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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)


    The Windrider

    The Windrider

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- God Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Self-Taught
    Experience : 337500

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    First Skill: Storm Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Alye 13th March 2013, 5:05 pm

    Soft steps resonated through the guildhall's garden area. This was one of Alye's favorite places in the guild, as it was open air, utterly peaceful, and had a magic-ran waterfall that filled the area with a tranquil air. Alye needed to be here, for she was upset. It seemed that Zenshin, her teammate was gone. He had left for a mission and never returned. Alye didn't want to give up on their short-lived partnership, but she had to face facts.

    He was gone.

    It kind of bugged her how he constantly compared her to his former teammate that had run off and left him alone to die, but she had to hope that he was alright. Maybe he found something out there that he didn't want to leave...or he.. Alye sighed gently as she sat down in front of one of many small ponds that were scattered throughout the garden. Alye's chin rested in her hands as she tried to focus on the sound of falling so she could let her tension seep out of her body. But..she ended up hearing something else. Whispering?

    "Look at this place, George! I'll bet they have loot for days!", she heard someone say. Alye whirled around as her eyes scanned her surroundings. As she looked around, the voices persisted. "I know, Roby, I know! Were going to make a killing off this place! We just gotta empty out these silly little mages first!", someone else said. A hushing sound could be heard just before another male voice was heard. "Shut up, both of you, before you get us spotted!", someone else said.

    "Too late", Alye said from behind them as she stood there with her arms crossed.

    "Crap!", they all said in unison. Alye tapped her feet. "Leave now, and you won't get hurt", she said as she unhooked her fans from her sides. The one closest to Alye looked at his comrades. They all seemed to agree on something mentally. Then the one closest to her flung his arm out at her, and a rather large (B-Rank) fireball rushed towards her. Alye yelped as she ducked down and pushed the fire away with a burst of wind from her fans. When she looked back up, the thieves were running towards the lobby of the guildhall.

    " THIEVES!", Alye yelled out. Hopefully someone in the guild would stop the men and hold them long enough for her to pulverize them.


    So all three of the mages are B-Rank. One of them is a fire mage, and you two may give the other two whatever magic you want.


    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Posts : 912
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    Age : 31
    Experience : 87,500

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 15th March 2013, 12:40 pm

    Reiki was asleep aloft the highest perch of the castle known as the Eclipse Soul guild hall. He was enjoying a peaceful dream in his favorite place in the entire guild. High altitude, a freezing chill, everything about this spot was perfect for him. In the middle of such a peaceful dream, he was suddenly awoken by a very loud, very familiar, voice. "THIEVES!" the voice cried out, suddenly bringing Reiki's sleep to an abrupt end.

    The unexpected noise sent Reiki flying from his perch, tumbling down from the high perch and slamming down into the ground in front of three men. The three stopped, staring in disbelief at what had just happened. They would soon be even more surprised, as Reiki shot up from the self portrait of a small hole he had made in the ground from the impact. Well.... that wasn't the most pleasant way to wake up. Reiki said, spitting dirt from his mouth and dusting off his clothes. He then looked up to see three men standing there with their jaws dropped to the floor. They were amazed Reiki treated such a high fall like it was nothing.

    Reiki stared at them for a moment with a blank expression before connecting the dots in his head. So you guys are the reason I was abruptly awoken from my sleep? he asked, as he cracked his neck and began cracking his knuckles. This instilled quite a fear in the three of them. Not only did they just witness Reiki fall and survive a great fall like it was nothing, but now he was quite pissed at them. "MONSTER!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" one of them screamed, as he threw his hands into the air and formed a massive rock wall between the three of them and Reiki as they took off in the opposite direction.

    The wall didn't last long, as Reiki threw a punch at it, shattering it to pieces and sending the boulders flying at the three fleeing mages. Pft. You call that a wall? I've hit clay that was harder! Reiki shouted at them, as he ran through the rubble and began chasing them down.


    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) 471 The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) H05POqb The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) 471

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Age : 31
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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 15th March 2013, 1:10 pm

    Aian was having another sleepless night; Kamuy running him raged as he tried to sleep haunting him with visions of his past whenever he closed his eyes. Aian sighed and started walking around the guild hall, eventually ending up on the other side of the garden area. He looked about the flowers, kneeling down into the grass. He couldn't help but feel distraught from the memories flowing into his head. "Will I ever be forgiven? Can I ever really repent?...." It was his hope before that the mountains would be his rejuvenation and repentance; but that had died long ago. Now with that theory gone, he had no idea what could repent his sins; for Kamuy continued to come out more frequently in random bursts whenever he was alone. "How can I repent, if I will relapse and cause the same accident to happen once again........How can I move on when the same nightmare haunts me every night...I am too much of a coward to die; and I force myself to live with this horror inside me...why can't I get it to end?" Aian lost in his depression; snapped back to reality upon hearing a feminine voice scream.

    Aian stood up to look around, hearing it come from nearby. He heard some crashing, followed by more screaming by a strange voice he did not recognize "MONSTER!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" Aian walked out into the open grass to find three figures running towards him in the dark. Before Aian could speak, two of them stopped seeing him while the third too scared and looking back ran straight into Aian. A heavy thud was heard, but Aian remained standing still while the man who had ran into him collapsed on the ground in front of him, coughing as though he had just run into a statue. His companions looked terrified at how Aian didn't even budge from the impact while their friend fell over with the wind knocked out of him.
    "Uhhh....Sir, You all right?" Aian asked, waving his hand in front of the man's face hoping Aian had not injured him badly and unintentionally from the impact. The man only gurgled in response. Aian stood up and looked at the others in front of him; before looking past them to see Reiki break down a rock wall. "Reiki...were you the one that fell?" Aian had almost forgot that the two in front of him were thieves, paying more attention to his friend's condition and the one who had screamed which he had not located yet. "Also, who screamed?"


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    The Windrider

    The Windrider

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- God Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 978
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Self-Taught
    Experience : 337500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Storm Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Alye 17th March 2013, 6:34 am

    The white-haired girl got to her feet and dusted herself off after hitting the dirt floor of the garden. She then slid her fans back into their place and began running from the garden towards the lobby. As she whisked through several archways and doors and whipped past people, Alye skidded to a halt in the lobby and took a look around. It seems that everyone else in the large room was looking outside. Alye could see why.

    Electric blue eyes saw the figures of two of her guildmates standing outside. Alye lurched into motion as she felt an expulsion of magic. Whipping winds gathered at her feet, sending her forward and into the air. As Alye flew through the gigantic door of the guildhall and sunlight struck her eyes, she saw the two standing figures that she had recognized as Reiki, the Ice Dragon Slayer, and Aian, the Iron Dragon Slayer.

    Just as Aian posed his question, Alye opened her mouth to answer. "I did", she said as she ascended towards the two slayers. "I was in the garden when I noticed some whispering. I listened in, and these three were planning to rob us of every penny we had! When I confronted them about it, the unconscious one shot a fireball at me, which I managed to dodge". As Alye finished, she unsheathed her staff and unlocked it. "They're stronger then they look, but they need to learn the price for trying to cross this guild", she said as the wind at her feet began to intensify.


    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Posts : 912
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    Age : 31
    Experience : 87,500

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 17th March 2013, 11:33 am

    Reiki was in complete tunnel vision mode; unable to see his two guild mates standing around him. All he could see were the soon to be beaten and bruised bodies of the three mages that ruined his sleep. He decided to start with the earth mage, thinking he'd be the easiest one to deal with. He ran up towards the mage, attempting to grab him by the neck whilst he was distracted with looking at Aian. The mage had spun around just in time to meet Reiki's hand covering his entire face. Grabbing him by the head now instead, Reiki spun around in a 180, throwing the mage towards the wall of the guild.

    The mage was quick to respond, throwing his hands out in his current trajectory. A pillar of rock shot up from the ground, bending so that the top was facing him. The mage spun in the air, landing his feet onto the pillar to prevent him from spiraling out of control into the stone wall. Tch, you bastard. Let's see how you like this then! the mage shouted, as he jumped down and slammed his fists into the ground. Upon doing so, two large fist shaped pillars of rock shot forth from the grand and straight towards Reiki.

    Scoffing at this, Reiki simply threw his hands out, catching the two pillars as they tried to sandwich him. As he was about to begin freezing the pillars, another one shot up from the ground directly beneath him, catching Reiki off guard and sending him skyward along with the pillar itself, as the other two collided into the new one.

    Lucky hit... with that, Reiki grabbed onto the sides of the pillar as it continued pushing him upward. He then pulled back on it, as a magic circle appeared on his back, sprouting forth his Freezing Wings. He flapped them hard, giving him an extra boost to break off a large chunk of the pillar. Using the momentum as he began flying back, he spun around with the large chunk of rock in his hand, gaining more and more momentum before hurling the chunk straight back to the mage that had formed it.

    Whilst the mage dealt with that, Reiki flew behind the pillars with a plan. You called me a monster, right? he asked the mage, as he formed to icicles in his hands. He then stuck them onto his canines, giving him a sabertooth tiger type of look. He quickly ruffled his hair to make it look insane, then shot out from behind the pillars. WELL GUESS WHAT?! YOU WERE RIGHT!!! he shouted insanely. The mage trembled, desperately trying to hide the fact he was horrified. Reiki thought it would be fun to mess with them, especially considering he thought no one else was around beside the four of them. Oh how this would bite him the ass....


    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) 471 The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) H05POqb The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) 471

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Posts : 1869
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    Age : 31
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: Four elements.
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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 18th March 2013, 5:33 am

    "I did," he heard a female say. He looked about to see one of their fellow guild members rushing up, ascending towards Aian and Reiki to continue explain, "I was in the garden when I noticed some whispering. I listened in, and these three were planning to rob us of every penny we had! When I confronted them about it, the unconscious one shot a fireball at me, which I managed to dodge". The female continued to unsheathe and open a staff to fight the two remaining standing up strangers. "They're stronger then they look, but they need to learn the price for trying to cross this guild".
    Aian looked over to Reiki to see if he was going to confirm any of this; but noticed he was actually having fun teasing the other conscious member. Aian stood up, walking away from the unconscious member in front of him to stand next to Reiki who had just placed Ice Sabertooth Fangs in his mouth. Aian tapped him on the shoulder; as this was usable behavior for Reiki to enjoy taunting obviously weaker mages. "Reiki....I think this is going a bit over board, they are already as scared as they need to be..." Aian looked at all five of the people around him, the one unconscious intruder, the two conscious ones and then the two guild members; one being his friend and the other someone he had not really been well introduced too before. Despite the fact the people snuck into the Guild grounds, they were obviously not as strong as Alye made them appear, as all three were basically scared beyond composure at this point. Aian hoped that their fear would be key to getting them to leave without much violence or destruction to this half of the garden. That and he found it was too late to wake everyone up with the amount of noise they would make if they fought too seriously. Aian looked down at the one who ran into him to see he was still gurgling and unconscious. "I don't think we need to really FIGHT them in order to persuade them to leave....They look like they are at their wits end right about now...I mean if they were strong why didn't they just attack you when they had you out numbered? Obviously they knew already before hand this was a big risk and that they were no match for encountering anyone; hoping we would all be asleep so that they can get in and get out...Most of their tricks also seem to be stalling for escape anyway." Aian hoped to further convince his fellow guild members to let the three go without making too much noise or ruining the nearby flowers and trees that were hard to come by in the mountains.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

    Informatio and Items:


    Completed Missions:


    The Windrider

    The Windrider

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- God Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 978
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Self-Taught
    Experience : 337500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Storm Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Alye 20th March 2013, 3:52 pm

    I love the wind
    Sometimes I wonder if it loves me too
    My name is Alye. I belong to Eclipse Soul. For now, and forever. If you don't believe me, that's your problem. But you better believe when I say "I'll die for my guild". Cause I will. And if you want to test me on that, go right ahead.
    I enjoy a challenge.
    || notes - ||

    Alye blinked her eyes as she listened to Aian. He was right... She was being rash. It was obvious that these three were at their wits end. One was knocked out, the other was being ragdolled by Reiki, while the last mage seemed to be wetting himself. Alye closed her eyes and sighed in slight embarrassment. The wind at her feet died down to nothingness as she touched down on the ground, the grass in front of them swaying gently.

