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    Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire]


    Dragon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix's Fire
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    Mentor : Ryujin the Water Dragon
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    Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire] Empty Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire]

    Post by Daichi 28th April 2013, 1:26 am

    "Where am I?"

    Daichi did not know what happened. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep in a boat, and now, he's in the middle of the ocean, or at least that's what he thinks. But as time passed, he knew that he wasn't in an ocean. It was so cold, he couldn't even feel his body. He can only move his head, though his sight was a little bit blurry. He can't move a single limb of his, as if he was frozen in ice. Wait. Frozen in ice, that's it! Daichi's body was frozen in ice! To make sure he was right, Daichi smacked his head below him, and to his surprise, he hit something hard. His head stuck on it for a while because he smacked his head on dry ice, his sweat acting like a sticky glue. After a minute, he finally got his head out. His sight has come back, so he looked around him to see what just happened. He seemed to be stuck in a small glacier in the middle of a lake. It was very silent, which made Daichi think that this place isn't populated by any living thing. He didn't know how he got to this place, and he certainly didn't know how he was trapped in ice. How did he get here? Since when was he frozen? Daichi had so many questions, but never knew the slightest answer.

    Daichi looked down once again, careful not to smack his head on the ice just like he did a while back. His whole body was stuck in the glacier, though there seemed to be no damage done to him. He tried to use his magic power to break the ice, but it was just too hard. He might as well just wait for someone to rescue him, however, there was a problem. No one might come to rescue him. He must find a way to escape by himself before his body becomes completely numb. He look around him and tried to find something that might be of use, but there was nothing. And if he found something, how could he get it if he can't even move his arms? Might as well just stay here until he dies, but Daichi wasn't the type of person who wants to die in a place like this. But still, he can't do anything to get out. Before Daichi could lose any hope, he seemed to have found a way. He was a user of crash magic, and it might be good if he could crash just a portion of this glacier so he can just escape. There was a problem, however. He can't feel his hands, and crash magic greatly relies on his arms in order to be used. But he might be able to do it if he exerts effort. Well, guess it is worth a try.

    Daichi closed his eyes and channeled magic power. His body started to shake, a faint white aura appearing around him. He tried to transfer this to both of his hands, but there was no response. His hands were so numb, it was as if they were dead. He might have been frozen since yesterday, and if that is the case, then his whole body should be dead by now. But Daichi didn't think of that. As a wizard of Fairy Tail, Daichi shouldn't give up. He kept trying and trying, and, finally, he felt blood return to his hands. His hands seemed to be alive again, and so, he gave it one more try. Both of his hands started to glow with magic power, and after five seconds, the glacier started to shake. "Just a little more..." Daichi said to himself, exerting more effort.


    The ice around him burst into small pieces. Daichi was sent flying because of the force, landing on the water. After a minute, all his blood returned to his body, and so, he can fully move and feel the things around him. It was extremely cold, and so, Daichi had to get out of the water. He kept swimming, fighting through the intense temperature and ended up in another glacier. He climbed up and laid down, panting. His whole body was shivering because of the temperature of this place. Daichi felt glad that he decided to wear thick clothes today, because if he wasn't, then he would have died from the cold. Now that he was free, he had to find a way to get out of this place and return to the mainland. As he walked, he felt someone's presence around him. His instinct was telling him to shout, and so, he did. "HEEEEEY! ANYONE HERE?" Daichi shouted, hoping to get an answer.





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    Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire] Empty Re: Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire]

    Post by Fair 28th April 2013, 2:02 am


    Tracy was standing on a floating glacier with her hands on her hips, looking around her. Was she in a dream? Why is she in such a place. Silence took over the place and it felt like she was alone. "Where in the world am I?" she muttered. The glacier she was standing on hit another glacier and made her lose her balance. "Woah -- ahh!!" she yelled as she fell into the icy cold water. Struggling, she got on another glacier. Tracy hugged herself, her lower lip trembling. Oh shit. Now I'm wet! Tracy was wearing a T-shirt, a beige sweater and white jeans. She couldn't remember herself coming here. It has to be a dream, it has to. Her lower lip stopped trembling after about five minutes. She jumped up, making the glacier slip out from under her feet as she hopped onto a larger glacier. The larger the better.

    Now what was she going to do? All around her were icebergs and glaciers. Was she in a land of ice or something? Maybe an ocean of glaciers. And why the hell was she there? Tracy tried pinching her skin to check if she was dreaming or not. "Ow!" she shrieked, her voice shrill. A cold gust of wind sliced into her skin and blew her hair back. It was so cold she felt like daggers were being thrown. For about three more minutes, the wind blew, forming a sort of whistling noise. Like someone was playing a flute or something. It was quite nice, but the feeling of freezing wind stinging her skin wasn't nice at all. Thankfully, it stopped. Tracy tried to keep herself warm, folding her arms and hugging herself. But it didn't help a bit since her clothes were wet. Someone else has to be here, she thought. Then,


    Holy cow, that was loud. What the hell was that? Tracy looked at the direction from which the noise came. It was to her north. Then she heard a splash. It must be the someone else she sensed was here. "HEEEEEY! ANYONE HERE?" Yes! Yes!!! Tracy jumped from glacier to glacier until she found the person. It was a male with yellow hair. What's he doing here? Maybe he was lost like her, too. Tracy neared the man, not fearing he might have a weapon and go nuts. "Who are you? Did you make that noise?" Tracy asked with a questioning expression on her face. Her eyes searched the man for weapons or anything that might harm her. After all, he was the person who caused the explosion - or whatever it was.



