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    Is it deadly to use my blood?


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    Is it deadly to use my blood? Empty Is it deadly to use my blood?

    Post by Yuiisai 25th January 2019, 12:36 pm


    Is it deadly to use my blood? 59882_s

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    Is it deadly to use my blood? Empty Re: Is it deadly to use my blood?

    Post by Yuiisai 26th January 2019, 2:55 am

    The albino woman only had one more stop from the things she had seen from the job board on Tolgalen and that was to head to the Rose Garden town to gain her passport, at this point she would have been in Clover Town dealing with some apparent housekeeping. In her honest opinion the person posted the job was a slobbish idiot who should have spoken to their neighbour about the dog issue, taken care of the soiled meat that had attracted the flies in the first place then called an exterminator or get a bug bomb to take care of the pests before getting in touch with a thatcher to deal with the leaking roof. However that wasn't the case, they put up a job for 'housekeeping' within mage guilds instead of getting the proper maintenance because they could get the same kind of service for a fraction of the price no doubt. She would have felt sorry for the person who would have taken the job without reading the flyer properly, regardless it had been sorted now and she was on the train heading to get her passport within Rose Garden. When that was done she could finally return back to Tolgalen and see if Ruvel was any better.

    Looking out the window of the train cabin she was in she couldn't help but sigh as it had been a long while since it had been so long since she had seen Cirven, she was starting to wonder if he was alright or if something had indeed happen to him. Shaking her head she tried to push that thought out of her head, if he had died she would have known by now she was sure of it. One of the other death gods or goddesses would have informed her and if they didn't she was sure her father's angel would. Before long the train got to her destination and she left heading through the station and out towards the street, something on a post caught her attention and she headed towards it "Give blood?" she said after reading it, this then raised the question could someone like her give blood and if she did would it help or kill the person receiving it. Then again it could end up making an immortal serial killer if it was given to the wrong person or keep someone in pain if given to a terminally ill or sick person. Still there would be a silver lining perhaps in that her blood could maybe used to find cures for some illnesses, then again she knew mortals were often selfish and would want to harness the immortal part themselves.

    She headed to the building where the blood drive was taking place and headed to the table where registration seemed to be happening. "Name?" the gentleman who sat behind the table said before even looking up "Demiari Detholusin, I'm an employee of the West Fiore Trading Company." she replied showing a marking on her left wrist, she wasn't officially a member of the guild but she was connected to Ruvel and so she like every other person who shared the bond had their mark in the same place with the same colours. "Ah yes, we were expecting some people from the trading guild..." he now looked up and seen how she was dressed smiling "Seeing as you are dressed like a maid would you help get food to the children and those having their blood taken." he asked politely, had he been impolite and commented about her attire she would have likely yelled at him but she understood why her 'uniform' might bring happiness to the less fortunate. How many people where down on their luck? This allowed them to feel a bit of the better higher noble life, giving hope for better days and even driving them to excel in their everyday lives so they might experience it more.

    Throughout the day Demi played the doting maid to the adults bringing food and drinks to them and nanny to the children, again by bringing food and drink to them but she spent more time with each of them playing games, talking and doing some fun tricks teaching them how they had been done. Seeing their smiles and hearing their happy giggles made her almost glow in happiness, soon however it was time for her to leave though she promised to visit the children again soon and bring some toys next time.

    Word Count: 749


    Is it deadly to use my blood? 59882_s

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:11 pm