    Alye was going to tell Aian that he was right, when something rather...odd happened. The fire mage sat up all of a sudden and looked straight at Aian. Alye raised an eyebrow at this. She took one step forward before touching her staff again. Something was wrong. She could feel it. The fire mage began to exude an ambient heat and a red aura as he stood to his feet and wiped himself off. "Oi, did you just call us weak?", the fire mage said as he cracked a knuckle and looked towards his buddies. The other mages eyes locked. "I think he did!", said the other mage that wasn't messing around with Reiki. He then began to shine with a bright blue aura. Alye sensed a growing tension in the air. The earth mage that Reiki was terrorizing suddenly looked at him with a deadly look in his eyes. A magic circle appeared below him, and his two allies. They suddenly disappeared into the ground!

    Alye looked around, completely mystified. They seemed to be...on a whole 'nother level. Alye was alerted to their presence when she heard a rumbling noise behind her. The three mages resurfaced. They were all staring at Reiki, Aian, and herself with a deathly look in their eyes. The earth mage brought his hands into fists as his body was surrounded by a brown aura that radiated power. Each of the three mages was showing off his respective aura. The fire mage held his hands apart as both his hands became enflamed. The mage in the middle of them condensed a rushing water current around his hands before absorbing the water and turning his arms into whips of water. The fire mage then chuckled towards the three of them.

    "You may think were weak because were thieves, but don't judge a book by it's cover", he said as he punched his palms, only making the fire in his hands stronger. Alye raised an eyebrow. It wasn't like that at all! But..Alye didn't think they were going to be able to talk their way out of this one. It was obvious that Aian's words, though in the best intentions, had hit a nerve with these mages. The water mage crossed his watery arms and smirked. "You see, were no ordinary thieves. Were the Thieving Elements, and your going to regret the day that you didn't just hand over your loot to us!", he said in a quite cocky fashion. The earth mage eyed them, sizing them up as his comrades spoke. Alye was still a little shocked. This was a completely new attitude then five minutes ago, when they were sniveling brats who seemed to give up easily.

    The fire mage spoke once more.

    "So, how's this gonna go down? You gonna let us through, or do we use force? For your sakes...I hope it's the second one", he said. Alye rolled her eyes and looked to her fellow guildmates. "It seems as if they've found their fighting spirit. Should we deny these boys their wish? I mean, they so graciously tried to rob us, and then ran. Now they suddenly are renowned thugs", she said before the water mage retorted.

    "You might want to watch your mouth, cutie. Or I'll have to watch it for you", he said as he stared her down. Alye merely rolled her eyes. "One, that made no sense, and two, your making a big mistake. Like Aian was trying to do, were going to give you one last chance to leave. Were a guild that you don't want to cross. Leave. Now", Alye's tone darkened as she finished.

    The three mages looked at each and nodded. The earth mage spoke for his group. "Here is our answer", he said before each of them raised a hand. A magic circle appeared in their hands.

    "Flame Stream!"
    "Hydro Wave!"
    "Ground Cannon!"
    Each called out as a blast of their respective element shot forward at Alye, Aian, and Reiki.

    The way each was standing, the water spell was aimed at Alye, the ground attack was aimed at Reiki, and the fire attack was headed towards Aian. Alye grabbed her guildmates by their collars and released a burst of wind magic to drive the three of them into the air, although they barely missed the attacks, because Alye found that Aian was much heavier then he looked. Alye looked back just in time to see the attacks fall short of the guildhall's front entrance.

    Alye released her guildmates as they touched down on the ground again. "I guess it's time to fight. We have to be smart about this and get them away from the guild. The water mage is mine, you guys ready?", she said as she eyed the enemy mages.



    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Posts : 912
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Experience : 87,500

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 23rd March 2013, 11:33 am

    Reiki was rather surprised by this sudden outburst that three thieves were now having. What finally got a spark in ya to fight? Reiki taunted, as the earth mage that Reiki was terrorizing suddenly looked at him with a deadly look in his eyes. A magic circle appeared underneath him and his two friends, as he vanished with them into the ground. After a few seconds, the mages had resurfaced behind Alye, who up until this point in time, Reiki hadn’t even noticed was there due to his tunnel vision with taunting the earth mage.

    The three then babbled on about the thieving elements or something ridiculous like that. Reiki could care less what these idiots called themselves; he just wanted to continue beating the living crap out of them. Alye explained that these thieves were trying to rob the guild as well. This just increased Reiki’s desire to teach them a listen via his fists.

    The mages then called out attacks, shooting them towards Alye, Reiki, and Aian. Before Reiki could even move his legs, he found himself grabbed by the collar and blasted away from the attacks. He was then set down by Alye in front of the guilds doors. Damn she’s quick….. he thought, as he stared back towards the mages. Alye then stated she would take on the water mage. Ideally, the water mage would have been perfect for Reiki to fight, but he wasn’t thinking of the ideal situation. Guess I’ll take the one that uses rocks then. I’ll be back in a few moments… Reiki claimed, cracking his knuckles as he prepared to fight.

    Before the earth mage could even respond, Reiki had already kicked off from his position, blasting forward towards the mage with his wings. Reiki then grabbed the mage by the collar as he landed directly in front of the mage, cracking the ground slightly with his landing. You heard the lady, we’re taking this elsewhere Reiki said with a low tone, as he stared the mage dead in the eyes. He then bent down with his legs in unison with priming his wings high. Reiki then flapped his wings down as hard as he could as jumped off the ground, taking to the skies with the earth mage in tow.

    Logically, the ideal situation for Reiki would be to keep the earth mage as far away from the ground as he possibly could; preventing him from using earth magic. However, Reiki wasn’t thinking that at all. As much as he wanted to beat the living shit out of this idiot, Reiki wanted to have a fair fight with this punk. The mage suddenly had such vigor to fight, so Reiki decided to show him one on one how much of a mistake he had made. He continued flying forth, bringing the mage to a forest alongside one of the many mountains that surrounded Karakuri city.
    Once there, Reiki tossed the mage forward towards a tree. The mage flipped around and skidded to a landing on his feet. “The hell? Why did you let me go? You should have kept me in the air!” the mage shouted at Reiki. Reiki stood there silently, his wings glistening in the little sunlight that had found its way through the dozens of tree branches surrounding them. It’s simple. What kind of a lesson would I be teaching you if I just beat the shit out of you in the air? Reiki snickered back, the mage staring into his eyes. Reiki then continued explaining his theory. No, I’m only gonna be able to teach you a lesson about crossing Eclipse Soul if I beat the shit out of you with your magic at its strongest! The mage couldn’t help but laugh at this. “Hah! Allow me, George, the Foundation of the Thieving Elements, to show you how stupid of a mistake you have just made!”

    As George shouted back at Reiki, a brown magic circle appeared underneath George’s feet. Rocks began shooting up from this circle, encircling George completely. George then stuck his arms out to his side, as the constant stream of rocks swirled around his entire body. The rocks began molding around his skin, eventually forming a rather gigantic rock armor around himself. The armor gave off the appearance of a miniature golem made out of rocks. George then laughed as Reiki gazed at the rather impressive armor. “Hah! How do you like this, mage! This is my Titan Armor, the strongest defense in my arsenal! You won’t be able to break this like you did my earth wall!!!

    Reiki couldn’t help but have a smile on his face. So, that’s the way you wanna play this, huh? Reiki asked, as he lifted his hands to the sky. An ice blue magic circle then formed above his hands. Well then, let’s see if your defense can match mine! he shouted, throwing his hands down to his sides. The magic circle engulfed Reiki’s body, forming a bulky, dragonoid armor around himself. As the circle touched down to the ground, Reiki stomped the ground violently, readying himself for the fight. Ice Dragon’s Scale Armor! Reiki snickered, as George witnessed Reiki’s own armor. ” I-Ice Dragon?!” George asked, alarmed at the fact Reiki had mentioned that. That’s right. The one who’s going to be teaching you a lesson is me! Reiki Shikon, the Ice Dragon slayer!

    After announcing his name, Reiki charged forth towards George; winding up a punch for him. George then pulled back his own arm and met Reiki’s punch with his own. “So what if you’re a Dragon Slayer! I’ll still beat you senseless! “ George shouted back to Reiki, as his armor began to tremble. Reiki jumped back as dozens of earth spikes shot out from George’s armor. George now looked like an earth golem trying to be a hedgehog. “What’s the matter, Slayer?! Afraid to punch a few spikes!? “ George yelled, as he rushed towards Reiki. As he pulled back his fist to attack Reiki, George formed a magic circle around his fist. “Titan’s Spike Canon!” he chanted, as he launched his fist at Reiki.

    As the massive earth fist impacted Reiki’s armor, the barrage of spikes acted like a canon. They shot out with immense force, dragging Reiki back into a tree with them. The spikes clanged and bounced off of Reiki’s armor. The force of one alone wasn’t enough to crack his armor, but dozens of them constantly shooting at him would. As the armor began to receive very small cracks, Reiki flapped his wings and took to the skies. The earth spikes would shoot through the tree, tearing it down with ease. Reiki wasn’t free yet. Due to being in the forest, his aerial mobility was limited. If he took to going above the trees, he wouldn’t be able to see where George was or what he was doing.

    On an impulse, Reiki used his upward moment to bounce towards a tree. As he flipped to land on it, he kicked off it as hard as he could, aiming straight for George’s head. He flipped in the air, coating his right foot with a light blue, phantasmal looking flame. Ice Dragon’s Fang Drop! he chanted, as he slammed his foot down on George’s head. George was sent to the ground face first, as Reiki flapped his wings to fly forward, as to avoid landing on the spikes from George’s armor. As he landed, Reiki smiled as he turned back towards George. He knew he had broken off a few of the spikes from George’s head, with minimal stress on his armor at that. Heh, guess those things aren’t as tough as I thought they were. he muttered to himself, awaiting George’s next move.

    In an instant, George drilled himself into the ground. Reiki stood silent, using his enhanced hearing to try and locate George as he weaseled his way through the ground. Once Reiki felt the vibrations beneath his feat, he immediately fell backwards onto his hands. As he bent his feet in towards himself, George shot out of the ground where Reiki once stood, performing an uppercut. Reiki then thrusted his legs forward, kicking George square in the stomach as he unearthed himself. The force from Reiki’s legs sent George skidding into the ground hard. Due to the massive weight of his armor, George didn’t fly very far, despite the force behind the kick. Hey now, what’s wrong Slayer? You aren’t going to beat me with that! You’re going to need to use more of your magic if you hope to even come close to breaking this armor!” George taunted, as Reiki got back on his feet.

    I don’t need my magic at all to break through that armor of yours. I think I’ll be just fine doing things this way. Reiki claimed, pointing to where his feet had landed. There were tiny, yet visible, cracks in George’s armor at the point where Reiki’s feet had connected the kick. Besides, I’m saving my magic to give you pain once I tear down that armor of yours!


    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) 471 The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) H05POqb The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) 471

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 24th March 2013, 9:51 am

    Aian was surprised that the mage who had run into him got up without much damage; he was running fast when they collided, so Aian thought the mage might have received some upper rib cage damage; but he turned out to be fine. The mage melded into the ground thanks to the Earth mage comrade before appearing behind Alye; and stood with his group. Aian watched as they refused to accept the proposal to leave, holding out their hands to attack. As Reiki took the earth mage and Alye the water- which he was extremely thankful for as he hated fighting against water mages- the remaining one which turned out to be a fire mage shot a stream of fire towards Aian. Aian held out his left hand quickly, "Iron Dragon Scale Shield," he chanted; his hand transforming quickly into a large five foot tall, four foot wide triangular shield that Aian ducked down and blocked the stream with.

