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    A Fang In Your Side


    A Fang In Your Side Empty A Fang In Your Side

    Post by Guest 10th November 2019, 5:59 am

    Yokohama was quite a nice port town and if it wasn’t for the fact that her job was to wreck the place then Cierra might have spent some time exploring it. She’d received a job offer from a group of clans to remove one of their trading rivals and although the pink haired slayer cared little for the cause or for how trading worked, the offer to travel to another country for free and have a little fun was more than enough to convince her. It was supposed to be about infiltration and subtlety but that didn’t matter much to her. She’d be successful, in her own brutal way.

    Arriving at the port in the late evening.Cierra didn’t waste a moment and instantly began to make her way towards the large looming castle, having been told that was where her victims would be. She didn’t have a particular plan for getting in and decided that simply flying up and finding a weak spot in its defences would do the trick. The place was so large that she doubted there would be guards posted around the entire area and she was small enough to evade detection, even if she wasn’t keen on that kind of game.

    The roads were fairly bare as she travelled, with no one even giving her a glance as she walked. Oh, how they would come to regret that decision later. She was becoming more excited by the moment at the thought of what was going to come and couldn’t help but skip a few steps as she walked and a giggle escaped her lips. Her employer had been pretty detailed about the layout of the castle and Cierra had a pretty good idea about the numbers that would be awaiting her. The leader was apparently a woman of considerable magical strength and the girl was looking forward to getting up close and personal with her. Oh, she would have to be killed, of course but that didn’t mean that Cierra couldn’t have a bit of fun with her first. Perhaps she would leave her body strung up on the middle of the city square or something.

    Her cheerful thoughts were suddenly cut off as a large hand suddenly clamped over her mouth and dragged her backwards into an alleyway. With a flash of her pink eyes, she would powerfully slam her elbow into the figures abdomen, forcing them to break their grip, before spinning around and smashing them in the ribs with her knee and following up with a mighty punch to the face, causing blood to shoot from the figures nose and mouth. Screaming, the figure, who was hooded, would try to run but Cierra would simply laugh and release her blood claws, unleashing a furious flurry on them to stop them from escaping, causing them to collapse to the floor in pain.

    “That wasn’t very smart, was it?” she cackled, turning her attack onto their back and pulling the hood from their head. They were a young, brown haired male, who looked completely bewildered by her surprising strength. “I’m gonna assume that you’re part of the clan and as such, I ain’t gonna let you live to tell your buddies, scum. Stay still now.” With a giggle, she would leap back on top of him and unleash a barrage of clawed strikes, before finishing him off with a cut across the throat, ending his life with a sickening gurgle.

    Her pupils dilating because of the outpouring of blood, the dual slayer would laugh to herself, before summoning her wings and taking off, heading for the castle. That little bit of fun had been all she’d needed for her to become filled with blood lust and as she felt its effects start to roar through her veins, the teenager would simply grin. Those who were unlucky enough to see her as she flew above them were thankfully either too drunk or simply passed her off as a shadow, paying her little heed. They truly were blind fools and couldn’t help but wonder about just how long it would be before they would find that out for themselves. Her little mission would be the start but would it be enough for them to realise just how weak they truly were? Perhaps humans were morons after all, with ego’s the size of skyscrapers and would simply ignore her message. Either way, it would be fun little exercise for her and a night of misery for those who'd oppose her.

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    A Fang In Your Side Empty Re: A Fang In Your Side

    Post by Guest 16th November 2019, 6:29 am

    The remainder of the flight to the castle was rather uneventful and the girl began to wonder just what the best way would be to get inside. Sure, she could just try and find an open window but Cierra was in the mood for something a little more entertaining and so she’d try a more sneaky approach and perhaps find a different path. As she approached the enormous structure, she would look down to see a group of four robed figures patrolling around the outside of the castle and with a sinister smirk, the girl would begin to descend, waiting for one of the fools to be alone. She could not tell the gender or just who they were but the bright coloured robes, she assumed these would be the weakest ones of the clan.

    A chance would soon emerge for her and without a moment’s thought, Cierra would silently come to land on top of her first target. Before they could utter or scream, she would stab them multiple times in the back with her blood claws, with one of her blows catching them in a vital spot, resulting in them starting to bleed out. The poor fool didn’t have a chance and their movements eventually came to a stop, as their last breath left them. She’d kind of hoped for more of a challenge from the fool but then again, she hadn’t exactly given him much of a chance.

