Fairy Tail RP

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    King of the Pirates


    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 25
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Black Lightning Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    King of the Pirates Empty King of the Pirates

    Post by TheWanderer 2nd June 2019, 3:11 pm

    Job Description:

    It was an unfortunate quirk of fate that had led Robin to the tomb: he had been travelling to the Ace of Spades when a sandstorm kicked up and drove him into a cave. He had some time to kill, so Robin decided to make sure the cave was safe and unlikely to unleash some abomination on him. He followed the right wall of the cave further and further back, and as it began to slope downwards, he noticed that the naturally-hewn walls of the cave were gradually being replaced by crumbling masonry, and that there were scuffling sounds from deeper in the tunnels. The floor came to be replaced with cracked tiles, which proclaimed in an annoyingly mood-appropriate manner, “Abandon hope, all ye who enter the tomb of the mighty Gold Rogers.” Robin was intrigued by this, because according to the books he had read, Gold Rogers was famed for stealing from the gods themselves. Surely such a legendary larcenist took some of his treasures to the grave with him. His progress halted - voices from around the corner! “I tell ya, buddy, this place gives me the creeps.” Peeking around the corner revealed two men, one holding a torch, standing near to each other in the connecting corridor. The torch-bearer continued, “I know Boss thinks that this’ll make us rich, but is it worth it? I mean, the skellys alone, not to mention those god-awful dogs that got Robby.” Interesting… this tomb seemed more and more crowded by the minute. Robin let his magic flow through him, smiling at the extra agility it gave him, and, taking a deep breath, rushed into the room, blasting a bolt of electrical energy at the one with the torch before using his element of surprise to run past the other, who was fumbling to pull out an arrow and nock it to his bow. The victim of Robin’s attack crumpled to the ground moaning in pain, and the torch fell in a puddle, going out. Robin kept moving in the darkness, the sparks dancing around his arms giving off a faint glow. He heard the sound of footsteps from behind him and gathered that the other man had begun to chase him. Perfect. Now he had a way to distract any guardians this tomb might have. As if on cue, he ran directly into a group of people with swords - wait, were those skeletons? - who turned towards him and moved as though to attack when an arrow struck one of them in a rib, leaving a mark. The bandit, in an attempt to shoot Robin, had instead hit a skeleton, and the skeletons suddenly decided that he was a more offensive target than the lightning wizard, who kept dashing, ignoring the bandit’s screams as he was hacked to pieces. Robin managed to avoid anyone else for a while - once he was about to enter a room when he heard a roaring noise and saw a flash of fiery light (which he promptly fled) - and eventually he came to a grand archway that seemed to hold some importance. Looking in revealed a man of middling height and dressed in clothes similar to those of the two bandits beforehand. He was prying off the lid of a coffin with a crowbar. Damn, Robin thought, one more clown to get through. Robin began preparing for an assault, casting his Electrocharge and Crackling Aegis spells to enhance his spell power and defensive capabilities. Surrounded by an aura of black lightning, he stood up, ready to attack, but froze when he heard a voice call out, “Who’s there?” The bandit had heard him! Cursing under his breath, Robin dove into the room, firing a Dark Arrow spell at the man, which connected in a satisfying sound of sizzling flesh. The bandit dropped the crowbar and whipped out a savage-looking polearm, with which he charged Robin. Robin’s lightning-enhanced speed allowed him to stay ahead of the bandit for long enough to blast him again. The bandit stumbled, but kept up his pursuit, connecting a blow to Robin’s left calf. Ouch. That hurt. What was worse, some of the burn marks from the lightning were beginning to heal. He had to end this fight quickly. Robin threw yet another blast of lightning at the man, who now was beginning to falter. Unfortunately, so did Robin’s Crackling Aegis, dispersing. The bandit lunged once more at Robin, striking a full force blow into his left arm and leaving a deep gash. However, this was the bandit’s last move, as Robin channeled some of the last dregs of his magic into a final Dark Arrow, smiting the bandit chief to the ground. Robin tore off some of the bandit’s cloak to make a makeshift bandage for his arm, and walked over to the coffin. The body, if there ever had been one, had withered away, leaving only a strange sphere and some fancy clothes behind. Robin gathered what he could and carefully made his way out of the tomb. It had so not been worth it. There wasn’t even any gold!

    Word Count: 854

    Magic Note:


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:29 am