    The mage laughed as the stream ended. "Is that all you are going to do after calling me weak?" Aian noticed his shield was melted from the heat and quickly broke his hand free of the transformation before it caused too much damage to his hand. Aian's hand however was red from the burn; which he didn't take much offense to but was now understand how wrong he was before. "I am sorry for insulting you, I deserved that." Aian apologized, the mage snarling as Aian tried to remain polite. "I do have one question though; if you three are so strong, why didn't you attack her when you all had the chance to overwhelm her? Instead now insulted, you take three of us on one on one; as though the odds favor you now....Yet you had a chance to knock her out, leave the area, get what you wanted, and then leave with less chance of being caught then running away from her when confronted." Aian made his point, which only made the fire mage angrier. "Why don't you stop talking and fight!" He shouted, holding out both of his hands as a magic circle appeared in front of them; "Twin Fire Geyser!" two large pillars of flames shot out from his hands, aimed at Aian's direction. Aian planted his hands firmly into the ground chanting, "Iron Dragon Wall." A magic circle engulfed his hands to create a large four foot wide wall of iron in front of him that helped spread the flames away and protect him, but quickly melted as the heat pushed through, yet didn't touch Aian a bit. Aian stood up and looked behind him; to see that a bed of flowers and a few bushes were burned to a crisp. Aian knelt down to examine the dead vegetation with some remorse of not moving the mage away from them.
    "Oh what is the matter? Sad that the flowers and grass is now ash? What kind of a mage are you for showing such stupid emotions to a few meaningless pieces of green?"Aian laughed a bit, remembering his mentor as he stood up. "Yeah, My master would probably say the same thing right about now if he saw me doing that....though it is sad that you did burn them." Aian contemplated; keeping his back from the mage as he looked at the burned scene in front of him.
    "Then your "Master" is an idiot for teaching you to leave your back at the enemy!" The mage roared, infuriated with Aian's neglect to face him. However, the comment about his Mentor caused Aian to quickly change moods. Having such high respect for his mentor; the one thing he hated the most was anyone showing him disrespect. Aian turned around, his hair creating a shadow over his eyes as the mage charged at him with his fist a flame. Aian held out his hand and grabbed the flame engulfed fist; stopping the punch in its tracks. Aian's hand instinctively began to squeeze down heavily on the fist. "Never," he retored in a serious tone-one he hardly ever spoke in or ever shown- his grip now crushing the fist in his hand and causing the flame to disperse as the mage grabbed his wrist in pain, "Insult," Aian's grip continued to tighten, the mage's breaking as the thumb was forced out of the grip, leaving Aian crushing his four curled fingers, "Insult," the crushing grip only increased with each word- the mage now hollering in pain as bones could be heard breaking along the fingers, "My," the mage's complaints grew louder as the knuckles were now being forced out of their joints, "Master." Aian finished, crunching his grip tight enough to cause the bones to break out from the skin of all four fingers, as well as reveal many bones of the palm breaking through the same points. The mage screamed in pain, stretching his vocal cords with how loud his shriek was, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!". Aian simply held the mage's now shattered palm as the mage continued to wail as the pressure was still applied; holding his wrist and on his knees unable to stand.

    Aian let go of the mage's hand and walked away towards the nearest tree, holding up his right hand. "Iron Dragon Sword." He chanted, his right arm quickly transforming into a five foot long single edged broad sword. The mage was left crying in pain as he stared at his open wound and bones. Aian hacked off a branch of the tree, and broke the branch at the end to form two solid thin planks to use as a firm holder. Aian walked back to the mage, and tossed the planks in front of him. Aian then searched his side pack to pull out two sets of bandages which he tossed down to the mage as well. "You can form a splint out of that for your hand to help before getting real medical attention...Your earth friend can probably help place your bones in position again if Reiki has not frozen him in place." Aian's voice continued to remain serious and firm as he stared down at the mage; respect for him completely gone. The mage looked up in confusion quickly, but before he could utter a single word Aian continued, "Now I am giving you one last chance....Leave." Aian began walking away towards Reiki and Alye to see how they were doing.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

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    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Alye 24th March 2013, 10:38 am

    I love the wind
    Sometimes I wonder if it loves me too
    My name is Alye. I belong to Eclipse Soul. For now, and forever. If you don't believe me, that's your problem. But you better believe when I say "I'll die for my guild". Cause I will. And if you want to test me on that, go right ahead.
    I enjoy a challenge.
    || notes - ||

    A burst of wind could be heard as Alye took to the sky. Alye watched as the water mage raced along the ground. He had turned his legs into water and somehow churned a current to make himself shoot forward at a high speed. Naturally, Alye took off after him. "What's wrong cutie? Can't keep up?!", he said as he rushed forward. Alye only rolled her eyes. As she flew right behind him, her hands made their way into her pockets, where her fans waited. She silently pulled them out, but didn't extend them. She wanted to wait for the right moment.

    Alye's finger tensed as she was just about to launch an attack, when all of a sudden three figures could be seen in the distance. Alye couldn't quite make out who it was, but it didn't seem to deter the water mage at all, so she pressed on. As the distance between the two mages and the figures closed, Alye's bright blue eyes widened. It was a family! A monk, his wife, and child! Sensing the danger, the monk immediately pushed his family aside and into the forestry. The water mage had a almost hungry look in his eyes as he slowed down to encounter the monk.

    The mage reconstructed his body and crossed his arms as he stood in front of the monk. "C'mon baldy! Show me your all-powerful kung fu!", the mage said with a snicker. The monk simply stood on one foot and raised his other above the ground. "..Leaping Crane Strike!", he said as he sprang forward at a quick rate. Alye watched from her perch in the sky as the monk's fore fingers dug deep into the mage's shoulder before erupting into water. Alye kept watch on the water mage. Alye's fingers slid open her fans just slightly as she watched the water mage's reaction. He sneered at the man and used his opposite arm to smash the monk over the head with a torrent of water. The stricken man's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he fell forward. It was obvious that he was going to be out for a little while.

    The monk's wife called out from behind the bushes her and her son were huddling behind. Alye's fans fully extended as a magic circle appeared before her. She had found a weakness to this mage that she was going to exploit. The water mage reached out towards the woman and child but was cut short when magic struck him.

    "Air Slicer!", she called out. Three razor sharp swaths of wind ripped down towards the water mage. He was so absorbed in trying to attack the civilians that he didn't even notice the attacks until they were right on top of him. He let out a screech as his body was sliced by her winds. First on his back, the next on his legs, and the final slicer was going right for his neck, but he managed to turn his body to water just as the attack was about to hit him.

    Alye watched as he stood as a puddle for a moment before rushing across the grass once more, leaving Alye in his watery dust. Alye closed her fans and conjured up a cell of wind around herself to send her flying after the mage. She was in hot pursuit, however, when everything went wrong.

    There was a river up ahead.

    "Air Slicer!", she called out once more. She send swath after swath of wind after the streak of water, but none hit. Alye silently cursed herself as she watched the water mage slip right into the water and disappear. Alye hovered just off the ground, with a hard look in her eyes as the water mage slithered from the river and stretched his arms, looking totally revitalized. "So, sweetie, this is the part where you give up. I'm standing in front of my element. I don't care what crappy guild you're from. You won't beat me in the water!", he said as he lifted a foot off the ground to walk forward.

    Alye chuckled to the water mage as she looked down, her white hair covering her eyes. The water mage arced an eyebrow. "What's so funny?", he asked as he took another step forward. A smile emerged onto Alye's lips as she heard his feet fall. Alye became a blur of movement as she appeared behind the water mage, hovering just above the water. As he turned around to face her, a slightly worried look entered his eyes as he locked eyes with Alye. A aura of intense grey colored magic power exuded from the girl's body. "You and your little friends picked the wrong guild to mess with. This is Eclipse Soul. Were the worst guild that you could piss off. Here's why..", she said with a hard tone as she brought her fans up. With a flurry of movement, Alye sent forth another barrage of slicers towards the man as she shot forward. The man's eyes widened at the sudden motion. He was so caught off-guard that he almost didn't have enough time to shift into his water form. Alye shot through him and spun around on a dime. He reformed quickly and whirled around with a ball of spinning water in his hands. "Because no matter what you do..", Alye said as she raised a hand towards the water mage as he rushed forward, using his water to increase his speed. "Tidal Crest!", he called out as his entire arm was engulfed in the rapidly spinning water. All of a sudden, a bright yellow magic circle appeared in front of her. "Storm Art: Sizzling Snakes", she said as the water mage was about ten feet away. A flash of light exploded around them as six bolts of lightning shot out of the circle at the same time. The lightning impacted all around the water mage, making him holler in pain as four of the six bolts hit him, pushing him back with violent force as he was shocked.

    "No matter where you go..", Alye said as she continued to walk forward. The girl's feet were not even touching the ground, leaving a even more terrifying effect as she made her way towards the water mage. As residual sparks of electricity went off around the water mage, he looked up at Alye with a confused stare. "Lightning..? How?!", he said as he staggered to his feet. When he looked stable enough to stand, he raised his hands towards Alye. "A-Aquamarine!", he shouted. Two magic circles appeared in front of him. The magic circles began to gleam as they took on power. Moving a little slower then he probably was used to, the water mage leaned his arms back and then thrusted them forward, sending the magic circles forward. As they left the man's hands, they suddenly began to spin rapidly, taking on moisture. As they neared Alye, they became two whirlpools of spinning water.

    The water hit the ground and rocketed forward, moving in a X-pattern towards her. The girl raised her hands. "Storm Art: Gust Shield!", she called out as the sky above her darkened. A second later, a column of wind shot down to surround Alye. As the wind touched her, Alye spun her hands in a circle, and the wind began to follow suit. As the whirlpools were about to hit her, the girl directed the winds to block the oncoming attack. When the attacks and the shield met, Alye was pushed back a foot or two. The whirlpools were packed with momentum and speed. The sheer speed and the shape of the whirlpool gave it the ability to saw through things, which it was beginning to do to her shield. The water mage laughed with a cackle that made Alye's eyes narrow. She took a stomping step forward and thrusted forward with her arms, magic pumping into the shield. The winds suddenly moved with increased vigor, and the whirlpools momentum became it's downfall. The wind shield was spinning so fast and blowing so hard that the momentum of the left-most whirlpool made it spin right into the right-most whirlpool. Alye smirked and dropped her arms as the two attacks canceled each other out.

    "St-Stay back! Get back!", the water mage called out to Alye as she began to draw closer once more. He kept taking a step backwards as she walked forward. The man's eyes widened suddenly as his foot connected with cold water. He looked down in surprise, realizing that he had walked backwards into the river. A evil smile overcame his features as he quickly turned into his water body and receded into the river.

    Alye stopped walking.



    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 29th March 2013, 11:30 am

    Blow for blow the two went, neither side giving in to the other. For every hit George dealt, Reiki returned the favor with equal force. Both of their armors absorbed each other's attacks with minimal effort. George dug his feet into the ground as Reiki jumped backwards away from him. Hah! Is that all a Dragon Slayer is really capable of?! How pathetic! George taunted. Reiki simply remained silent as he charged in once more towards the thieving little mage.

    Reiki kicked off of the ground, launching himself forward to deliver a punch to Georges face. George simply laughed as he took the hit, his armor absorbing it like nothing as the spikes dug deeper and deeper into Reiki's armor. With all the attacks Reiki was throwing at George, the spikes of George's armor were slowly but surely cracking Reiki's own upon the impact. The only visible damage that Reiki himself had done was the kick he delivered to George's stomach earlier. The spikes that were destroyed had grown back immediately, proving to be a major annoyance to Reiki.

    Do you see now?! No one has ever destroyed this armor, so neither will you!!! With that shout of confidence, George slammed his head downward at Reiki. Quickly reacting, Reiki threw up his right arm to catch the fools head, the spikes driving into his armor yet again. I see just how tough your armor is... allow me to be the first to break it for you. Reiki said in a very low tone.

    Before George could even respond, Reiki drove a solid punch straight into the spot where he had kicked George before. He did so with such force that he cracked the armor further; driving George backwards into the ground several feet. George was stunned at this. W-what the hell just happened?! Why was his punch suddenly stronger?!?! ...No, no it wasn't stronger, he just caught me off guard is all! And so what, he made it crack more in a spot where he caught me off guard already! There's no way anyone could break this armor of mine! George thought to himself.

