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    Cleaning the Clocks (Clockwork: Invasion)

    Lumine Fennec
    Lumine Fennec

    Lineage : Seductor’s Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 119
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lunar Frost
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    Cleaning the Clocks (Clockwork: Invasion) Empty Cleaning the Clocks (Clockwork: Invasion)

    Post by Lumine Fennec 14th December 2019, 6:45 am

    Name: Luna Fennec

    Rank: B



    Lycan woods, just the name seemed off-putting. Luna had meant to find a more leisurely job to take the twins on, but had gotten blind-sided by the council, and the three of them were stuck having to go to the Lycan Woods, to take out some machines. She was worried for the two exceeds, given the way their appearance. She had never seen them fight, so she didn't know if they could, but she would do her best to ensure that it didn't come to that. Her ears rotated as much as they could while she walked, listening for any sound that could allow her to perceive a threat.

    She was on high alert with her two young charges, and would not allow the possibility of anyone attacking them. Not only could she possibly lose her job, but she would also feel personally responsible if that were to happen. She enjoyed most of their creations, as they seemed to be rather adept as inventors. She had actually considered recommending them for promotion a few times, but had simply never gotten around to it. "The things we do for the council..."

    Luna was beginning to become jaded from working for the Magic Council. Granted, they were a great group to serve under, and the pay and benefits were great, but the jobs the council asked her to do generally were not so great, at least from Luna's perspective. Her main gripe, though, was that these jobs always seemed to come in when she was about to use her vacation days. "We could be on a certain resort island right now, but instead we're stuck here cleaning up this mess." There was, however, a benefit to most jobs like this, and that was recognition from the council.

    It did not always happen though. Luna couldn't be too upset, since this sort of work sometimes paid the bills, but she did find the timing to be rather inopportune. When the trio arrived in a clearing, Luna noticed something unusual. It was something that didn't have any business being in the middle of a clearing in the middle of the woods. It seemed to be an ancient stone gateway, with it's runes all lit up.

    She had something of a flashback at that moment, to a job that she had done with another member of the Rune Knights. She had hoped that this case would not be the same as then, before she gulped and stepped forward through the gate, with a mix of fear and curiosity. When she stepped into an unfamiliar area, she immediately checked her surroundings. Nothing seemed to be trying to attack her at the moment, which was probably a good thing. She was, however, curious about a strange young girl, or what appeared to take the distorted form of one, hovering in front of her.

    "Hello?" "Hi! Welcome to the Gardens of Eden!" "Gardens?" "Yep! It's a good thing you showed up when you did, too! We've been having trouble with these mechanical golems that showed up a while back! We don't know how to make them leave, and we were hoping that someone would eventually show up to help us get rid of them!"

    "Did you try asking or ordering them to leave?" "Yep! We don't know what they want, but they happen to be raiding a nearby village right now!" Something seemed off about this situation, actually a lot of things did, but Luna was more focused on the fact that there seemed to be innocents who needed aid, and they were in the best position to provide that. "How far, and in which direction?"

    "Oh, the place that they are attacking is about three miles away, to the west, but you don't want to go there, it's dangerous." Luna smirked before opening her mouth once more. "I wouldn't be much of a knight if I ran away from those in need." Without another word, she rushed off in the direction that the girl had pointed when she said "west". Three miles was a long way, but Luna couldn't just do nothing while innocents suffered. She had to do something, even if it didn't amount to much, she would make sure that she got something done, and would try to set a good example for the girls she was traveling with.

    She was running just a little faster than she normally could, and part of that was due to an internal chemical reaction, the adrenaline pumping through her, keeping her from feeling the pain that she was putting her legs through, at least temporarily. She couldn't stop, not until she got to where she was needed. She couldn't afford to take even the shortest break lest she risk letting someone get hurt when she could have prevented it. She could not, or rather would not allow that.

    If she could keep someone from getting hurt, or worse, then she wouldn't allow herself even a moment's hesitation. She had to get where she was going, and fast, so she ran. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her, she had to get there in time, because if she didn't, she didn't want to think about what might happen in her absence, what might already be happening. The few times she fell, she simply rolled to recover and keep up her momentum. She had done a lot of running at the base in Era, to keep in shape, so this wasn't all that difficult for her.