    Giggling, her ears would then suddenly prick up as she heard the sound of flames and the girl would swiftly dash to her right, evading a fireball, which struck the body of the dead clan member and caused it to turn to ash. “Saves you having to bury them, I suppose,” the pink haired slayer would joke, before launching a fist of solid blood at the second mage, catching them in the chest and hurling them back. Moving quickly, she would then start to charge towards the target, surrounding herself with electricity and smashing hard into her enemy, forcing them to the ground. Before they could utter a spell, Cierra would place a hand over their lips, while forcing their hood back to reveal their face to her.

    As it turned out, this one was female, causing the pinkette to smile widely and lean in close to her foe, “Aww, how pretty. I’d like to let you live and spend some quality time with you but I’m afraid that my task is to wipe you and all of your clan out. So, I’m gonna have to kill you now. No hard feelings.” Without any further thought, the teenager would force her left claw into the woman’s stomach, muffling the woman’s screams with her right hand until they faded into nothing. “Well, that’s two,” Cierra would say happily, before quickly getting up and continuing on her way. It wasn’t often that she played hide and seek with her foes but she it was turning out to be quite a blast for her.

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    A Fang In Your Side Empty Re: A Fang In Your Side

    Post by Guest 16th November 2019, 10:07 am

    Making her way round towards the rear of the castle, the slayer’s enhanced sight would catch another robed figure in front of her. It seemed that rather than continue with their patrol, this one had decided to be lazy and was leaning up against the wall, having a drink. The girl’s eyebrows raised as he watched the spectacle and she had to stifle a giggle as she closed in on them.. There was no way that they were going to be able to do anything about her and as she closed the gap, the teenager would summon a javelin of pure lightning and just when she got into range, Cierra hurled her spell towards her target. Her weapon flew true and hit the target in the side, causing them to spasm and reel with pain, the figure clearly male due to the sound of his shrieks. Dashing forwards, she would then leap onto the back of the helpless figure and pull him down to the ground, before battering him with fists and stabs, finishing him off for good.

    Before she pressed on, Cierra would briefly pick up the abandoned bottle and take a sniff of its contents. With a smirk, she would then take a drink of the liquid, enjoying the taste and pumping her up even further. Her levels of pleasure were almost off the scale now and she almost felt like a wild animal as she started to pursue the last of the patrolling guards. Every kill was pushing her further into the mania that she so often fell into and tonight was no option. God, at that moment, she couldn’t have felt a greater high.

    Her trek would eventually lead her around towards the back of the castle and it was then that she found the final guard although this one was certainly not drunk nor unprepared. Cierra wasted no time and sprinted forwards, attempting to get underneath the figure’s guard before it could cast too many spells. Her hands and feet would begin to crackle with lightning as she began to increase her speed and strength, with those additional boosts making it easy enough for her to roll underneath the mage’s fire spell. She would then surround her right foot with lightning, leap up and strike the guard with a powerful roundhouse kick, launching them backwards and crashing into the wall behind them.

    Crumpling to the floor, the mage would pant and prepare to cast another spell but before they were able to, Cierra was on top of them pinning their hands to the ground. “It would be best for you if you just kept that mouth shut and listened to me,” the pink haired girl’s eyes were blazing with passion and pleasure, “I wanna get into the castle and kill your boss. Tell me the easiest way in or I’ll hang you from the first rafter I find. I ain’t feeling very patient so I you’d better just tell me what I want to know.”

    “All right, all right,” the mage said desperately as Cierra suddenly forced the guard’s hood off, revealing another female face. “There’s a way in just behind you that’ll take you through the kitchens and into the main entrance. Be warned though that there are far stronger guards than me inside, who will defend our leader to the….!”

    Before the woman could say another word, the pink haired slayer would suddenly bend down and silence the woman with her lips, completely shocking the guard, before stabbing her in the chest with her claws. As the woman died, Cierra would then pull her lips away and say with a smile, “I’m sorry but I couldn’t resist, you’re just so beautiful that I had to have a taste. Bye now!”

    Leaving the woman to her fate, she would then turn around and walk through the aforementioned door, prepared for the next part of her mission.

