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    CELL BLOCK TANGO • private


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    Private CELL BLOCK TANGO • private

    Post by Alwe 1st June 2018, 11:13 pm

    Being popped out of Dreamland like a baby from a womb was not a pleasant experience. Despite this generally accepted fact, the dream was sure to make the entry dramatic, with flashing lights, a giant black hole, strong winds, deafening noises… all for the great big crack in the sky to press out a blob of void.

    The void blob was tiny, and would lower itself to the ground. Upon reaching dry earth, the round ball would begin to take shape-- the form of a human; two legs, two arms, bipedal, with blonde hair and green eyes. The figure was feminine, but only because it chose to be so. Coming into existence was exhausting.

    It was not easy for a small dream in a big world. The King of Dreamland had had it out for her, and was likely glad to be rid of the chaos-loving entity. Or was he? No, it was on the contrary. She had escaped his domain, which had grown to be more like a prison to her and her kin. She had transcended, and made it to stark reality. How delightful~

    However, the instant she finally came to her senses after the large spectacle, the dreamweaver felt a crushing weakness come on her. It made her feel wobbly in the knees, and sick to the stomach-- a feeling she had never experienced in her lifetime. This simply would not do. She needed something to settle her hunger, at least for a while. Yet with full knowledge that the food that was necessary for human health would not help her, the dreamweaver turned her sights elsewhere.

    After the spectacular show, there was plenty of uneasiness and confusion and fear in the air. Mmm, just what the doctor ordered. The dreamweaver began to absorb such energy from the atmosphere. It did not lighten the nearby anxiety, but instead would just proceed to worsen it. The worsened negative energy, however, was not edible for her. Thus, she would have to find more ‘food’ elsewhere.

    Taking a step forward, her very first step, the dreamweaver would begin to make her first movements through this world, and finally learn what reality was all about. Or was this really reality? No, to her, reality was two dimensional. But now, her territory and area of influence was increasing. One small step for a dream, one giant leap for dreamkind.

    Hours passed, and she still was stuck in the same city. However, her senses were far sharper than before, and she was somehow able to walk without falling over or bumping into weird objects, which was always a plus. It was time to really begin to investigate this world, and to make this place her new home.




    Posts : 118
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    Private Re: CELL BLOCK TANGO • private

    Post by Ambrosia 2nd June 2018, 2:47 pm

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo

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    The mountainside village was small, it was one of those that just went unnoticed by many and that was the exact reason that she had decided to travel through the uncharted territory. It lay off her map, not a single marker in place for the gathering of buildings. The snow continued to softly fall down despite how the seasons had begun to change slowly, her hair flowing freely, it swirled across her shoulders similar to a white veil, semi-frozen water was indeed rather pretty. Perhaps if she ate someone with snow magic would she gain the ability to manipulate the snow itself? The thought caused a slight smile to draw back her lips, the fangs slightly poking out, a small mountainous village nested in the ranges of some rather beautiful earthen mounds. The snow here felt so much better, perhaps it was the location yet at the same time it could be his time she felt properly dressed for it some sort of illusion mind mending chilling magic would have suited her anyway yet as her tailed curled down towards the ground Ambrosia stretched her arms back, the cold it made her feel alive, in this half form of her exceed the female's ears and tale stood out rather prominently, that and the shade of her eyes were less like nuclear waste. A few of the livestock gave her odd looks, their lower class dressing sense was that of wilder beasts, simple rags designed entirely for lasting through wear and tear of physical hard labour. It was okay though, after all there were only a few things that these gangly limbed creatures could do. She always felt more comfortable like this, if she returned to her natural form the pigs tended to gather around her as she were a cute creature, yet snow felt so good against the soft hairs of her ears. Gothic styled fabric protected her little from the chilling wind as it lashed around,dragging her hair around from where it naturally flowed.

    Feline senses they called it here, squad leader had mentioned that her senses were naturally superior to those of the Homo sapiens species that milled around in their pens, that was before they had merged magical chemicals with her body. A physical biochemical weapon for war: A M B R O S I A. Part of the SIA project she had been successfully implanted into Fiore. With the occasional semi-dimensional being called a god passing her path it was rare to come across non-livestock species here. Which lead her to why the feline female had stepped onto the mountain range in the first place. From what she could feel there was something here, something special, something clean and perfection.