    Dragon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix's Fire
    Position : None
    Posts : 519
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 25
    Mentor : Ryujin the Water Dragon
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer
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    Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire] Empty Re: Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire]

    Post by Daichi 28th April 2013, 2:54 am

    After he shouted, no one seemed to answer. He knew that it was useless to shout again since, well, this place didn't seem to have a single soul except for him. There was nothing in the water and definitely nothing lurking around the glaciers, so the only one Daichi could talk to was himself, though that might make him look stupid. But he was wrong. Just as he was thinking that he was the only person here, he heard someone walking to his direction. "Someone's here? Guess like my instinct was right." Daichi thought to himself, looking at the person who was walking near him with a happy expression. The person was a woman, which made Daichi quite surprised. "What is a fine young woman doing in a place like this?" He thought since this didn't seem like a place a woman would want to be. When he was able to see the woman clearly, he taught, for some reason, she looked horribly familiar. "Why does it feel like I know her?" As the young lady came closer, Daichi's mind seemed to be trying to reach for a memory that was thrown far away, a memory that seemed to have connection with the woman who was walking to his direction. The woman might know him, but she definitely won't recognize him, mostly due to the change in his appearance. Years ago, when he was just hanging around in Fairy Tail, he looked a lot different than he is now. He used to have spiky hair and looked like a knucklehead, the complete opposite of what he looked like now. His appearance drastically changed when he met an accident in a mission he did years ago, where he had multiple scars on his face. Daichi had to drink a potion that would make the scar marks disappear, and to his surprise, the potion also turned his skin into a fine, delicate tone. He decided to fix his hair since his previous style didn't match his new look, turning his spiky brown hair into smooth, blonde hair which he fixed daily. There was no way this woman would recognize him if they indeed meet in the past.

    "Who are you? Did you make that noise?" The woman asked Daichi with a questioning expression. "She looks so damn familiar..." Daichi thought to himself, now that he saw her up close. The woman's eyes seemed to be looking around at Daichi with caution, as if she was trying to find out if he was a threat or not. Daichi decided to 'scan' the woman as well, though his intentions were rather... different. Being the pretty boy many people he knows him as, he always looks at women in a different way that normal men would look at them. It might make him look like a maniac, but who can blame him? "Who am I, you ask?" Daichi said in a rather polite tone, the tone he usually uses when trying to attract women, though he had no intention whatsoever in attracting the lady in front of him. He needs to know who she is first, since she was so familiar, it isn't even funny. "My name is Daichi, and I'm a mage from Fairy Tail. Since I'm from Fairy Tail, I'm definitely a good mage, so there's no need to feel uneasy, honey. And yes, it was me who made that noise. Sorry if it bothered you in any way. What about you, may I know who you are, ma'am?" Daichi asked that question, hoping that her answer would be something that helps him find the lost memory his mind kept reaching for. He also hoped the woman would recognize him if they met before just so he can have someone he knows to be with in this vast ice land.





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    Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire] Empty Re: Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire]

    Post by Fair 29th April 2013, 8:01 am

    "My name is Daichi, and I'm a mage from Fairy Tail. Since I'm from Fairy Tail, I'm definitely a good mage, so there's no need to feel uneasy, honey. And yes, it was me who made that noise. Sorry if it bothered you in any way. What about you, may I know who you are, ma'am?" he said in a weird tone. He looked at her awkwardly, too, making her sort of uncomfortable. But she didn't show it. She just stared at the man who claimed to be a good mage. He admitted that he was the one who made the noise. But what made her jumpy? What made her so out of control all of a sudden? What made her so hyped up that she jumped at the yellow-haired man? IT WAS DAICHI. OH SHIT, YES IT WAS DAICHI!!!

    "Daichi!!!!!" Tracy squeezed him in a suffocating hug even though he didn't look a bit like he did back then. Maybe he was joking, but she didn't care. He had to be Daichi. After squeezing him in a deadly hug, she let him go, stepping back a bit. Tracy smiled as she introduced herself. "I'm Tracy Grimoire, Titania of Fairy Tail. It's great to meet you again," she said overjoyed to see her long-lost guild mate.



    Dragon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix's Fire
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 25
    Mentor : Ryujin the Water Dragon
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    Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire] Empty Re: Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire]

    Post by Daichi 4th May 2013, 8:41 pm

    (OOC: Very sorry for late reply, I didn't know you posted xDDD. I'm so stupid.)

