Fairy Tail RP

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Fata Morgana

Snow Haven

Fata Morgana Empty Fata Morgana

Post by Snow Haven 5th March 2018, 7:26 am

Fata Morgana VelikBig1

Welcome To Snow Haven, Alaska

Snow Haven has always been what the name implies: a safe haven from the snows. And from other things. The Human World and the Supernatural Underground have both found homes in Snow Haven, in different ways and for different reasons. In the end, all anyone wants is a safe haven. A place to call home. Some just have to find it in the sleepy resort town of one of the last of America's wild frontiers: Alaska Interior.

However, residents have noticed something… unusual for the time of year. The Thaw only just began for the year, and yet, people pour into Snow Haven in waves. People from all walks of life: rich, poor, young, old, all races, all skin colors… even all species, find themselves at the end of State Route 26 in the resort town of Snow Haven, Alaska.

The Supernatural Underground knows something is happening. They can feel it in the air, in the water. Something in Snow Haven is… calling out. Beckoning people in. Without knowing how or why, both Humans and Supernaturals heed the call. What's bringing them? Is it the Hot Springs? Is it the magic in the water? Why is it bringing people to Snow Haven?

♦️ JCINK PREMIUM ♦️ 18+ ♦️ 3-3-3 ♦️ NO WORD COUNT ♦️

Join Us On Fata Morgana! FMRP is a modern fantasy, supernatural creatures RPG set in the small resort town of Snow Haven, Alaska. We are a mostly sandbox RPG with loosely structured lore and a loose main plot where the focus is on your characters and plots. Character development is the name of the game! We are an 18+, 3/3/3 community in order to allow more freedom of storytelling, with no word count or strict activity requirements. A great place for players who want to write, not worry about keeping up!
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