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    Arc of Space


    Tournament Participation Badge- Player 
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    Arc of Space Empty Arc of Space

    Post by anarchyedge 1st June 2013, 9:07 am

    Primary Magic: Arc of Space
    Secondary Magic: (Empty)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Arc of Space is a rare type of magic, which focuses on manipulating space as a three dimensional figure. The basic uses of this are expanding and contracting space along its three dimensions, and affecting the space and orientation of objects caught within their selected space. The more advanced uses are more of contortions of space, such as loops of space, or filters of space that grow or shrink what pass through them.
    1. Versatility: This magic can serve both offensive and defensive purposes, depending on how and what they effect with it.
    2. Field Control: This magic directly affects the environment, and can effect how well everyone performs with simple applications.
    3. Versus Close: This magic works well against enemies who need to be up close, keeping them at bay is a simple task.
    4. Other Space Magics: This magic trumps other space-based magics of equal or lesser rank to the user. So In a fair fight, Arc of Space wins.

    1. One area of space at a time: Self explanitory
    2. Ghosts and Ghost Magics: Due to ghosts not occupying the same space as Aeon, Arc of Space does not do anything to them, and is thusly useless.
    3. Gravity Magics: Gravity magic can, strangely, reverse Arc of Space to have no effect anymore.
    4. Wave Magic: Arc of Space cannot affect any space that contains wave magic, and is thusly useless against wave.
    5. Doesn’t Affect The Sentient Living Directly: This magic may affect the space another sentient living being is in, but not the being’s space itself. So it cannot grow or shrink or contort people without their consent.
    6. Teleportation Magic: Teleportation Magic can bypass this magic easily.

    1. Space Control: This magic may control set areas of space, as determined by a spell, or freeform control space in areas up to and equal to 5x5x5 ft per rank.
    2. Space Altering: This magic can affect the space and orientation of objects contained within its set areas.


    Last edited by anarchyedge on 10th June 2013, 4:04 pm; edited 6 times in total

    The Undefined Formula

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    Arc of Space Empty Re: Arc of Space

    Post by TacticalFallacy 1st June 2013, 10:22 am

    Spatial Manipulation Magic......not exactly the most balanced magic out there.
    You are gonna need a lot more elaboration in your description of the magic. Defensive purposes? Offensive purposes? How is this accomplished? Give examples of the full extent of the spatial manipulation.

    Also state how many spells this mage can manage at their current rank.

    Ditriaro Pindo:
    High speeds. Specify exact value.
    Give an effective range and if it is a field, its effective size.
    Give me exactly what type of restraint this is. Full-body paralysis? Locking of arms and legs? Gravity crush?

    Fin Finnan:
    Note that some magic spells are homing and thus might be particularly annoying for you to dodge. For these spells, it's not an auto-dodge, but you do get one more dodge roll.
    Next, give me the maximum size of an object swapped.

    Glan Pir Dres:
    Give max sword slashes per post.
    'nothing harms it, and nothing can touch it safely'. Nope, I cannot have an ally that has a sword that bypasses any normal defense. How in the world is someone going to stop this? He is made out of distorted air(assuming you are using empty space, i.e. space filled with air) and air is still a physical object, no matter whatever distortion is made to it. So spells can still hit him, just not physical attacks (given the qualities of air), but he has his own hp bar so do state how many D-rank spells this guy can take. And oh, his sword is the same. It can also be destroyed and can be blocked by both magical and physical defenses, just like how a wall can block a wind.

    Berthal Lothalrbaiv:
    This is alright, but will need an effective range, i.e. physical contact only, since this is an effective spell to just throw people about and disorientate them.


    Current Jobs:

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    Arc of Space Empty Re: Arc of Space

    Post by anarchyedge 2nd June 2013, 7:14 pm

    Ditriaro Pindo: Specified said things.

    Fin Finnan: Noted it in, and specified.

    Glan Pir Dres: Its actually just the space being manipulated and formed, meaning that it's kind of like a warp hole, where matter that goes through it is distorted by the space, but otherwise doesn't at all make up the space. So physical barriers and attacks are worthless against it. Magic will still work though, so I added in that it can still go down.

    Bethal Lothalrbaiv: Specified range. (In case it isn't clear, it range is whatever anomaly matter has contained, be it rocks, air, people, a person's sword, etc.)


    Arc of Space 2uhxp2b

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    Arc of Space Empty Re: Arc of Space

    Post by Alye 10th June 2013, 3:47 pm

    anarchyedge wrote:Primary Magic: Arc of Space
    Secondary Magic: (Empty)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Arc of Space is a rare type of magic, which focuses on manipulating space as a three dimensional figure. The basic uses of this are expanding and contracting space along its three dimensions, and affecting the space and orientation of objects caught within their selected space. The more advanced uses are more of contortions of space, such as loops of space, or filters of space that grow or shrink what pass through them.
    1. Versatility: This magic can serve both offensive and defensive purposes, depending on how and what they effect with it.
    2. Field Control: This magic directly affects the environment, and can effect how well everyone performs with simple applications.
    3. Versus Close: This magic works well against enemies who need to be up close, keeping them at bay is a simple task.
    4. Versus Requip: This magic may affect magical pocket dimensions when they are opened, and thusly smash requip magic immediately upon seeing it. < - Upon seeing this, I was quite skeptical that this was something that should be allowed, and after seeing how you use it, it's definitely not allowed. You see, in Requip magic, the pocket dimension never "opens", the user simply summons the object from the space through a magic circle. The way you use it suggests that you crush the very magic circle itself, which is how these weapons are acquired. And that is not allowed. Also, you say you must see the dimension open for your magic to work, but no one ever sees the pocket dimension opening since it never does, and requip mages are too fast for something like that to happen. And if you think about it, in a rp battle, if you enemy summons their gun/sword/armor and then it is your turn to post, it will be too late for you to do anything.
    5. Other Space Magics: This magic trumps other space-based magics of equal or lesser rank to the user. So In a fair fight, Arc of Space wins.

    1. One area of space at a time: Self explanitory
    2. Ghosts and Ghost Magics: Due to ghosts not occupying the same space as Aeon, Arc of Space does not do anything to them, and is thusly useless.
    3. Gravity Magics: Gravity magic can, strangely, reverse Arc of Space to have no effect anymore.
    4. Wave Magic: Arc of Space cannot affect any space that contains wave magic, and is thusly useless against wave.
    5. Doesn’t Affect The Sentient Living Directly: This magic may affect the space another sentient living being is in, but not the being’s space itself. So it cannot grow or shrink or contort people without their consent.
    6. Teleportation Magic: Teleportation Magic can bypass this magic easily.

    1. Space Control: This magic may control set areas of space, as determined by a spell, or freeform control space in areas up to and equal to 5x5x5 ft per rank.
    2. Space Altering: This magic can affect the space and orientation of objects contained within its set areas.


    Tournament Participation Badge- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Arc of Space Empty Re: Arc of Space

    Post by anarchyedge 10th June 2013, 4:04 pm



    Arc of Space 2uhxp2b

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    First Skill: Storm Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
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    Arc of Space Empty Re: Arc of Space

    Post by Alye 10th June 2013, 4:14 pm

    Arc of Space 8dfvno9

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