    Or at least, she didn't think it would be, but those runs were not fueled by such dire conditions, and she was thinking more clearly then, because she had time to. In this situation, she had to think on the fly, or risk lives by hesitating, and she was not willing to risk lives just to get results. At least, none other than her own. She pressed on, certain that she would be able to be of some assistance to those oppressed.

    Word Count: 1,000

    Personal Word Count: 1,000

    Total Word Count: 1,000/14,000

    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
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    Cleaning the Clocks (Clockwork: Invasion) Empty Re: Cleaning the Clocks (Clockwork: Invasion)

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 14th December 2019, 10:45 pm

    947/9,000 words || @Luna Fennec || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    The twins would walk alongside Luna through the thick and dense forest, Grappa busy enjoying their stroll through the woods while Jellisha would be reading over that set of orders have landed them in today. It had been a fairly quiet and uneventful day when they woke up. Seri dragging them out of bed like always, taking a shower, getting dressed, drills, etc. Imagine their surprise when a day of lounging about and reading the latest comic issue was interrupted by none other than Luna and their new orders for the day. While Grappa had very little interest in reading the written piece of paper, Jellisha more than accommodated her request by just doing it behind their backs. Luna spoke up about not being in the best of moods for the event of going to a mission like this, to which Jellisha groaned. "Tell me about it. We had a whole day planned of rest and fun and then we get stuck on this." She pouted, lifting a crimson eye up from the cover of paper in her hands. Her sister, on the other hand, would looked almost stunned that the two of them would be bonding over something so negative. "Well, at least it's nice to stroll through the woods like this. It's like a mini hiking trip!~" Always the more childish and maybe more innocent of the two.

    Though at the mention of a trip to a resort, the grisl perked up visibly.

    "A resort? What's that?" Jellisha asked curiously, wondering what such a place was.
    "Is it like a place where you go to have fun?"

    The two bombarded Luna with question after question. While they had rised through the ranks despite their age, their minds were more than capable of working with the engineering department. However, they weren't technically even a year old at this point. Just last week, somebody had to explain what that shiny thing used to open cans was. A can opener. How very mysterious! They questionings continued to fire off in rapid succession up til the three of them stumbled across a clearing of sorts. Devoid of trees, a small outcropping nearby would rest a strange stone structure, one the twins hadn't seen before. "Hey Luna, what's that?" Grappa asked, eyeing the older woman in the hopes she knew what it was. Jellisha did the same, although her expression was a bit more "Mythal-lite" in nature. No time for games, all business. Runes lit up the sides and the girls hurried over to inspect them while Luna gently stepped through the portal.

    "Did she just really step on through without warning us?!" "Well, I guess it's safe if she did it..." "Luna could have stepped into a hole and is falling into a pit of spikes! We should go home now. It'll be easier."

    Grappa frowned at her sister's objections, taking her hand and holding it tight in hers. "Wait, what are you-" "It's okay if you're scared, Jellisha~ I'll do it for both of us." She began walking to the portal while the other Exceed would be tugging to free her hand. "Wait, no! Stop! It's dangerous! Grappa! GRAPPAAAAA!"

    The two sisters stepped through on the other side, with Jellisha still defiant all the way through. Thankfully Grappa would keep her close by while forcing her off of the platform and into the foreign area around her. It was dark and mysterious. How spooky~ "Oh, there she is! Luna!" Grappa called out, dragging Jellisha behind her while the latter would resign to her fate and walk along with her twin sister. As they neared, she had been talking to a child much like themselves. Or at least, that's what it looked like. She was floating in front of her and Jellisha had her doubts about wther or not this girl was even real. "Hello!~" Grappa greeted the girl alongside Luna and listened to the conversation at hand. "Wait, we're at the Garden of Eden? THE Eden?" Jellisha asked surprised. Grappa shot her a blank look while Jellisha would groan. "I'll explain it after. Just...read more than a book a week." The gardens were under attack by...mechanical werewolves? What a strange kind of attack somebody would launch, especially in such a mythical place. The group listened as she gave a location on where to find the beasts. Grappa got super hype thanks to Luna's alreayd infectous spirit. "Yeah, don't worry! The Rune knights will save the gardens. It's our duty to- Luna?" She had already taken off in a dead sprint while Jellisha watched on. "Damn, she's pretty quick." The two 's forms exploded in a plume of smoke, taking on their Exceed shapes and then proceeded to rocket into the sky, chasing after the fox. "Luna! Wait for us!" Grappa and Jelisha would fly above her, diving closer and closer until the two young Exceed would be close enough to actually land on her head. Thanks to their size, they didn't weigh that much and wouldn't affect Luna's speed in the slightest. Based on the speed that they were going, the run wouldn't be too long in the site where the mechanical monsters would be hanging around at.

