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    Story Behind the Three Blades [WIP]


    S-Rank- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Roger's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 130
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gildarts
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sword Magic: Three Swords Style
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Story Behind the Three Blades [WIP] Empty Story Behind the Three Blades [WIP]

    Post by Kazuki 31st May 2013, 9:33 am

    History:Kazuki was born in the 8th of January. When he set foot in the world, there was a massive war in their country. His parents protected him with all their power, but in the end, their efforts led to their demise. Baby Kazuki managed to survive after he was saved by one of his country's knights, taking him to shelter as the war continued to raze the land. Kazuki stayed in that shelter for five years, growing up under the influence of warriors and swordsmen. Instead of going out and playing games with children of his age, Kazuki learned how to wield a sword and defend himself with it. The warriors praised him for his skill since he can already fight even at a young age. He even defeated one of the enemies who entered their shelter, saving everyone inside from being taken hostage. He kept doing this until the war was won, becoming a hero despite his very young age.

    His phenomenal talent at wielding his sword caught the eye of one of the greatest swordsmen at that time; Rayleigh. The man took a liking at the young child's talent and decided to take him in as one of his students. At first, Kazuki didn't want to leave his country, but the warriors taking care of him told him to go with Rayleigh knowing that it would be the best for him. He kept denying this and tried to convince them to let him stay, but in the end, he lost their silly argument and went with the powerful swordsman, becoming his student.

    Rayleigh owned a small dojo where children were taught how to fight with swords. When Kazuki was oriented, everyone in the dojo were amazed by his skill. He managed to defeat anyone pitted against him even if he used a small wooden dagger. He grew up becoming Rayleigh's best and favorite student, though this came with a cost - and that cost is more hard work due to the high expectations being put on him. Unlike other children who drop due to this pressure, Kazuki still persevered and went on with his training even if he knows his body couldn't handle any more. In just a very young age, he can easily lift an iron beam with one hand which definitely proves the price of working hard.

    While training in the dojo, Kazuki met a girl whom he took a liking on. Her name is Zia, one of the best female swordsmen in the dojo. At first, Kazuki saw her as an enemy and constantly asked for a fight, all of them ending in draws or both of them getting tired to the point of collapsing. However, as they continued their fighting sessions, Kazuki saw the real person inside the girl. They decided to stop their meaningless fights and become friends. They always walked by together and trained together which always gets them in the butt of love jokes and couple pranks. However, they only walked together and bonded just because of their similar talents and nothing else.

    Things changed when Kazuki turned fourteen. He's been in the dojo for already seven years, and in those seven years, he learned how to wield a sword with his mouth allowing him to use three swords at once. This skill of his made him even more famous throughout the dojo, becoming a very formidable swordsman. His relationship with Zia also developed to the point where they would feel embarrassed as people teased them about their connection though they didn't seem to see each other as a couple or something like that. Kazuki also promised her that he'll become the most powerful warrior to ever walk Fiore which, at that time, sounded like a joke seeing how young he was and his small experience in magic. However, Zia believed that he can become the best, always encouraging him whenever he's having a hard time by constantly reminding him of his promise in a rather annoying and comical way. They were pretty happy to be with each other to the point where they were inseparable. But this changed in one fateful day.

    Kazuki was simply training when suddenly, he heard Zia's scream from far away. He ran after the voice only to see her body lying on the ground, shaking. Kazuki ran to her and carressed her. Zia revealed taht she had a fatal illness and that she's already dying much to Kazuki's dismay. However, he didn't give up and kept shouting for help which was answered after a few minutes. A group of medics approached, trying to find out what the fatal illness was. They tried to save her with everything they had, but in the end, Zia succumbed to her illness which brought horror to Kazuki's situation. Being struck with so much grief, Kazuki collapsed in tears, his powerful will crumbling in a second's notice. He lost his consciousness and went on a coma due to the pain in his heart, the pain caused by a large part being torn out of it.

    After three straight days, Kazuki finally woke up with tears still rolling down his face. His body was shaking due to his depression so the medics had to help him get through his situation. Even though he was already cleared to practice, his mental state is far from ready. His situation alarmed Rayleigh who decided to approach him and console him. He told him that not everything ends now and that he still has more in live to live through. He also told him that Zia wouldn't be happy to see him act as a weak person, but this didn't move him a single bit. As a last attempt to get Kazuki back on his feet, Rayleigh reminded him of the promise he made to become the strongest mage. This made Kazuki realize his mistake. He promised Zia to become the most powerful mage so sitting here won't do anything to him and will just delay him from his goal. With this, he managed to rise up from his depressed state, training even harder than before in order to fulfill his promise. His diligence in his training made Rayleigh feel more proud than how he did before, and so, he gave him the sword Zia used to use - the legendary sword named 'Sora Densetsu'.