    "Salve, What are you doing here in the midst of these Persona non grata"

    Who was this, stumbling around in a mountainside with this feeling of extra, this was an oddity she had not expected, a cherry that had fallen down the side of the bowl and she hadn't found until later it made her salivate slightly. Eyes grew slightly sharper, zoning in on this magnificent feast, shuddering slightly with excitement a hand moved to cover her mouth as she insulted the domestic beasts around them.
    ♟ 540 /1,250 ♟


    CELL BLOCK TANGO • private Ambrosiasig
    CELL BLOCK TANGO • private 79a63db3b87a8a9c5fca7d25187da06c-d8znewu
    Seven Slaves

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    Private Re: CELL BLOCK TANGO • private

    Post by Alwe 2nd June 2018, 3:36 pm

    The first thing to catch the Dreamweaver’s attention was none other than a person with the ears and tail of a feline. How curious, given that most humans she had met typically had ears made of bare skin and cartilage, with no fur. Most importantly, this being spoke to her, which was something that the dream was not used to. Typically she was the one who had to initiate conversation, and even then, only in the realm of the mind. She had finally done it, so it seemed-- she had a real, physical body.

    “Hello~!” the Dreamweaver said, not quite using an inside voice as she spoke to the one who had said something to her. Though confusing and not often spoken, the words resonated with understanding, even if they were not in the common tongue of the people of this world. “Oh, you must mean the humans…!”

    Though her voice was excited, the blonde trailed off as she cast an emerald gaze over the nearby streets, roughly crowded, even for a city in the mountains. “Surely, one would be foolish to not be so close to fodder. It’s natural for any animated being,” the dream spoke with her hands up in a casual shrug, a toothy grin on her face. She needed the energy they could create when panicked. The fear was delicious, and the pain was hilarious.

    Jade green eyes observed the strange cat woman, who seemed to be shivering. Surely it was not that cold out, despite how she was dressed. Or was there something more than what met her eyes? “Now, might I ask what a creature like you is doing in the midst of this herd?” the Dreamweaver continued, directing a question to the feline lady this time. She was in no hurry to learn names, as they were so easily forgotten. If she had a reason to call a person anything, she would usually make up a name for them. “You’re quite the interesting creature too, not cat and not human, yet both. Do enlighten me,” she said, knowing animal-people from the minds of others, but not from this fake reality.




    Posts : 118
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    First Skill: ♖Hell Demon Slayer ♖
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    Private Re: CELL BLOCK TANGO • private

    Post by Ambrosia 2nd June 2018, 4:26 pm

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo

    Not only had this stranger heard her but understood her indeed, from the look that she had been given Ambrosia got the idea that this individual was one with energy, a spark deep inside her gifted to her which brought her above the rest. Now if only she could get to what that delicious spark was. A loud voice with a sharp greeting, slight confusion before understanding and recognition, indeed what was this beautiful being which understood such a true and perfect language.

    The blond seemed to graze her gaze across the snow capped pens, as if searching at a fair for which cow to tale home, the smile had not left her face, Ambrosia's face had almost relaxed into the position yet with all the euphoria running through her mind the female could hardly stay still, slowly cracking each knuckle of every finger.

    Foolish not to be close to the fodder, it was true, an angle of life which he hadn't looked from, "That is true indeed, although I wish to stay close there must still be some amount of separation." Nails painted with soft patterns of white lace against a blue background she flickered them across a horde of younger livestock shuffling into one of their little feeding areas called 'cafes' indeed being close was amusing, you could just play around with them like some sort of doll on strings.

    "Whaty sort of creature am I in the midst of the herd, indeed I do currently wear the ears and tail of a cat but the rest of my form is human it is rather odd indeed. You see I mix myself in with the herd, they accept me as one of their own and I manage to feed from within their ranks with minimal impact." The chuckle was accompanied by her smile briefly changing into more of a smirk, of it was so wonderful to go along to the funeral of one of your meals and see mutual friends there. "I am an exceed, this is by no means my real form yet it's neither human. I stay human enough to fit in but sometimes staying in that hunk of meat form too long dulls my senses" Looking like a pig so often was quite horrid indeed. Yet this being wasn't an exceed, she neither smelt nor felt like one. "You are a being which I have not come across before, would you care to enlighten me?" Indeed, now it seemed that in this country she had another of equal standing.
    ♖ 964 /1,250 ♖


    CELL BLOCK TANGO • private Ambrosiasig
    CELL BLOCK TANGO • private 79a63db3b87a8a9c5fca7d25187da06c-d8znewu
    Seven Slaves

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    Private Re: CELL BLOCK TANGO • private

    Post by Alwe 3rd June 2018, 9:31 pm

    “The only separation there should be is emotional separation. Take no pets,” the dreamweaver noted with her casual smile broadening. If one got emotionally attached to one of the fodder, they would find it difficult to kill it, and if it did die, it could leave a hole in their hearts. Tragic, and not worth the strain, in the dream’s mind. Of course, the fodder could take pets, and when they did and something happened to them, it created quite the rich entree for the ravenous dreamweaver.