    "Wow! You're like super fast, Luna! Vroooooom!~"
    "According to the calculations made inside of my head, we should be getting close to that place where the enemies are. Maybe in a minute if you really kick it into high gear."

    The twins enjoyed their ride, with Grappa hanging on by one of Luna's tails while Jellisha chose to remained seated on top of her head, the girl's vanilla white hair clashing against the sea of black that was their partner's.

    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500
    Spells Used:
    Abilities Active:
    Equipped List:
    Monsters Killed:
    Other Notes: reeeeeee

    Lumine Fennec
    Lumine Fennec

    Lineage : Seductor’s Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 119
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lunar Frost
    Second Skill:
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    Cleaning the Clocks (Clockwork: Invasion) Empty Re: Cleaning the Clocks (Clockwork: Invasion)

    Post by Lumine Fennec 17th December 2019, 12:53 am

    Name: Luna Fennec

    Rank: A



    Luna could smell the smoke as she pressed on, refusing to slow down as the twins landed on her. They informed her that they were not far, and part of her did regret taking off without them, but she couldn't afford even the slightest delay in this situation. "Listen, I'm not trying to underestimate the two of you or anything, but the Field Marshal would have my head if anything bad happened to either of you, so while I'm not going to tell you to let me handle everything, I'd like the two of you to focus on getting people out of there. I'll handle as much of the fighting as I can while you do that. Saving people is still a big part of the job, after all."

    "Do you think you can do that for me? Again, it's not that I don't think you're strong anything, I just don't have enough of me to fight AND save people, so I'm entrusting you with that." Luna wasn't completely sure of her plan, but she had to remind herself of what happened with the job that she did with Masha. She made sure to be clear as to why she was giving them that task, so as to avoid breeding resentment. Luna had learned a good deal of things from her mentor, and hoped to go to her for another job some day, she had just been giving her some space, since things had gotten a bit awkward in the previous job that they had done together.

    Honestly, Luna was just surprised that Masha hadn't seen fit to let her go after that. But, this wasn't the time to focus on the past. She needed to be focused on the present. "This might be a bit tougher than we initially thought. If you two....if it looks like I might be in trouble, I want you to get as many people as you can, and get out of here."

    "I need you to promise me that you will." She rushed into the town in under the time called out by the more logical twin, hoping the two would understand her order, and that they would follow it. What she saw would have made the average person hesitate, but the Rune Knights were not average people. Luna quickly waved her left arm over her form as she drew her whip with her right. Her armor formed with skates as she touched the ground, causing it to freeze over. The ice alone caused some of the mechanized monstrosities to slip and fall.

    Luna skated around and whipped a few of them at a time, trying to get their attention. She always had something of a backup plan in case things got overwhelming. A couple of the chickens were encased in ice after being hit by her whip. She could tell that these were not the average mechanized enemies that someone from Fiore could come up with, but she couldn't let that stop her. As the frozen enemies broke free from the ice, she knew that this would be a tough battle, but she couldn't give in, especially not so soon, and not after what she had said to the twins.

    While using her whip to stagger the constructs, she also fired conical projectiles towards them. Many of them hit their marks quite easily, but they didn't completely stop the metallic beings, at least not all of them. The chickens went down pretty quick, since they were not all that sturdy. The others, however, they held up quite a bit better. Luna cracked her whip a few times to keep them trained on her while she gave people time to escape.

    If anything, she made for a good distraction, since up until this point, nobody had fought back against the invasion force. A cry of help could be heard inside a nearby building, and Luna hoped that the girls had heard it, because she herself was not in any position to offer direct assistance. She could keep the invaders occupied, though, and keep them from harming any more innocents. She knew that what she was doing was right, so why then did she feel so scared? Was it a fear of something happening to her tails again?