    The moment George stopped thinking this, Reiki was already once more in his face. Knocking away the spikes on Georges shoulder with a quick swipe, Reiki grabbed onto the shoulder of his opponents massive armor. He then pulled himself upward, delivering an uppercut with his left hand. The impact cracked George's armor further, this time in a spot Reiki had never hit before. Now George was really confused. He turned to Reiki, who had a smirk upon his face. Come on now, did you honestly believe I was being serious earlier?! Reiki laughed, as George now had a look of worry. No, I was just testing to see how much effort it would take me to break through that weak armor of yours. Surprisingly, a bit more than I had expected to begin with. Overall, however, still not much effort on my part!

    Y-you're lying!!! You just got lucky is all!!!!!! George shouted, slamming his fists into the ground. Two pillars of rock shot out from underneath him, melding with his feet and propelling his massive body towards Reiki. He then threw his arms out, grabbing hold of Reiki and propelling the two skyward. What, you out of options so you're gonna try and hug your way out of this? Reiki asked with a small chuckle. George was not amused in the slightest. KEEP LAUGHING! CUZ THIS IS THE LAST LAUGH YOU'LL EVER BE HAVING! IM GOING TO KILL YOU YOU STUPID DRAGON SLAYER! George shouted in a pure rage.

    Once the two were high enough in the air, George tightened his grip and released his feet from the pillars. The two began to plummet back down to the earth, as George laughed maniacally. I'LL PILE DRIVE YOUR CORPSE DOWN TO THE EARTHS CORE! As soon as those words left George's mouth, Reiki planted his hands into the head portion of George's armor, gripping tightly to it from the inside. Yeah no, our little game ends here I'm afraid. Reiki explained, as he pulled apart the armor. He ripped George's armor off of him entirely, revealing a pale face filled with horror underneath. Reiki then inhaled deeply, expanding his lungs and loosening George's grip upon him. Ice Dragon's Roar were the last things George heard, as a massive beam of ice magic launched from Reiki's mouth, propelling himself downward faster than George. Reiki twisted himself in air, crashing to the ground on his feet, creating a rather large crater as he continued to fire his Roar straight up.

    Once the Roar had ceased, Reiki turned and began walking away, as a hulking chunk of ice containing George inside of it crashed to the ground behind him. Your armor was nothing compared to the ones I've had to deal with. Especially Aian's.... wonder how that red head friend of yours is doing against him. Reiki thought aloud, as he dispersed his armor and wings into thousands of tiny ice crystals with a snap of his fingers.


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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 4th April 2013, 2:56 pm

    As Aian began to walk away, the Fire Mage whose hand he had crushed was left kneeling on the ground; snarling as he looked at his mangled hand. He slowly rose up, flames engulfing his free hand as he glared at Aian's back. "Don't...you dare....Patronize me..."He growled low to himself, the flames growing in intensity upon his hand, raising up his arm. Aian continued to walk away, forgetting about the mage and was concerned with his team mate's well being instead. "I am a member of Thieving Elements....I will not be humiliated like this..." He continued to increase the intensity of the flames upon his arm, causing the form into an extraordinarily large inferno ball. "I will not be tolerated like a weakling by this child...I WILL NOT BE HUMILIATED BY A KID! I WILL NOT BE DENIED!"He roared, as he punched the air. "Drago, Flama!" the inferno was launched, it quickly taking the form of a dragon head as it charged at Aian. Aian turned around quickly to see the head; and raised his arms up in defense. Everyone would hear a large explosion that lightly shook the grounds of the garden. Aian was sent flying; his clothes quickly burned away upon his upper torso, as well as his arms suffering from moderate burns as he soared through the air, still partially on fire. Aian flew out of the Garden, and down the entire mountain side into a crevice between the two nearby mountains with a crash, creating a crater and semi burying himself underneath the impact rubble. Aian was instantly knocked out from the impact as the flames quickly died out under the rocks.

    The fire mage looked over the garden edge to see where Aian had landed, and shouted down in victory. "WHO'S THE ONE WEAK NOW HUH!?" the mage gripped his busted hand's wrist, as he watched the blood pooling out from his open wound. He tried to touch the bone but hollered out in pain. "What the hell was he? His shields melted instantly, but he crushed my hand as though it was nothing! He wasn't even trying...It was his fault for lowering his guard...Now he is dead...I will be too if I don't get this patched up...Only a moron spares his opponent's life and gives them what they need to cure it." He grabbed the bandage and two planks of wood to form the splint for his hand, before taking another passing glance to the edge of the garden. "No one makes a mockery of me..NO ONE! YOU HEAR ME? NO ONE MAKES ME LOOK LIKE A CHUMP AND LIVES!"His hand burst into flames as he hurled a fire ball onto a nearby tree and bushes, quickly engulfing them into flames. "YOU SEE THIS PUNK? I AM BURNING YOUR PRECIOUS TREES AND FLOWERS! WHAT'CHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT HUH!? I WILL BURN THIS ENTIRE PLACE TO THE GROUND, AND THERE AIN'T NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!" he stomped, causing a small wave of flame to escape from the impact, before he started marching off to look for his comrades. " I am gonna need earth to fix this up quick...water may be able to help keep it from being infected till we find him. Who knows where that other slayer went off too...I better find them quick and get out of here."


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

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    The Windrider

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Alye 13th April 2013, 5:43 am

    I love the wind
    Sometimes I wonder if it loves me too
    My name is Alye. I belong to Eclipse Soul. For now, and forever. If you don't believe me, that's your problem. But you better believe when I say "I'll die for my guild". Cause I will. And if you want to test me on that, go right ahead.
    I enjoy a challenge.
    || notes - Finally got my muse for this post!||

    Alye's steps ground to a halt as she saw the water mage disappear into the river water. Inwardly, Alye cringed. This just got a lot harder... Alye watched with an intense look in her eyes as she stared down the water. Nothing was happening...yet. Alye took a tentative step forward. Her hands trailed down to her hips where her fans waited to be used. The orange-haired girl could feel the water mage's power increasing as he melded with his element. The white-haired girl looked behind her for a moment as she heard a deathly yell from back towards the guildhall. She chewed her lip for a moment, hoping her guildmates were alright... However, a flash of light along the water's surface made Alye stop in her tracks once again, taking full notice of her opponent once more. Her eyes narrowed as the light was being refracted and distorted just a bit by the water and it's current. The girl's eyes snapped open and she pushed off the ground as she realized that those lights were coming from magic circles, not the sky.

    Just as she got off the ground, the water in front of her exploded into rapid motion. Columns of water shot into the sky, right at Alye.

    As she rocketed back, she flung her body backwards, leaning back, as a waterspout shot out in front of her. Alye sucked in a shocked breath as she continued to fall, letting gravity take over. Using her fans as a kind of glider, Alye outstretched her hands and tilted them backwards which allowed her to flip over in the air to have her back facing the ground. The sound of sloshing water and then a sort of expulsion granted Alye the foresight to know that another spout was coming her way. Tilting her fans forward this time, Alye angled her body until her feet were on a 90 degree angle with the ground. She used her magic to lessen the air pressure around her body to increase her speed, just enough to evade that spout as well.

    Alye hit the ground in a cat-like pose, her head coming up just in time to see another blast of water coming. The blue-eyed girl let out a grunt as she pushed off the ground once more, doing a flip as she twirled over the water. Alye knew that the path of her flip was predictable to her enemy so when she was just below the ground she put her hands together, gathering magic around her fans' blades. When she hit the ground, she landed with one foot and pushed off the ground with it once more, flipping right back over. Another water blast was coming her way but as she hit the ground again, Alye growled out loud as she flung the magic concentrated around her fans towards the blast. The slice of air shot from the girl's fans and impacted with the water blast, the two canceling each out.

    The girl didn't slow down a bit as she kept running forward, twenty feet away from the river. Another blast came her way, which Alye side stepped to her left with a burst of wind. One more blast followed that one, which Alye evaded the same way. She was fifteen feet away now. All of a sudden, a rumbling sound rushed over the area as a cascade of water whirled around in the air, becoming a funnel. Alye could make out the form of the water mage inside.

    "Why do you keep fighting? I have a massive amount of my element at my disposal! Tell me why you won't just DIE!", the mage yelled to Alye as she saw him raise both his arms forward and two magic circles appeared. This time, two, not one, of the water blasts rushed at Alye. It was going to be too big to simply evade...

    Alye sheathed her fans and stopped running, making herself skid to a halt. The girl threw her head back as a magic circle appeared her under her. "Storm Art: Elemental Body", she called out just as the water was about to overcome her. A blast of light and wind filled the air, blocking the water entirely before disappearing. Alye along with it.

    The water mage looked around himself, baffled completely.

    "Where the hell did you go!?", he called out.

    It had happened in the space of a moment, but it felt like a lifetime to Alye for some reason. When the water mage's blast of water impacted with nothing, he let out a annoyed yell. That would be the last sound he would be making for a while. As the man's water tornado that surrounded his body, he tried in vain to find Alye until it was too late. His skin shivered as he felt a burst of wind magic behind him. He turned just in time to get smacked in the face by a whip of wind. There Alye was, her hands extended outwards as the water funnel seemed to be..slowing down? A better observation would be that it was getting more and more solid as the moments passed. That's when the water mage realized that the air inside the water spout was icy cold. And that was a bad thing while he was in his water form. Using the momentum from Alye's attack, he tried to lunge out of the water spout but he never made it through the ice cold water before it solidified. With him right along with it.

    "We are going to take you down", the girl finished as she put a finger to his outstretched hand and pushed. The fragile ice cracked easily, and with a flick of Alye's wrist a flurry of wind hit the ice, shattering it into chunks. The girl withdrew from the scene with a grim look in her eyes. She knew that the water mage would reform his body when the water melted, but she didn't have time to worry about that. Her friends needed her help and she had no time to waste.

    That yell from before was bothering her. She justed hoped Aian and Reiki were alright...


    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 13th April 2013, 9:26 am

    Reiki walked away from the ice statue he had just made, straightening out his jacket as he did so. He was rather disappointed with the fight he had just finished. George had talked such trash talk, yet he wasn't as strong as he had boasted. This made Reiki a little disheartened. He enjoyed a good fight and was saddened when an enemy wasn't as strong as they had claimed to be. It made the victory less triumphant.

    As Reiki emerged from the forest and back onto the mountain path, he heard a deathly scream echo throughout the Phoenix Mountains. The voice was that of a male, so that immediately ruled out anything happening to Alye. That left the water mage, the fire mage, or Aian. Given how durable Aian was, Reiki had his doubts that this scream came from Aian. Nevertheless, Reiki charged up the mountain path as fast as his legs would allow.

    As he neared back to Karakuri, he heard an immense crashing noise coming from the other side of the mountain which the city was built upon. Reiki stopped instantly as he heard this noise. The hell was that? he wondered, as he turned his eyes to the city. His eyes met with a rising black smoke. That could only mean the fire mage was going out of control. Dammit Aian, what the hell are you doing?! Reiki asked himself in frustration. He pushed onward towards Karakuri City with more haste, concerned about what was happening to Aian.

    As Reiki neared the steps of his guild hall, he saw the fire mage standing there, his hand mangled horribly. Reiki assumed that the mages hand ended up colliding with Aian's, resulting in the state of the mages hand. Though Reiki was confused as to why it was the fire mage standing before him instead of Aian. So theres the other slayer! I guess George is off frozen somewhere. Just great. When I need the bastard most he's not around!! Oh well. I'll just beat the crap out of you like I did that other slayer, unfreeze George, and take down that girl you guys had with you as well! the mage shouted, lunging towards Reiki from on high.

    Reiki immediately ducked, as the mage went flying over him, trying to punch Reiki with his unbroken hand. Pft. As if you could beat Aian like that! Reiki spun his body around, slamming a foot into the mages gut, sending him flying into the ground. The mage bounced back up and charged Reiki again. I guess he must have gotten the jump on Aian... Ah well, this'll be more fun than that earth mage! Though that fires worrying me... it might spread and I can't do anything about fire... Reiki thought, as he charged the mage as well. Reiki countered every hit the mage tried to throw at him, avoiding the flames that were spewing from the mages finger tips. As he fought the mage, the flames continued to burn the guilds garden fiercely. The flames would soon spread to the rest of the city if not dealt with soon.