    After introducing himself, the lady in front of him looked very excited, as if she met someone she knew from the past. Daichi was right - he did met this girl, 'coz if he didn't, then she wouldn't be so hyped than how she is now. In an instant, she screamed his name and hugged him tightly as if he was a long lost brother or something like that which made Daichi a little bit comfortable, yet uncomfortable. Daichi felt his eyes starting to pop out and his organs moving away from his ribs (Exaggeration alert o.o). "Ugh... Can't catch... my breath..." The young mage said, trying his best to endure it. When she let go of him, Daichi took a deep breath and stretched his torso just to get back in shape. After that, the girl stepped back and introduced herself. "I'm Tracy Grimoire, Titania of Fairy Tail. It's great to meet you again,"

    "TRACY?" Daichi was surprised. She still looked like the Tracy he knew, but she changed quite a bit, but not as much as Daichi changed. "It's been a long time." The young mage grinned after saying that, happy to see someone he knew in this cold iceland. "What are you doing in a place like this?" He curiously asked since this place didn't look like a place where someone would just come and go and meet someone you knew in the past. There must be a reason why she's here, but before he waited for the answer, he decided to ask another question "So... What happened to Fairy Tail while I was gone?" Daichi knew that this question had an obvious answer. Fairy Tail is definitely the same guild he left it as, a guild that hosts wild and rowdy people.





    Moderator- Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- A-Rank- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Have an Admin as a friend!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    Experience : 3,050

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    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire] Empty Re: Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire]

    Post by Fair 6th May 2013, 2:00 am

    Tracy's feelings were like the sun. The brightest object in the world. Daichi was her best friend besides Leonard. They were the first two people she met when joining Fairy Tail so she had a reasonably strong connection to them both. If she was to pick her favorite people out of Fiore, she would pick them. Then he asked what she was doing here. Tracy looked around her. Oh, I'm still here. She forgot she was in the icelands. She thought she was back in their guildhall already. Tracy gave him a weird smile and said, "I have no idea, Daichi." She looked around once again to make sure she was really among the glaciers. "Never knew this place existed," she said with wide eyes like she was a tad bit freaked out. Technically, she was. But anyway. Daichi asked another question. What happened to Fairy Tail when he left? How was Tracy to know? She was gone as well. She was gone maybe longer than he was! However, she thought of something to say. "Um. Maybe the way it was before you left? How am I to know when I left as well?" said the ReQuip mage. "I didn't know you left either," she added, eyeing him suspiciously.

    Tracy shifted nervously on the iceberg. Maybe she wasn't alone. Maybe Daichi was like her. Maybe, just maybe. "Hey, um, Daichi? I was wondering if you did anything useful for the guild when you were away," she said. It was a stupid, really shallow question for someone like Daichi. He probably had been doing loads of useful stuff for the guild. But you could never be sure, could you?



    Dragon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix's Fire
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    Posts : 519
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 25
    Mentor : Ryujin the Water Dragon
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    Character Sheet
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    Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire] Empty Re: Lost in the Icelands [Tracy Grimoire]

    Post by Daichi 7th May 2013, 12:45 am

    When Tracy answered his question about why she was in a place like this, Daichi was surprised when she said she had no idea. He believed her, but still, there must be a reason, something Tracy didn't know but needed to know. "I guess fate is messing up with us, huh." Daichi was pertaining to the fact that both of them were stuck in a place like this without knowing how they were here, so it might be possible that fate is working with the two. Maybe he wanted the two to meet again? Well, whatever. Fate can be so silly sometimes. After that, Tracy answered his other question about what happened to Fairy Tail when he was gone. She said she was gone as well which surprised the young mage in some way. "I didn't know you left as well... I had to leave the guild for personal reasons..."

    After he said that, Tracy asked him if he did anything good to Fairy Tail while he was gone. "Tough question." Daichi answered, kicking a small piece of ice to the water. The ice stayed afloat and started to freeze the water around it which surprised Daichi. He never knew that ice expands in the water, so there must be something weird going on in this place. "I've done some things for Fairy Tail like spreading the guild's name and increasing their reputation, but that's just it. My leave has nothing to do with our guild - it's just that, as I said earlier, I had to leave for personal reasons." When he said that, Daichi stared at the small piece of ice that was floating in the water. It was becoming a larger piece of ice, and at the size it is now, it isn't appropriate to call it a piece of ice. "This place's really weird..." Daichi said, pointing at the ice block that continually grew. "You see that? That was just a small piece of ice a few minutes ago. Now it's growing like crazy. There must be something going on around here. I think we must find a way out because it's getting really unsettling seeing things like that happen. So... are you with me or what?" Daichi asked hoping that Tracy would agree. They must get out of this place immediately or else...

    [OOC: I think it would be awesome if something dangerous happened. Maybe have something like a monster attack or a meltdown?]



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