    No, she had gotten past that. She was afraid that what she was facing wasn't everything, that something could be hiding, waiting for the two exceeds that were so cherished by the Rune Knights. She wouldn't be able to face herself if anything happened to them. Still, she had to trust them at least a little. They had, after all, made it to the rank of B as mages, which was nothing to sneeze at for those so new to the world as they were.

    Still, it did bother her a bit. Nevertheless, she had a job to do, and that was keeping the attention of the robotic forms on herself, and off of everyone else as she put in her best efforts to beat them, or at least push them back. She wasn't perfect, and there was a very slim chance of her beating every enemy on her own, but she had to try, had to give everyone else a chance to escape. Plus, she had barely tapped into her arsenal at this point, and she was not about to go down without using her biggest spells. She also knew that it would take a while to get people out, and neither role in this job was to be an easy one.

    There were always those who put up a fight about leaving. Part of why she had entrusted the job to the twins was because, at least in her own opinion, they were just too cute to say no to. She thought it unfortunate that they had to get dragged along with her on this job, but she couldn't exactly say no to the council. She saw them as problematic sometimes, but they paid the bills.

    Word Count: 1,000

    Personal Word Count: 2,000

    Total Word Count: 2,947/14,000

    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
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    Cleaning the Clocks (Clockwork: Invasion) Empty Re: Cleaning the Clocks (Clockwork: Invasion)

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 22nd January 2020, 11:39 am

    2,115/9,000 words || @Luna Fennec || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    All things considered, this wasn't exactly the days that the girls had been planning out in their mind. The ride on top of their foxy comrade certainly did make for quite the story though! The two siblings hung on for dear life while Luna would be racing in the direction that the one woman spoke of before. As they continued on, the twins noses would pick up the scent of smoke a short distance away from their position. Grappa wore a concerned look on her face, Jellisha huffed to herself. Would the people be in stable condition despite the rather unfortunate description that was given to them? Luna would finally speak while leading the girls towards the scene of the crime. Her words were understandable, given that Serilda and Mythal likely would have gone berserk had anything happened to their girls at this point. Grappa and her sister knew the reason why Luna had told, no, ordered them to stay safe and to focus on getting as many people out as she could. But unlike her sister, Jelisha wouldn't be so understanding of why exactly they were delegated to being the ones who didn't get to see all the action.

    "Are you kidding me?!" Jellisha exclaimed, crossing her arms while furious about not being able to kick some serious monster butt. "We can handle ourselves just fine! Why does everybody keep putting us on the sidelines! We should be at the front!" "Um, Jel-" Grappa attempted to raise a point but was quickly shot down as her sibling continued to have her little tantrum. "I can pick up and carry people." "Jellisha." "Just think of how many people we can carry like that! Together we could-" Grappa now reached up to gently push her sister's head. "WHAT?!" she snapped, causing Grappa and blink.

    "I...think that's the reason why Luna wanted us to rescue people in the first place."
    "Because we can get to people sooner."

    Jellisha would continue to pout as the wheels inside of her furry little head would be moving around. After a few seconds or so, she shook her head and grumbled some rather choicy words. Grappa, in the mean time, would nod at Luna. "But we can do that easy! Go and help people instead of fight!" Jellisha was obviously still sour about it, but the exceed would likely come 'round after a bit of much needed pouting time. She was a grumpy cat like that. But then came the proposal that now Grappa would raise an arm at. "L-Leave you here?!" she said, now turning to face the fox woman. "But we can't....Y-You shouldn't...Why would you want us to just desert you?" The little Exceed demanded an answer, but would get none in return. The entrance to the small town was nearing closer and closer. as Jellisha would taking Grappa and help her get ready to push off. She furrowed her brows and would reluctantly go with the plan so far. She hoped the need to abandon a comrade would not be the one outcome of this event. "I won't leave you behind, Luna!" Always defiant when her team needs her to save herself, that Grappa. Some may call it brave, but they were still just children in a position where death and grief were all too common.