    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) 471 The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) H05POqb The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) 471

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Alye 10th May 2013, 4:39 pm

    I love the wind
    Sometimes I wonder if it loves me too
    My name is Alye. I belong to Eclipse Soul. For now, and forever. If you don't believe me, that's your problem. But you better believe when I say "I'll die for my guild". Cause I will. And if you want to test me on that, go right ahead.
    I enjoy a challenge.
    || notes - Finally got my muse for this post!||

    Alye's lithe frame shot across the sky at a breakneck pace as she zipped towards her guildhall once more. The closer she got, the more alarmed she became. As she neared the guild, she could steadily see the dark and churning smoke that was making it's way into the sky. Alye's mind began to race. She knew that Karakuri's ecosystem was rather delicate, so a forest fire could prove to be disastrous to not only the the landscape, but to the populous down the summit of the mountain. Not only that, but she didn't want her guildhall to burn to the ground as well!

    Increasing her speed, the girl was at the guildhall in a matter of minutes. Alye's fans opened to their full extent as she saw a powerful and extensive forest fire spreading about. Having rich and plentiful nature to burn, it had already spread by half a mile at least. Alye, high in the sky, stopped in the air. A whispy blueish gray magic circle appeared under her, sending the air around her churning with light. "Storm Art!", she called out as several magic circles appeared in the sky overhead of the firezone. "Heaven's Tears!", she called out. The magic circles pulsed for a moment before shining brightly. The clouds in the sky above the area immediately began to darken. First they matched the color of the smoke raising into the sky before turning a even darker shade.

    A single thunder strike in the distance seemed to signal the beginning of the spell. Right afterwards, a massive torrent of rain shot down from the sky, proceeding to attack the ravenous flames. For a couple of seconds, the flames seemed to be holding their own, but as the heavy and plentiful water poured on, the fires began to weaken. Alye gripped her hand closed as she then directed her fist towards the flames. As if by command, the water droplets began to collide and meld with one another. Falling still, they soon became massive streams of flowing water that impacted against the surface, extinguishing the weakened flames as if they were never there at all.

    Sighing quietly in relief, Alye closed her fans but still had them out just in case. Seeing Reiki, the girl landed softly next to him, the winds lapping gently at her feet, sending both their hair flying about. She looked him over for a moment before immediately asking where Aian was. She was interrupted by a certain fire mage...

    "You're metal freak? Ha! I killed that flowery idiot! Sent his ass right over the side of the mountain and watched it go down on his head!", the fire mage said as he laughed, even though his hand was broken. Alye looked over to Reiki in disbelief. There was no way that the Iron Dragon Slayer would lose to a fool like this! Something had to have happened... But that rumbling from before...that would explain... Alye became a blur of movement as she shot into the air, higher and higher. Reiki and the fire mage became mere dots as she sailed higher and higher. The white-haired girl's blood ran cold as she saw a completely crumbled side of the mountain. The fire mage hadn't been lying...

    Anger ripped through Alye for a moment. He couldn't be dead! The girl lost altitude at a astonishing speed as she shot down towards the fire mage. Once he was identifiable once again, Alye sent a blast of wind at him in anger. The fire mage sent up a wall of fire from his good hand, blocking her blast. Alye grunted in anger. A thunderbolt rang off in the distance.

    Landing back next to Reiki, the girl opened her fans once more. "A side of the mountain is collapsed, and Aian is no where to be seen... We have to assume that this poor excuse for a mage is telling the truth. We need to handle him. Now", she said as a swift wind pulsed around the three mages.

    Reiki and Alye versus this fire mage. For his sake, Aian better be alive.


    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 10th May 2013, 5:58 pm

    The two mages were locked in a heated melee battle. Reiki's style of deflecting his opponents blows and using their own momentum against them proved to be severely irritating for this fire mage. The fool grew so irritated, he decided to start throwing out his spells at Reiki. Alright ya moron! Let's see ya handle this! the mage shouted, as he banged his fists together; which was rather impressive considering how horribly mangled one of them was. A blazing red magic circle appeared over his fists. He pulled both of his fists back, bringing the magic circles with them. The mage then loudly chanted PHOENIX FLOCK!! With this, the mage thrusted both his hands forward towards Reiki.

    As he did this, dozens of small, flaming blasts in the shape of tiny phoenixes erupted forth towards Reiki at an impressive rate. As quickly as he could, Reiki threw up his arms in front of his face and took a defensive stance. The onslaught of birds then began slamming into him one by one; each one singing more and more than the next. By the time the onslaught was done, Reiki had holes burned into his jacket and pants, slightly burning the skin he had beneath them.

    Before Reiki could even let his guard down, the mage slammed both his hands together and held the palms out towards Reiki, summoning a magic circle in front of his hands. Volcanic Stream! the mage chanted, unleashing a raging stream of deep red flames that blasted straight towards Reiki. Dammit, if I dodge the fires just gonna get worse...[/color] Reiki thought, as he endured the blazing flames once more.

    The flames didn't last forever though. The next thing Reiki knew, a torrential downpour began to douse the flames around him and the city. As he let his arms down to his side, a small flurry of wind kicked up as Alye landed beside him. He looked over to see her snow white hair flowing rather majestically in the wind. [i] Ha....has she always looked this beautiful?
    Reiki thought to himself, as he nervously stared at her. As soon as she looked over at him, his face slightly turned red as he quickly turned away his gaze. He had hoped that she hadn't noticed. He felt rather embarrassed for the first time he could ever remember in his life.

    As Alye asked him what had happened to Aian, the fire mage cut in before a nervous Reiki could even make an attempt at moving his lips. Your metal freak? Ha! I killed that flowery idiot! Sent his ass right over the side of the mountain and watched it go down on his head! the mage laughed. Alye looked over towards Reiki in disbelief before blasting herself into the sky to investigate.

    Shaking his head to regain his composure, Reiki snickered at the thought of Aian being killed by a mage like this. Oh please. Someone as pathetic as you, killing someone like Aian? Not even in a million years. He's been through a hell of a lot worse than something like that! As soon as Reiki finished speaking that sentence, Alye tore through the sky down towards the fire mage, launching a blast of wind towards the fire mage. The mage quickly threw up a wall of flames from his intact hand to block the blast.

    As a lightning bolt flashed in the distance, Alye landed next to Reiki once more. A side of the mountain is collapsed, and Aian is no where to be seen... We have to assume that this poor excuse for a mage is telling the truth. We need to handle him. Now. Her tone was incredibly serious, even frightening Reiki just a little. Though he knew Aian would be fine in the back of his mind, he couldn't help but worry just a little. He tried debating what was worse... the weight of his dragon, Metallicana, crushing him under his foot, or falling off a mountain and crashing near the base of it?

    Either way, Reiki agreed with dealing with this punk immediately. Right then... Let's not waste any time then. Reiki threw his hands together, bending his thumbs inward as he placed the rest of his fingers on the frigid blue magic circle that appeared before him. Ice Dragon's Snaring Jaw! he chanted, as eight razor sharp icicle streams blasted forth in the shape of a jaw towards the fire mage. Reiki wasn't expecting to hit the fire mage with this attack. His plan was simply a distraction for Alye to hit him as hard as possible whilst he was attempting to burn away Reiki's ice.


    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) 471 The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) H05POqb The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) 471

    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Alye 11th May 2013, 9:35 am

    I love the wind
    Sometimes I wonder if it loves me too
    My name is Alye. I belong to Eclipse Soul. For now, and forever. If you don't believe me, that's your problem. But you better believe when I say "I'll die for my guild". Cause I will. And if you want to test me on that, go right ahead.
    I enjoy a challenge.
    || notes - Finally got my muse for this post!||

    Hmm. This was going to be harder than it looked.

    Alye opened her fans, leaving them at her side. The feathered cloak on her back fluttered in the wind as she scanned the fire mage over. His hand was broken, but the bleeding wound seemed to have been cauterized by his use of flames. He still had one good hand, so they could trying fighting him physically, but they would have to be weary of his flames. That being said, there were two of them. Her, a Storm magic mage, and Reiki, the Ice Dragon Slayer. He is more susceptible to this mage's flames then she was. Secondly, Alye had designs of her magic that allowed her to overpower or neutralize fire stylized magic. She would the best opponent against this fire mage.

    Alye looked over to Reiki. She didn't know a lot about him, to be honest. They had only gone on a mission together once. While their knowledge of each other was quite lacking, the white-haired girl could just tell by the look in his eyes that he would not allow Alye to take this guy on alone. A slight chuckle slipped through her lips as she closed her eyes for a moment.

    "You know... You really should have left when we gave you the chance...", the girl said before her eyes opened once more. The usual peaceful and tranquil feel to her pupils had hardened into something dark and powerful.

    Something lethal.

    "Because now? You're probably never going to leave this mountain again", the girl said with a dark tone as she raised her open fan towards the fire mage. The indignant man simply laughed. "Well, can you back your words up, sunshine?", he said as he lit his good hand on fire. Alye's body began to shine in a ethereal light, her magic churning in her body so strongly that it was becoming and aura.


    Alye shot forward with a burst of speed, causing Reiki's hair to flail around for a moment as she closed the gap between the three of them. Alye's palm opened towards the sky as she laid her fans bare on top of her palms. Alye concentrated a small amount of air and wind magic on the fans, causing them to "levitate" slightly and begin to spin.

    As she neared him, the fans began to spin more rapidly, their metallic sidings blurring in movement. The fire mage only laughed rudely. "Fans? You're gonna fight me with some measly fans?! Don't you know that you're only gonna fan my flames?!", he said as he shot two short streams of powerful looking fire at her. Alye didn't bother to slow down. When the flames neared her, Alye's hands shot forwards, the fans following suit.

    The fans shot forward at a immense speed, seemingly cutting through the air itself as they impacted against the fire. The fire mage gawked in astonishment as he saw the fans slice cleanly through each flame stream, exhausting the flames as they went.

    "Wh-What the hell?! You're using Wind Magic! How the hell can you exhaust my flames with wind?", he said as he raised his hands towards Alye.

    "Simple. You use and treat your magic as if it's simply a weapon. I use my magic as if it is my best friend. A relationship with my magic, not a dicatorship. I also have a cause, a reason to beat you. One of my guildmates could be hurt because of you. I'm not going to let you get away with hurting him. This isn't me versus you. This is us versus you!", she called out to him as she sent the fans forth once again.

    They rocketed towards him, their edges holding the same aura as Alye did before as they shot at him. The first fan banked down and shot upwards just as it got in front of the fire mage. The fan narrowly missed the man's throat because he moved backwards at the last second, sending a stream of fire up after the slicing fan. Alye twirled her hand back towards herself and the retreating fan began to spin, concentrating winds around it's edges to block out the fire with a sort of wind-ball. When the fire died out, the fan shot back towards Alye, falling into her hand gently.

    The second fan tore towards the man as he was distracted from the first fan. He noticed it in the last second and lurched to his left, the fan slicing through a lock of his hair, causing his eyes to widen.

    Caught off-guard, he didn't notice Alye herself until it was too late. He was still moving from trying to dodge the second fan when he noticed a shadow appear over him. "Hyah!", the girl exclaimed as she kicked her left foot in his direction, the kick connecting to his cheek. Just before her foot touched his skin, she concentrated a ridiculous amount of wind magic on the exact heel of her feet. When the two body parts connected, a loud boom could be heard as the fire mage was sent careening into a nearby thicket of trees, breaking several as he flew.

    Alye landed in a cat-like pose, her feathered cloak flowing gently in the breeze. Alye opened her left hand to the sky, catching her other fan and shifting it closed. Standing, she looked over to Reiki.

    "He's hurt, but not dead. He's building up magic power, I can feel it. Let's go!", she said before she jumped into the air, becoming a blur of movement as she shot after their target.