    The one in front of her explained what she was to the curious Dreamweaver. Giggling softly at the response, she tried to imagine just what an ‘exceed’ looked like. “Ahh, an exceed! I’ve never seen one, but that’s part of the reason I’m here. New ideas, and plenty of full course meals~” the dreamweaver commented, clapping her hands together, as if she were just about to snarf down a delicious dessert. “Me? Why, I’m whatever I want to be!”

    Of course, just that statement alone was confusing, and the blonde knew it. Smiling matter of factly, she would continue. “I came from a two dimensional world-- Dreamland. What I am has no real name, other than perhaps, the ‘bane of the king of Dreamland’,” she continued, taking a step towards the platinum-haired catgirl. “I personally like to call myself a ‘Dreamweaver’. I create dreams-- glorious ones-- and feed on the result of what I create.”

    Naturally, that was not all the small Dreamweaver had to offer. Not only was she a thorn in the Dream King’s side, but she was a fine rip in the fabric dividing reality and surreality-- the realm of the mind. And the longer she could tread in the three dimensional world, the bigger that tear would get, and surreality would begin sliding into this place. More would escape from the Dream King’s realm, and his domain would begin leaking here, with him losing power over it. The very idea made the Dreamweaver chuckle-- and if she could control what slipped into this world… oh, how grand that would be!




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    Private Re: CELL BLOCK TANGO • private

    Post by Ambrosia 5th June 2018, 1:11 pm

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo

    Now that was an interesting idea, the only separation being emotional, hinting that physical close proximity was acceptable and encouraged. It did seem rather odd though, to sleep bathe and eat in a place so close to those lower than slaves. It wouldn't be amusing for sure so what would one gain from it? "That is an ideal which I have not come across before, I may have to look into a little more. Although I completely agree with taking no pets, after you name one of them it becomes a them." Yes, such familiarity was unnecessary, after all why would you bond with something that deserved no more respect and recognition than a potato.

    Never seen an exceed indeed, a grin broke out accompanied by a slight chuckle. Oh yes, here for new ideas and a good meal. It was similar to what she told others when they asked. Similar indeed, yes doing what you wanted, exploring new ideas and having new experiences, and of course that encompassed new tastes. Hm, so this dreamlander, being whatever she wanted to  be. To be more specific she was more of a dream producer, creating dreams before feeding off the effects of them, growing stronger slowly and the bane part. Perhaps this dreamweaver was meant to takedown or overthrow the King of her world.

    Yet it intrigued her, this dream world, was it idyllic? not all dreams were perfect yet the way that this female had presented the world to her lead Ambrosia to consider it as a pleasant and polite peoples."So this Dreamworld, with its dream king and you trying to well, weave dreams of excitement and delight." Oh yes the concept was amusing for sure, weaving dreams. Yet that was not what she had found interesting, "You said that you were the Bane of the dream king, for what purpose do you hold that title? Whilst there was no doubt that her superiors held knowledge of other species and worlds the female accepted that they would not be likely to just hand out the precious material to any random exceed who asked. Indeed she was one of a kind, one of the few who had survived the procedure and the only one who's implant had consisted of poisonous plants and moonlight, they would still not be likely to give her more information than she needed.

    Although she understood it and would have done the same it didn't mean that their lack of information sharing was welcomed. That being said, the dreamweaver wasn't shown to be important to her squads goals, and it would be worthwhile to find out a little more about this one, who knew, perhaps there was a chance at collaboration in life.
    ♖ 1420 /1,250 ♖


    CELL BLOCK TANGO • private Ambrosiasig
    CELL BLOCK TANGO • private 79a63db3b87a8a9c5fca7d25187da06c-d8znewu
    Seven Slaves

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    Private Re: CELL BLOCK TANGO • private

    Post by Alwe 5th June 2018, 7:50 pm

    Did they not already sleep, bathe, and eat among humans, in their towns and cities? Naturally, the dream had no reason to really, seeing as her body was for the most part incorporeal, hailing straight outta the mind. Of course, the dreamweaver did not mind throwing nicknames at various individuals, but the names were only out of a need for a label, not out of endearment of any sort. She nodded in approval at the exceed’s agreement.

    However, then the catgirl mentioned something that was not completely accurate-- excitement and delight had two very different meanings based on interpretation. Much like herself and the Dream King, they too, had opposing ideas when it came to what was delightful and exciting. The two meanings were as distinct as day and night… dreams and nightmares. “Not quite,” the dreamweaver would quickly interject, before answering the exceed's question on why she was the 'bane of the dream king'. “The Dream King saw good dreams as alive. And I saw them dead.”

