, to which she grinned.

    "Uh huh, we'll likely need to get you on a drip when we get back on the airship to replace the blood you've lost, but it's better than nothing. What's your name?" He would tell her, to which she reached behind her ear. Turning on her earpiece so she could talk to the others, holding the button down so they could hear her. "I've secured Lockwood and healed him temporary. How are we looking?" She let go of the button on the earpiece, waiting for a response. After a moment, she would hear Corvik. "I have secured Melton, and met up with Ravi who is providing treatment now." There was another pause before Jonair spoke up, "We're in the middle wing of the guest lounge, we've captured four of their men and have them bound. Carson was knocked unconscious, I can't push forward until she comes to." Lilith turned to look at Lockwood, he was a few years older than her. His short blonde hair streaked with white frosted tips, and an eyebrow piercing.

    "Any idea where they're holding the Magic Council bloke?" She asked him, he nodded checking over his remaining ammo as he replied. "The only place we haven't been able to properly scout are the kitchens, It was during the dinner rush that the dark mages caught us so they could have very well dragged him in there." She nodded, stopping for a moment to listen as Boris and the others updated her on their status. "You know the fastest route to the kitchens?" She asked Lockwood, who nodded once more. "Then lead the way." Without any further delay, Lockwood would move, Lili falling behind him. They made their way inside of the ship, darting through the halls and down the stairs as quickly as they could.

    There was the occasional interruption, a patrolling dark mage, who crossed their paths. Between the two of them, Lockwood and Lilith left a trailing of bound hijackers behind them. Until finally they reached the dining hall, Lilith and Lockwood pressed themselves against the walls. She could sense a cluster of mages in the kitchen, more so than they had encountered so far, she took a moment, before formulating a plan. It was kind of lacklustre, but between succeeding the mission and getting the acknowledgement she so craved over engaging in a wild fight with eight men which could put Lockwood and the magic council member at risk. For once, she would make the more efficient decision, because out of the two, although the latter would be more satisfying she needed this to go well. "We should call the others for back up." Lockwood ordered, but Lilith should her head, signalling for him to wait. Creeping down, she moved along the walls, staying below the height of the window. She moved in front of the kitchen door, placing her hands on the floor, then in a surge of power, she released her magic. Ethereal light twinkling around her and seeping under the doorframe into the kitchen. After a moment, Lilith would stand, shoving open the doorframe. She stepped into the side, where all of them were frozen in place, immobilised by her magic.

    She strode forward, chains pooling from her hands and wrapping themselves around all of the dark mages. One by one they would be yanked off their feet, bound to the ceiling helplessly. Her chains shredding them of their weapons and restricting their ability to use magic and fight back. Lockwood followed her, his own face wearing a baffled look as he eyed the kitchens. Clearly he hadn't expected her to handle it so smoothly, it was nice to prove she was more than just the hot girl with a bad attitude. She located the magic council member, who stared up at her in binds, a bewildered expression on his face. She offered him an easy smile, before reaching down she set about undoing the ropes that bound him. One hand reaching up to her earpiece, she pressed the button and spoke to the rest of her squad, smirking as she did so.

    "Target secure, consider these asses wrecked".


    Lili's WC: 2042 / 2000


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:08 am