    The twins pushed off the moment when the handler skidded into the fray, summoning her whip while beginning her assault on the group of mechanized monsters storming the place. "Come on!" Jellisha said, breaking Grappa out of her trance while the girls would race around to get a better view of the village that they found themselves sucked into. It was a fairly small area, with houses and other larger places of interest acting as shelters for the citizens whose homes were being attacked. They started small first, quickly diving down inside of a building whose roof was exposed to the sky. A women was inside, clutching her baby to her chest while waving down the two exceeds. "Don't worry, miss! We're here to getcha." Grappa said. She both would grab a hold onto the woman and use their Aero magic to get that extra boost of power they needed to get airborne. They couldn't hold her like this indefinitely though, as the twins were still just cats at the end of the day. Cats who were carrying a full sized person. The power of the two sisters flew the woman outside of the village, in a small clearing where the robots didn't appear to have any interest in. The perfect spot! They set the woman down gently and would make sure the baby was okay. "Oh, thank you both! But there are still people in the village that are in danger! If they're hurt, I can try my best to help. I'm not a full healer, but a nurse in training." Jellisha looked back at the village, sounds of cries and more robotic clanging noises were still filling the air. "Right. We'll be right back." They took off to the skies again while the woman shouted, "Oh, and bring back some supplies!"

    Back into the fray, the girls would be speeding into the village again and making their next stop in another home. This one some robots had broken into as a small child would be hiding under her bed. Jellisha swung Grappa around, causing a burst of wind strong enough to push the robots against the wall while they went in and pulled the kid out to safety. "Go drop her off. I'm gunna go search for medical stuff." Jellisha ordered her sister, who flew the girl back to the one lady they had rescued early. "Millie!" The woman said, bringing the girl to her with a free hand, still clutching the baby. "Ms. Pelsman...I couldn't find my parents anywhere. Are they okay?" The woman hesitated, even looking to Grappa but would nod and pat the child's head while she trembled. "They're okay, sweetie. But we need to stay here for now. We can search for them when the town's in danger." Jellisha returned a little bit later, carrying a few bags of medical supplies she found a broken in home. There wasn't much but it was enough to get started on some if they were in need of medical attention.

    "Why are people so heavy?" Grappa complained, helping Jellisha rescue another family that were out in the open. The father was blasting away robots with magic but not making much progress. If anything, they worried Luna might accidentally freeze him while dealing with every last machination. His son and wife were pushed close near him, screaming in terror while they were beginning to be surrounded. "Hey!" Jellisha called from above, swooping down low to catch the son. Grappa came soon after to collect the mother and father, grunting as she lifted both while her wings flapped a mile a minute to maintain her altitude. "The, ugh...Rune Knights are here to heeeelp..."


    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500
    Spells Used:
    Abilities Active:
    Equipped List:
    Monsters Killed:
    Other Notes: reeeeeee

    Lumine Fennec
    Lumine Fennec

    Lineage : Seductor’s Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 119
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lunar Frost
    Second Skill:
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    Cleaning the Clocks (Clockwork: Invasion) Empty Re: Cleaning the Clocks (Clockwork: Invasion)

    Post by Lumine Fennec 22nd January 2020, 1:54 pm

    Name: Luna Fennec

    Rank: A



    The chicken forms had gone down rather quickly, but the reavers, which were shaped like jellyfish, were taking a lot more damage to put down. Luna was starting to have some trouble. Luckily, however, her weapon allowed her to hit them a bit harder without using her magical energy quite as much. Her armor had taken a few hits, but she could always spend a little energy to repair it. The key issue was that these reavers were quite durable, and she couldn't dodge them forever.

    If they were this powerful, then the one in charge of this whole mess would warrant her earlier decision of telling the girls to leave once they had gotten everyone they could to safety. There was a point after taking one of the forms down using only her physical attacks, where she had to stop and catch her breath. One of the others capitalized on this opportunity, and knocked her through a couple walls. She wasn't hurt, though, as her armor had taken most of the damage. She was simply worried about giving the girls time to do as she had asked as she caught something of a second wind, and got back into the fight, practically asking the mechanical beasts to attack her as she whipped them each once in turn before starting a barrage of Ice arrows.

    "You got cocky. Don't go thinkin' I'm dead just because you managed to knock me through a wall. I train for worse on a daily basis." She smirked as she rushed towards one of the forms, punching the large disc shaped body with tremendous force before rapidly backing off. She was able to use her tails as extra limbs by this point, due to some training that she had done to help her control them better.