    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 11th May 2013, 7:57 pm

    As the mage was distracted with Reiki's initial attack, he watched as Alye went in for her attack. He stood there slightly mesmerized as Alye began assaulting the fire mage. He had only been on one mission with her several months back; during which the two were split up for the entirety of the mission. This display of power was new to Reiki. He had absolutely no idea how powerful Alye was.

    Time seemed to freeze as Reiki thought to himself watching the events unfold. Wow... she's beautiful AND incredibly powerful... Tearing through a fire mages magic with wind... Reiki wasn't even aware of the situation at hand at the moment. He was simply enveloped in the majestic way Alye was assaulting their foe. The next thing that he knew, Alye landed in front of him as the fire mage was sent flying into a thicket of trees. His body was turned into a wind bullet from the kick Alye had delivered to his face.

    "He's hurt, but not dead. He's building up magic power, I can feel it. Let's go!" she shouted, blasting off towards where she had launched the fire mage. Reiki shook his head again, trying to regain his focus. Get it together... what the hell are you doing thinking about stuff like that? Come on there's an idiot that needs a beating! he exclaimed as he slapped himself. With that, Reiki knelt down into a running position and took off at full speed chasing after Alye and the fire mage.

    Alye wasn't lying when she said the mage was building up magic power. Even from a distance, Reiki could feel the sweltering heat building up more and more. The fire mage was getting to his breaking point. He was insanely pissed off at this point. Reiki knew what ever he was planning was big.

    He wasn't wrong in thinking that.

    By the time Reiki got to the scene, the mage had built up a massive ball of flames in his good hand, a sphere of his flaming red magic circle enveloping the ball of flames. As it continued to grow, the fire mage let out a laugh. I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT HAVING A RELATIONSHIP WITH MAGIC OR WHATEVER THE HELL IT WAS YOU WERE BABBLING ON ABOUT!! THIS MAGICS GOOD FOR NOTHING BUT BURNING THINGS LIKE IDIOTS SUCH AS YOURSELVES; WHICH IS FINE WITH ME!! NOW BURN AND DIE LIKE YOUR METAL FREAK OF A FRIEND SO I CAN ROB YOUR LITTLE GUILD BLIND!!!! With his rageful exclamation, the mage thrusted his hand forward as the magic sphere opened up wide. RAGING PHOENIX NOVA!! the mage chanted in a vicious voice.

    The massive ball of flames erupted forth from the magic sphere at an alarming rate. Reiki stopped dead in his tracks, only to realize that the blast wasn't aimed at him. The fire mage was aiming directly for Alye with this attack. In a heartbeat, Reiki built up as much power in his legs as he could before launching himself directly in front of the huge fire ball.

    Reiki dug his feet into the ground at the last second as the attack collided with his back. The explosion was intense, but Reiki was determined not to let a single bit of it reach his guild mate. Reiki pumped as much of his magic as he could into a freezing aura that covered his body. His hope was to chill the heat of the flames as much as he could to reduce the damage. Despite the force of the explosion, Reiki held his ground firmly. He refused to budge an inch.

    Once the explosion settled, Reiki remained standing, though barely. The back of his jacket had completely disintegrated into ashes. His back was covered with minor second degree burns. Pumping out his magic into a freezing aura had helped reduce the damage quite significantly; at the cost of a significant chunk of his magic power. He slowly looked up at Alye with a shaky smile. [color=yellow] Are you... Alright Alye? None of that...got past me.... right? [color] As soon as he finished uttering these questions, Reiki collapsed to his knees. He threw his hands out to prevent himself from completely falling over on his face. The pain was immense. He had never taken a hit this severe before, especially from a fire spell.

    The fire mage couldn't help but start roaring in laughter. HAH!! Well isn't that just TOUCHING?! Are you an idiot or something?! What good is it for an ice mage to throw himself in the way of a fire spell!?! Even if you did manage to reduce the temperature, LOOK AT YOURSELF!!! Your in no damn shape to fight!! Now I can just tear little Mrs. Sunshine apart! As soon as those words left the fire mages mouth, Reiki slammed his right fist into the ground, causing a small little crater around where he punched as if his fist was a meteor. LIKE HELL I'M GOING TO LET YOU TOUCH HER!!!!! Reiki shouted, pushing himself off the ground.

    Reiki slowly turned around to face the mage, exposing his burned back to Alye. Reiki gave the mage a deadly look. Reiki had his canines bared, growling in a low tone ferociously as he stared down the cocky son of a bitch. Frost emitted from his breath as he did so. Reiki then softly whispered something to Alye. Listen.... don't worry about me right now.... just...focus on kicking this guys ass.... I should be able to build up enough...power for my Roar... if you give me something to...freeze then we can.. put this guy down for good.... Reiki's breathing was heavy. He did his best to ignore the pain he was enduring, knowing eliminating the threat was more important than his well being for the moment.


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    The Windrider

    The Windrider

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Alye 12th May 2013, 12:19 pm

    I love the wind
    Sometimes I wonder if it loves me too
    My name is Alye. I belong to Eclipse Soul. For now, and forever. If you don't believe me, that's your problem. But you better believe when I say "I'll die for my guild". Cause I will. And if you want to test me on that, go right ahead.
    I enjoy a challenge.
    || notes - Finally got my muse for this post!||

    A swift wind brought Alye into the air as she sailed over the treeline that she had just sent the fire mage over. As she rose, she could feel the heat that was seething from the enemy mage. She had pissed him off even more than he was before. He was hurt too. Not only his pride, but she could tell by the obscene lump in his shoulder that he his left arm was broken. Alye's feet touched the ground softly as she adopted a defensive battle stance. The white-haired girl wasn't really listening to his dribbled words until he called out a spell.

    Alye's eyes widened a bit as she felt a massive surge of magic power concentrate on the fire mage's hands before an immense amount of fire magic ripped from his hands, flying towards the two Eclipse Soul mages. Alye's leg muscles tensed as she prepared to jump into the air, but she froze in horror when Reiki ran in front of the fireball. He stood in front of it, facing her as the spell impacted against him. The girl covered her mouth in anguish as she watched him exude a huge amount of magic power to quell the flames. He was the Ice Dragon Slayer. Fire spells would be extremely effective against him. And he took a powerful one to the back... "R-Reiki...", she muttered as she took a step forward, her blood running colder every moment.

    "Are you...alright, Alye?", he said through a shaky smile. "None of that...got past me....right?", he finished. A shuddering breath left Alye's lips as she took a step forward. When he fell to his knees, Alye stumbled forward, falling to his side as she saw his back. He was burned badly, that was obvious. Alye's shaking hand hovered just over his scalded flesh before a lone tear fell from her eyes.

    "Hah!! Well isn't that just touching?! Are you an idiot or something?! What good is it for an ice mage to throw himself in the way of a fire spell! Even if you did manage to reduce the temperature, look at yourself!!! You're in no damn shape to fight! Now I can just tear little Ms. Sunshine apart!", the fire mage spouted on. Alye's hand clenched into a fist for a moment before a burst of strength next to her made Alye look back to Reiki. "Like hell I'm gonna let you touch her!", he hollered out before, somehow, managing to get to his feet.

    Alye watched as frosty air fluttered from Reiki's mouth and a lethal glare flew from his eyes to the fire mage. Alye could do nothing but watch for a moment as a wind blew their hair around in the silence. "Listen... Don't worry about me right now... Just...focus on kicking this guy's ass... I should be able to build up enough...power for my Roar... If you give me something to...freeze then we can...put this guy down for good...", Reiki managed to say to Alye. Closing her eyes for a moment, Alye nodded.

    The girl got to her feet and brought her left hand to her neck. A rough wind rippled through the trees, sending leaves flying everywhere as Alye loosened the clasp to her jacket. The feathered fabric fell to the ground, revealing Alye's smooth arms. The girl dug her hand into her pockets and brought out a pair of fingerless gloves. Reiki could probably feel the difference in the air as it suddenly got much colder than it was before. As Alye pulled on the gloves, the fire mage began to speak.

    "Oh, is Ms. Sunshine gonna-", was all he managed to say before he was cut off by Alye's voice. "Shut up", the girl growled, her eyes as hard as diamonds. She didn't take her eyes off the fire mage as her left hand then fell in the direction of Reiki's back. "Winds' Right", the girl muttered. As soon as the words left her mouth, a whispy wind encircled Reiki's body. His frame began to shine as the wind began to heal him moderately, easing his pain at the most and reducing the burning.

    Alye took a step forward, standing right next to Reiki, her fists shaking with her suppressed fury. "Don't you worry one bit, Reiki. He's as good as dead", Alye growled as she punched her fists together, electricity racing along her knuckles.

    The fire mage's eyebrows furrowed at that sight. "Electricity?! How di-", was all he could manage to say before his mouth filled with blood from a impact to his jaw and neck. The red liquid shot out from his lips as he flew backwards, his body smashing into a tree. He gagged for air as he looked up in time to see Alye touch the ground from kicking him in his throat.

    "H-How...did you..", he wheezed and coughed. Alye didn't bother speaking. She rushed forward again, her body pulsating with electricity as she punched him right in the gut, sending ripples of electricity through his body. He yelled out in pain as the tree behind him broke from the power of the attack. Alye lept backwards when the mage then responded with a fire stream from his hands he flew backwards himself.

    "That's...how you wanna play it...huh? Fine. I'll wipe the floor with you, bitch", the man seethed as his fists became swathed in flames. He rushed forward at a speed that Alye didn't think he could muster and aimed a right hook for her cheek. Thank the spirits Alye was faster than him. The girl jerked to the right at the last second as she brought her left foot of the ground. As his fist struck nothing but air, the girl's foot hooked around the back of his head and sent him careening into the ground, leaving a small crater at the impact. The white-haired girl leapt upwards as his entire body set on fire. Blood was flowing freshly from his face as he stood shakily, his face twisted in a evil grin. "You can't hit what you can't touch! Hahaha!!", he ended with a sadistic cackle as he shot after her. He aimed another punch after her, but she fell to the ground and launched herself into the air once more. When he hit the place she just was, the ground cratered at the force of his blow.

    It soon became a game as Alye evaded his attacks, his punches leaving craters as they danced. Alye knew he was right. She knew that his flames would sear her hand off if she touched them with her bare hands. She needed to approach this from another angle.

    "Storm Art: Duststorm!", the girl said as she leapt into the air once more. Alye's speed increased once more as she rushed farther away from the fire mage this time. When she was about to touch the ground, Alye flipped in the air, and when she landed she was on her hands. A magic circle appeared under her feet as began to spin around, wind magic throwing the dust around her into the air. The fire mage rushed towards Alye as he did before, but was perplexed when he rushed into the dustcloud. His sheer speed and momentum ripped the cloud to shreds, revealing that Alye was not there anymore. He didn't know where she went.

    Reiki did though.

    Alye had used the dustcloud as a cover to jump straight into the air, high into the sky. When her momentum began to fail her, Alye took a deep breath and kicked her leg around, her body beginning to spin. As she began to fall, air and wind wrapped around her legs and feet. Alye used her mastery of wind magic to concentrate the winds to the heel of her foot as she rocketed towards the ground.

    The fire mage, still looking around for Alye, didn't find her until it was much too late. When Alye's spinning kick was just above him, he heard her coming. She was much too fast for him to dodge. The next couple of seconds seem to move in slow motion as the fire mage's eyes and Alye's met. Her heel smashed into the small of his back as she impacted against him. The force of the blow sent him into the ground, extinguishing his flames, and leaving a huge crater at the location.

    As the dust settled, Alye shot out into the air. The girl landed next to Reiki in a cat-like pose. She looked back at the crater as she panted. The girl got to her feet and took a series of deep breaths as she looked over to Reiki with a small smile. She was about to say something when a shockwave ripped through the air, sending dust, rocks, and leaves tumbling through the air.

    "You... Really... Think... You... Can beat... Me?!", the fire mage roared as he somehow stood up. He was far past his limit, it was obvious. He was going to fall any moment now, but he was determined to take one, if not both, of them with him if he was going down.

    He pushed forward, his fist embodied of flames as he flew through the air. Just then, Alye let off a burst of magic. She looked down at the ground as her hair rippled about. "Storm Art: Sky Smelt!", the girl said as the skies overhead darkened. Right before the fire mage reached Alye and Reiki, a pillar of water that had a greenish tint flew down from the heavens and engulfed the fire mage.

