Fairy Tail RP

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    Daichi's Bank


    Dragon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix's Fire
    Position : None
    Posts : 519
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Mentor : Ryujin the Water Dragon
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Daichi's Bank Empty Daichi's Bank

    Post by Daichi 10th April 2012, 7:23 am


    Name: Susanoo
    Species: Phoenix
    Type: Combat Pet
    Description: Susanoo is a powerful phoenix covered in flames. Susanoo has two forms - the first one being a small flame that burns fiercely. While on this form, the phoenix stays near Daichi, soaring around him. The second one is phoenix form, in which Susanoo transforms into his real form. He has a wingspan of eight feet, but when roosting, he is about two feet.



    Name:Enhanced Speed (Normal)
    Description: The Phoenix is incredibly fast, fast enough to rush through 40 meters in just a second, though using this ability momentarily decreases the phoenix's magic power.
    Strengths: Allows for quick maneuvering and fast movement, giving the phoenix an edge in battle.
    Weaknesses: Consumes magic gradually. Duration of 4 posts and cooldown of 3 posts. The Phoenix will have to roost once deactivated, meaning it should return to fire mode and rest somewhere.

    Name: Phoenix Flame
    Description: The phoenix increases the temperature around it until it turns horrid, enough to melt skin. Afterwards, the phoenix lets out a sharp cry and unleashes a huge fireball made from the intense heat gathered around the phoenix. It has the power to burn through metal and unranked armor.
    Strengths:This flame is as powerful as an A-rank technique. It can cause second or third degree burns depending on how it hits the opponent.
    Weaknesses:It drains some of the life force of the phoenix, which will take a while to regenerate, leaving the phoenix open. It can be blocked by B rank and above spells. It has a cooldown of 6 posts



      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:33 pm