    Plus, she couldn't give in too easily. After all, as a Rune Knight, a defender of Fiore, and Earthland, she had a reputation to uphold. Rune Knights didn't give up just because the situation looked difficult. "What, you think terrorizing some civ's makes you tough? HA! Try attacking one of our bases some time. I promise that you won't get past the main gate."

    She knew that her mechanized enemies could not respond verbally, but she wasn't sending the message to them so much as using it to psyche herself up. This was a situation that would take some work to get past, and she was trying not to think to hard about the odds of her survival, which seemed to drop every time she used a spell. The strikes were hitting a bit more often as Luna did her best to take down a second reaver, but over time, her armor was taking a bit more time to repair. This was a sign that she was getting low on mana. When the reavers were down to three, she had to catch her breath once more.

    Once again, the mechanoids took advantage of her situation, and sent her flying through a few walls. Upon impact with the last of these, her armor broke, shattering into millions of tiny particles as she stepped towards the clockwork creations. She was in a bad spot, but she didn't have the luxury of giving up, not while the twins were doing their best to get everyone to safety, she couldn't fall yet. She could move around more easily without the armor anyway, and her tails could help with any dexterous movements such as rolling out of the way of attacks. Her whip was as an extension of herself when she moved, breaking the sound barrier with each of her attacks, and at times helping her avoid being hit, by latching onto a pipe, or pole which she could swing herself around.

    She wasn't going down so quickly after having barely given the girls a way to stay out of trouble. Some of her energy wrapped around her free hand as she used her whip to launch herself high into the air. She would have to get a little creative to get through this, but she wasn't about to let them see her having trouble so early. At her highest point, her hand glowed with a pale white light, almost resembling that given off by the moon before she started spinning horizontally on her way back down. When she was just above one of the crafted enemies, she would shout loudly before punching directly downward into it.

    "TAKE THIS!! MOON SPLITTER!!" It seemed like pure lunar energy was flowing from her fist directly into the autonomous contraption for roughly fifteen seconds before she hopped away, and it exploded. That left two to deal with as her hair began to change from black to white. There was a full moon on this particular evening, and Luna's namesake tended to favor her quite a bit, granting her a little extra power, and replenishing some of her magic as she approached the two remaining reavers. "So, from five to two, that isn't so bad, now is it? Well, it's bad for you, but otherwise, it's not terrible."

    She giggled lightly as she raced towards the next one, somehow managing to grab ahold of one of it's tendrils and swing it around before smacking it into the other one. "I'm actually starting to enjoy this. It's a shame that there are only two of you. That always seems to be the case when I fight." She created a cage around one of the two, and started condensing said cage while she kept an eye on the other mechanical beast. the cage would slowly deal damage as it became compressed. There was a light smirk on the woman's face as one of her fox-like teeth poked out from under her upper lip, and her eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. But really they were simply reflecting some of the moonlight. Her tails helped her keep away from the remaining reaver as she continued to crush the previous one.

    Word Count: 1,000

    Personal Word Count: 3,000

    Total Word Count: 5,115/14,000

    Grappa & Jellisha
    Grappa & Jellisha

    Moderator- Main Account- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 326
    Cosmic Coins : 200
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair
    Experience : 19,341

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Twin Storms
    Second Skill:
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    Cleaning the Clocks (Clockwork: Invasion) Empty Re: Cleaning the Clocks (Clockwork: Invasion)

    Post by Grappa & Jellisha 1st March 2020, 10:09 am

    3,050/9,000 words || @Luna Fennec || job info/job sign-up || short note here
    "This...is not...even fair..." Jellisha said, having needed to take a small break to catch her breath after carrying a rather doughy man across town and into the designated village area spacing for evacuation a little ways outside of the area. Grappa would be beside, her and pacing around in front of her with a mixture of concern and frustration evident on her young, impressionable face. Her sister would be her grumpy usual self when dealing with her ideas that conflicted with the orders that were given to her and her sister. "There's gotta be someway we can help her without just focusing on the civilians. There's still more but what if she runs into a problem or something and needs our help? How are we supposed to just continue on like nothing's happening?" The other twin would continue her pout and stop mid pace while just shaking her head and stomping around. "I don't know! But we sure as hell can't just sit here and wait for the others to rescue themselves." The two would nod in unison and take off back into the skies that hung over the besieged town. The two were just in time to get a front row seat for Luna to get smacked through a wall from the machines nearby. "Luna!" the two of them cried in unison. Their fears were put to rest upon seeing the woman get her second wind and proceed to get back up and start turning the approaching robots into a mountain of scrap metal and splinters. Now relieved, the twins swooped down to continue rescuing people close by.

