Fairy Tail RP

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    Pumpkin Hunters on the Prowl!


    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 49
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shane Stern
    Experience : 0

    Pumpkin Hunters on the Prowl! Empty Pumpkin Hunters on the Prowl!

    Post by Endolf 1st November 2019, 1:46 am

    "Pumpkins, pumpkins~ P-p-pumpkins!~" Veronica sang merrily in an almost childish sort of fashion as she bopped her head side to side, humming when she wasn't singing aloud. If the repeated variants of the same word set to some kind of happy-go-lucky rhythm could be called singing. Some might have found her actions annoying but she didn't really care at the current moment. Why should she? It was the fall, easily her favorite time of the year. Leaves had changed and shed from the canopies of the tree tops all across Fiore leaving the brilliant colors of red, orange and gold all across the land. Colors much like her own personal wardrobe, bonus points to the season as far as she saw it.

    Some time off had come the girl's way and thankfully enough the most perfect way to fill that free time had been plastered all over the main entrance of the Rune Knights' headquarters, as well as throughout most of the most populated areas of Era, in the form of flyers requesting the services of any and all mages that would offer them. The task was really a simple, and as far as Veronica was concerned fun, one. It seemed an event was to take place soon enough and pumpkins were required for it. LOTS of pumpkins. Pumpkin picking had actually been one of the things Veronica often found herself loving to do during the fall before she finally joined the Rune Knights, often searching out for the best pumpkins for her and her foster mother to make into treats like soups or just roasted snacks.

    As if her luck wasn't already something close to godly as it was there was the bonus of getting her commanding officer along for the pumpkin hunting, as well as another member of the Combat Corps she hadn't met before. Getting free time to pick pumpkins AND bond better with her fellow Combat Corps members was almost like a dream for the blonde. There were clearly a few things she could hope for to happen between herself and Gisen, but she suspected those would be left to her daydreams for the moment.

    Veronica WC: 359 / 1,500

    @Gisen Ceostra @Albafica Temero

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 5:27 am