    "NOW, REIKI!"


    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 14th May 2013, 11:44 am

    Reiki sealed his eyes shut, locking himself out from everything happening around him. He needed to focus as much as possible in order to pull off what he was planning to do. The burns were bad, but he knew that they would have been quite severe third degree burns if he hadn't channeled all the magic he could in a split second into that freezing aura. Stupid legs... Reiki thought to himself, trying to calm himself and focus on building up the last of his remaining magic power. She was getting ready to dodge... she could have easily. So why the hell were you acting on your own? Stupid legs... you guys are gonna get me killed like that.... Though I guess...it's kinda reassuring knowing that spell hit something that wasn't her.

    Once he was through talking to his own body, he smiled as he felt the temperature of the winds drop. It was a pleasant feeling, somewhat smoothing to the burns on his back at present. He knew the colder temperatures would also help in powering his roar. Another soothing feeling came over his back, which was somewhat familiar to him. That's definitely her healing magic.. he thought, as the pain began to lessen with each second. Clenching his fists, his once shaky frame now stood upright, tall and firm.

    Reiki knew he wasn't focusing hard enough when he heard one final sentence. "Don't you worry one bit, Reiki. He's as good as dead" His eyes remaining closed, Reiki responded with a small smile. I leave the rest to you then. With those words leaving his lips, everything around him became utterly silent. Not even the raging sound of spells reached his mind. This was Reiki in a full on concentration mode.

    Glaciers, mountain peaks, the depths of the ocean. Reiki focused his mind on every chilling thing he could think of. He made sure every breath he exhaled was colder than the last. Without realizing how much time he had spent focusing, Reiki opened his eyes as Alye landed next to him. Breathing heavily as she stood, Alye looked at him with a small smile. Before she could say anything, Reiki simply nodded as a shockwave rippled through the air, the voice of the fire mage roaring in anger following it.

    Well no time to waste. Let's finish it up. Reiki smirked, taking stance. Bending his knees, Reiki leaned his torso over forward, his hands stretched out to his sides, bared like claws. With one finale exhale, Reiki began inhaling deeply as Alye called out for her spell. As Reiki was inhaling, a familiar voice speaking in an odd tongue began ringing in his mind. The voice started out small and meek, but grew louder with each time it spoke. Louder and louder, repeating the same phrase over and over until it was literally shouting in Reiki's mind.

    Reiki threw back his entire torso just as a large pillar of green tinted water fell from the sky, stopping the fire mage dead in his tracks. As soon as Alye shouted, it was Reiki's turn. IIZDOVAH he shouted. As his chant echoed, it was as if time itself froze for those next few moments before the final word of the chant. With his eyes consumed with a glaring white light, Reiki threw himself back into an upright position chanting the final word of the spell. REIN!! With that, a massive beam of ice shot forth from his mouth. Freezing the ground and grass in its wake, the beam blasted its way forth towards the helpless mage. It exploded on contact with the pillar of green water as a dragons roar echoed throughout the mountain range.

    As the beam dwindled, Reiki's eyes returned to their normal yellow tint. He staggered quite a bit, struggling to keep himself standing. He had put every last bit of magic power he had into that roar. He looked up to see a green pillar of ice encasing the fire mage solid. Reiki stared at this sight before him slightly confused. Wait...did I already Roar? he asked Alye. The past few moments felt like a blur. Reiki didn't even recall chanting Ice Dragon's Roar as he usually did.

    Despite not remembering, what was done was done. Reiki turned to Alye, smiling at her as he did so. Well..I guess we should check on Aian, huh? I'm sure he's still alive, he's probably just unconscious under all those rocks. Reiki said to her reassuringly. As he turned, Reiki's knees began shaking with each step. It looked more like a penguin than a human walking, as he took initiative leading the way. Though Alye was the one who knew where the impact was, not Reiki. This being the case, Reiki had started off in the complete opposite direction of where Aian had landed.


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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 14th May 2013, 12:59 pm

    OoC: cause no one specified it earlier, because Aian was basically just knocked into a mountain; we decided to skip him for a few turns....basically because all that would be happening were very small quotes of an inside chat that would have been pale in comparison to obviously waht you have seen done. SO, yeah, that is where I have been; leading off to now so that it could all be done in one big post and not individually.

    IC: Where...Am i?Aian asked himself, seeing only darkness around him. He had suffered a major blow to the head upon impact with the mountain; one that had struck so hard that it kept Kamuy from coming out till now. Little to Aian's knowledge however, he was still knocked out underneath the rubble. The darkness he was perceiving was the inside of his mind. Why is it so dark in here?He thought. In every direction he looked; there was nothing but darkness with his figure standing out as he examined himself. As he currently was, he thought there would have been signs of damage; but he was perfectly fine. He was floating within the darkness by no means of visible platform or reasonable explanation in anyway. Where am I?he thought again, looking around in the darkness.

    Suddenly, his surroundings began to change. The darkness was replaced by a mix of shades of red flowing slowly in a circular pattern all around as though it was one big current. "What is..." Aian began to question, as a figure appeared in front of him.
    "Don't you remember you finkrat? You have been here before."A horsed, chilling came from the figure as it began to focus in. "Not that I blame you this time though...That was one hell of a bump to the head we suffered, I couldn't even get out to have fun."
    "Kamuy!" Aian cried out, surprised his alternate personality was out of his cell in the back of Aian's mind. "Why are you-"
    "You idiot, that bang to the head nearly killed us! You think there is going to be any defenses up!" Kamuy fought back; though making a point that Aian couldn't ignore.
    "This is my mind, so that is why I am not damaged here..."
    "It is the reason we are both not damaged. But we would be perfectly fine if you had simply killed that mage to begin with instead of turning your back on him."
    "I am not going to kill anyone....He posed no threat when I showed him mercy."
    "You are joking right!? DID YOU NOT SEE THE LOOK OF YOUR DAMN FACE!? You wanted to kill him, you were about too! The only reason why you chose not too is because you are too damn weak and naive."
    Aian reflected back onto how he felt when his master was insulted by the fire mage before. Aian had nearly lost control of his own anger, and was close to killing him as Kamuy had stated. It took everything to hold himself back. These facts depressed him quickly, causing him to become silent in front of his alternate personality.
    "Now you get it? Despite you shoving me into the pits of your mind, you can't help but face it now. You may have been able to overcome me when we acquired our new powers, but you can't break this fact up now; I AM YOU! THE REAL YOU!"Kamuy began stating, the scenery changing has a wicked smile crept across Kamuy's face as he begun getting excited, darkness creeping back but flames enveloping the surroundings. Burning buildings came into view as well as corpses laid out upon the stone street that formed under them. "Trained by the toughest of the dragons, made to be tough and cold as Iron and Steel, YOU CAN'T HELP BUT FACE THIS FACT NOW: YOU WERE TRAINED TO THE PERFECT KILLING MACHINE! That anger of yours, forcing your heart to freeze is how you were supposed to be now. LETTING YOURSELF RAMPAGE, SLAUGHTERING EVERYONE AROUND YOU IN A HEARTLESS FURY OF YOUR OWN DISPELLING ANGER! You pushed it all back, and you continue to push all that anger back; but how much more can you take? I don't vent any of it when I come out. You know what is going to happen sooner or later right? SOMETHING IS GOING TO PUSH YOU OVER THE EDGE, AND YOU ARE FINALLY GOING TO EXPLODE! LETTING YOUR REAL SELF OUT TO SEEK ITS VENGEANCE ACROSS THIS FORSAKEN PLANET! CORPSES LINED UP AS DECORATION, WILD FIRES BECOMING YOUR ETERNAL GARDENS-FILLING THE AIR WITH THE SMELL OF BLOOD, FLESH, AND WOOD BURNING, AND THEN YOU DANCING BETWEEN IT ALL WITH THE WAILS AND CRIES OF PAIN COMING FROM YOUR VICTIMS BEING YOUR EUPHORIA! THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE MEANT TO BE! THAT IS YOUR FUTURE!"
    "Your wrong." Aian finally stated, having enough of Kamuy's talking. The scenery changed back to nothing but darkness with the two of them standing in front of each other. "I am not going to be this monster that you describe Kamuy...I am going to prevent that from happening. I will be the one to defends the weak, and protects my comrads and fellow guild members...I don't care how childish you think I am being, but I am not just a tool of destruction; I am the wall separating harm from everyone."
    "Every wall breaks eventually." Kamuy retorts to Aian's statement, glaring him down.
    "I will be the moving mountain to the howling of the wind. I will not fall or bend to anything you throw at me." Aian responds, looking at Kamuy as well.
    "Then let's see how long you can stand!" Kamuy challenged, leaping towards Aian in an attempt to prove his point. Aian got ready to defend himself; knowing that this would result in who took control of their body as soon as it regained consciousness.


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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Alye 14th May 2013, 4:00 pm

    I love the wind
    Sometimes I wonder if it loves me too
    My name is Alye. I belong to Eclipse Soul. For now, and forever. If you don't believe me, that's your problem. But you better believe when I say "I'll die for my guild". Cause I will. And if you want to test me on that, go right ahead.
    I enjoy a challenge.
    || notes - ||

    Time seemed to move in slow motion as a searingly cold beam of magic ripped from Reiki's mouth. Alye could have sworn she heard some kind of strange language flutter from his lips before he casted his spell, but she didn't really know. Maybe it was a new spell of his... Hm. The girl watched as Reiki's spell impacted against her acidic water, freezing it instantly, with the fire mage inside. It was a gruesome and painful way to go. She hoped he died quickly.

    Alye looked over to Reiki as he staggered a bit. She sighed, her eyes softening a bit. She didn't sense any magic power coming from him, at least not the chilly aura he usually exuded. Her healing spell had healed some of the damage done by the fire spell from before, but he was going to need more healing. However, Alye also knew that he would not allow her to do so until Aian was found. She didn't know either of them very well, but she could feel the friendship that ran in between the two of them. Alye knew she had a similar relationship with Reniro, but only Reniro. Alye blinked for a moment as she reflected upon that. Did...she have any other friends besides Reniro?

    As the two walked along, Alye trying to ignore the wobbling of Reiki's legs. He was weak, yet he pushed on... Alye could tell that Reiki was stronger than many gave him credit for. He must have exhausted almost all of his magic power with that roaring spell, and his body was already in pain from the burn of the fire mage's spell. Alye also noted that she had used about half of her magic power as well. Using her lower-powered spells in combination with a couple higher powered ones had drained her power quite a bit. Thankfully, Alye was stronger than she let off. Her heartbeat and pace of breath had returned to normal as the two Eclipse Soul mages walked about.

    If Reiki was as alert as Alye would have hoped he'd be, he would notice the small burst of magic behind him. Alye had pulled her coat back on and put the gloves back in her pocket before she opened one of her fans and wafted another healing wind towards Reiki's body. The wind curled around his feet and whipped around his body, sending his hair flying about before disappearing. As she took a closer look at his back, she could see that the swelling and redness of his burns were gone. It would just be a bit tender for a while. Alye smiled a little, enjoying the thought of easing his pain, even if only a bit.

    Alye placed a cool hand on Reiki's bare shoulder as she held up a chunk of ice that she had created a moment ago. "Here", the girl said. "Eat up", the girl said with the most gentle of smiles that she could muster.

    While the Ice Dragon Slayer ate, Alye pointed out that they were going the wrong way, to which Alye set them on the right path towards the rubble the girl had seen before.


    When the two mages made it to the edge of the ground that let off towards the rubble, Alye's eyes looked carefully across the rocks. He was either dead or unconscious. He would have gotten back up by now if he wasn't unconscious. Dead as well.

    The girl pointed towards the ground that was right in front of Reiki. A blueish grey magic circle appeared from the ground and pulsated for just a moment before a storm cloud - bleak and dark - appeared in the air. The cloud shook for just a second before hail the size of soda cans fell to the ground and stacked randomly to become a pile before Alye terminated the magic.