    Once Kazuki turned 17, Rayleigh decided to release him from the dojo since he is ready to face what life has to offer. Saying his final goodbyes, Kazuki walked out of the place he grew up in, wielding three swords as he made his way out of the dojo, ready to carry the blades of a true swordsman as he enters the world.

    For years, Kazuki challenged countless swordsmen in battle in order to best them, something that will bring him closer to his goal in becoming the best one there is. He defeated every single one of his opponents, most of them in just a matter of seconds. Due to this, he started to become popular in several countries, making some enemies in the process. He also did mercenary jobs in order to gain money and supplies, an act that made him known as the 'Bloody Mercenary'. He's been known to ruthlessly tackle anyone who tried to stop him in his jobs, leaving only a trail of blood behind. Those who survived his onslaught told the tale of his power to many people, a tale that spread like wildfire. It even reached the Magic Council, who, in reply to the swordsman's actions, decided to set a bounty on his head in order to see people stop him from doing everything he wants to. Despite this, no one managed to capture him. Almost all the bounty hunters that tried never even got the chance to put up a good fight to the swordsman, being defeated in just seconds from their arrival. Kazuki even brought down a thousand bandits in just one go, an act that made him an intimidating image throughout the land of Fiore.

    When Kazuki turned nineteen, he did one amazing feat that made the world shocked - becoming the Guild Master of Savage Skull. He managed to do this by defeating and slaying the current guild master at that time in a long, hard fought battle. He became the guild master afterwards, knowing that defeating a master of the guild will automatically make the victor the new guild master. He never did anything for the guild since he always left to do mercenary jobs. The guild members never got to complain about this since they all witnessed the way Kazuki brought down their old master, fearing that if they tried to oppose him, that will happen to them as well. However, despite this, Kazuki's rule didn't last long due to a rebellion - a rebellion started by none other than Lord Frederick.

    It all happened one day when Lord Frederick told him something about the guild, something so dark that Kazuki didn't even want to talk about it. He was told that if they manage to revive Lichborne, everyone will bathe in his power. Kazuki did want to have more power, but he never wanted to bathe on those of other's. He told Frederick that true power can only be earned, not given. Frederick still remained adamant in his decisions, trying to convince Kazuki that the guild must do this as one. After a few moments of talking about this, Kazuki simply stated that he won't let that happen no matter what they try to do. Despite Lord Frederick simply acknowledging his Guild Master's decision, Kazuki knew that this isn't the end of it. And he was right.

    He knew that Frederick secretly manipulated every member of the guild, prompting them to join his cause to revive the Lichborne. He knew this because everyone around started acting weird. He also felt an eerie presence becoming stronger everyday which could be due to the members of Savage Skull falling into Frederick's ideals. This kept going for months until everyone decided to make their move against Kazuki.

    It happened one night when Kazuki was already asleep. Every guild member surrounded every corner of the guild as if they are trying to cover any escape routes. The stronger mages moved forward, heading straight to their guild master in order to assassinate him. Despite their good tactics and well-planned motives, none of them managed to leave a scratch on their guild master. When the strongest mages released their killing spell on their guild master, he instantly woke up and grabbed his three katana, breaking the spell with much ease. After that, he fought all of them at once. None of them managed to fight back due to the incredible skill of their guild master, but still, they stood their ground and kept going. Kazuki had no choice but to show them his true power - brutally incapacitating and even killing a lot of his old guild members just because they are already far from salvation. After hours of fighting, Kazuki decided to leave his old guild knowing that there's no point leading a group with everyone against you. But before he did, he sliced up every corner of the current guild, breaking it into pieces. Jumping away from all the carnage, Kazuki unsheathed his blades, all of them stained with the blood of his former comrades.

    After this event, Kazuki returned to his life as an ordinary mercenary, this time becoming a bigger threat than he used to be. His actions as Savage Skull's guild master seemed to have echoed throughout the world, turning him into a wanted criminal. Despite leaving his old guild for good, Kazuki still got himself involved in their actions by constantly observing them, knowing more about their motives. They were all doing horrible things in order to revive the Lichborne. They even destroyed Blue Pegasus in order to gain more power to revive their 'master'. Due to this, Kazuki made his move, knowing that his former guild is up to something big - something that will bring the whole world into chaos. He knew that one day, he'll meet his old guild again; and in that day, he will bring an end to their lowly ideals.

    RP Sample: (A piece of how you RP)
    Face Claim: Roronoa Zoro - One Piece

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 2:48 pm