Fairy Tail RP

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    ✥ Μενταγιόν του Διαγωνισμού ✥


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Posts : 409
    Guild : ❊ abyssal fleet ❊
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : ❊ the deep underground ❊
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❊ crimtane hex flow ❊
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Star ✥ Μενταγιόν του Διαγωνισμού ✥

    Post by anastasia 6th March 2018, 6:42 pm

    ✥ Μενταγιόν του Διαγωνισμού ✥
    ✥ Μενταγιόν του Διαγωνισμού ✥ Tumblr_nyyke5WA131v0igjeo1_500

    Name: Μενταγιόν του Διαγωνισμού.
    Rank:  Strong + Magical Item.
    Type:  Goddess Pendant.
    ✥ A beautiful necklace of a golden chain, that of which appears to have a flat surface where the accessory of the pendant would be. This is because the pendant, being the orb of the Olympian Competition, is shattered and spread across the entire world. As it was shrunk and made into small shards, they fit together like a puzzle on the flat space, and when they all have came together they will have formed a beautiful orb of purple and white that glows faintly. This is how the shards look when attached to the flat surface but smaller, like the shattered shards that appear above. When a shard that has been found attaches to the decadent and beautiful flat surface of many designs, it will fasten into place and sit secure; the only way being able to be removed being by another god or goddess of the Greek Pantheon.

    ✥ Shiny, glows faintly, and is pretty!

    ✥ Cannot be worn by anyone else besides the gods and goddesses of the Greek Pantheon. If attempted to be worn, the chain will simply disconnect and fall; reconnecting after it has fallen.

    ✥ Abilities ✥

    Combat Ability ;; Εξουσιοδοτώ:
    ✥ Grants the wearer a 60% magical damage increase.

    Combat Ability ;; Αναγεννηθείς:
    ✥ Grants the wearer 5% MP regen per post.

    Plot Ability ;; Σφυγμός:
    ✥ When near a shard of the orb of the Olympian Competition, the necklace will begin to pulse slightly, along with sending slight vibrations into the body of the wearer with each pulse.


    ✥ Μενταγιόν του Διαγωνισμού ✥ 8qhOnIb


    Star Re: ✥ Μενταγιόν του Διαγωνισμού ✥

    Post by Guest 6th March 2018, 7:12 pm


    ✥ Μενταγιόν του Διαγωνισμού ✥ 9EB27lh

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:13 pm