    With a soft cackle, the dreamweaver would continue. “I weave beautiful nightmares, that instill fear, anger, and despair in all who see what I create. The Dream King doesn’t really like that, though, and does everything in his power to destroy my handiwork,” she said, clenching her fist slightly. “So that’s why I’ve transcended that flat world. I’ll burn everything the Dream King loves, and then I’ll be the one who rules both the sleeping mind, and the three dimensional realm. It’ll be overrun by my creations, and everyone will be at my mercy~”

    Very transparent, but the dreamweaver half expected that her words would not be believed. Of course, she was fairly weak now, but that would all change in time as the gash in reality began to widen, and allow the terrors of Dreamland to slip into the real world. “But what about you, exceed? What is your goal in this world?” the dream would ask, inching closer and staring at the catgirl with beaming emerald eyes.




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    Private Re: CELL BLOCK TANGO • private

    Post by Ambrosia 6th June 2018, 1:18 am

    Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo

    No dreams of excitement and delight, well then what was the point of being a dream weaver anyway! after all without something to keep her mind busy what was the point of it all! So the king preferred alive dreams and she preferred dead. Honestly wasn't it just opinion, good dreams were still good dreams. Oh if she had another one of those medieval styles information gathering dreams that would be simply splendid. Beautiful nightmares, wasn't that a little contradictory, after all how could being a married woman with four children working as a full time mother be beautiful? No no it was simply a nightmare. Fear anger and despair, in other people that didn't sound to bad, when the little humans got emotional they did tend to be amusing, well only for a short while, then they would have to be euthanized before the meat went off. For just a moment she opened her mouth slightly, about to comment on what she had just heard yet the exceeds eyes latched onto the fist, for just a brief moment it tightened, the slight movement of muscles and fingers in a display of strong emotion or control. Transcended the flat world to completely eliminate everything that this dream king loved, so then she could rule the three dimensional realm and the sleeping mind. Oh and she spoke of having others at her mercy. It was quite a goal indeed, yet was it a dream or a goal? Goals were achievable, realistic. Perhaps it was more of a dream, something to motivate and guide but it would forever be out of her reach. 'So you wish to take it back and have it as yours, indeed that would be quite the feat." Her mind mulled over it for just a few moments, no, there was no need to question the validity and possible success or failure of such an event.

    The mood had been so light, yet the serious tone was not something she disliked, it was simply odd. What did she want, her goal. It was something hard to decide on, her mission remained the same yet a personal goal which she wished to achieve. 'My mission as an exceed is different to that of my personal goal." Within the unit she had a mission, yet, a goal for her. Of course she had one, everyone had one subconsciously that they worked towards. Yet defining it and accepting yourself was indeed odd. 'I would say, I'm here to enjoy myself, to relish in everything the world has to offer and to fully leech and grow into myself. Perhaps I will find something that I choose to do myself." It was a little boring, sounded like something a child would say during their stage of listening to my chemical romance and having large fringes.

    A grin cracked across her face, oh no she did have one. Although it was a bit predictable, 'There might also be a slight interest in taking down a few of the lower class who think too highly of themselves, I would count that as more of a hobby though." Oh those reporters were the worst, taking pictures and articles then thinking that they instantly knew everything. Couldn't they just stand down and go eat some grass.
    ♖ 1969 /1250 ♖


    CELL BLOCK TANGO • private Ambrosiasig
    CELL BLOCK TANGO • private 79a63db3b87a8a9c5fca7d25187da06c-d8znewu
    Seven Slaves

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    Private Re: CELL BLOCK TANGO • private

    Post by Alwe 12th June 2018, 9:05 pm

    How ironic that a dream would be a dreamer-- dreams were all she had ever known, and all she had ever cared about. There was no such thing as reality, as it was all an illusion to the young nightmare; it was a fleeting concept, well on its way to being overrun and exterminated. At the very least, the exceed acknowledged it would be quite the feat. The dream did not want her belief in her, after all. She was only being transparent.

    Beauty was in the eye of the beholder, and a predator could naturally find their prey quite lovely. Not in a sense of it being attractive in appearance, but as a means to an end. Food filled one up, and the feeling of being content and satiated was natural and lovely. Nightmares produced what the dreamweaver thrived on, so how could she not consider it beautiful? And seeing as the bad dreams were exactly what she created, the once two-dimensional being could only consider them all masterpieces. The artist loved their work, and always strove to become better at their craft.

    The words naturally sounded like the exceed had listened to Twenty One Pilots for a little too long, but the dreamweaver had no room to judge, nor did she care to. “Those are lovely goals~” the blonde complemented with a grin. Oh yes, this was a wonderful person to hopefully follow around. There would be chaos in her wake, and the dreamweaver wanted to be there to witness all of it. “Do tell me, how will you know when you have ‘grown into yourself’?” she continued, wishing to know the exact meaning of the words the exceed had picked. Contemplating for another moment, the dreamweaver formulated another question. If she were to be hopefully sticking around this person long enough, she should at least know a bit more. “And also tell me, exceed, is there something I should call you? Do you have a name to label who you are, and not just what you are?”


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