    "We seriously gotta ask her to make us cool armor like that." Grappa commented, finding the use of armor that could withstand such punishment all the more enticing.
    Jellisha arched an eyebrow. "You know, we can actually make that ourselves, right? We're the ENGINEERING division and all."

    The two settled back on the ground just in time to take the next civilian in need of a pick up. He was a younger man, thankfully less heavy which was good news for the aching of Jellisha's back, and would hang on top of the two. They were just about to take off when a stray robot had grappled the tails of the two Exceed. "Ah!" Grappa yelped, the burst of adrenaline causing her to race into the air, still holding the man with her sister and the robot weighing them down back to Earthland. Of course, it was a rather more weighty take off, and the robot was causing them to slowly sink back down to the ground. "Get off us, you oversized piece of..." Jellisha threw curse words after curse word at the metal beast and would join her sister in accelerating upwards and into the sky. The felt the entire party being lifted higher into the sky before the weight would soon disappear as the robot fell back down to the earth. The weight behind it had caused the arms holding onto the cats to slip and let gravity work its course. Grappa and her sister soared back to the meeting point with the man in tow. "Ow..." Grappa whined, her tail all poofed out from the weight that had been distributed to it. Jellisha joined her sibling in checking out her extension. They didn't seem to be broken in any way, which was a good first check. After this, they would need to get that sorted out though. For now, back into the air the two went!

    The two descended on their next building, an orphanage that had been barricaded from the inside with the last remnants of the townspeople fighting off the literal horde of mechanical beings trying to break inside. Grappa searched around for a place to get in but saw little in terms of available options. "We can't get in!" she cried out, Jellisha hovering beside her while a limb of a lost being would be thrown aside in her general direction. The feeling of wind blew against her soft fur while the Exceed looked down at the semi armored man wielding a pole-arm to fend off the robots. The crimson eyed twin would swoop down to the human fending off the group while doing her best to avoid his strikes at the enemy. "Hey, mister. We've-" Woosh! "Come to-" Swsh! "Save the kids-" Fwing! "Can you open the-" Tng! "Door for us?" Using a free hand, the man pointed to the door that him and his fellow three companions were fending off the tide to keep untouched. "Kinda busy, lass. Do it yourself. But when you open that door, we can't let ya go out of it again. Thing's been breakin' apart for years now." A group approached while the old man swung his weapon to slice the four in half, their insides spilling over the ground as oil and steel met the earth. "We'll hold them off while ya get everybody to safety. Don't worry about us, we've fought harder foes than this." She nodded and puled her sister towards the door and opened it partially, enough for the two to slip inside and close behind them without worry of anybody getting inside after them.

    As the door hit the frame, a group of young eyes would look at them from the corner, four adults huddled around them. Three women and a man in total. All of them were still rather frail looking, the youngest of the group looking to be somewhere in his late 60s or so. They weren't exactly spring chickens and certainly weren't going to get the children out of here in a hurry. Jellisha's brow furrowed in annoyance. Of course, it was always the most time consuming way of completing an assignment. Why couldn't it just be easy? Her sibling, on the other furry paw, would be far more outgoing than her in the current moment.The kids would be sniffling behind their matrons. "Are we gunna be okay?" "I want my Mommy!" "Please don't hurt us..." Each children's grovels were far worse off than the last. Grappa's heartstrings plucked a sad tune while doing her best to put on a brave face.

    "Don't worry! We're with the Rune Knights." she said, calmly explaining as the group tensed the closer the two got during their approach. "We're here to get all of you out of here and to safety." One of the elderly woman would scoff at the idea in that sort of way old people do when somebody proposes a solution to a problem that isn't theirs. Humans were kinda weird like that. "And how are you going to do just that? There only way out is through the door, and those robots aren't going to let us just run off willy nilly." She was right. Jellisha chewed the inside of her cheek. Curse these old people and their wealth of newfangled knowledge. "Then we just gotta try and find another way to get outta here! No biggie!" Grappa looked around the interior of the building in search for any kind of way to get in. The sturdiness of the building itself was helpful for defending against what lied outside though came at the cost of being hard to penetrate. After a few seconds of hovering around in searching of anything, the emerald eyes would lock onto an old mural above. She wasn't sure of the connotation of the old building but it did look important. "Well...There's that, but I don't think that opens..." Her sibling would rolled her eyes in response.