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    Last edited by Cierra Huxx on 23rd November 2019, 7:35 am; edited 1 time in total

    A Fang In Your Side Empty Re: A Fang In Your Side

    Post by Guest 23rd November 2019, 6:08 am

    She’d find herself in a large kitchen and would begin to slink through the various aisles. The place was filled with the most expensive utensils you could imagine and as she walked past, Cierra made a mental note to herself to come back later and raid the place, knowing that she could make some decent jewels out of the gear. Her attention, however, would quickly be caught as the door on the other side of the room would suddenly open and a male figure would walk in, wielding a sword and wearing robes. There was little time for her to respond and so the dual slayer would just pick up a knife that was lying on the workspace beside her and hurl it towards him. With a thud, the knife would hit its mark in the chest, causing him to gasp and collapse to the floor. Her reactions were just too good for him and he hadn’t even seen it coming. With a smile, she’d sprint over to him and implant her blood claws into his back, just to make sure he was dead. There was no sound from him and she took that as a sign that he was gone. With that, she’d dart over him and leave the kitchen.

    As it turned out, the kitchen would lead her into the entrance hall and as she hid behind a suit of armour, she’d notice a pair of robed figures, much like the one she’d just killed, walking side by side. With a giggle that she quickly had to stifle, she’d point one of her hands toward the one on the left and fire a small stream of holy blood. The blood found its mark, causing the fool to fall under her control and with a wicked grin, would command him to attack his partner. The order was instantly followed and the two mages were soon fighting each other. One possessed and the other just desperately trying to protect themselves. It was a nasty battle and Cierra controlled her target as a berserker, having him swing his sword in massive arcs, as well as tapping into his flame magic. It was fun to watch and to her joy, she was able to defeat the second mage through her mind control, as her chosen warrior ducked underneath a swing and plunged his sword through his clan mates body, killing them.

    Once the other mage died, Cierra would release her control and gaze with glee as the figure realised what he’d done and started to scream and howl. He would sink to his knees and start to cry, overwhelmed by his emotions and overcome by his grief. Forming a lightning javelin in her hand, the pink haired slayer would chuckle darkly, a sound which caused the figure to spin around and the moment their eyes met, she’d unleash the weapon. As it flew towards him, his eyes filled with unspeakable rage but the fight with his clan mate had taken a great deal out of him and he lacked the energy to dodge the attack. The javelin would impale him, causing bolts of lightning to riddle his body, before he would finally fall to the ground, joining his clan mates in hell.

    Taking a moment to remember how many she’d killed, Cierra would count using her fingers, up to a total of seven. She assumed that there would at least be a couple of high ranking guards left, as well as the clan boss herself and with that thought in mind, she’d rush towards the large staircase in the middle of the hall and race up them.

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    Last edited by Cierra Huxx on 23rd November 2019, 7:35 am; edited 1 time in total

    A Fang In Your Side Empty Re: A Fang In Your Side

    Post by Guest 23rd November 2019, 7:35 am

    Tearing through the corridors at high speed, Cierra was well and truly in the midst of her blood lust and desperately seeking her next foe. She wondered just how well the matriarch would be guarded and hoped that they would prove to be a little bit more of a challenge for her. The mages so far had not been able to do much to her although she had to admit that they had good taste when it came to female members. Yet, she had a suspicion that her foes up until this point had maybe been easy for a reason and not just because of her raw strength. For a clan that was supposed to be a dominant force in the area, they were rather weak individually and the pink haired slayer would certainly make sure that the leader knew of that, before she met her end.

    As she turned a corner and was about to climb up another flight of stairs, a large figure would block her path, clad in heavy armour and wielding a flame covered sword. He didn’t say a word to her and simply came down the stairs, launching a powerful fireball at her. Dodging the attack, Cierra would move in close, surround her leg with lightning and deliver a powerful roundhouse kick to her foe, causing a massive hole to appear through his armour although he took the blow quite well. Without hesitation, he would then try to swing his fiery blade towards her but the reflexes of the girl were good enough for her to duck underneath and then throw a blood covered punch, finding its way through the hole in this armour and smashing against his body. The pair of blows would cause him to drop his blade and with a wicked grin, Cierra would catch the sword and then impale him with it, straight through the gap and out the back of his body. A screech could be heard from his mask covered face, before the pink haired slayer would deliver a pair of powerful punches to his abdomen, resulting in him tumbling down the stairs, crashing in a heap at the bottom.