    "Let me handle this. I can find him much faster than you can. Just eat and regain your strength", the girl said before a magic circle appeared under her feet, sending her snow-white hair flying upwards. A powerful wind wafted around the whole landscape, shaking the trees and bending the grass every which way.

    If Reiki was looking at Alye, he'd seen an astonishing site. As the magic in the seal charged, Alye's body began to hover off the ground slightly before falling away in a beautiful cascade of cherry blossoms. The winds rushed in all different directions as the petals flew about scattering all over the area.

    The pink vessels rested on rocks, slipped on crevices, wedged themselves in cracks, and wafted through openings in the rocks. The last petal that was streaming through the sky gently arched over a medium-sized hole. The pink petal floated in the winds for a moment before shooting downwards and then into the hole. As sunlight followed and guided the petal's wake, the petal rocked gently from side to side in the air before falling on something that was clearly not a rock. When the cold and misty petal touched warm skin, a ripple seemed to stream through the air.

    A explosion of wind magic pushed everything outward, rocks and all, as the winds wrapped Aian's unresponsive body in a bubble of spinning winds. As the dusts were whipped away by the winds, the bubble lifted into the air and made it's way towards Reiki. The grasses bent back and forth as the bubble touched down on the ground, gently setting Aian down before dispersing.

    Alye's body flashed into existence in a swarm of cherry blossom petals before the petals were carried off into the distance by natural winds.

    The girl bent over Aian as she took a deep breath, trying to regulate her breathing. She could see dried and fresh blood on his matted blue hair. The girl stood slightly shakily as opened her arms, her palms facing the sky.

    "The sky is eternal...", she began weakly. "The sky is forever...", she continued. "May you be eternal as well!", the girl called out before she clapped her hand together, an echoing effect resonating out as Alye released a immense amount of magic. "Sky Circle", she called out before the mages were surrounded by a large dome of shimmering wind. Alye's hollowed eyes watched as Reiki's back healed completely, the muscles on his back brought back to their usual powerful state. Her vision clouded for a moment before she made herself look at Aian. The blood in Aian's hair whipped away as his head wound closed. While this spell not only healed, it also relinquished effects placed on a person. Therefore, the wind would travel into Reiki's body and awaken him any moment now.

    Alye only wished she would be awake to see that.

    As the winds began to die down, Alye fell to the ground, passing out from exhaustion.


    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) VzaWKfF
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 19th May 2013, 3:15 pm

    As the two walked onward, Reiki felt another small burst of magic from behind him. He knew it was Alye again, which made him concerned. While he didn't know much about her, Reiki could sense that she had used up a considerable amount of her magic already. Using up too much at once would simply cause a normal mage to pass out. Reiki's intense training with both his dragon and his adopted father had made his durability incredibly high. This was the only reason he was still able to stand. Yet Alye was showing no signs of slowing down. If she was exhausted at all, she was hiding it a lot better than Reiki was.

    As he felt a cool hand on his bare shoulder, he turned around to meet a beautiful sight. "Here" Alye said to him, a chunk of ice in her other hand. A warm and gentle smile was painted on the girls face. "Eat up!" Reiki suddenly knew what it was like to be on the other end of his roar. He froze up instantly, not knowing what to do as he slightly stared at Alye. Once he realized what he was doing, he nervously turned his head away, face bright red. He took the chunk of ice from her hand and began eating it. T-thanks... he managed to stutter as he ate.

    Alye then pointed out that the two were heading in the wrong direction and took the lead. Reiki simply followed behind, quietly eating the chunk of ice that she had given him. The taste of the ice was much better than that of the giants from the mission he and Aian had recently undertaken. Before he knew it, the two of them were at the edge of the rubble. As soon as Reiki had finished eating the ice, a magic circle appeared in front of him. As he looked up at Alye, hail began to amass into a pile on top of the magic circle.

    "Let me handle this. I can find him much faster than you can. Just eat and regain your strength" she said, as he watched the winds gather around her. As soon as Reiki blinked, Alye disappeared into a flurry of cherry blossoms. He stood silent for a moment before his stomach broke that silence. Reiki was rather hungry considering he had just woken up not too long ago. He hadn't had anything to eat prior to this either. Without further hesitation, Reiki began devouring the ice ravenously.

    As he finished eating, he looked up and noticed a large dome of shimmering wind engulfing the three mages. Before he knew it, the strength in his back returned, the pain vanishing with the returning strength. Reiki walked over towards Alye and Aian, just in time to catch the girl as she passed out from exhaustion. He sighed as he held her, showing a warm smile as he did. You shouldn't push yourself so far.... says the guy who did the exact same thing a few minutes ago. Reiki chuckled, as he picked Alye up and slung her over his shoulder.

    Walking over to a nearby tree, Reiki knelt down and gently leaned Alye against it. That should be fine until you wake up. Speaking of which... Reiki said, as he pushed himself off the ground and took a few steps back towards Aian. Just how long do you plan on sleeping? If I had to get up you do too! Reiki called out to his unconscious friend.


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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 19th May 2013, 4:17 pm

    It first appeared to be a stalemate between the two as Kamuy constantly struck Aian, with him defending. Inside their minds, they were both in their evolved armor as the battle lasted for hours to them. Kamuy was slightly panting, his wild expression gone and replaced with agitation. Aian was trying to remain as calm as possible, but was panting as well. He was keeping well to his remark of being a wall to protect his friends; but Kamuy simply smirked at his good half. "You will put them in danger by defending them you know." Aian lowered his guard for a moment to look at his deceiving other half. "What do you mean?" He questioned, not sure what the statement meant. "Being a wall will only get you so far....Yet you are the only one who can hurt me, we will be at this till the dawn of the next era at this rate...How is that protecting them from me? I am always there, I am not taken down, I am always a present threat. Why not try to defeat me then? If you remain solid defending; you will only be a minor obstacle that could be bypassed simply. Then what would you do?"Kamuy's silver tongue was in effect, making Aian think about what he had stated seriously. He could not deny the fact he agreed with this statement. While lost in thought, he lowered his guard completely to ponder on how to handle the situation. Kamuy took his chance, lunging at Aian and thrusting his palm through the armor coating and his stomach. Though it was not an official killing blow; it was a blow that would force Aian to retreat into the depths of his mind to heal, giving Kamuy control. "I win." It was then, they both felt the surge of magic flow into their body that healed it; followed by his partner Reiki's call:
    "Just how long do you plan on sleeping? If I had to get up you do too!""Reiki! Run!" Aian called out in his mind, but was struck down by Kamuy with a back swing chop that knocked him onto the floor. "Looks like I get to have a little fun." He hissed, smirking insanely.

    Their body slowly stood up, having been knocked out for a good ten or more minutes made it feel a bit numb; causing it to stumble slightly. Their hair covered their eyes, preventing Reiki from being able to immediately tell which one he was dealing with. Their body began to stumble-walk towards Reiki, grabbing his right shoulder for a bit of support once in range.

    "No!" Aian cried out, jumping onto Kamuy's back in an attempt to regain control enough again to warn Reiki.
    "What are you doing!?" Kamuy howled, trying to throw Aian off.

    "R-Reiki...I-I...Have..." Their body mumbled, still slowly coming out of unconsciousness, and regaining full awareness and strength.

    Kamuy threw Aian off and into the darkness behind the flames; giving him complete control. "Just shut up, and watch the movie." He teased, laughing insanely inside their mind.

    Their body's right hand moved back, clenching into a tight fist hiding behind their body from Reiki's vision. Their head looked up quickly, revealing Kamuy's insane smirk and his red eyes. Before their partner could react, he thrust his fist into their abdomen, missing the sternum by an two inches. "I HAVE FURY!!!!!" He cried out, laughing. Despite what Reki had known about Aian before, he didn't know what officially happened during his training, and up till this point Aian had been hiding his real strength. But Kamuy was not having any of that; revealing just how much physical strength they had gained. Kamuy could feel a couple of ribs break upon impact, as he punched Aian's best friend five meters back from the force and their new insane strength. Kamuy couldn't help but arch his back, looking up to the sky and laugh like the madman he was. "FINALLY! After so long again, after losing the first time, I GET TO FEEL ALIVE! I GET TO SPANK THE BUCKET OUT OF YOU FINKRATS!" He continued to laugh.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

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    Emilia Hawke
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    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) Empty Re: The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven)

    Post by Emilia Hawke 19th May 2013, 5:30 pm

    Aian arose and stumbled his way towards Reiki. He placed his hand on his shoulder, only to withdraw it a few seconds later. Aian then mumbled something. Before Reiki could even respond, Aian yelled out in an insane voice. "I HAVE FURY!!" with that, Aian's fist found itself straight in Reiki's stomach. The force of the punch dug Reiki's feet into the ground, sending Reiki back a whole five meters. WHAT...THE HELL?! Reiki thought, clenching the point of impact. He felt at least three of his ribs break from the force of that punch. Something was seriously off. Even if Aian trained his ass off for months, there's no reason his punch should have been THAT devastating to Reiki.

    Regardless, Reiki knew he had bigger problems on his hand other than worrying about Aians new strength. Reiki knew the tone of that voice all too well. Of all the damn times for you to come out... Reiki panted, as he looked up at the body of his friend. Those eyes sold the truth. The twisted insanity Aian held deep within his mind known as Kamuy was unleashed. He just HAD to come out now... Just my luck. Thankfully Alye healed me so much...otherwise this would be a horrible situation. Though she's out cold because of it.... Reiki thought, as Kamuy let his laugh rip through the mountains.

    Alright.... I have to finish this before Alye wakes up. He'll have no interest in fighting her as long as shes unconscious... I just have to keep in mind he's nothing like Aian. Aian holds back all his strength, Kamuy doesn't.. Reiki continued to think, as a smile came to his face. He knew how Kamuy thought, so playing into his game as much as possible would put as much interest in Reiki as possible for him. That way, even if Alye did wake up, Kamuys interest would remain on Reiki. That was the plan going on Reiki's head anyway.

    Well it's about damn time....ya know I've been waiting for you to cut loose again. Reiki said, standing up straight. Reiki then held out his right palm, forming an icicle within it. Alye... I'm sorry I have to do this. I'm glad your not watching... he thought, gripping the icicle firmly. He then pulled his arm up and rammed the icicle into his neck, causing the icicle itself to turn blood red. He then ripped out the icicle and threw it to the ground. Reiki placed his hands on the wound and ran the blood through his hair. CUZ I HAVENT IN A DAMN LONG TIME!!!!!!! Reiki roared insanely, making the act as believable as possible.

    I'VE BEEN HELD BACK FOR WAY TOO LONG!!!!!!! YA WANNA FEEL ALIVE?! THEN COME ON!!! I'LL DRENCH THE EARTH WITH YOUR BLOOD YA USELESS PILE OF SCRAP METAL!!!! Reiki shouted, as he dashed forward towards Kamuy as if he hadn't another care in the world but fighting. Reiki bared his fingers like fangs and began his assault, slashing and tearing at Kamuy every which way he could. Reiki refused to use his normal style of fighting. If he did, Kamuy would know he was bullshitting. So he decided to attack as unorthodox and animalisticly as possible. Whether he got hit or not, Reiki gave off the impression he gave little concern for his own safety. He gave off as much of a killing intent as Kamuy did. At least, that's what he hoped he was giving off. So long as Alye didn't witness any of this, Reiki was fine with it.

    With his vicious attacks, Reiki had hoped he would drive Kamuy back and away from Alye. He knew this was a low probability, but it was worth a shot. As he laughed maniacally, Reiki clenched his fist solid and threw an uppercut straight for Kamuys jaw. He then kicked off the ground, jumping up past Kamuy in the air. Throwing his hands up and clasping them together, Reiki swung them down as hard as he possibly could, sending Kamuy careening into the ground with quite the force. As he landed, Reiki licked the blood still on his hands and smiled. HURRY UP AND GET YOUR ASS BACK IN GEAR!!! I WANNA HAVE SOME FUN, DAMMIT!!! Or are you too damn weak?!?!


    The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) 471 The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) H05POqb The Forces of Nature (Eclipse and Nightdriven) 471

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