Fairy Tail RP

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    Raiju Demitorden


    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 8
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Raiju Demitorden

    Post by raiju 29th January 2020, 3:05 pm

    Name: (Raiju Demitorden)

    Gender: (Male)

    Age: (17)

    Birthday: (01/04)

    Sexuality: (Straight)

    Special Characteristics: (Has a scar that runs down his arm and crosses over to the back, but he normally hides it due to people thinking that he is weak, has two different colored eyes one being blue the other being crimson, he has a cross in the instead of a pupil for his red eye. He disguised as two blue eyes.  )

    Personality: (Raiju really likes thrill and Adrenalin, his wacky personality makes any trip exciting. He views Fairy tail as a family always willing to help. However he is good at causing fights and likes to play jokes on others. Raiju may be 17 but he does act like a kid most times but when it comes to a fight his entire personality changes from a fun-loving 17 year old to a serious fighter. He is a reckless fighter at times, not only to his surroundings but to himself as well.He will always back up his friends in a fight mainly due to the fact that under his fun loving personality he has a unstable anxiety issue were he can't trust others including his guild members. But he barely shows this. Outside battle Raiju would listen to music since he calls it a 'second magic'. Music can take the better of him since he likes to move to act to the rhythm, which can make him a hazard sometimes. He can sometimes lose control of his anger in a fight since he doesn't like being treated as a little boy. Most times he trains knowing that compared to some over people he is very weak. One thing that surprises people when they fight him is his strong will. Like when he was younger he once got in a fight with a boar, he didn't fall till he beat that boar. Sure his arm was broken and his jaw was fractured but that never stopped his will.
    He hates the people that would not stand up to him but talk behind his back. Raiju is quick witted and doesn't take much seriously, this can often make him be seen as weak since others would only see his fun loving side. In battle he is something else using his magic to fight others.

    One thing Raiju loves a lot (not as much as music) is snow, to him he likes to feel the crunch of each footstep and the infinite things you can do with it. But really Raiju hates Autumn to him he sees it as the death season were everything dies. He loves the outdoors and will always take a challenge.He loves challenges since it gives him a surprise every time he has a new opponent.
    He loves his personality and doesn't want anything to change. He likes to think that he has 3 personalities. But he has never been using the 3rd. Raiju likes to be playful around others, mainly due to the fact that he doesn't want to be alone, abandoned without use.    )

    Likes: (Music: he likes this because the rhythm can take you to a new world.
                        Fighting: each fight is like a new surprise.
                         The guild- It's like family to him.
                           Challenges: this makes him improve and test what he knows
                             Foxes: he sees them as little versions of himself witty but strong) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.

    Dislikes: (Losing: he hates losing since it makes him look like a weak person
                            Being asked questions: This puts him under pressure which makes him
                             feel like everyone is judging him for every action he does.
                            Being seen as a weak one: He gets this hate because it feels like
                             people are saying he is dependent on them
                             ) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.

    Motivations: (Death: If he is going to face death then he will need to get strong
                                  before he can face him
                                   Friends: they are the only thing he has in life apart from the guild
                                    His name: Raiju's name translates to thunder beast in Japanese so
                                     if he can't live up to the name he isn't worthy of it) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.

    Fears: (Losing: it will happen eventually but will he be ready to feel loss?
                            Being alone : to feel like the whole world just wants to abandon you is
                                 just horrible) 3 minimum, bullet point them individually, with at least one sentence to describe them.

    General Appearance

    Height: (5'7 ft)

    Weight: (130 lbs )

    Hair: (white with blue tips)

    Eyes: ( One being blue, the other being red)

    Skin Tone: (Light)

    Appearance: https://www.itl.cat/pngfile/big/43-433658_killua-zoldyck-hunter-x-hunter-killua-art.jpg
    ((sorry i couldn't find the right picture))

    Tattoo: (blue and at the back of his shoulder)

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:37 pm