    Quickly, she’d zoom up the stairs and continue her trek through the castle, her eyes blazing once more as the heat of battle was upon her. Her slayer senses were right on point at this stage and as she approached a large set of double doors, she knew that her target was beyond them. However, before Cierra could defeat her, she would have to defeat one more masked guard, who was waiting for her. Charging forward, she’d waste no time and begin to channel electricity through her body as she steamed towards him. Rather than dodge, the figure would utter a spell and place his sword in front of him, resulting in a massive explosion of flame and lightning as the two collided. For a few moments, it would seem as though they were at a stand still but Cierra would then proceed to open her mouth and unleash a powerful blood demon’s roar from minimum range. The attack broke the deadlock, forcing the guard up against the door but what was worse for him was that ended the stalemate, meaning that the deranged slayer would smash into him with her lightning charged body, forcing them both through the door.

    Recovering quickly, she would then pounce on her foe, peppering his armour and mask with punches until there was little remaining of either it or him. By the time she was done, he was just a bloody mess. With a wild grin, she would then stand up and turn to face her true target. A tall woman with hair as black as soot. The matriarch of the Hydra Clan.

    (634 Words)
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    A Fang In Your Side Empty Re: A Fang In Your Side

    Post by Guest 23rd November 2019, 10:31 am

    “Hmm, so you’re the big baddy, huh?” Cierra said with a giggle, “I hope that you can actually put up a fight because your guards have been fucking useless. Your clan ends today lady and I’m going to hang your corpse from the top of this castle as a message to all your other minions and allies. No one is going to mention the name Hydra Clan again once I’ve had my way with you. So, come on, let’s see how your fire does against my lightning and blood.”

    Raising a hand, Cierra would be suddenly struck by an almighty bolt of lightning, transforming her from her usual form into a more cat like creature, with ears and paws to match. To complete her new look, her outfit would also change to a bright yellow dress. The moment her transformation was finished, her body began to crackle with lightning, which brought a chuckle from her lips. Overflowing with energy, she’d dart towards her foe and start unleashing with a barrage of powerful slashes with her blood claws, quickly forcing the matriarch on to the back foot. The girl clearly was quicker on her feet and the slayer was keen to make the most of that. Her attacks were savage and at least twice did her claws draw blood from her foe, causing her blood lust to grow further.

    It did not go all her way thought and the matriarch managed to get enough space to unleash a powerful fireball that sent Cierra flying backwards and causing her to back flip all the way over so that she could land back on her feet. The pink haired girl looked down and noticed a large burn on her stomach and responded by hurling a lightning charged javelin back towards her foe, striking the woman and briefly stunning her, shrieking with pain. Following up her attack, Cierra would open her mouth and briefly inhale, before unleashing a powerful roar of blood and lightning, combining her two elements together into a powerful blast. It hit home and launched the matriarch back, causing her to smash against the wall and seeing a chance to finish, Cierra would once more surround herself with lightning and burst forwards. Smashing hard into her foe, the slayer forced her opposition back against the wall, knocking the wind out of her.

    It was a powerful combination and by the time the matriarch had any idea of what was happening, Cierra was on top of her, her fists charged with energy. “Well, looks like you’re just as weak as your minions. Guess it’s time to….”

    All of a sudden, the matriarch would burst into flame, forcing the girl to quickly jump backwards and out of harm’s way. It seemed that the old girl had some fire left in her and with a grin, Cierra tapped into a couple of her strength and speed boosting spells to make her even stronger. Her catlike body would also become coated in blood, pushing her natural attributes further still. She was ready and when the woman emerged from the flame that had erupted from her, she looked quite similar to Cierra. The two would engage one final time, throwing their distance spells out of the window and instead engaging in close quarters combat. The attacks were brutal and both sides took some powerful hits but in the end, youth and vigour defeated experience and Cierra ended things with a massive uppercut which knocked the older woman flying upwards, crashing into the ceiling and falling back down to the ground in a heap. The flames dispersed and the woman simply lay, panting.

    “I take back what I said before, you’re not bad lady,”
    Cierra said with a grin, her dress covered with burn marks, “It’s time to finish you off though now. Thanks for playing with me.”

    Remembering her promise, the girl would then summon a whip of lightning energy and wrap one end around the woman’s neck, before throwing the other end over the roof beam and catching it again. The matriarch seemed to get the gist of what was about to happen but before she could say a word, Cierra pulled as hard as she could, forcing the woman’s body upwards and leaving her to dangle in mid air, gasping for oxygen. The pink slayer would continue to pull until the woman stopped struggling and then let go of the whip, causing the hung woman to collapse to the ground, motionless. With a smile, she would then wander over to the body and wrote on the woman’s back using her claws, “Fuck you Hydra Clan.”

    Her employer’s message had been sent and her task was done, so without another word, she took her leave, giggling all the while.

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