    "I have an idea."

    One blast of Aero magic later, the upper portion of the stained glass mural would break away and reveal the sky above. The people below shrieked at the sudden use of magic, one of the older women now glaring at the crimson eyed cat who had just blown away part of the building. "You...You furry headed imbecile! Do you have any idea how important that is to our building! That mural you just...desecrated was put here when this town was first founded! Why I have half a mind to-" "Yell at us later, lady! Look, we gotta get all of you out of here and it's either this way or being thrown to the robots outside. If you're so butt hurt about a mural, then stay here and rebuild it while these robots are swarming over you!"

    The elderly sister recalled her head at the sudden shout, with Grappa siding with her sister as the two glared silently at one another. "It's okay! Let's get you guys going!" She hovered over towards one of the kids, a rather pale faced girl with blonde pigtails and a pretty cute looking dress! "Hold on! We'll get you there lickity split!" The nicer of the two would gently take the little girl's hand and then proceed to fly out of the broken mural and into the skies above, carrying her over towards the staging area a little ways away. Jellisha grabbed a boy with shaggy, long hair which covered his eyes and followed suit with her sister. The two children were dropped off with the other woman who was helping people get situated and tending to any wounds that they might uncover here. She smiled at the two kids and would wave the twins off. "Plenty more where that came from! We'll be back with more!" Again and again, this was repeated and with each visit the number of kids trapped in that building grew less and less. They were frightened of what would be waiting for them if they let go, but were elated to touch ground and see their friends. By the fifth trip, they had made a little group by a fallen log, clutching their toys in hand and checking up on one another. It was pretty cute to see in all honesty. The trips went rather quick on account of the twins' worry for the rest of the guards present. After a total of eight children in total, Grappa and Jellisha returned to the old building just in time to see the elderly folk be lifted out, one by one. The one that had been screaming at Jellisha would be carried by Grappa, while her sister took the mantle of flying with another person for the sake of not starting another shouting match though this time up in the sky.

    "I suppose you two should be pardoned for the destruction of private property. Back when I was your age-"
    Jellisha rolled her eyes. "Would you like to go back into the building? I could drop you off and let the older guys get taken instead."

    They were set back down in record time, Jellisha scoffing while muttering a "You're welcome." to the woman in question. Grappa, on the other hand, would appear incredibly happy to see that the nuns and kids had survived the trip. "Okay! Take care of everybody! We'll be back with more people!" Yet when the two returned to the building, the group of guards had vanished from their spot. Grappa looked worried, scouring the area for them with a keen, green eye as Jellisha joined her. "But where would they even go?" she asked aloud, biting her lip in worry. It wasn't long before they found the three gentlemen in question, huddling into a corner of the nearby wall near the southeast. At least one man was incapacitated, hung on the shoulders of a bearded man who wielded. His two handed sword in a single hand with his comrade with an oversized shield holding the horde of machines off. The two zoomed back down in a hurry, grabbing a hold of one another's paws and spinning rapidly. The air around them hardened as they drilled through the defenses and blasted away an area so that the men could breathe. "We're here! Don't worry. Let's get you guys to safety!" Both twins came together, holding the group of men in both paws. The weight load was incredibly heavy and they barely got off the ground before the approaching army would get here. "Ngh...So gods damn heavy..." Jellisha muttered, pouring every ounce of her energy into lifting the two with her paws. Grappa did the same and they slowly ascended into the skies on the way outside. It took a great deal of time, but the twins managed to get the trio back onto the ground near the group below.

    They then collapsed onto the log, in need of a rest while they gasp for air, wings splayed out and dragging across the ground.

    HP: 500/500
    MP: 500/500
    Spells Used:
    Abilities Active:
    Equipped List:
    Monsters Killed:
    Other Notes: reeeeeee

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 3:22 am