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    Minerva Salvatore


    Minerva Salvatore Empty Minerva Salvatore

    Post by Guest 5th February 2018, 9:55 pm

    Minerva Salvatore XFkoMI1

    Name: Minerva Salvatore
    Gender: Female
    Age: 122
    Birthday: April 20th
    Sexuality: Pansexual Aromantic
    Special Characteristics:
    ⋆ Two extremely sharpened canines, as is a characteristic with all vampires.
    ⋆ A small black mark upon the side of her left middle finger.
    ⋆ Dull crimson eyes that often appear emotionless.

    Personality: Minerva is by no means normal, even if at first glance she may appear to just be an average looking teenager. Behind the seemingly calm and reserved front she puts up for the majority of the time Erva is a vampire. A creature of the night, feasting upon blood and other sources of energy other living animals create. In order to blend into society the girl tends to act normal, even if sometimes that persona slips through her fingers when excited enough. While she may seem cold and calculating if given the chance, or in this case simply hit hard enough, another side of her seems to appear. A complete masochist. It is unknown why pain excites her in such a way, not even she knows. But for some reason, as well as inflicting it onto others she actually prefers feeling it herself. This has led her to actually love fighting and her love of weapons, as it is the most opportune time for her to feel those kinds of things. This has also led her to become somewhat submissive. Even if she is supposed to be one of the leaders of her clan in the future, she is not entirely fit to be the most dominate figure in the world. It is also where she most likely got her slight sister complex from. While she loves Victoria, her love for her twin can come off as a little... Insane, or something forming even more than a normal sibling relationship. Nerva is very protective of the girl, and without her, would not know what to do with herself.

    In battle is where Minerva shines best. She is a beast, unforgiving and ruthless to all of those who stand in her way. Although, despite this, her masochism gets in the way of her actually accomplishing a lot of things most of the time. She can get too caught up in the moment, and let the opponent defeat her merely to just savor the rush. Though her tolerance for pain has mostly allowed her to withstand so much pain so she doesn't go down quite easily. Either way, if someone wanted, she would probably be a really good meat shield... And she would probably enjoy it.
    As stated before, despite being one of the next leaders in her clan, Minerva is actually quite submissive, this of course stemming from her masochistic nature. While she CAN be a leader, most of the time, she's much better as a 2nd in command or something close to that. She does not quite know what to do with such power as a leader, despite the fact that in a sense she knows it's her duty to lead. Under a leader is where she would fit in the most. Being submissive, anyone could most likely get her to do anything for them as long as she respects them enough to do so... Though even if she didn't respect them or see them as higher than her, she may also get a kick out of that too...

    Pain: While inflicting onto others is nice and all, Minerva mostly enjoys pain in a more sexual way. In other words, she's a hardcore masochist.
    Fighting: It's a good way for her to get off, what more is there to it?
    Weapons: Minerva is a pretty big fan of weapons.
    Tea: It's more refreshing than blood in her opinion.

    Someone hurting her sister: She'd basically rip their throat out. Victoria is basically the only person she'd care about getting hurt.
    Loud noises: They're pretty annoying.
    Romantic commitment: Minerva doesn't see the hype behind commitment. It's much better just being free.
    Most people: They just kinda suck.

    Blood: While she much prefers other drinks, blood is required for her to consume every once in a while.
    Sex: While looking more reserved, Minerva is actually pretty horny 24/7.
    Killing Santa Claus: He never gave her that pony she wanted for Christmas when she was 7. He must die. Painfully. That Tooth Fairy bitch is next.
    Becoming a good clan leader: As one of the next in line to be leader, she must do her best to uphold the legacy.

    Losing her sister: Minerva is pretty attached to her sister. If anything were to happen to her, she doesn't know what she'd do.
    Losing her glasses: She's pretty much blind without them.
    Feeling nothing: That's a scary thought. What if one day she just couldn't feel anything anymore?
    Bringing dishonor to her clan: It could lead to her own death, if not worse.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 115 lbs
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Red
    Skin Tone: Almost pure white
    Minerva is a slim girl with pale white skin and crimson eyes. She usually wears her black cloak during the day (or a parasol) and more casual clothing during the night.


    Guild: Nightmare
    Tattoo: Black, above her navel
    Rank: D

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Minerva Salvatore Empty Re: Minerva Salvatore

    Post by kittykool75 6th February 2018, 4:14 pm


    Minerva Salvatore SESFcGa


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Minerva Salvatore 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:11 pm